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Marine Record, March 27, 1884, p. 7

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THE MAPINE RECOBD. S. J, WEBB & CO., -, Ship Brokeri, Vessel 'Ofriierr and Agents. [K8TAIILISIIKO IN 1RAO.] it J WRmiilC»iWlllilinMir Vu.Mlsfnrl akoTmlu Snoclal attention (Inn N C urior ng Vauiol- n tho tako Sunorlor Ir n Oro Tt i-lo, both lor the seas in anil .single trip. ARCADE BUILDING, 101 ST. CLAIR ST., Cleveland, Ohio. TELEPnONE{lt,|"d™o°o','No.' 133H.- "^PALMER &,BENHAM, iiiccraiioVf to J IT, PALM En k SON, Vessel Owners & Agents, So 110 Wmor Btroot RonmnOd 7. CLEVELAND - OH\0 SCOTT & <BM<RIM3lX. ' Fire and Marine Insurance Agents and Vessel Brokers. Attontlon also given to the purohaso and sale of Iron Or«, Tolelihono, Wo. 1H. Office, 130 Month W»ter-8t., Olevolniiil, O. MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers and Agents, So 121 SI Hair Street, Boom 27. CLEVELAND, -' OHIO THOS. WILSON ^ 1UNAOINO OWNKIt X Wilson's Transit Line. Oen. Forwarder. Fright and Vessel Agent. CLEVELAND 0 BECKER & KELLY, Vessel Agents, Vtaioli chartered,, purchased and sold, contracts mado for coarse and heavy freights. Lai* Superior and Escmmbn Iron oro chaitorsfor b(d sle trip or season a apodal ty Offlce.ate.vsaiV CieveW, 0. I rolephone No 0W ' HIBBARD& VANCE, Vessel Agents 66 and Stj8 Broadway IN Lu Salle Street, MILWAUKEE, WIS CHICAGO, ILL. DAVISON and HOLMES, Vessel Owners- & Agents, 2.12 So Water-Street, CHICAIM, . ILLINOIS ATKINS &BECKWITH, Vessel Owners & Agents. 127 LaSalle Street. CHICAOO, ■ ILL. KNEIP & MORRISON, PROCTORS.Ifi ADM&ALTY, US Monroe St Room 54 Chicago ROBERT RAE, IrMalty and Insurance Law Office, Room 37, Merchants' building, ______________CHICAGO, ILL________________ WILLIAM FORDE, SHIP BROKER, Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. N. E Cor Columbus Ave I Water St, SANDUSKY, OHIO, 3I0HARD HAMMOND, JOHN COON. A.M. BARNUM, Vessel Agent and Broker, 15 Exchange St. Juffalo, N V. W-IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE MY MONTHLY I,I3T OF VESSELS IORKA.I.F. SEN<> FUK M *A* STATIONARY Paper Mill Bloachors StBotiries. Bds«mBteB,SaltPais Smote Sticks, Mall hndsof Heavy Hate &£heet bnnWbHc Office & Works, 644.246.248 250 252 Ai.4.254. Perry St. * To r;,00lBBlS TAWK3 yv-r- OIL STILLS & AGITATORS. Repairing Romptly Attendodto. PATENT METALLIC LIFE RAFT. H. 0,& J, H. Calkin, Sloam und Gits Fitting, GALLEY STOVES. 350 A 857 Went St., Cor, Lnlcht NEW YORK! Circulars gent upon nnnllenitrjn. Established in 1830. WM. WALL'S SONS, -JIANVVACTURBRB OF- DAVID BARNHISEt, Agent. DOMESTIC * STEAM COAL Cleveland, Ohio FOR SALE, AT THE GLOBE IRON WORKS. SECOND HAND TUBUUB BOILER, 44 Inches dl- amstar 4S tubes S lnohes diameter and 12 feet long, ■team drum 80 Inches diameter, 40 inehea high, front grates, ntttngs and broeehlogs, good order SECOND HAND MARINE BOILER, In good order, onell 7-10 Inch iron plate, diameter, 0 (eel 0 Inches length, 18 loet, 11° tubes 4 Inches In dlsmoter, 11 feet 4 inches long, three Hues IS inehea diameter, two dues 10 inches diameter, two fines 101-2 lnohes dlanietor, lire box, S foet long, 4 feet high, steam ohininer, 7 feet high SECOND HAND MARINE BOILLIt four feet wide. «1-2 