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Marine Record, March 27, 1884, p. 3

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THE MAKl-ttE RECORD. 3 tor of (he port of Dotrolt nt thnt time. Tlio Dotrolt rlvor proper la thirty mllot long, following tHo ninln chnnncl, anil from tlirci'-qwirtors of nmllo to four miles broiid, with it cm rout of from ono niul it hnlf to two niUl u hnlf miles per hour. Southwest union of uny diiriitlon lower the wnter In the De¬ troit and St. Cliilr rlvora from one to threo feet; tiortheiiBt Rides rnleo ilio water nbuiit the mime. There 1» a greater degression and cleviitlon of the water In tho western ond ol IiakeEi lo than In tho Dotrolt river, by galoe. What itknown m "Scott's mlddlo ground" lies between Belle Islq and the American Blioro, It extends northeast and Bouthwest one and onc-olghth miles, and Is one-fourth of ainile wide. Tho'ohannellaon the north sldu or this middle ground. Navigators un- acqua'nt ed should notattohipttopnss to the southward. At tho tlmH of the arrival of the Walk-ln- the Water, and for sometime subsequently, the-e was but one public wharf nt^ Detroit, that of Mr. John 8. Boby, atid only'ono oth¬ er, which belonged to the Unltod States Government and was known aa the military 11 noli. In Mav, 1810, the above steamer, com¬ manded by Captain Jeiledlah Rndgers, pru- Luded on a voyage lo Mackinaw, which w«9 the flrft lime a steamer ploughed thiough the ilveis and waters of Lake Huron. In Jul), 1820, slie mnde a voyage to Green- Bay h iih 200 pasncngeis on board, under the BiimiT command, and waa the first steamer to enier l,nkc Mlchignn. Tho distance foi tho round trip was computed at 1,200 miles, sniliug lioin and to Detrult, and was perfotnietl in thhteen dnj p. In 1821 AU6lin Wing and Daniel II. Colo weie In the forwnidiiig bus¬ iness at Detroit, also Hunt & Roby. In 182Q the ftim pf J. R. Doir & Co. was added to those already engaged in that lino,. In 18.10 Oliver Nowberrj, J. R. Doir, A. S. I'm ten Win. S. Abbott, and Do 61(11110 Jones weie in the forwarding andconftnlsslon Emaluess; In 1831, I'\ P. Browning, and In 1833 Dom¬ ing A Whiting (John J, Doming and John L.WIiith'g constituting the firm ) The same jetir 4I10 firm of Dorr & Jones commenced business as such. Early in May of this yeai** the steartihoathupeilor 111 lived at Detiolt on her maiden voyage, commanded by Captain Kodgeis, heretofore spoken or, with W. Cal¬ houn as engineer, the Wnlk-iu-ihi-Water having been wrecked at BiiiWlo the full pie- vious. In June, following the^tiupetlor mnde a voyage to Mackinaw having 011 her trip shoot the names of 00 passengers. She was 3J0 tons burden, 110 feet keel, 20 feet beam, with an engine ol 50 horse power. In 1S27 Brooks ifc Hartshorn were torwaVders at Dotrolt. On the 25th of June, 1822, the steamer Su¬ perior left Buffalo for the Sault Ste. Marie, liavhig on board 250 troops of the 2d regi¬ ment infantry, which was the.first visit ol a steamer up thnt rlvor. In 1833 H. V. Dl - blow & Co. wiib added to the others already named In the forwarding line. In 1834 the firm of Doming & Whiting had-changed to Whiting & Avery, located at the foot of Woodward Avenue, The St. Clair strait, which connects Lake Uuron with Lake St. Clair, Is AH miles long and from hnlf a mile to a mm wide. It flows ilia southerly! dlreclloa.nnd there aro six different channels nt tho entrance to Lake hi. Clair, orly two of which are navigable-' 1 ho north passage was from an early perlot^ and until quite recently, the one chiefly nav¬ igated, when, aftor the opening of the ship canal, It was principally abnndoned. Empty¬ ing Into the river St. Clair arc Black rlvttt Pine river and Belle ilver, on tho American tide, and on tho Canadian side tho river Hastings and others of lesser character. The depth of tho St. Clali river is from 40 to CO feet, with a ourrent of about three miles per hour. It has several Islands, oh lolly at the outlet, the prlnolpal ones being Harsons, Walpolo, Squinel, Star, Dickinson, Stng and othoisnf lesser note. There aro num. crous tojvns and villages 011 either hand scl¬ eral of which carry on a prosperoua trudo, but for want of space our observations can bo extended no farther for the present. J. W II. Geo. B. Carpenter & Co., Ship Chandlers and Sail Makers. Ship Chandlery ,6oods of all Descriptions. MANILA ROPE OF THE VERT BEST MAKE Steel and Iron Wlro Itope and nil Its Elttlnffi. 