THE MARINE RECORD. mini lost on Liiko Erlo. A Bloamcr onllod the Toloffniph, 100 tons, win built nt Deittcr. iiibcequoiitly tnken to Detroit,. mid win burned At tho howl or 1,nko Erlo. The Ex¬ press wn« built nt Piiltney vlllo In 1830. 8lie was commnnUed nnd partly owned by Cnp- tuln II. N. Throop. Her career ended In ,1850. The St, Lawronce Was rebuilt In 1844 nnd her lonnntfo wun luqrenied at r cost of $ 50,000. Shewn* retired at Clnvton In 1850. The John Marthull, of 00 tefns, «ni broiinlit from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario, and was wrecked off Stony Point, October 18,1844, commanded by Captain Jpel F. Tyler. The Lady ot the Lake, 423 tons, wiib built nt Os- u ego In 1842. She piled on the through line until 1852, when she wan chartered/as a fer¬ ry between Capo Vincent and Kingston She was" the flist American steamer on Lake Ontnilo with ftato rooms on the upper Ut4fc. Captain Root was for it lime Iter master. The ( atainct was commanded In 1817-48 by Cap¬ tain James Van Clove, In 1840-51 by Captain II. R. Chapman unci In 1852-53 by Captnin A D. Kllbj. The Buy S:ate was llrst sailed ty Captain Jnroes Van Clove, and afterward by I iptiun John Ledyard; the New York wns - lilrtl bv Captain R. R. Chnpnian; the Brit- <»h Queen by Captain J, LiiFlnmme; Biit- isli Empire by Captain D. S. Allen, imd the Jenny Llnd by Captain L. Moody, In 1845 tlieiowereon the American side of Lake Ontario seven sidewheel steamboats, six pi o pellere nnd about 100 sail vessels, with an aggregate tonnage of 18,000 tons, nnd cost¬ ing $1,600,000. Of the veteran steamboat musters we know of but one of the old scliooj now living. Captain James Van Cleve, u resident of Sandwich, opposite Detroit, who commenced navigating or board the first steamer on that lake. The remarkaDle group of Islands nt the lower extremity ot Lake Ontario are what Is known m the Thopsand Inlands, com¬ mencing opposite Kingston, Ontailn, undlj- lug partly In Canadian and pmily in Anier-' ienn waters, and Btretchiug tlcnui I lie hi. Lawrence finm forty to fifty inlles. Wolle, orG innd Island, is on the ChuuiIIhii side, Is eighteen miles long and fiom one to six miles wide. Oage Island lies west of the latter, i» tinuu miles lung, having a light¬ house on tbe southwest end. Howe Island, iirt'ii"ii( waters. Is eight miles long and lioiu one to tnt> milcB wide, lying near the Canada shore. Tile American channel ruin east of Wolfe Island, between that and Cape Vincent. Cnrleton ill ind is in United States wattrs nnd contains about 1,200 acres of land. It Is important that It commands the Ameii- tan channel of the St. Lawrence. The other islands of any impoitunco nre Grindstone, Well's, Admiralty, Fleet Group, Old, Friend, Indian Gioup, Amateur, nnd others of lesser importance. The flab thereabout are abund¬ ant and of nearly all kinds, sizes nnd de¬ scriptions. J. W. II. SIGNAL LAMP.1). Messrs Fclthoneen & Russell, 1J0 to 141 Main street, Buffalo, are inaiiufuctuiers of the lumous patent tinted lens steamer and . vesiel signal lamp1-, headlights, anchor lamps, binnacle lump,-, \essel torches, vessel i-iipplles, pier lamps, utc , nlto of French wiought Iron looking rangt'B and brolleis. relthouseu & Russjdl have made tlie manu fiu,ture of algiitNumps a life long sludy and their cllttrta have been crowned uitli<\ell- mcrited success. The patent tinted lens slg uul lamps patented nnd manufactured by tills firm, are the best ever mado and have won great pralt>e on ocean, lake and river through¬ out the world. Tho red and green colors pro¬ duced by the lluletl glasB lenses used in these lumps are perfection itself, and can lie seen at a greatei distance than tl.ose In uuy other lamp iuaiiufiiciurcd,and any person who talis in distinguishing the splendid biiglit red nnd green lights, which nre of fniiltUsj shade, must indeed bo hopelessly