_XHE MAPINE .RECORD, eTj\webb &.C0„ Ship Brokers, Vessel Owners, and Agents. [ESTABLISHED IN 1880.] II J WBnnACo,wlHcbarlorVu>aoUforUljeTrndo Sncclal attention Bl"»»*'» C •nrtorlng .Voiaei. ■ tlio like Sueorlor Iron Oro Trade, botb.for tlio aoaaon and ARCADE BUILDING, 101 ST. CLAIR ST., Cleveland, Ohio. TELEPHONE{i(C1id„„0°o* Na; 3C PALMER & BENHAM, diiccMiori to J H. PALMbn A SON, Vessel Owners & Agents, No. 130 Water Street. Ronmat k 1 CLEVELAND -, OHIO SCOTT & 'BmKIMAN. Fire and Marine Insurance Agents and Vessel Brokers. Attention also givon to the piirchaio nnd *nlo of Iron Or/ Telephone, No. 18. Office, 110 South Wilter-St., Cleveland, O. MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers .and Agents, No 121 St flair Street, Room 27 CLEVLLAND, • OHIO THOS. WILSON MANAOtNO OWNKIt Wilson's Trarjsit Line. Gen Forwiirder. Freight and Vessel Agent. CLEVELAND ,0 BECKER & KELLY, Vessel Agents, Vessels chartered, purchased and Bold, contractn mado for coarse and heavy (reltfhta, LakrBupertqr find Ejtcabitfm iron oie ihaitersfor ala- trie trlrt or soason a ipocialty e.ffitentex Cleyelanfl, 0. 1 .Jfolrpbone No DM _!------ HIBBARD& VANCE, Vessel Agents 66 and 868 Broadway . 1M U Salle Street, MILWAUKEE, WIS CUICAUO, ILL. DAVISON and HOLMES, Vessel Owners & Agents, 232 80 Water Street C1IICAU ) ILLINOIS ATKINS & BECKWITH,. Vessel Owners & Agents 127 LaHalle Street CHICAGO, - ILL. KNEIP & MORRISON, PROCTORS IN ADMIRAL1Y, 116 Monroe St Room M Chicago ROBERT RAE, IrJiiiralty and Insurance Law Office, Room 37, Merchant*' building, ,______________CHICAGO, ILL________________ WILLIAM FORDE, SHIP BROKER, Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. N E Cor Columbia Av« A Water 8t, SANDUSKY, OHIO, A. M. BARNUM, Vessel Agent and. Broker, l« Exchange bt. Juffalo, N Y. HTIP YOU DO NO'l RECEIVE MY MONTHLY 1.131' OK VlfsKIS »Ksvl p SrA'" Koh I DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. DOMEHTIG A NT1SAM tOAl Oblo FOR SALE, . AT THE GLOBE IRON WORKS. amlC,01JP .IIAND TUBULAR BOILI R, 44 Inehea dl S*l W "ih* 8 lnDllM diameter and 12 foot long, iOEL /'.'.m ""M"" diameter, 40 lnohea high. froSl 8™iea nttlnge and breeojilngei good order----------------- Bh.l|C?1,i?iHA.NPMAIUNB BOILER In good order, WiV, ..'.'"cl1 lrol> plate, diameter. 0 feel eluehea ncQ 8 ,M.'J m lub» * ""!l,«'" diameter, 11 fool 4 2!i?8' !brOT "UM " [n'bM diameter, two flue. 16 boa 7 ?lu,m(1,«ri two Hues Id l-i inehea diameter lire »*■ 0 foet long, 4 feethlgh, itenui chimney, 7 feet high 6 1.5 W ^^P MARINE DOILLR four foet wide, Minihii 8'5'e«thlgb, elxty-lbur 3 w Inch tubal «p " a,,tlro" broechng, good as now aetln?."?,?£*"> MARINE ENOINL, dauble direot, tui ™?* hoh "'""der, a haft and wheel for yacht or ,u»t goon aa new* 28i£Pi?ND "ANDMARINE ENQINB, high preaaaro J s j,y8 """dlUop aud fortuorly In thu atealubarge AIOHARD HAMMOND. JOHN COON. PdperMill ffloichsrs eVSotuies. Gasometers,Salt Pans Smote Stocks inddllkmdsofHeJyltoaiSliGetWVork. OIL STILLS & jAGITATORS. Eepanmg BromptlyAttenrJflrlta rerry at. rAMK3 PATENT METALLIC LIFE RAFT, H.O.