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Marine Record, February 28, 1884, p. 5

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^£±. THE MARINE RECORD. less prosBuro upon tlie boilers, arfd con¬ sequently less wetr and. tear. The weight of the engine Is less thnn the mnrlno enfjlno now oommonly In use. Tho difference In first ooet Is trifling. A trlul made1 with one stcnmport nnd chest,showed ns good results lis could be gained from nny ordinary stoma engine now In use nnd. by turning on the stenm flu the ■ opposite side nil nddltlonnl power was pro¬ duced of at least llfty per cent, which can only be accounted for by tho concussion caused by two currents of' steam' coming togethor from opposite potts, or by the liberation of Intent hent, not heretofore utilized by the old way of applying stokm to n oyllnder, as either of tho stenm ports wero of sufficient slia to more thnn supply all the steam necessary when run separately. This Improrement can bo applied-to any engine now In use the ouly ohnnge necessary being that of cylinder nnd vulve gear. The following vessel sales have trnYisplre'd ntthls port reoentfy: Schooner James C, IRON MARKET REPORT. - Cleveland, February 28. A good business has been done the punt week In pig Iron, confined principally to email orders however. We quote- prices unchanged, as follows: , ciuiAoal no IRON. No. 1 lako Superior charcoal..................-J2J 00(32-1 ISO No. 2 Lata Superior charcoal.................. 38 00(«H 60 Noa. 8 and 4 Lake Superior....................24 00@20 00 Nat. 5 and 0 Lake Suporior..... 1........ 23 WW25 to No«. 1, 2, 8. 4, i, Sgllsbury....................... US 00§S7 00 Soutliorn cliareoal....-............................. 27 00@30 00 Reported by E. L. Harper k Oo, Cincinnati. ' Thp mur'ket continues fairly active. The Ohio Valley so. recently Imundntcd line begun to rtivlve already and yv 111 quickly recover from the result*of tho recent flood. The mills nnd foundries are rapidly resum¬ ing operations and are requiring crudo iron qulto liberally. The curtailment of produc¬ tions of manufactured iron hns strengthened the market. ^~ . poMDar, Hanging Rock Charcoal No. 1..............Jtfj SO to 823 80 HnnglDK Rock Charcoal No. 2 ,_____________________ .. 2125 "-2226 Slrohg NoutralCoko No.l...................18 50 ""Mo 00 " " •• No. 2....................17 80" 18 00 Amerloan Scotch, No. 1........................:.. II) 00 to 10 JO OKBY ffOUQB. Noutral Coko.....................................810 75 to 817 26 ColdShort........................................ 10 25" 10 75 OAR WUBKL AND MALLEABLE. ' Hanging Rook, strictly cold blast........8 27 75 " " warm blaat................... 24 00" 216S Lake Superior "charcoal" all grades........ 24 00 " 25 00 Southern Cor Wheel, Mrlctly cold blait.. 20 50 " 27 5e [Concluded Jrom 1st page.] a whole sail breeze with everything set, and from every point of view alio follows any position the observer may choose to take. It was painted by Mr. James B. Tyler, of New York City, and son of Mr. R. D,.S. Tylor, the well-known book publisher of this city It Is a .very creditable work, such ns Is raiuly seen. A slrhnn udmlrnlly Is now being tried In the United States District Court here, the outcome of which Is exciting considerable Interest among those concerned In such mat¬ ters. Ftom what I have time fur learned the cn.se Is ns follows: It would appear that tho propeller Jay Gould, downward bound, on approaching the Limekiln crossing .dis¬ covered, on her port hand, n lug coming from the opposite direction with it tow of Vessels. Both steamers blow one whistle, which of course signified they intended to keep on the proper side of the streum. When In close proximity tho captain of the tug, which wns the Martin Swain, avers that he saw the green light of the propeller and Im¬ mediately blew two whittles and inudo an effort to cross her bows, but was too lute to suoceed In tho effort. The result was, of course, n collision, notwithstanding tho pro¬ peller kept as far out of the wuy ns It was possible to uo. I maybe nblo to give-you tho decision before the close oi this letter. The judge Is cnlssoned by two murines on whoso opinion lie chiefly rclica, which Is without a precedent here, so fur as 1 am aware. A tew nights since the Groat Western rnllwny steumer, while crossing tl o river during u dense fog, bound for Windsor, ian into the schoonor .lohn Stevenson, which . lay moored at the dock, nnd Mink her. Being a tender old craft It Is picBiimublo she will prove a total loss. Tho dnmagus are esti¬ mated at $1,000, which lathe full value of the vessel. Hl|e wns built at Nupuncu, Out., In 1803, nnd was 170 tons burdon. The rail¬ way company will have her raised and see what is loft of her. Beside tho sinking of tho vessol Odette & Wherry's dock wns nlso damaged to tho extent of $000. 