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Marine Record, March 20, 1884, p. 1

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c VOL.,VI. NO. 12. CLEVELAND.'O., MARCH 2D, 1884 92.00 Put Anmjv Single i orihs "i Cknt* slROUm TEE LtfRES. , CLEVELAND. Ciiptain Smith will commeiiLO running tils liuiestpno lino ns soon as navigation opens. Ciiptiiln William Case has returned to the city niter an absence ol some weeks In the Stiite of New York. Tbo cnscof the captain of the schooner Menrs ngnlnst George Henderson', In the District Court has been'nolleil. The schooner Kingfisher, owned by Pier- son & Stover, Is netting now floor celling, her decks calked, ar<J other repulrs. C. H. Bench, fprmerly mute, of the stenm- er Runny, will K° as first n»ito on the steamer City of Cleveland, next season. The schooner Frank Porew, owned by Plerson & Stover, Is at Frank Nott's spni yard, having her ninsts taken out and re¬ duced and new top masts put in. Captain Stover will sail the Frank Perew the coming season, nnd(Wllllnm Somervllle, who wiib mate with Captuln Stover on the Kingfisher last season, will sail her, this een- sou. ,, \V. J. Prlnglo, who last season went as mntoln the A. Everett, will go as matool the Minnesota, which will ply In the Luke Michigan ore trado between Escnnaba and Chicago. i,Th« tishermen nro pioparlng foi the open¬ ing of the season, which will coinmeme no soon as the Ico clears away. They nro now busily engaged icpairlng their nets and bouts and making net-reels. Vessel owners arc.slill holding Arm for rates that will assure them a season of rea¬ sonable profit, asking $1.25 from Esciumbn and$140 fiom Maiciuette, with fair pios- pec\i ut having their demands acceded to. Captain Nelson, who liipt season was mus¬ ter of the schooner Exile, will sail the Thos Gnwn the coming season, made cortiugeui by the sale ol the Exile by II. J. Webb & Vn , nnd tho purchase by them ol the Thos Gn\vn. Captain '1 homns Wilson's new stenhici will bo rendy for launching about the mid¬ dle of next month. Captain Byron lnman, of the Hiawatha, ns heretofore noted, will take command of her, which will give place foi Captain James Lowe In command of thb Hi¬ awatha the coming Benson Rumors nro nlloat to the ellei t thut next Benson the boats of the Luke tarpeilor Tran¬ sit Company will uoimeit with the Omaha railroad at Washburn, Instead of with tho ^f^PituI &, Dullith, as formerly. The ru- inorTs not credited, however, though such a change, at least for a short season, would not bo the greatest surpiise in the world. R. K. Wluslow has mado the following appointments df musters In his line. Steam¬ er City of Borne, Captain A. C. Chapman; steamer Cormorant, Captain Wlllluin, Cur- lisle; steamer Wocoketi, Captuln William Burlington; steamer Cumberland, Captain Ed Morton. Captain Thomas Leonard, who w iiB mate of the Wocoken last year, Iiiib been appointed captain of the Raleigh, and Cap¬ tain S L. Kctchum, male ol I he schooner Davis last season, will command licr the coining season. Grovcr i, Son, ship clmiullers, have' been mote than usually busy In their sail lult nnd hii\o kept n lull gang of men employed all winter. They have made a complete set of sails fur the schooner Zach Chandler, u new -main and loresall for the C. II. Johnson, nov main and mlzzcn sails for tho C. N. Ryan, n now mainsail tor the H. J. Webb, a new mainsail for the Maxwell, new foresail for the Mongiiagati and a number of other nidi*. Theii'ilggers have also been very busily employed. M|. Smith appealed hefnie the committee on legislation last Saturday when the bill empowering the city to own and 6peraTtf its own dredges -was tip for approval and opposed It oil the 'ground that tho dredges would soon bo converted Into n political machine, and that more polfllcal woik would be dom! than dredging. After tho bill Intel been approved by tho committee on legislation it was referred to the commit tee on harbors nnd whnrves, of which Mr, Smith is chairman. Mr. Smith says he ,wlll i»like an adverse report on the bill. Upson, Walton & Co., ship chandlers, Imvo contracted to furnish the following out- tits ; For two new steamers building at Thos. Qunyles' Soi'ib lor Captain Thomas Wilson and others; a uew schooner building at Rail- ditto's- for Captnln Robert—Wuljuco and others; a etrambnrge building nt