202 to 208 M WM., CniCAOO, ILL. MARINE DIRECTORY Of the Croat Lakes. R. L. POLK & CO., - The Well-known Directory publishers, 40 Larned-st, West, Detroit, will have ready for oiroulation by the opening of Navigation, a'Complete Guide to the MARITIME INTERESTS ON THE LAKES FOR SALE TWO FISHING TUGS. Both fft 11 ndaplcd for fiphlna boats or tugulnR lowing.nro theulmenilonsot So 1; length, -Ml foot *ol. (cot now flleel br ml Hi 11 feet, death, 6 fiot, onglno 10xU boiler, built In 188i Price Sl.loO rush No i length i> fe I, bromltli, U 1-J feel, den li 5 fool, built In 1881, chglnu 14xt4, now Imllir. l'rlui 8-1,000, cash, ' Alan nnu double marine uigino II 1-2x^0 inches, 7- foot riuladolnhln » ho 1. in Al roiulltlon I'rlcu, 81,M0 cash AildnaaMAillxj KhokuOi nt k FOR SALE, Iter length 11195 foot, beam 20 feet, and. hold. Ill foot lOinchoa Boilti 17 ftut long 7 ft-et diameter, threo Ihica, two lfl Inch and ono I7.lnt.li 1 nglno 2^x42. Carries 2111,000 foil "flnmber S|>ud, 11 mllti light, and 0 1-2 loaded. Insurance valuation. $1\800 Ad< dross Marine Itfcoirnofflci., No J South. Waterslroot Ckmlunil, O K D. MICKERSOX, MARINE ARTIST Rear of Central Tug Office, Main St. Bridge, Cleveland, 0. FOR SALE, A Fine Harbor Tug. DlmtUHioiiBof hullfi5 feutmer allt"*lG feet bu.m.8 feul hottl, iiud uiotBtirL.H JO limn with 7 fit t draft, can be i)iail< OfcLt draft ThfloiiKlne, l«x20, la in flrst*.l«a» conditio.!, with nil now lirauon, now rings In cjliixKr Biid tiirua u nlx-foot wlicel, which was new lnnt utason The botlor la one your old, 1h Jargo enough to burn wood or coal nod Is allowed 100 pounds of a it-am. Prlcti 84 GOO, imd must b» mild Inside of aixly da) h Address MAHINhltWOIlD OtKlLB, FOR SALE, CANAL SCHOONER, Ono of the hoar canal schooner* on tbo lulu*-* sound tu ever) particular ami mmight A2. Capacity, floo tons Iron oio or 21,000 bushels of wlital Can ho purchased for 88,000 Onn-tblnl to one half cash, baluuco <m easy terms. Address Maiiink RKCoitDOpntF. TO PRESERVE THE HEALTH Use lb* Magneton Appliance Co'h ' Magnetic Lung Protector! PRICE ONLY 85. Thor are priceless tp ladies, qknti kukv andchii- DHKH WITH YTitAX LUfcOS, UO CO.10 or PNKUMOHIi (>U cnoui* is o.vcr known where theoe nannents arc worn. They also preieiit and euro iikaki dikficultiich, COIHH, IttlKUUATIHU. NKtKAIGIA TliltOAl TUOU11LK8, PierifElllA, LATAltltir, ANU ALL KlNDItkU DfSEASRS, Will wkah any service for THHKa yicaHu Are ^orn oTerthi underclothing. n I fill DDII ^ 'B uo^dloAa lo describe the symptoms unlflUUlli ohhls nauseous disease that IssapnlUK tlielltennd dtrenglh of only too many of the fairest and bent of both sens Labor, study and rtacaith In America, turoDCTand Eastern lands. Iihto resulted In the Magnetlo Lung 1'roteclor, afTordlng cure for C«- Uirh.a rtniedy which cdiitalns NoUituoaivaOFTiiK Syhtku, and with the continuous stream of Magnetism permuting through the afflicted orguns, mukt huhtokk TIIKMTO A IIKAL1UY AOTIQjf W« HACK UIIR I lU(W for this Appliance at leu than oue twentieth of fbe price askra by others for remedies upon which you take all the chances, and we kspkcullt iKVTTEtho patronageo( the many prraoni who have tried imuo- UINO TIIKItt HTOUACU8 WITHOUT iFFKCT, HOW TO OBTAIN l£J^F&,S\]Lri', they nave not got them, write to the proprietory en¬ closing the price, in letter at o Brink und they will be sent to you at once by mail postpaid Bend stamp for the 'New DepirrtttwMn Medical Tnatmunt without mkdicink," with thousands of testimonials fllE MAONLTON APPLIANCE CO , 218 StnttiBireot, Chicago, III Notk —Send ono dollar 1 u posUge stitm a or utrren- ■■-■'- —■-'-'--> "-worn, or, In letter at our ri-lt, with size of shoe usually i and try a pair of our Msgnetlo Insole*, and bo eon- vlucfii of tli« power re«lding In our Mngnetlc Appll- unit*,' l\}*U\vb\y nocoltl /ret uhfie thry ttir trot money rrfutuleit A DDT71? ^ " ' six rtuilsfor puatfgt, a d tj^eivu ritlob fri*», a roMly box at i,oijtia which will tulpvoii ton In ihU « mure money light Huay (h *« tmyliilng elio wtirld Ml,of dmrstx, kiu/pwI Irom OrsL hou> 1"» '"olti road to foriime np\n* before (he workes alfo'utily sure Atonm aildrtM.TiaicACo , Augusta, M»lnt! SIGNAL LAMPS, -WH'II- Patent Fluted Lens And Perfect Colors. GET THE BEST & AVOID COLLISIONS. ' Th«» I,»mp» glvo a mori brillant light than nny Slginil Ump now In uw , Tlioy linvo lioen odoptoil by tho princlpul Ocean ami Lnko Slonuiora anil Voiieln nnd »ro forinlo In tho principal port, on I ho Atlantic count anil lakcu. French'Wrought Iron Ranges and Broilers for Steam¬ ers and Hotels, Manufactured by Send for catalogue Felthousen & Russell, taO* 141 MAIS ST., IIVFFAI.O, N. ¥. ST. MARY'S OHIO. MONTPELIER, OHIO. OtfR FACTORIES. BRECKENRIDGE, MICH ■CARROLLTON, MICH DE GRAUW, ATM & CO, HiNlfFACTUItKnS iND IMFORTERg OF Cordage, Oakum and Anchors, Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, - RUSSIA mT-R0PE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, Marine Hardware a%d Sliip-ohandlers' Goods Geimally. 34 and 35 South-st, New York. THE NEW PULSOMETEK CHEAPEST, STRONGEST, MOST SIMPLE, COMPACT, DURABLE, EFFECTIVE k ECONOMICAL STEAM PUMP IN THE MARKET, for railing liquid* uiiuVr mill up tu 100 foot. ^ Mnililnoi-M yn Oil. 7 ., Spooinl Cure. Ciyj l>o nurktil mmponiHil In u chain, w II1'i>uh» urll, mu , Hltnil, pulp, etc., without Injuryt'lltn purtn NioiU ouu imtium pli frnin lioilor to run It. 1'rlio, 110(1 ciiIIiiiik per hour. nr<(), 1,'jllu il »7H. 3.111)11 do. SlflO, (I.OIIII do 81,1., 1(1,000 do. »11S 1K,I DO ll •3HA! 85.000 do. »!)7». 15,000 do 04(10, nn.Dlill do ».r.ilO, 120,0x1 do. VI.000. Colnpnrit tllU \«lth iifi-% uthor 1'iinip 1 Ut. \\ rllo for lllilt*lrilt»(lilLHirl|i(l*it liouU^ilh l< "Miirin i: |m \i \tulle I lire PULSOMhTtllS. KABI l'UMl' CO., HJ John Sl,\a; \.,ik Clt\, U.S.A SMITE'S PATENT METALLIO LIFE BOATS, ITCH BUST A.KT3D OSBAFBaT. SEND FOB PRICES TO ^_, SMITH'STBOAT WOBKS, 169 South Street, New York. T. E. WILSON-, Wits wi% All Kinds of Water Work DONE PROMPTLY TO ORDER HEAWlUAItTnilS, Upson £ Walton's, River Street^ Or, 137 Hermann-St, Cleveland, 0. Phcenix Paint Co,, MANUFACTURERS OF ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS. OFFIOE AND FAOTOltY 36 MicliKan St. CLEVELAND, OHIO, Boatvyashing and general laun¬ dry in a few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, 33 St. Clair Street. Telephone. 118. I CURE FITS' \\ hrn L»mv emu I il i u i in fin h i rvly 11 nfi |i tl ni Ti ! I nvo mulls thu dl*' mu m w rKulvlnjr»citr« iluii Iktuuo i r r m tr*)»tUojiii I * \t*» Hottleof my tnfnlllhltt rom» ly tJUu Ki|iri*»»»iii| 1 "t N. C. PETERSON Boat Builder, MEASURE IKUT9 AND BAILING ANDHTKAM TACIITH, YAWL IJOATS BroONOARS HTI- HUNO WUEICL8, FTC 385 Atwater St., Near Riopelle, DErilOIT, 'MICH. Vesselmen tiiiOULD HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK, Containing ill polnla of MAKING LAW >■ d». turmlnod by thu United statu Courts -ON- Ownorn, Clinrtars, ItvKUtry, UiirolUuentl, »r»« UollH ot mr IlihlllbM ranu I, Ul»a Si|ir...».ia I « coren Xlil lino hnulai (lot 1 b III IIB Oltlc Itcnat.ynuiiilthlliifrorKlrttl .1111 wllleilr. y u I M.l.lr. sn (wihIiiith itul.l ( r «l in ,, iddnn Br It (f MOOT HI C.rl Bu. N,» furl l "u"n w lHI"luK» l»lu I r 11 III Senium, " ~ KrflKlitii; TouHljti, CollUluilH, r.niernl Averntjn, Coniuion Can l«m, Outle» or Ntininen, Mnntert & Omien, Hill nf LHdltitf. WUMe», ic. Tli. Tolliuin la liiiiiilannirly liuiiuil In 1II0 It.aril >ml llim hnullali 1I111I1 lilmllng s«nt to any 02�955 92

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