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Marine Record, March 13, 1884, p. 1

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VOL. VI CLEVELAND. O., MARCH 13,-1884 tH 00 Vm Ahxov Sinoli Conns g Coxti AR0UN<D TEE MRUS. CLEVELAND. The Maimnk R^oonD has removed to the Leader Building, 144-Superlor-st. Lleutonanl Harber, of Arctic fume, paid Cleveland a visit on Tuosdny. The schooner Exile has been sold to Cap¬ tain Shaw, of Buy City. Consideration, 112,000, ciish. Lieutenant P. H. Rny, ol the signal eer \ke, was In the clly,yesterday Inspecting the signal stntlon. The schooner Ernstus Corning, laying nt Eicanaba, with n cargo of ore, has been 'mid at Buffolo Ipr $22,000, to S.H. Foster •iml R, Arnold. She will be commanded by Captain Arthur Foster the ensuing seuBon. Mooro & Bartow have sold the schooner J lines Couch for the OBtnto of Henry Hal- sted,of Chicago, to Messrs. Duffy & Rourk mil Captain Wlllllam Mack, of Cleveland. Consideration $25,000. The James Couch has a registered tonnage of 843.81. A lighter broke away from Its moorings In the river Tuosdny night, and floated out into the lake as far as the Ice would permit. It struck the docks at several places and damaged them slightly. The lighter was leoovered yesterday by n tug. Captain Webquish, the Indian pilot, an.d wlu\mJoveryone connected with marine business had a high regard for, was burled on Tuesday from hit residence on Couitland bfrcet. He was a victim nftjippoploxy, this being his second attack. Captain Webquish hud been engaged- as master of the tug Dieadnaught. The annual meeting of the Cleveland bianch of the Chicago Seamen's Union was held in the rooms on East River Streot. I he only business transacted wns the elec¬ tion of officers. President Lynch and .Mr. John Moore were candidates for tho piesl- tleucy, but President Lynch was reelected unanimously. "■ The other 'officers elcctod ino as follows: First vice president, John Hughes; second vice president, L, A. Sweeney; secretary, Christopher Mackln. William Larkln began suit In tho Com¬ mon. Pleas Court Saturday against Thomas Murphy, of tho schooner Hurvey A. BlBsell. Lai kin was ship keeper on bonrd,the Fred A. Moibo ln6t summer, and as such was obliged to make his homo on the vessel. He says that the Morse was lying neat tltu Clovoland & Pittsburg railway docks, when Hiu master ol tho Blsscll asked leave to tie up between their boat and tlie wharf. This luiuest was giantcd, but Larkln says the ciow on tho Blseell left her hatches open, and that when ho attempted to cross ovei liom the Morso to the docks in the night, ho tell Into the hold nnd was tenlbly ln- lured, He asks the court to give him judg¬ ment In the sum of fl,0P0. The Civil Engineers' Club held its fourth annual meeting at the Windsor Club rooms on Tuesday. The following officers wore elected foi the ensuing year. President, J. r. Holloway; vice-president, B. F. Morso; correspondln^vgecrctary, A. Mordcial; re¬ cording secretary, M. W. Klngslcy; assist¬ ant rocoullng secretary, F. C. Bute; member ol the board of mauugeis of the Association of Eiiglneoilng Societies, M. E. Rawson; Treasurer, G. A. Hyde. In his annual fid- ilress President Holloway reviewed the pro¬ gress of the club dui lug tho past yeai, show- lug that it is in a very prospcious condition, with a membeulilp ol one hundred and twenty-four, nearly all of whom take#ront Interest in the regular meetings"; that the financial condition was good. The local c\C glneerlng events were noted, In his address, consisting of the completion of the brenk- water, the commencement of work on the new reservoirs and the projected oper,lng>of tho old river bed by ship channel ln(o the outer harbor. ^^—* BUFFALO. Sptclat to the Marine Record, • The American Ship Windlass Company will furnish, through their agents, Messrs. D. S Austin & Co., ship chandlers here, a windlass and capstan lor the steamer build¬ ing at tho Union Drydpck Compnny's ship¬ yard for Aph & Danforlh; also a steam 6ap- otnn windhiBB lor the steel steamer building by tho same cbmpany lor the Union Steam¬ boat Company, and a windlass and capstan for tho steamer building by R. Mills & Co., for Captain Cnmmlngs. Captain S. B. Grummond nnd Captain S. Murphy, both of Detroit, paid a visit to this city last week. Charles Eldrcd, Charles Hester, and 8. C. Cummin's, of Chicago, weic in the city laBt,. week. Mr. Louis