color-blind. Too much praise oannot be bestowed upon then celebrated lump*, and every trui-'iearted hulloi must feel thankful to the iiiiinulmt- iiicib who help tlii'in to avoid diulh bj col Union mid other dlsunlerrt In the darkest of nights Tho IIrm hns maniilaetuivd over 10,01)0 of their lamps uf all kinds, which is an cxcellment proot ol their popularity iMiiongvcsselmen. They mnnulacture and keep in Block tho French mought lion cooking r'anges ot the following sizes: .1^,4^,5^,7^ ami 10'.. feet nnd make 'turgor sUes when oidered. They are very compner,stioi)g, durablo nnd oconouilcnl nnd have gnlned great praise from Btewarils and otliors \\lip_lm\o used thorn. Among many Bteanicrs which have these riinaca In use we take pleasure In nam¬ ing the folio ring: The Onnk'o, J. Jl. Lyon, •City of Duluth two, Siberia, Ocoanlca, II. E Packer, Colllnberry, Number One, Number 'J'wo, Kittle M. Forbes, New burgh, Portugei CnnlBtco, Arlzonn, Jny Gould, New York, Colorado, Gordon Cnmpbcll, D. W. Rust, B. W. Blnnchard, RncheBter, Nobjaska, Smith Moore, mid Canadian steamers I'eMln and Cnlltorqia. Tho brollors maii'jfiictuicd by this firm arc an exceedingly useful adjunct to tho kltelien. Tho firm always uses Die very best material that enn be obtained, They supervise every article manufactured on their They aio uty caieful in the supei vision of all supplies obtained fiom other inanufactuteis, and tlielr reputation lor hontst and fair dealing Is second to none. MARINE DIRECTORY Of the Great Lakes. R. L. POLK & CO., The Well-known-Dii-eotofy publishers, 40 Larned-st, West, Detroit, will have ready for circulation by the opening of Navigation, a Comp'ete Guide to the MARITIME INTERESTS ON TBE LAKES. FOR SALE, A Canadian Schooner, Or will oxclunRA far other property. Cajufclty 300 ton*. for ibo upobod of 1HB4K required AtMrosa J M Jonks Board ot Trmlo, Detroit, Mich FOR SALE, A Fine Harbor Tug. Dimensions of hullfi5 lectovor all, 1G foot hcum.8 fuel tioid, and measures 40 tony with 7 (tut draft, can bo lumlu 0 fixt draft Tbe engine, 18x20, in In flntt-clma condition, with all now brawius, now rings in cylinder and Utrua a •six-foot wheel which was how InHt Jfinson The huilor IB one yt nr" old, Ih large enough \(\ Imni wood or coal nnd h allowed 100 pounds or attain* Price 84 GOO and must bo sold Inaldo ol sixty da>" Add reus Maiunl Uhcokd Ofhick, FOR SALE, CANAL SCHOONER. Ono of the boat cnnal achoonora on the lakes', sound lu every particular and straight A2. Capacity, 600 tons Iron oro or 21i000 bushels of wheat. Can be purchased for 88,600 OnMhlrd to ono half cash, balance on easy terms. Address Maiunk Hkcoiid Okkick FOR SALE STBAMBAEGE DAIS! DAY. Le gt)i I12fat, beam 21 fuet, depth of hold 8 feet, enulne 10x18, good HtcHnimg boiler 5 fcor in diameter 10 fuet loan C'trryhiK tnpiu it> 110 M pint lumbur, or 100 cords of wood, or 7 00 butli whuut Address Cai'Tain John Amu-iison, 134 Norlli Center Aviimu Chluigo HI TO PRESERVE THE HEALTH Use ths Magneton Appllanoo Ce'u Magnetic Lung Protector! PRICE ONLY $5. They are priceless to ladies, gkntlkmbu and ciiii- DBKN WITH WEAK LUNGS, uO CJUS of PSKUWON1A nil croup is ever known where these garments are worn. They also prercnt and euro hkakt pivficultim, COLDS, UUKUMATISU, NKUHALQIA, THllOAT TltOUBUCfl, DIPTHK1UA, CATAlllll!, AND ALL XINDHKD DIMCABKS Will wkah any atrvico for tukke ykahu Are torn ortrtha underclothing nimi npTT It Is need lean to describe the symptoms bill 11 it Hilt of this uauseous disease that fa sapping the lite and strength of only too many of the Mrest and bwtof both aexea Labor, study and reueaixb in America, Eni one and Lantern la» d». bare resulted lu the Magnetic Lmrg l'rutnlor, affording cure for Ca¬ tarrh, a remedy which curfUlna No DRUouing op thk Bystkii, and with tho continuous ai ream of Magnetism permeating through th» afflicted