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Marine Record, March 20, 1884, p. 3

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THE l&AKINE RECOBD. AN OLD SETTflR GETS' INTQ A FOG. I'll never furglttho fojro' Mnroh, 1880. I hnd n contrnct to deliver three lauds n' hnrd- wood timber to olo JedRe^Fnir, o' Liitne Crow Holler. Ye never knowed the Jodijn,1 miens, 'Squire. They nlti'l mnny now tfz did. The Holler were n ([rent place fur honvy Corp, mi' wcremoro^ji two mile wide un"ii hundred Toot deep. SonietlmoMhofog'dbeso thick yd couldn't sou nolhlnp;' 'bout- the plnco fur diiyi. I Imd to Imul.tho lumbor'bout llfleori of Iho Atliintlo, we do not doubt that If our American cousins would condescend to prnllt thereby, they might mnke n fresh jstnrt with credit 10 themxolyes and ndvantairo to their' country.—London Marine Enaineei: iin' yo ImU to unve • round twelve mllo toglt in on the ridge to the »pot I'd contracted to ■ Any the lumber, though yo come in sight b' the plaoarwhoh It whs only two. mile ininy. • "I'd ben wultln' fur.lt to snow, but diiru'd. n.bito'snow come; an'oij the Inst.tiny o' Mnrch I hnd got to start urtei; the luuibor with wagons' fur.'less 1 got It on thegioiin'. thnfdiiy I lost the price o' liau'Hn' it.uii' the timber, too, fur I know'il the VferigeM hold me plum down- to the 'greemi'iit, 'onuse ho ... were tki|t kind of n niiln. The roads whs so trad tliat It "was dnrk-ez pitch we got to the top o' the ridge on the west side, nil, I know'd -tiixjy wn'n't much use o' inn tiylu' to got to tho .ledge's 'lore 12 o'clock lit night, itri' my contract wan't no good. But we druv on, mo ahead, nn' tother, wagoiM a follerin' mo. "Thoiroad were onusunl smoqili, but kinder soft an' sppiigy, lur half an hour; then wo run outer things rough, mi' I foiin' wo- i couldn't git along at all, an' I saya to my drivers: 'B'gosh, bovs, let's chuck tho loads , oil' right here. \Ve Can't never git In, any¬ how, no's I kin save my bacon, So we piled the lumber up n nice tz we could In the dark, an' klverin' ourselfs up with our blankets, laid down to stay till morning.' "Squire, I woke arly nex' day. I looked mini' an' rubbed my eyes. ft-we'wn'iit right on the groun' whnr I'd greed to deliver the timber, and If 'twan't all piled up jest whar It orter ben, yer klu shoot me b'gosh ! An' what n fog th' was coverln' that holler! An,' boys stretchln' clean 'cross It, ez straight ez a railroad, was tho traokS'Of our .wagons an' horses I Yo see the fog had been a leetlo heavier than common, nn' In tho dark we had------"• "That's all right, Major," said fho Squire "Don't ttre yerself. 1 see thuz a leetle fog in yer throat ylt. Frank, we'll clear It but." And they did.—Ed Mott i.-i Neio York Sim. . .THE VAN RAAT/I'E. Our reporter paid a visile to the favorite little strainer Monday,, and found the car¬ penters and punters exceedingly busy, hilv ing metamorphlzed tho Interior of the boat almost beyond recongultlnn. The old par¬ titions in:the cabin have all been taken out, null the clerk's room and kitchen department hnve all been moved to the main deck and will tie lluely fitted out with all convenience*. The main cabin will occupy the center of 'Iho boat and will be surrounded by berths •similar to those In thewtlnou of the City ol Cleveland. Bnck.pl this will be a cost | Hulles' cabin, where ladles can always eujny privacy, mid in trout will be a gents' cabin, surrounded by live staterooms, the gents' washroom and the Captain's room occupying tho extreme forward part of the boat, and will be fitted up in flue style. The kitchen will be communicated with by a dumb waiter, so that ull orders from that depart¬ ment will be shut of) from the cabin. The berths will bo filled will) tinest sprtng mat¬ tresses, and the cabin and stateroom; will lie fitted up.entirely new and In the best |ios«lblo manner.—Chuboi/fflin Democrat. Geo. B. Carpenter & Co., Ship Chandlers and Sail Makers. Ship Chandlery Goods of all Descriptions. MANILA ROPE OF THE7ERY BEST HAKE Steel nnil Iron WlroRopo ami all Its Fittinga. 