THE MARINE RECORD. Cnptnln Patrick Grlflln wHlJeommnml tlie bmge whlclrls being built lit Buffalo. The schooner Typo, wlilchwm sunk'on the, Canadian "born lust • full mid placed on Opblo & Mcfarlano's dock for repairs, In getting h fresh cpat of paint. The Belleville begun running on the ferry between Ogdcnsburg and Proscnlt, Saturday morning. Tlie Transit vvng abovo tbo rlghthouso on the Canada shore, breaking Ice. The l'ie-cott landtag ot the Ice toad wiib de- sliojcd before noon. '1 he Rothesay will make her heudqimi'tors at Cape Vincent Instead oftilayton. -Gn|itnln Wlllhim King of tho schooner Kate Kelley is still on_the sick list but 4t Is c\pci ted that he will recpverln time lo take lOiniiiund of his schooner, John VnnAr8tyne has so fur recovered lioin the Illness which compelled him to U.ue his schooiicr last full that he hopes to be ready for business upon the opening of mitigation. 'I he entrance to the haibor Is neailj clear of k c. A lumber scow, belonging to Rathbun & Co , whluh vvaB moored by tho Island dock w n curried away by the Ico when It went out and cannot bo found. 0. P. Muttlson has sold to Fred Pi eston the fleet little.sull boat Maltle. It will be remem- beicd that the Mattie won second money in the race here Jflsr fall after having her peak hulvard curried uway. She was benten only J minutes by the Rival over a 12 mile course. Aftei her bad luck Mr. Preston ought to feel proud of the Mattie. Following are the appointments to tlie command ot -the Oswego vessels ns far as made up, but subject to some changes; Iloboken, George Richards; George B. bloan, John McDowell; John T.Molt, Peter Ironley; Kate Kelley, Win. King; J. Maria Scott, Wm.Griflln; Haitford, John Can; U G.FOrt, Charles" Daniels; Mystic Star, U. llourigan; M. J. Ounitnlngs, Charles 'lillt, Frank t). Bniker, James Scoti; I'enokee, Frabk McGuIre; Nevada, Fred 1'itLher; John Magee, Captain Rlpson; senator Blood, J. Preston; Delaware, John Mluoii; W. H. Oades, Palilok Woods; West ilde John Qnlgley; Willie Kellar, Thomas Murray; W. J. Preston, John ViuiAlstynC; llli/lng Star, Jo|iu Hurley, Pulaski,-Cap¬ tain Moulther; Nui-aau. John Farrel; John ■ )(. Novo?, John McKcvlIn; Ju'iiaicu, M. llourlguir, Oliver Mitchell, Captain Cm rim; Coimiuohe, Wrn. Becker; Anierlcun, Cal. Ueiker The appoliitineiits to the Bolivia, M ii \ Copel}, 0. M. Bond uud the Samniin li ive not jet been published. hay cm. Mr. Lester has purchased a halt Interest in the barge J. P. Warnei during his nbsenie. 1 lie lumber baige Plymouth Is being thoroughly rebuilt at Algouac nnd will not l)i ready lor sea until about the middle of the s'limmoi. I'nily in Octobei last the piopeller James Davidson was wrecked hud tot nil \ lost on I «ke Huron. She can led Insurance with suernl companies^ among then' the M«i- ihiuit & Travelors' of New York, with which -Iil had a $5,000 pollc}. The other companies pdd but tho Merchant & Tnnlers' refused m kett|o The St. Clair navigation ooinpnn}, ot bt. Clair, have commenced suit in the lulled States circuit court against the In- i-uiiinee company for the $6,000 and In. lucsl. Uulry Lester returned lust-week from" Mailno Cltj where he has been visiting ►cwinl weeks. He states that the ship} aids ot Hi it place aro busy and doing, good work. <Jne iu liter of which he spoke will be of In* ttiest to Buy City mariners. The binge Sol Gardner, built for a sleambarge but never equipped with machinery, has been hauled uut oil the bank by her owner Robert Hal-' luud, for a rebuild and transformation Into Mteainbargo. Sho will havo tho machinery °f the stcumharg. S. D. Caldwelr, which is to bo used hereafter as a tow barge. The timbers In tho Gardner woie found toboji fiieat deal better preserved than anticipated. It Is thought sho will make a lluu steam cialt. 