organs, must motoric THBHTOAltKAUUT ACTIOV W« VLXCK OUR I'KICE SIGNAL LAMPS, -WITIl- Patent Fluted Lens And Perfect Colors. GET THE BEST & AVOID COLLISIONS. Thrae Lamps glvo n more brlllnnt Huht thnn any Signal Ijimp now In u«o Thoy hovehoon nloplod by tho principal Ocean nml Lake Slcamon nnd V»ii«l* and are far talo In tho -principal porta on I lio Atlantic count and likra, French Wrought Iron Ranges and Broilers [or Steam¬ ers and Hotels, Manufactured by Bond for cittaloguo Felthousen ^ Russell, 130 * Wl MAIN ST., IIUFFALO, N. T. ST. MARY'S OHIO. MONTPELIER, OHIO. OtfR FACTORIES. BRECKENRIDGE, MICH CARROLLTON, MICH DE GRAUW, AYMAR & CO MANUKAOTUIlI'nS K1}X> IMI'OtfrtSRS OF Cordage, Oakum arid Anchors, Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA B0LT-R0PE,, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, Marine Hardware and Ship-chandlers' Goods Generally. 34 and 35 South-st, New York. THE NEW JPUJLSOMEXEK CHEAPEST, STRONGEST, MOW SIMPIE, COMPACT, DUINUE, EFFECTIVE it ECONOMICAL STEAM PUMP IN THE CI ^BKET, r rolling llqiUda ml \r mill m> to Htl) li> it. Nn M»<liln«r\, Ni> Oil, No iQOlnl Vnye. tun lie wntlf. il N«iNpi)tiotnl In n rlinlli. Will imHH jcrlt, mtlil, Hiind, nil In, uto , u Ilium,. Injur v to Itw pttitH Nfeilw omv liKtium iiipe fr>ni boilor to run It. I'rlcu (100 u»lli|ii» por hour, ».",<>, i.itoo <l . »tbi .1, do. sino, n.nno do mm>, in.ono <in, ttnn, ih.kioiIo. •U4R ! 88,001) do. 8^70, 4B.II0U tin Mini), Oll.tti O ilu. »5u0, lio OUO do eMon. U mpniMt tlila with nnv oihi<r rump LUt. Write for llHiptrntul iltNirlpth.i lionU wi 'i i<Hiiiuoiiiiilr ,ti Vtiiltri fur PULHOHKTKHS. JCAM Mini'CO., H 1 doll l»t , Vi « lork Clt^, U.S.A SMITH'S PATENT METALLIC LIFE BOATS, TJEIEl BUST A.NH OBCIDAFI1BT. SEND POR PniCES TO SMITH'S BOATVOHKS, 169 South Street, Uew'York E. WILSON, Ail Kinds of Water Work *D0jVEPR0MPTLJ to order uXADqUAHTUtS, 6 Upson & Walton's, Rwei Street, Or, 137 Hermann-St, Cleveland, 0. [or thla AnnllinM »' l> •• thnn una tweutiath ol the &rlce until by othore lor lenieiUiiB upon wjilih you ika all ilia cliaucoa, and wi imptcuixr luviTBtlm puironagoof tliu many puiinonh wliu Iiuto trkd nitua U1NU TIIK1H HTOWALUS WITHOUT KPUfcLT MTO OBTAIN ff^.'Slfa Air.', an nol roi tlifm write to (h« pnijirletorH. mi- cloihiR thu prlti, hi lflitor uto r risk mid they will bo ienUa you at iiik« by mail post paid tiaiul Hlumpdr \\\t '>iw in Mid I oil Trtalmtjnt w.ilnnu uniiiivh," with tlmiiauiida«( tesiliiiuiiiula j t* Illb MAltNJflON APrUAM'I CO, liHSUtuSirwt, Lhloabo ill Notk —1» ml oik riiillur In |H)ntaK«»tiini airuiirtn- cy, In ItdUraL our ri lc Willi hUv of hIiob ihUully wtirn, and try » pahr nf our M«Kiiello Iuaolc, and bo em- TlDCt il of tbo piiwir rrHldiun In our Magnetic A) pll- nnica Vi»Mvtly no cold Jat uhere Ihey are uorn, or money refunded . Phffinix Paint Co,v MANUFACTURERS OP ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS. OtHCE ANDrACrORY 36 MiCliaii St.. CLEVELAKD, OHIO. Boat washing and general laun¬ dry in a few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, 33 St. Clair Street. Telephone 118. V. D. MCKERSOjV, MARINE ARTIST Rear of Central Tug Office, Main St. Bridge, Cleveland, 0. N. C. PETERSON- Boat Builder, rLEABl/RI DO ATS AND HAILIVO AND VTEAlf YACHTS, YAWL BOATS, iPOON OARS, WKHKINO WUKKLS, ETC, 385 Atwater st., Near Riopelle, DETKOIT, MICH. Vesselmen StIOCLD HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK. < mituliilllK all poliiiri of kriuluod by tliu Unltinl stut« ,------------------US - MAIUNL LAW i( uurta Hunuun, flunvn, 1 rvlithtH, ClmrlvrM. T»wii|c«. ItOHTlHtry, ColHalona. ICiirolliiittiitH, OihnerHl A^erutfe, Common Currlera, Duttea uf Hrnnn'ii, ninntrra tt Owuura, Hill of Liullnif, Wnt^m, Jto. rii« Tolinun Ih liutidnoim 1) tmuiiil In htiO Board covers, and Hue I tu.linli iloili binding ht-iit to any uddutjs ]h itiu>u [mi 1 (m ii tu 02