202 to 208 Soitl »1, CUICA06, rtx. MARINE DIRECTORY Of the Great Lakes. E. L. POLK & CO., The Well-known Directory publishers, 40 Larned-st, West, Detroit, will have ready for circulation by the opening of Navigation,-a Compete Guide to the MARITIME INTKRB8T8 ON THE LAKHS. FOR SALE, Her length is 135 feet, beam -20 feet, and hold. JO foot 10 Inchon. Boiler 17 tool. Ioiir, 7 feet illamolor; threo Hues, two 1,1 Inch and one 17-Inch. Knglno 22x12. Carries 240,000 loot ol lumber. Hueed, 11 miles Unlit, and 9 1-2 loaded. Insurance valuation, f 1R.800. Ad¬ dress Mamnii Kkcoud Olllce, No.2 South Water stroot, Cleveland, 0. - ■ FOR SALE, A- Fine Harbor tug. Dimensions ol hull 05 foot over all, 10 loot beam. 8 feet lmid, and mossurts 40 tons with 7 fcot drnll; can bo nisdu Ofeot droit. The cnnlne, 18x20, Is 111 flrsl-cljss condition, with all now brasses, now rings In cylinder and turns a six-foot wheel, which was now last season. Tho bolldr is one Tear old„lH lorgu onoujh U) bum wood or coal and Is allowed W0 nonmls of steam. Price 84 OOl^tuil must bo sold Inside of sixty duyB. Address Maiune ItKCOIll) OFFICII. . ____ Itis amusing to llucl Unit the criticisms or the England englneorlnjt,papers, ourselves among the rest, upon thi hovel and com¬ paratively absurd designs put forward by tho Naval Advisory Board of tho United States for tho new cruisers then proposed re bo built have resulted In, llrst, the abandon¬ ment of the employment of beam engines of somewhat similar class to those used on tlioir boat", and, finally, tho whole question appears likely to be shelved by tho refusal of Congress to build tho steamers nt all. Tho criticisms upon tho designs are not con- lliiinltn this side of .the Atlantic only: we seo*tliat the New York Herald has taken up the siibloct, and without probably siilllclont Kciontltlo knowledge to guide their oplnlen In detail. Wu find their criticisms are In¬ finitely more trenchant and scathing than any we have presumed to uso In this country. Thoy go so far as to say that the obvious inferiority of the designs can only bo explained on tho basis that It Is an election job. We do nor think that-thin need, necessarily be the oftse, nor that the designs are not put forward with the very best In. tentlons, and that the whole blame is to be attributed to the want of experience In llllit class of construction whloh the American naval engineers cannot possible have ac¬ quired. The dllrerorco of opinion as to the sea-golng fighting qualities of the vessel M'em also to be widely spread among tho different heads of boards, the constructors, ami naval engineers, of authority; so that C'ongrenB, In tho lace of nil- these opposing opinions, does not see a bettor way opt of ■he dlllloultyNhan to refuse to make ally liirther appropriation for new vessels for the present. When so much .valuable and ex¬ pensive experience can be, obtained from tho history ol our naval experiments otn thltslde FOR SALE, . CANAL SCHOONER. • Ono of tho best canal schooners on the lakes, sound in every particular and »irnl«htA2. Capacity, 000 tons Iron oio or 21.000 bushols of wheat. Can bo purchased for J8,5O0. One-third to one-half cash, balance on easy ttrnis. Address Mahink Kkcoud OmcK. TO PRESERVE THE HEALTH Use lha Magneton Appliance Co's Magnetic Lung Protector! •« ^ PRICE ONLY $5. They srs priceless to hdies, okmti.hmk!< anp ciul- DKKN WITH WKiK LUNOS; no COJ« or FHKUIIONIJ 0« croup is ever known where ihew garments are worn. They also preveot and cure ukart difi'Icoi.tikii, COLDS, llHKUlliTlaU, mtUIULOU, TIIBOiT TBOUBIKJ, DIPTHBIIU, CAJillllll, AND ALU KIKDKKD DISUSES. Will wiiab any scrvioo for iuh« YiuRa. Are norn ovtrths undor clothing, ■ • • n s 1TI i DDTJ It Is needless to describe the symptoms llAlnrillfli of Ibis nausoous disease that Issapplng the life and /tronglh of only, loo many of tho fsfrosl and be«l of both sexes Labor, study and research In America, Euroue and Eastern lands, have resulted In the Magnetic Lung t'rotector, affording euro lor Ca- Urrh, a remedy whlcli contains NoBbuooino of Tim Hystku and with tho continuous stream of Magnetism oermealing through tb« iifnictod organs, must iiiuitoiiii TIIKJI TO A HKAI.TI1T ACTION. W« 1-LAOK OUII I'KICE for ihis Appllsnoo at less than one twentieth of the nrlM asked by others for remedies ujion wljlch you take all thsolionces, a*[ wk kspkciallt luviTKthe patronage of the mast PsWiia who lisvo tried dhoo- omo Tiistm btouacii; wifuouT bffkct. HOW TO OBTAIN ^ffi&^Zl^ thei have not got them, wrllt) to lha proprietors, on- closing Ilia price, In latter at opr risk, and they will bo sent to you st once by mall, postpaid. Bend'stamp for the 'New Depurturo in Medical Troalmsnt without ukdiouo," with thousands of tMtlmonl.l.TiiE HFroN ippLIANCE CO.,, ■ Sl« SUW 8treet, Chicago, 111. N0T».