St. Clair foi Woods, Perry & Co.; a steamer building at I.oraln lor W. P. Thew and others. The first thiee are being furnished with"the Providence capstan windlasses for which they nre ilgelits. Joseph Gllchrktf, of Vermillion,has bought the wrecked schooner Johnson nt (5,000. On Wednesday Inst Win. Crnngle, Jnmcs Norman mid others launched a steam fishing tug 55 feet in length, which they have built this «Intel. Captuln SHeiwood lias fitted out tho schooner Franz Scigel and is ready to start to the Islands for limestone ns soon ns the ice goes oft the shoic. II. J. Webb & Co. sold the schooner Ex¬ ile to John Shaw, of Bay City, fui $12,000 ciioh, and put chased the schuoiier.Thouins Gawn for $20,000. She will be a consort to- their Hue steamer John. M. Osborne, which will nlso tow the sclioouei Geo. Davhi. UKT1101T. Sfvcial to the Marine Jtuord Driitou, March 18. A suit for $5,000 damages Is at piesent punning in the United States Court in this city, which is of considerable Interest to the parlies In the case. The plalntltt is Captain Paul lliivrj:, ;\ well kuuwn lake niaslei, and whose port ot hall Is nt Roehuster, N'. Y. It appeals ihut some lluieduilng the month ol March, 1882rho arrlved-here with his vessel and naturally found his wuy to the Board of Trade building, on the corner ot Grlswold and Jellerson avenue. While converging with somo Irlends on the Grlswold side of thu building, leaning ngnlnst a lulling, It gave way, precipitatinghhn to the basement below, and he narrowly escaped with his life. Ho'was oadly Injured and has never entirely recovered. Tho defendant In the suit Is Ptillllp Uildge, the contractor who put up the building. Tho lesult of this suit 1b looked forward to with considerable interest. Captain J. C. Parker, the superintendent of the DetroltDrydoekslilpyaid,has just ru¬ tin lied from br. lgunco, whither lie has been to siipeiintend the work ot puttlng-a new wheel on the steamer 'Algomah. Sometime ago he constructed what may bo tunned u pin table drydock, of his on u Invention, and something entirely now In thnt Hue of work. Tliu uuiclilne was laid o\it In parts beie nnd then taken to Its destination to be put to¬ gether, the size being 20 by 34 feet, llie tote end ot It forwnrc of the post Is 15 feet. The stenmer wns placed in it nnd the dock pumped out In* three hours. The stenmer wns lifted aft eight feet three Inches and submerged forward three feet 5 inches. The job wiib performed In a brief space of time nnd the 'lock can be retained for n like pur¬ pose, whenever needed, which will render It unnocessury for the sleniner to come to De¬ troit for such repairs. Tho steamer Romoro, built here one year ngo, has, during the present winter been fur- The lepnlrs to'the propeller St. P.ml wl 1 cost about $10,000, A new steamship for Alga Smith & Co,, of Deiroli, i« In u lorn aid state of eompli tlon ut Craig's yard, in Trenton., The new steamer at llie same jard for Ira Owen, of Chicago, will cost about $00,000. She is 170 feet keel, 81 feet beam, and 12 feet depth-of hold, hhe will be iciidj July 1st. Murphy Bros, are having made nt Scnecn Falls, N. Y., three new stentn pumps pio- vlileil wlih steel boilers. 'I hey will c( st $12.0110 and upwind and ulll.be ready foi nishod w 1th an uppi'i cabin, besides be'lng^ei vhe A'prll 1st.. newly pulntid. and on tho openlrfgol wtff. The steamer Citj ol Matklnac J« liming gation will pioceed lo hike Michigan to ply on a passenger route In commando!'Cap¬ tain II. B. Vosburg. The new steamship In proi ess of construc¬ tion _at the Detroit Drydock Company's yard Is entirely planked, her boilers and engine put In place and her cabins well under way. 'She will be launched. In about three weeks. Including this steamer, there have been sixty-seven steamers and vessels built on the above premises within the past few years. J. P. Donaldson & Co. are getting up an entire new set of sails and wlro rigging for the schooner Gcprgo N. Case, all of which Will cost In the nggregnte upward of $000. The schooner Feirelt is undergoing largo repairs at HiIb port with extra litem, which will raise her classification. The tug Champion Is being provided w Ith n now wheel from S. F. Hodge & Co.'s works nnd othcrw Iso put in good sliupo for tho sen- son's business. The schooner A. Body Is undergoing ex tensive i epulis at John