Dlmlck has returned from a five weeks' visit to Cuba, where he has been with his brother, Lorenzo Dlmlrk, agent of the Continental Insurance Company. The lat¬ ter is at the Windsor hotel, Now York, much improved in health. Smith & Davis have chartered their steam- barg6 Cofflnberry and towbarge H. R. New comb to carry Iron ore from Esoanaba to Chicago for Hie next three seasons, p. t. W. W. Tylor sold the schooner Sam Flint to C. Eldred, of Chicago, for $15,000. The steambargo Huron City, owned by Tyler & Gulvln, 1b getting extensive repairs done to her hull and boiler. (J, Captain R. F. Parsons, who commanded the Huron City last sensou, will next season command tho Alpena, ,nnd will toW thi? barges Flint nnd Wenona In the Lake Su¬ perior trade. Captain T.'Wilson, of Cleveland, and W. Eagan, of Chicago, wero In tills city on Frl' day last. % Messrs. Whlton Bros. & Co., of BoBton, have patented a new torchlight which must prove of vory great advantage to miirlncrs, and vv 111 no doubt entirely take tho place of flio old method of lighting the swab by tho use of matches, etc., which wasted bo much' valuable time In the hour of danger. Tho new torchlight 'comprises u live chamber Winchester repealing rovOlvci, the barrel of which Is put through a hole on tho outside and fastened with a nut on the inside of the of a tan containing turpentine, the handle of the revolver forming u handle for the cover, A swab which reachos to tho bottom of thp can, by means of a piece of wire, Is affixed to the cover of the can Inside. This barrel of the revolvor, which Is loaded with No. 82, short blnnk cartridges, points In n dlreot line to thu swab, and as soon as the cover Is ic- moved from tho caintnd the trigger Is pulled tho'chargc from tho blank cartrldgo Imme¬ diately Ignites the swab. Messrs. Howard H. Baker & Co., ship chandlers, aro tho solo agents nt Buffalo for tho new torchlight, and will sell It with can, swab, revolver, and fifty No. 112 Bhort blank eaitridgos complete for $4. A large number of vesselmen have called on thtm during the past wt'ek to see tho now toiehllgbt tested and they nll.speiik greatlv In Its praise and say It Is the best means Of obtaining a light over Invented, and will supply a want they have long re¬ quired. Messrs. Whlton Bros. & Co., of Boston, have sold soveral hnndr.ee of them during the short time they have patented the torchlight, to vesselmen for use on the sea. D. Caldwell, vice-president and general manager of the Western Transit Lino has made the following appointments. Edward L. Kimberly, cashier, Buffalo; P. P. Mlllor. superintendent of repairs and machinery, Buffalo; Theo Vosburg, freight agent, Buf¬ falo; M. W, Cole, chief steward, Buffalo; G. L. Douglass, agent, New York; J. L. Gil- more, agent, Boston: T. N. Bond, agent, Chicago; G. M. Tibbltts. iigcht, Milwaukee. Agents at Cleveland and Detroit will be ap¬ pointed licrealtei. In April last a libel vv us tiled by Felix La- rlgno against the propeller Ontonagon for services rendered as engineer, After the an¬ swer was filed an J the bout bonded the own¬ ers settled with the'claimant. An action is now brought by the proctors for the libel to determine whether the/claimant has tho right to settle with the partleB upon whom the claim is made, and thus avoid payment of clerk's marshal's and proctor's coBts. Tlie case will come up beforo Judge Cox at Utlca. * , DETKOIi Special to tht Marine Record. , DErnoiT, March 12. The most important Item of news I send you with this correspondence, and which will interest your many readers in several lake oities, Is the invontipn of a smoke con sinner, destined to do away with the smoke nuisance so much complained of at Chicago, Detroit and other places. That It will prove a success there Is no reason for doubting. It was gotten up by A. Backus, Jr.,of the llrm of Backus, Bros., of Detroit, who carry on extensive planing works, .In explaining its modus operandi I cannot do better than to give it in Mr. Backus' own words as related to a reporter in till* city t'The fuel bolng fed through uahuteor hopper Into a furnace, the whole width of the holler, Is met by a curi eut of air at tho point whei e combustion takes place, giving u closer intense blazo. There being no door to thu furnace, no cold air is allowed to strike tho boiler oi Hue, to suddonlyuontract mid thus injure them. Besides the danger of explosion