'Ihe stsamer L. G. Mbboii Is recehlnga lebiilldutacostol |2,500. SANDUSKY. v Steamers Innu cotnmenced running be¬ tween herb and the peninsula acroi-s the bay. Tho stenmor Eagle, the Ironolad loo boitt, having brokon Iter wheel, will be hauled qnt here on Thursday to receive a new wheel. ,H KINGSTON. fhe murine divers have arrived at Clayton from New York to raise the Oneida. It appears Hint Captain John Donnelly did not secure the job. Tho Americans vvIII under- take the wotk boforo the lee' breaks up. CaptiUn Garrett, lute of the Welshman, will command Bwl'fl'n now steamer which will ply dn thoJBIdoau Canal route". The Messrs. Swllt sold tho-steamer Gipsy to D. Slum, of Tm onto ■ for $10,000 and he resold her, making money by the transac¬ tion. Mr. Swift is negotiating for the put- ohase of another stenmor, longei than the Gipsy, to ply on-llie Rldeau route. ' \ Tho schooner Jessie n. Brcck has been chartered to carry ote lo Cleveland and te- lurn 'with acaigoof coal. Terms private. This Is tho (list chaiier lepoited at Kings¬ ton. CHICAGO. The Grain Rccelveis' Association held a meeting yesterday afternoon for the election of a lingo number of members, The com¬ mittee on terminal charges reported pro- gross and anticipated a fuvorablo con¬ clusion of the matter in question. The conT. mltteo on commissions reported. Mr. Rog. era, of the committee on commissions rule, recommended the following amendment to mloNo. 18j "This Is not il chimge of the rule Itself,Tutt simply a change of phraseol¬ ogy. Your committee, to whom was re¬ ferred the matter of commission for the sale of corn on track or on board beg leave to re¬ port for the majority of the comirltee, and recommend that a proposition be submitted to the Board of Trade to amend section 3 of rule 16 of said board by making the same to .road us follows: 'For selling com other¬ wise than In store 1 cent per bushel.'" The Insurance companies, all of which Biifleied very materially by llio ruinous win which obtained last season, are making ar¬ rangements to establish uniform hull rates and a conference of the Insiiianee magnates will be held here the present week to that end. Tho grain cargo Insurance will bo placed on the"same basis and will follow the lino marked by tho successful caigo pools of 1881 and 1882. No season contracts have jet been culcred Into ani there Is a chance for the success of this project. Meanwhile grain cargoes now loaded are insured until their delivery In Buffalo at 85 cents. In grain frelgliis for vessels "every pros¬ pect pleases" vessel owners. All Chicago's Immense elevators are full of grain, a num¬ ber of vessels havo been loaded to relieve tho elevators, and the receipts of grain by rail from the interior each day, continue large. Tim through fleets fiom Chicago, Milwau¬ kee, ctc^ down the lakes, and tlrose fiom Buffalo, Cleveland, and other ports up the lakos will be loaded and manned and put In shapo for sen, and when news of the open¬ ing at Mackinaw is announced they will sail on their maiden lilpsot the season Thero lias been a gieat deal of lepaiilng done by the'fleot In Chicago during the wIntel, and many ate still In the handn.of the shipyaid propiietors. A largo number will visit the drydocks. The work of clouting up ami fitting out will bo commenced next week bailors arc alrendy arriving In Chicago, and they will bo employed on board preparing the vessels for sea. Sail vessels carry from eight to twelve men each, and the crews of. steiinieis var} nil the wav. from twenty to \lorty ini'ii The lattei are the passenger boats. Thus, to man thu Meet now In the hurboi, 0,11" men will be neeessuij—and It sometimes occurs that there me three oi foui sailou in pint toi oveiy single berth theie is to be tilled The stenmbarge Monitor arrived on the 28th from Michigan,City with sand, letum lug light. MUSKEGON. Tug owueis and vessel men aie beginning their preparations for scivleo at an carl} date, placing tho time at about Apill 10. 