Oudes' ship jard her machinery Improved upon In ordirto economise lucl and Increase her speed 'i lie steamer Flora Is alto having her engines ic- cniistructeil at considerable expense. Dean & Co., have a large number of first class yawls on band sulllelent to meet any nnd nil demands of that kind. The wenther is decidedly spiing-llke .mil of u kind tocnusb the Ice to rapidly disnp- peaniud hasten an opening of navigation siilllclcntly cnrly for all practical purposec Somewhere In tho neighborhood of five million feet of Cottonwood, sycamore, bas- wood nnd elm has been cut on the shoio of Lake St. Clair the present winter, which' will be rafted, during the coming seasi u, to Detroit and Trenton, some twelve tnllis be¬ low I hut city. It will be manufactured Into lumps and heading. Captain John W. Farwell, a Hell-known lake navigator and icskcnt of Sandusky, was In this city to-tluy (Tiiesday)en route to Port Huron In quest of vessel stock Car.tnlii Paul Harvy has commenced an- Partridge A Co., of this city, areconstiuct-1 other suit In the Wayne Circuit Court, De- lug a steam yacht for Detroit parties. Herltiolt for the same amount of damages dimensions are Length, 00 feet, beam, 20 called loi In the United States Com t. Tho feel, and othei wise well proportioned. Tills Is the lime of the season when It is easy lo come In contact u ith those who niaj beteimeil hopeful Individuals, whoaro ulllo with predictions of tho coming season and that business promises well l'6r all classes of vessels. There Is an over sup¬ ply of grain at Chicago, sny they, and as foi ore, there Is no end to that, while the fur¬ naces aic bare of that commodity. It Is well for such peoplo -to whistje to keep theii courage up. They have been caught napping times without nuinhei. As lot grain theic must ten demand foi Its shipment, and even then it docs-iiot take many trips In the spifhg to Qlcni out Chicago, and by mid¬ summer theiu comes tho usual stagnation and scarcity of business. Captain James Davidson, who, from small beginnings, has become u picnilnent ship¬ builder as well us owcei, Is determined to have tho largest steamship nlloat. He has now, nt liny City, a steamship well under way, of the following dimensions: Ex¬ treme length, SOB feet; kcol, 285 feet; beam, ■10 leet; depth of hold, 22 feet. Her main kelson Is 10x10 and slstei kelsons 11x10, all edge-bolted with V/£ Inch Iron. There are live strnkcs of bilge kelsons on either side, three at the turn at the bilge, 11x10 Inches, mid the other two 9x10 niches. In short she will not only be mammoth In propor¬ tions, but ns Bluing ns wood nnd Iron enn malte Ifer. The steamer Flora, of Giiinimond's line, will be commanded by Captain J. R.Jones, and the Atlnnlh', of tho same lino, by Cap¬ tain D. Nicholson, the nppolnlmentB being tho sumo us lusn eiirNs. . difciidanl hi this case h John Duiham,a pint} contructoi. Whcelci & Crane, at Bay Citj, niu (.inly¬ ing on extensive shipbuilding tho prci-cnt winter. They have on hand a barge foi Cnptuln Forbes, of Port Union, whidi will have a carrying capacity of l,.lu0tons and will Lost about $.15,000. Auothei Is on the stocks for Captain Charles Bewick, ol Do '*" ,tiolt, with capacltj of 1,700 tons and to co6t about $10,000. Also Due already commenced for Hiiwgood iV Ueiy.ol East Hngjn iw Length ovci all, J15 feet, beam, .18 leet, and 22 fiet depth of hold. Alsirn luulior lug to cost 11,000, loi Harper iV. Ilcisner, ol Bay City, bpveial craft arulxkig ovorbauled nnil piutlally leconstiuctcd. There is,'at Eust Saginaw, u bargo under construction liirCaptaln Ilcniy Peiidellwlih a liimbei capacity ol 650,000 leet, In cost about $14,000. In short'the Siiglnuw dis¬ trict is no*, behind other points in the line of. sh pbiillding. J, W. II. "asiitaiiula uaruor Special to the }farine Jiecoitl A large amount ot brrr!Trt.ng Is being pro¬ ceeded with hue, and the population Is In- cieasing veiy fast.- The Lake Shoio Rail¬ road Company will bullu some new dooks nnd w iden the old ones nnd add more efltcleni machinery fer loading and unloading pur¬ poses. The Iron ore loll ovei frojji last season la being rapldl) lemnved. James G. Laird, shipbuilder, 1b building for John Wluslow, of Brooklyn, N.Y.n \crv tlnesleum tug 70 leet In length ovei all, [ Continued oh yh page.\

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