000; schooner L. 8. Hammond, to Ilamtrn-, mack Freight Co. for $25,000; propeller An na Smith to Parker Transportation Co. for $40,000; Barge Wavorly, two-thirds, to Charles Chamberlain, $1,725.; schooner Now Hampshire to John Dewey, $1,000. The last named Is ono of the last of her lime, having been thirty-seven' years In service. Orlgl-' iiiilly she was bulls of the best of material which accounts for her longevity, and oven now Is woll preserved. Times without num¬ ber she has been reported a total loss, yet I fall to remombor nnyv llveB being lost from her. i ,_ _ ' Some miserable wretch or wretches broke Into Murphy BroB. lug office, foot of First street, Saturday, nnd robbed it ol valuables amountlngto $04. The pilfer wns ohlefly valuable clothing. Of the numerous marine cases now before the United States District Court here there Is one of nil Interesting and peculiar feature which Is briefly us follows: Hornet lino Inst season the tug J. P. Clark, while en rouio with a tow on Luke Hiiron.downwurd bntim'i wns overtaken by a violent storm and w as obliged to cast them adrift. Those wero the barges Seminole nnd Wm, Trent. The tug found BUVlter nt Sand Beach. When the storm had subsided she started out tor .their recovery. The Seminole was found nnd ta¬ ken to Port Huron, nnd on arriving there the captain of the tug was informed by the mnrlno reporter that the Trent had passed down in tow of the steambarge Geo. King minus her deck load. It turned out other¬ wise, as she beenmo wrecked on Lako Hu¬ ron. Besides this the tug claims (lint if proper management had been carried out tho barge could have reached tho river her¬ self. " -J. \y. II. OlflOAQO. Special to the Marine Record A fire at the Calumet Iron and Steel Com¬ pany's works nt Irondnle, South Chicago, caused a loss of somo $40,000, fully insured. Judge Blodgett, in* the* United States District Court, in the Important case of Jacob Johnson, who Is the owner of the schooner E. M. Portch, ngainBt the stenm- bnrgo Leluiid. delivered a very elaborate admiralty opinion, and which we will publish In full under the head of Marine Lffw next week. It will be remembered that this ease was brought by libel to recover damages sustained by a collision between tho Portch anoVLulnnd on Lako Mich¬ igan on the evening of March 20,1882, nearly off a point midway between Manitowoc nnd Sheboygnn. The schooner wns struck on the port bow nnd cut down to near tho wnter line and sunk just outsido of Sheboygan har¬ bor nnd broke up and became, u total loss nfter being driven ashore. The court in summing up the evidence found that the Lelnnd was at fault and properly ihargoubtB'J for the loss of tho Portch nnd rendered a decree In favor of libellunts In tile sum of $15,000, with Interest, making $10,722.50. Mr. II. W. Magle, proctor for Captain John¬ son and Messrs. Schuyler & Kramer lor the owners ol the Leland. Mr. O. B. Green, tho tug owner, culled on IleiyUb- Commissioner DeWolf Tuesday to ascertain what the intentions of the depot t- ment were regarding tho prosecution ol tug owners for violation of tho city oidlnunee In regard to tho smoke question. The com¬ missioner stilted vcy emphatically that just so long as they1 continue to violate the mdl- nance just so long would he-prosecute them. The question hus been « continual source of trouble for some years. The defendants In nearly every case put farwuid the plea Hint if they adopted u smoke coiiBiitnor it would requite no much of the engineer's nttentlon lie would bo liable to neglect his boilers, nnd nn explosion would bo tho result. Dr. DeWolf stated