&J.H. Calkin, Coprsmitlis and Plnmbers. Stcntp ami Gnu Fitting, GALLEY- STOVES. I9S0 & 851 Weet St., Cor, talght NEWYOEK* Clrculnia Hent unon niipllrntlnn. Established in 1830,. WM. WALL'S SONS, -MANUFACTURERS Of- CORDAGE * OAKUM. _, Ganga of AMERICAN, RUSSIA and ITALIAN HEMP of tbo very boat qlia ity mado to ordor AT~oTT! CAY'S Nl------....."............---------------'""' l?6lICE MANILA andSISAL BINDLR TWINL Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, Brooklyn, N. V, JAMES P. DONALDSONS CO., Ship-chandlers, Sailmakers • AND DEALERS IN Mill, Railway and Manufacturers' Supplies. WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT, MICH. ' DEAN & CO., _ 'tafiim.rr n «_r -m. m- n ms mtL ss • Patent Yawl Boats of all Lengths, Pleasi/ic and Hunting Boats, Sail and Steam Yachts on Hand. Also, Life Boats that will pass Government Inspection, and cost less than any Life Boats in U.S.A DfA'i t 10 ~K>UT OF IT IIHI\\T DFTl OIT. WC11 1'Uc Jtorsiur Corl'Mei Twenty por cent, mows buoyfin&y thiiri nny other Lile-PreBcrvor In the iimrliot. Js lue SAFEST and only BELJABLE LIFE PRESKBVflR In EXISTENCE, ag proved ol t'io 'late wreck nn the fuoltlo Coast, of tlir Pnolflc Mall Steamship, "City of San Francisco." RING BUOYS ANDFENDERS^ 01 ► *l w CO ►3 Approved and adopted by tho United States Board of Supei vlslnc Inspectors ;nlso by the prlnUpiil Otenn, I^iko and River Steamer Lines, ns tho only Reliable Life Prcsen* r VESSELS AND TRADE SUPPLIED Stud for Clrtulnrs Dr KAHN WEILER140,148 & 150 Worth St Ncnr f enter St,. New York. KATZEJYSTEIN'S ■6EI r-ACTINO METAL I'ACMNG FOll PISTOST BODS, VAI.VB STEMS, Ho Adopted und In uao by tho iirlnclpul Iron Worka and Mia^t^lilp Codipa men \i Itliln tlio Instolght ycaraln this and Foreign countries For full p r« ■^ttculara ^niid referencel addreas I IvATZENSTEINACO 109 Chrlilopher St noar Wo«l Struct N. Y CArr. THOS WII SON, Cleveland ngtnt. 0 S RAND II B ItUSOER THE /ETNA GRATE G.C. This Improved Shaking Grate EspeciallyAdapt- ed to Burning Slack. lolu Iron forks, MaDDfac's,, fJ ifflce tnd Foundrycomoi- of Elm and 8pr«08tj., CL^EVTCtAND, O. PENFIELD BLOCK CO, Ldchpoli^Jfeio York, are Sole Manufacturers of the Celebrated "Anchor Brand" Tackle Blocks ALL STEEL ROLLER BUSHED on WITH Our Self-luhncahng Phosphor Bronze BusMnqs. The metal In tboso Bualilnga In tho Cololiratod Phoaiihor-nroiue. tho bout bojirlno mrtal In tho market, and being i orfoct lubricators they are fast HiniraodloTnll ^f ,«5 Btyloi For sal. by MM- CIUNDILIW ovewwhoro, "uperaedlng all other ASK KOK "ANOIIOIl IlItANU" TACKI.K 1ILOCK8. IlWatratid Catulogue and price list mallid froeonappllcallon Salu|lleorder^flo|lcilod• Accompanying cut reprcunls our new block, TATLNTED ko> KMIIhlt 1J 1«8 j RAND & BURGER SHIP-BUILDERS,? WITH 3DK"ST DOCK ATTA4 HED TO THE WORKS. ALSO PREPARED TO DO WEEOKING AND TOWING Willi THE Tug John Gregory. Vessels Docked and Re¬ paired on Short Notice. MANITOWOCWIS. CANFIELD Wrecking & TowingH^te, Tugs, Hawsers, Lighters, Steam Pumps, Lifting Screws, To be had on abort notlco, by mall or telegraph A, O. W1IEELEH, CUAS. ONEWUCH Manager. Wreaking Maater 6654 12 0941