feet long, 0 feat high, sixty-four 3 W Inch lubes w Inches long, oast Iron breoenng, good as now SECOND HAND MARINE ENQINE, double direcS- actlng in (nob oyllnder, shaft and wheel for jraoht or <"«, good as new SECOND UANDMARINE ENQINE, high pressure, J s r B0Oi """""on "■"' formorly In the steaubargo CORDAGE * OAKUM. Gangs of AMERICAN, IllHSIA anil ITAII VS HEMP of the very host nuj ilv inndo tu onloi aTTBT DAY'8NOULL MANILA awl S11A1. DlhDLlt TWINL ' Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW |Y0RK. ________Factory. Brooklyn, N. Y. JAMES P, DONALDSON & CO., Ship-chandlers, Sailmakers .- AND DEALERS IN Mill, Railway and Manufacturers' Supplies, WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT, MICH. DEAN & CO./ Patent Yawl Boats of all Lengths, Pleasure and Hunting Boats', Sail and Steam Yacht* on Hand. jllso, Life BQats that will pass Government Inspection, and cost less than any Life Boats in U.SfA. ________________________________"f t\ ( IP hOOT Oh HI [I lll\.\T DETROIT. Villi THE ETNA GRATE. G. C. BARNES, lit. This Improved Shaking Grate EspeciallyAdapt- ed to Burning Slack. Globe Iron Worts, Maonfac's., Offlee and Foundry corner of TAm and " &ffiZ5T+ Spruco-sta, CLEVELAND, o. V<" < »*TV PENFIELD BLOCK CO, LpckpfirU Neio York, are Me Manufacturers of the Celebrated "Anchor. Brand" Tackle Blocks. ALL STEEL ROLLER BUSHED OM WITH Our Self-lubricating Phosphor Bronze Bushinqs. The metal In thcito Bushings Is tho Celebrated lMionphor-Brunse, tho bitrt bearing metal In the market, and belnir perfect lubrtcatoM tin > ure fast fiinurwHlimr all oilier styles, lorsale by bllll' CIIANDLLIU over)where . ASK FOIt "AKCIIOK 1IOAND" TACKLE MOCKS. IllustrsUd Catalogue aud prlct list mailed frccon application sample orders solicited' Accompanying cut rtpreunls our ne» block, PATtMEl) r<0\ Mlllll lu1!!, I8fl3 The Neversink Cork Jacket AND IMPROVED LIFE BELTS, Universally known to be the Best made' and Guaranteed to be Strictly According to the Stand¬ ard of the Umlod Stalei Supervising Inspectors of Steam Vessels RING BUOYS AND FEN DKKH. ' o B > w 01 > a 4 Approved and ndopted by the United States Board of Supai vlslntf Inspectors ;ul»o by tho prlnclpnl Ocean, Lake and RIVer Steamer Lines, as tho only Rcltnblo IJfe Preserver. VESSELS AND TRADE SUPPLIED. Send for Circulars. D. KAHNWEILER140,148 & 150 Worth 8t Near f'enter St.. New Ynrk. KATZENSTEIN'S SELr-ACTIKG METAL PACKING VOR PISTON IIODB. XX1A E STEMS, Etc, Adopt' tl und In use by the prlndi al Iron Works and htuuislilp Comps nleswftlilu tho liAtcight yen ruin HiIhuiuI Tortjlgii countries 1 or full pnr- . titulnrtt Biid nfLronCGi iitlitmsH 1 KA1/1NM1IN ICO Iff) Christopher St, nenr Wi tt Sin u N Y T, IIIOS WI1 SOV, Cliulunl ut, nl. ii it i.uuui n, RAND & BURGER SHIP-BUILDERS, WITH' I^DieTr dock ATTAtHED TO THE WORKS. ALSO PREPARED TO|DO WEEOKING AND TOWING WITH '1HE Tug John Gregory. Vessels Docked and Re¬ paired on Short Notice. MANITOWOCWIS. CANFIELD Wrecking & Towing Line, MAIISTEE, MICE, Tugs, Hawsers, Lighters-, Steam Pumps, Lifting Screws, (Be, To be had on short notice, by mall or lelsgrsph, A. O. WHEELER, OIIAS. ONKWUCn. Mapager. Wrecking Muter 46 38

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