that he would commence prosecuting the various owners of (lie tugs us soon as the season opened If they did not comply with tho-ordlnnnco, let tho conse¬ quences be what they might. DUI.U1H. A map ot Two Harbors hns Just boon made. .Steamboat and tug men nro beginning to lay plans lor tho summor'8 woik. The hull of the City of Winnipeg has been bought by J. D. Howard and Captain l'|j nn, w ho will ral^c her in the spring. The Bayfield press says the L. S. & L. M T. Co. has decided to phico tho woll known King to Parker Transportation Co. for $20,- Ipropbllcr City of Fremont Oftho south shore line, on the route formerly occupied by tho Manlstoo. 5 Captain Burns will sail tho tug Eliza Wil¬ liams ngnin this season. Captnln C. O.Flynn will sail the Ella M. Stone again this season, Captain Brown will sail tho new forry steam¬ er Queen bf the West, recently purchased by Captain Jon. Lloyd.' KINGSTON. Tho propeller Europe was sold last w6ck to Orahitia Bros, by Messrs. Shlcklunn. Price, |15,000 The .Europe will bo placed In a line on the Georgian Bay. .- The M. T. Compnny nro nuking arrange¬ ments for' tho purchase of it number stool grain scoops. Tho wooden Bhovles will bo dono'away with altogether. Tho Bteel Scoops will be much bettor lor sliovollng'-thnn the wooden ones- Captain Tim Sullivan, Ed. Vanduson nnd James Collier, of Plcton, hnvo passed the marine examinations. Captain Hnvoy Brown of Cape Vincent, 'an old N. T. Co., captain, will sail the propeller Walter B. Frost this year. Captain Millet her former muster, will be In com¬ mand ol one of the new steamers now build¬ ing at Detroit tor the same line. The schooner A. G. Ryan haB received a new spar and lina undergone a through re¬ pair. Tho George Stifle) has also received u general overhauling and the D.- Freeman and L. D. Bullock have hud necessary iittcnc| tlon bestowed them. Tho Dominion Wrecking nnd' Snlvage Company have retained Dr. Smythe In bii important marine case. Lust summer while a vessel belonging to Mr. Lnrkin ot St. Catherines, was being towed to Brockvlllo by ono of the company's tugs, she ran on u shoal, and ho has taken an action to recover the value of repairs nnd loss of time while the repairs were being mndc. The defendants ohiim that there is n rule relating to the river St. Lawrence which makes thffvosscl responsible, hb the should h&ve furnished a pilot. A number of Rochester gentlemen who think a steamer on Lako Ontario to ply be - tween Charlotte and Alexunderia Buy, on the St. Lawrence,--would pay, ajo organiz¬ ing a stock company to that end, and have op'ened negotiations for the purchase of the steamer Flower City which was damaged by flro iit-Clayton two years ago. A number of subscriptions have already been received. The Captains Estes see money in It, and aio at work on the scheme. The Flower City has been partially rebuilt and lengthened. It can be finished and made first class In overy respect and be put on the route with the opening of the pleasure travel. The boat can be purchased nnd completed for $50,000 I or less^ Tho pintles in charge of tho scheme l^rnrdeteriulned not to fail !n their intentions. —Kinystoii .Veics. row nuitoN. The Pott Huron Marino Engineers' Beneficiary Association was organized on tjiu 20ih with eleven ehartei members. The following olllcers wero elected and Installed by ex National President Reed, ofDettolt: President, W. P. Trolcven; Vice President, J. II. Fit/geiuld; Treasurei, J- II. ,Hogun; Secietnry, Geo. Bonner; Coiiesponding Seeretury, Hnim Malnus; Financial Seeie- tary, Chailea Cushalne; Couductoi, U. IJ. Miller; Door Keepei, Robert Cameron. The Port Union branch Is known as No. Ill, and the olllolul seal is u valve. Meetings will be held svery Wednesday evening iu das. 11. Fitzgerald's olllee. This organization has brunches in almost every port in the United States, and a membership ot over 0,000. AMUKitsiuuna. 'The tugs belong}ng to the Strong estate are offered for salo, They nro tho Sweep¬ stakes, Champion, Stranger and MaBters, and have been managca for several years by John R. Glllctt. Tho Morpeth dock is to run out 500 feet Into the lako and will require 800 cords of stone and about 21,000 feet ol timber. The stone will probably be got oft Peleo Island, and the timber In the neighborhood of tho work. Contract price of the woik Is In the neighborhood of .