101 i do, , The llvei In fiont of tho city is now cleai of ice. Hull a do/en tugs hut' steani'up and were skipping around the liver in a \orj summary manner. Captain John-Onllowiiv, one of tho oldest and best captains on the lakes, died at his residence In tills city on the IStli, aged fifty- olgllt joins, SAGINAW. Tlie following appointments have been mads for thu season of '1884 on vessels In the valley lumber trade: Barge A. T. Bliss, Captain OJias. Van Norman;barge Ida Corning, Cnptnln Moses Rogers; bnrge T. H. Oahooii, Captain Peter Edgar; bargo Q;. W.' Wesley, Captain W. "M, Brown; barge Ma¬ ry Blrkbead, Cnplaln John Stewart; steam- harge Porter Cliauilierlnln, Captain Hy Rob. Inson; bnigc Fosturl'a, Captain J>liri Hugh- oraft; bnrge Commodore, Captain Wright; barge W. L. Peek, Captain Qulnnln; barge B. M. Baker, Cnptnln John Price; barge Matil¬ da, Captain Zacli Laphnm. The river at Saginaw Is open In several places. TORT llUIION. The articles ot association the Star Line have been filed iu tlie qflleo of the (ounty clerk. The n<s iclntlnn Is to exist for thirty years, and tho geneial offices to be at Port Huron. The capital stock Is f 100,000, divided Into 1,000 shines, the price of each share being (23. The stockholders aro us follows: Henry. Howard, Port Huron, 101 shares; AlonzoN. Moffat, Port Union,1,903 shares; CharleB A, Ward, Port Hurou, 201 shares; Maik Hop¬ kins, St. Clair, 2Q2 shares; William K. Mnir, Detroit,425 shares; Frank E.'Kirby, Detroit, 242 shares; John Owen, Detroit, 120 shares; George McMillan, Detioit, 191 shares; Chniles E. Kn'nter, Detroit, <,193 shares; Frank E. Snow,-Detroit, 45 shines; Alfred P. Toulman, Detroit, 48 shares; Mrs. Jennie McKeller, Detroit, 24 shares; John S. Van Alstyne, W} undone, 45 sharos, George C_ Fuller, Detrjlt, 05 shares. STURGEON BAY. The new engine has been put In tho tug Tllliou, and (he bout Is being put in readi¬ ness for the opening of nnvlgatlon. - At last icpoits the sleiiniburge Hilton wns silll lust In-the ice between Kewaunee and Two Rivers., She was loaded with wood fiom Carltotrfoi Milwaukee. ■ Tho boats' of t,he Grand Trunk, railroad have encountered so much trouble from the lee this w Intel in making the passage be¬ tween Milwaukee and Gland Haven, that it was found ncccssaiy to send tho Goodrich (O.'s Ice bicakei, Arctic, ovei to tbo ens' shore to assist the steamer in effecting a passage thioiigh the lc\ ban lei s. AMlIKIISIllUUO. It is said that Captain, Hacked will run a sailing vessel from the Cimudlnn shore lliiough to Sandusky, culling at three docks at tlie Island. Ttio Dresden will also run to Sandusky three limes a week, and wjll call at the North, East, South and West to accommodate the Islanders. Tho Windsor and Detroit Ferry Co. have bcon gianted the exclusive light lo ply be¬ tween Detioit and Windsor until Septemboi 29th, 1888. The town council of Windsor has passed a bv-law compelling them to have tbo last boat leave Wlndhoi at 11.30 for Detioit and letnin. The cuinmei time-table as a| proved ol by- the Council will take effect April 1st. Boats will leave Windsor at 0. a. in. nnd make a trip ever} Ifi minutes until 7 a.,in. From 7 until 8 they will mnke n trip every 10 minutes. After 8 nnd until 11 p. in, (In I will make n Hip every 15 minutes. The lust boat will leave Windsor mil 30 p. m. unit return Inside of half an hojii. In tlie winter the llrst boat w'Ul leave Windsor at fi- a. in. and make n trip ever} 1C minutes until 0 a. m. From 1) a in. nnlll 11 p. in. they will mnke n tilp eveiy 20 minute's. Tho last boat will leave Wlndsoi and lotuin us In summer. W'henstatlonuiy ice Is In the river llnio between nips inn} be extended to 30 uiinules fSCANAUA Slnri'h 10 Cnptnln B. D..Wlnpgiir came b} team lioui Washington Island on the lee, llilny InUi*, a feat never accomplished be¬ fore. He reports'the Ice to he thirty-nine In- dies thick, blue and solid. Thero Is no open water nearer Eicnnaba than five miles south of Rliik'lsland. There T) tueitj inches of snow In the woods, which Is melting lust. Weather cleai and plea«aut. DLIUlll. Cnptnln Jos. Llo}dluis purchased tho lu tercstof.l. R. Ilowuid In the old propellei City of Winnipeg. Messrs. Uoj d nnd Flynn, her pi esont owners, will ratio and repair the Inill, which Is \ei In piett} good condition, put on new upper woiks, and make her Intoasteainlinige. Much of Ihe freight lain u fnlr stnte of picMMViulon, niiilCiiptnlii I.lo^d thinks It possible that the sixty barrels of wltlsky have Improved with age. D. A. Christy, agent of the Lake-Superior Transit Company, has returned Irom