-8*nd on» dollar In poilaga itaraiii or ournn- orV In letter at our rl-k, with lite oi ihoa usuaUy womK and trr'n pair (if our MsgneUo Insoles, and be oon. vlnced of tho power residing In our Msgnetio Appli¬ ances. Positively no nltt fttt «*«" <% art uwi, or money rt/umUd. l nniOTI Bond six ceuufor postage, and rocuve A rnltlD, fro". » costly hoi of goods which will PolS you to more money right away than anything1 else lu this world. All, of ellhor sol, succeed from first hour The broad rouil to fortuno opens before Ilia work'ers.alwilulfly sure. Atouco addross,|TliuuACo , Augustu, Milne. ___________._______________ wsnted fur The Uvei of ell tho I'resldenla nf lha U. 8. The largest, handsomest, best hook ever sold f'ir lo*s than twice oiir price. I ho fast¬ est selling hook in America Immense prodta to agoi|ts. All IttlalhW People w»nt_It. Anj suceesaful sgelit. lerms fri'O, Portloud, Milne. ly one can becuulu i Hai-jjot Bool Co., Send for catnlogut. SIGNAL LAMPS, , • -WVl'H- - - . Patent Fluted Lens And Perfect Colors, • v—_,—__ .- .• GET THE BEST & AVOID COLLISIONS.. These Lumps glvo a mord brlllnnt light than nny Signal Lamp now In use. Thoy hnvoboen adoptod by tha prlnclpnl Occnn anil Lnko Steamora nnil Veasels, and afeforaalo in tho principal porta on the Atlantic count and lakes. French Wrought Iron Ranges and Broilers for Steam- >ers and Hotels. Manufactured by Felthousen * Russell, IHO * 141 MAIN ST., IIUFI'AI.O, N. X. ST. MAKV'S'OHIO. MONTPELIER, OHIO 0*R FACTORIES. BRECKENRIDGE, GARROLLTON. DE GRAUW, AYMARI CO, MICH MICH MANtiPACTURKIIH *NH IMllDIITKIm UV Cordage, Oakum and Anchors, Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA BOLT-MPE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, ' Marine Hardware and.Ship-chandlers' Goods-Gene?ally 34 and 35 South-st, New York. If You Want ihe Best STEAM PUMP nX£?ll$2S?J2 or*u.!™r ,,e?.ne,2l OnHwif Qa»n*ei., Cellnmar PJnnu" lion.. IrrlWtlnr or Hydraulic lAlnlnir, WnlUn* Foundiltloni, Cofftr ewer, Well SlnklriaT nnil other Contractors' Work, or lUlnlnr doscrlpt v5 book on tho NEW PUUsOMETEIt, coitolnlnn grcaU ^Sfr/rA.^i'i.T^'i.'r'S "n? 0.tBir eonjjjejpnf Work, or slaimnir sJl?^*' ,0S "J1? .klI!tf at.,"nnuftietnrln* or Fire Purpoae, write for in lllus- L1«tod dopcrlpt v5 book on tho NF.W PUIAONBTEII, coitolnlnn grcaUy reduced iPrtjM, hnndwda of tosUmonlali. etc. Mailed froo. .Prices 100per cent, lowor than othor. Everrpump tested before ihlpmenl and truarlnteed as represented. ^ECONOMY AND EFFICIENCY UNEQUALED. Fnlsonieter Steam Pump Co., 88 John St, New York City, U. S. ^ 4E«^ Boo Prlcos noxt lssuo of this Psper.^)*. SMITH'S PATENT METALLIC LIFE BOATS, TT%nn TBTiaT and oanAFfiaT. SEND FOB PRICES SMITH'S BOAT WOBKS, 169 TO South Street, New York, T. E WILSON, All Kinds of Water Work +D0NEPROMPTLY TO ORDER HEADQUARTERS, Upson & Walton's, "River Street, Or, 137 Hermann-St, Cleveland, 0. Phoenix Paint Co ■i MANUFACTURERS OF ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS. OFFICE AND FACTORY i 36 Mftail'st.- CLEVELAKD, OHIO. Boat washing and general laun¬ dry in a few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, 33 St. Clair Street. Telephone 118. . V. D. MICKERS0X; MARINE ARTIST Rear of Central Tug Office, Main St Bridge, Cleveland, 0. N.C.PETERSON Boat Builder, PLEASURE BOATS AND SAIt^NO AND RTKAU YAOHTS, YAff L BOATft, SPOON OAUfl, rTEKHlNO WUIHIJ, KTC. . 385 Atwater St., Near Riopelle DETROIT, MICH. Vesselmen SHOULD ilAVK ' i. OUR MARINE LAW BOOK. Containing til points at MAH1NK LAW ab dor to ruin o*l by tho UulUxl HUtua C-ourta Seamen. FreitchtM. Townee, ColllHloilK, General AvnrnKn, ■ Duties of I^Minrn. Owners, Clmrt«Ti, ItetfUtry, Kiirulliuttiits, .Common Carriers, Masters St Owners* ' 1111! or Lmllnir, Whkbi, &o. Tli* Toliimn In ImiiilmiiiiL'ly hound In stiff Hoard covers, ami Hue Kimliili cloth bimllmj. Sent to any luldress nmltitfo pulil furgl.uu. 174411 5 1 5217

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