$20,000. Mr. Askwltli, of Ottowu, Is contractor. We understand that C. C. Chadwlck lias tlUpo'cd of his Twomcy'e dock to O. Young & Co., of Lorulne, O., who will carry on tho business licro under tho management of Captain Mansfield, late master, of the schoon¬ er Richard- Wlnslow. Tho probabilities aro that It will bo lively |n tho conl business lierotho coming season. ' HAMILTON. Captain Thomas Armstrong, who for sonio weeks past bus been suffering from Inflammation of the lungs, is able to be nbout ngajn. It will bo remembered that Captain Armstrong, on tho 11th of Daoohiber last, In tho midst of a Storm nnd when tho weather Wns bltttr cold, with other* wont out In a boat In Luke, Ontario anil saved tho life of gno Holmowood, a bench fisherman. On this occnslon Ben. Foulds wns drowned. Captain Armstrong received such a wetting, and caught audi a severe cold thou that It resulted In the abovo named affection, from which he hn9 now recovered. It Is said that a movement Is on foot to securo for tho fear¬ less nnd popular captain tho inednl of the Royal Humane Society on account of his bravery in saving life. ' Hri'ltOKON DAY. It Is snld that the" Goodrich Co. will not place a bout on tho Manitowoc, Sturgeon Bay & Menominee route next seuson unless the canal company gives them free passage through the canal. They—the' Goodrich Company—u HI not permit the people to pay the loll, nor do tlioy purpose doing so them-. selves. / J Captain John Wood, who commanded the schooner Hulstead last season, has been con¬ signed to the schooner F, B Gardner, which IS also the property of Captain Keith. The nuilie of the new muster of the Hulstead has ndfryet been ascertained. A determined ett'ort'la being made by tho people of Oconto to induce Congress to up- proprlnto the sum of $50,000 nt this session for the purpose of completing the harbor which hus recently been commenced at the mouth of the Oconto river. The boiler of the tug Spear Is receiving a thoiotigli overhauling under the supervision of Captain Ed Cox. The journals and slides of the engine were recently sent to Oconto to receive new brasses, nnd uro to be.sen't back this w eek. After these repairs are fin¬ ished some carpenter work Is to bo done on d the house, and the tug is to.be painted, salt- ' ed, and otherwise put In good shape for the coming season's business, Tho Spear will be employed by tho Oconto company In towing lumber scows 'from tho Sturgeon river mills to Oconto. AND FISH- CANADIAN MARINE ERIES. Tho report of the minister of tho marine and fisheries, presented to parliament nt Of awn a dny or two sluco, shows that the' total expenditure for this service In 1883 was $1,054,207. I'be total value of the lish. erles of Canada is $17,215,075. There are eleven fish hatcheries in operation. ' The number of fry distilbuted In tho spiiugof 1883, consisting of salmon, salmon trout, whlteflsh, and pickerel, was 83,884,000. In the rail of the same was 50,588,300. Tho total number of steamboats in tho dominion Is 813, with a tonnage of 152,21(1. One hundred new steamers were added dur- lug the year. Of wiecks of sen-going vcssols In Canadian waters there were 218, with a- tonnage of 81,504. Tho total loss was $1,118,. 711, and the number of lives lost was 100. The wrecks on inland waters were 210, with u tonnage of 11,710. The loss In money was $1,301,389, and the number of lfves ton. Tho meteorological service gave ' 1,185 storm warnings, and 858 wero verllled. The total expenditure for this service- was $51,000.— Oswcyn Tunes. FOR SALE, A Canadian Schooner, Or will oxclmnpEo for othor property. Capacity too required, ngo If nlsh L Ail'lrttta J M. JoNkh Hoard of Tnwlu, Dotrolt, Midi FOR SALE, liar lupgth is 13,r> feet, lioum 2*1 fttft, and hold. 10 fctit lOlncliUH Holler 17 tVol Iouk. 7 JVut tllamtilur, threo ttui'H, t\*» ltllnch Ktul ono 17-luUi. knifi'io L^JjIJ, Currli'H'210,000 fuct of lumber, Bpi-wl, 11 mllen light, mid 0 1-- loaded, lmmrancu \tlnatlon, $15,300. Aij- druHi Makinic HhconnOluco", No.2 South Water ntuet, Cttivi'lnmi, O. *

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