a long visit In Biiflulo and the East. Homo months ngo the cor|>oratloii calling Itself the Minneapolis, Sault Sle. Mario & Atlantic Railroad Company contracted with Captain Thomas Wilson's line of barges, Clcvlantl, for the 'dcllvory of 8,000 tons of rails at Duliith during the coming season. Since that com met was made, and not many v-euks ago, ihe iniliond company addressed the owners of the boats to know at what change In the contract rates- they would dellvci the mils at Washburn, Instead of at Dulutlv as contemplated. The bdnt owners fixed the rate lo Washburn, much'higher than that lo Dnlulh and, milch to ihelr sur¬ prise, their piopOhltlon w_na accepted by the railroad company, mid the lulls will accord¬ ingly be put oft on the Oihaha docks on the wcsl sldeol Chequnnicgon bay. The Increase In the I ale to Wnidiburn, however, over the rato to Duliith, though die distance i nearly ouo hundred miles .shorter, in u simple lllustinilon ot the tact that the tendency of all the boat lines Is to through <°relglit to the head of the hike. None of tho towns down Ihe lake enn ever compete with Duliith nny more than Milwaukee 'can compete with Chicago. If jealous Minneapolis desires to> cut her own thiout by paying a higher rate to Washburn than to Duliith, and then hav¬ ing (flongt'r haul by mil, sho of course has tlie pi ivilegc of doing so. Last veck' Williams & Uphnm icccjved from Pine City seven car loads of oak lumber to be used In building Hie hull of a dredge to lake Ihe plate ol No, 4. It will be built during the coining siimmei, nnd next whiter It will iccclve the machinery- of the old diedge. An entire lie" cabin ha* been built on the pi opeller Agirei-. bhe is having a 10x20 cylinder built in Bulluln, uud will put a now Universal coupling on her shaft The tugs Kll/a \\ iltluins and Rumblcr have hud new IiikIiIcs put into their boilers at an expenso of fl,000 each. Tlie teg T. Il.-Camp has been housed In forwaul, a new pilot lias hteu built, with n texns just ubuft ol it. Lphnni, Ji., hns bud a new water bottom under liei holler n new stem, nnd buLwnrks iipuind. John D. Walsh is building a new bnllei foi the new tug Maggie Cnrroll. Work on the hull ot J. J. Hibbnrd'B side- wheel ferry Is not progressing very rapidly, but her engine Is nenrl} HiiMicd by the Du¬ liith lion Compain, niid-Ji I n D. Wnlshlins turned nut ouu boiler lor liu Some of the murine men ai-sert Ihe belief that no bouts from the louci lakes w III reach Duliith ibis }eur befoie the Hist of June, We see no good indication of such n late opening. Navigation at tin head of the lake and tlie '.'boo" has oltcn opened erirl} In Mil} when thero »nt moie Ice In the hike than theie Is this winter As n marine man yxpretsed It "there Is going to be fun In oni hniboi this spilng " Theie Is little doubt lluit the opening ol navigation will lluil a founidable bin formed across Ihe Inner end ol the canal, there be¬ ing good evidence oUtucli a condition ol things befoio the bay was frozen Tho worst feature ol the business Is that there Is no coitnlnty cl gelling nny money to do the nciessuiy dredging eiuly enough in the spilng. Ai usual, Dnluth was laic this win. ler in looking after the iicciIb of nor hurboi. I lie inuilne Inspectors fiom Maiqucito will tin lu liululh ngnin about (he 20th of Apill I led lliislimaii, englueei ol (he tug John .Mai tin, bus i etui lied Irom Jefleison, Dnkotu, wheie he bus beeu on his lather's slock farm till winter. Napoleon Giignoii has tnkon a coi.tract to put a new cabin on the tug Nellie CbttohT"" Ho will ulso bullil new cnblns on the tugs Hope and Agalc. FOR SALE TWO FISHING-TUGS. ltulh wull uilunim for (lulling bruits or lu^liii: 1 ol' lowing aro the dimensions of So 1 1 < n^ili,/!? ftet tir nd lb U fu t.ilcptli, 6 ft tit u>Klut* llhlJ, jivvr a (eel bollir, In 1HHJ Prico Si mci.-.. ' No 1 U iiKili.lJ fo, I, liiiMillli, U\<tl f.t'l, .lonlli, ftol, Unlit in mi, ingiiia Nxll nt» Uillir. Price, $1,000, u\h\\ Al»(i nni' tloiitiU nuulut'cri),"!)!' \\ 1-JxJO IiicIilb, 7- foH Philiuldpliiu \rliu.l, In U iMiHtlun 1 rice, 11,300 Lii^h Aildrcsa Maiunf Ith»"iu'Oi iu^