la reduced to the minimum, and one furnace can feed a battery nfHlx boilers with case. Tho an¬ nihilation ol the smoke nuisance Is an estab¬ lished fact, practical and economical." Messrs. Morgan & Rice, vessel brokers, of this city, havo just sold tho schooner Man Hitttlo to Captalu E. B, McKay, of bebo- walng fqr $J.B00. The schooner Star of the North, recently purchased by Captain J. W. Surles and oth¬ ers, has been Bold to Captain Davis, of Port Huron. Consideration $1,200. Captain H. G. Blnnohard, of Detroit, Iuib purchased the tug Bismarck at Chicago. Tho price Is stated to bo $10,000. The steamer Algomah, so long imprisoned In tho Ico nt Mackinaw, has finally been re¬ leased and taken to dock, wheio hoi now wheel Is bcln£»placed lu her. Captain Diln Ingriiham.ol I'alncjvlllc,O., Is a recent visitor hcie, and Captain lllrani Ebtelle, whose genial countenance has not put in an appeaiauce hoiu for some time past, showed himself up from the far distant -vest, where he has been seeking Holds nnd pastures new, * Morgan A Rico have iccelved the agency of tho Fheman's Tuist Co., of New York, for the year 1884. The schooner John Stevenson has been raised above 111' suifacenf the watersulll- cient to determine tho nature of her Injuries caused by being run Into by the steamer Gicat Western, lefer'red ton short time since. They aro of such n character as not to w ar¬ rant a rebuild. Tlie propeller Atlantic, of Giummond's line Is having a new must placed In her. Tho tug O. Wlleox, owned by A. Cheese- ] brough, Esq., Is being thoroughly ovcr- haulcd ami placed in flrst-i hiss condition. Marine painting Is becoming one of the leading arts of tlie times, and ninny paint- tugs recently placed on exhibition show n high oilier of skill. A painting Is at pres¬ ent to be scon In the window of a lending es¬ tablishments here, giving a view of the tug Ton cut us she appeared In a terrible gnlo last fall on Lake Union, with a large vessel In tow, vv hich, despite Hie penis of tho occasion for many bonis, was brought safely Into the rivers. The painting was executed by Mr. b. A. Whipple, and cannot be ilvaled.no mutter what others may say to the contrary. The >t. Chili Navigation Company has entered a suit iji-the United States District Courk hi f3 sgfluA tlWMorebaiit & trader's Bank, of Now York, for $5,000. It appears to have originated as follows: Last spring the propeller James Davidson, the property of complainants, was insured for «45,000 In* several companies, the Merchant & Trader's holding $5,000 on her. The steamor, it will be remembered, wni wiecked in October last on ait island lu Lake Huron, while on a voyage from Buflalo to Diiluih with a cargo of coal, and was a total loss All the other companies paid up but the Aleichunt & Tra¬ der's, hence tho suit. Another admiralty suit has just terminat¬ ed in the same court here. It Is a suit which has been on the boaids lot some weeks past, an outline of wliicli wns furnished you in a former Issue, relative to the propollcr Jay Gould vs. the tug Martin Swain. Tho facts were presented to tho com t as then de¬ scribed nnd it seemed that a brlet conference was nil that wns neecssarj to determine tho ease, ospeclnlly when it Is known that the court was provided with two marine expeits to aid In airlvlug nt u coriect decision, and on whoso opinion, presuinnhlj, it chleflj re, lied, jet the decision was that both steamers wero at fault, and the matter was refened ton master to assess the respective damages. Notwithstanding all tills, the country is safe. Captain Harry Whltaker, whose seiious illness was noted In last Issui, is still hovel¬ ing between life mid death Captalu Geoigo Foster, who has beon dan* goroi|sly III with lung fever, in this ill}, Is in a lair way to recover. Tho Lake Superior Transit Companj have not as yet given out the appointments to their steamers loi the coming season, as I urn Infoimitl by Mr. Whiting, the gentl.....anly agent lu this city. A heavy rain storm set lu last night, I'oJ lowed to-daj by warm sunshine, expressive of on April day, vvitli the complete icmoval of sleighing, and cleutf side walks, for the Hist time diii'ng the year 1884 With a brief continuation ol such weather It will not be long when the sound of the talking mallet will bo heard in tho various shipyards, | Continued nit T*'h pa<it.[

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