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Marine Record, February 21, 1884, p. 9

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RECOPD. a£= LORAIN.cl-U the Marlnt Rmrl _r. H. D. Boot; Is pushing the now tug asas possible helms her all molded andframes out and rendy to put them up.as obliged to tnko all the frames ands, etc., nnd nil tools used In the shipyardigh land on account of the high water. has detained him for a week, but he. that all danger is now past and he willediately commence, work again. Inection with the tug nnd stcamyacht hoilding, Mr, Knot Is doing extensive re¬ on'tho schooner Sumatra, Genoa and. West. He Is working about forty momh Is .considered pretty well.for theses. . • MILWAUKEE.ptain Allien Icke's schooner, the J. A.is, Is receiving an extensive overhaul¬hin winter, the work being done by Oleson, of that port, and consists of newde planking and planksheer, stanchionstimber-heads which have beon drawn11 rudder new case, stock and post, to beed; now bulwarks on one side and red on the other: six deck beams, new combings forward and aft new deck aft cabin; 30 feet of new celling on portnd 22 feet on starboard side; monkeyabreast cabin; now taJrraTI and new-work outside nnaVlnT to bo caulkedthe waterllne tip; new stringers underail and outside of the stanchions; n.lneesof ceiling forward ami aft, both sides.irs to be completed by the first of March.utlay will aggregate about (1,600. Theis will enter the carrying trade betweenon Bay and Milwaukee again tho com¬casop. MKNKKAUNF.E.ptiiln Thoro Anderson will probablycharge of the steamer May next season.oat will bo placed In the fish trade bywner, Win, Zlppcl. BAILKY'S UAIlllOll. "ipman & Raesficrjs baree Burroughs isere, shut in by ice. She has been keptkeeping open a passnge out of the har¬o that she can .loine when the Ico Inke, is blown- away. fll'UHGEON HAY.e indications are that the several riverarbor improvements in this region wille liberal appropriation*'at the handsngress the present session.s probable that the old boiler which hastaken out of the tug Charnloy will bed In the plaining mill of the Sturgeonumbercompany. ThTfiJlWlsThesamew.i« formerly in tho tug Reindeer, wis bought from tho Pcshtlgo com. Kodgors had charge ot the engine ofg Miixwclllast week, but lie was com¬ to resign his position on account of a previous engagement to run theferry. Joe Bunker, who had charge Maxwell it part of Inst season, hasn here from Two Rivers and again,his old place.uliui & Kaes.'oi- have purchased Cap¬oon's thlnf Interest in the schooneron, pa)lug (1,000 therefor. The othert In the vessel Is owned by the'partyill have charge of her [he coming sea¬steambarge G. T. Bnrroughs^iiubeen at Bailey's Hni'hor, the lee blockadeting her from celling' out Captainn nnd a part ol the cr.ew left fin theirat .Milwaukee on Monthly. The nintogineer have beon left in charge of theIt Is the.intention ot the owners—,an it Rnesscr— to start the lunge outs soon us the Ice leaves Ihe harbor, will be shipped on the boat whero, who will lake her lo Manitowoc,her regular crew will take charge. Itften that the weather Is so slrlngentteamer can not get In or out of Bail¬rbor on account of the Ico.—-diiiiocate. SANDUSKY.aid that Captain O. F. Russell,ownermander of the scow Oak Leaf, Who at Poit Clinton, has deserted histeamer American Englo Is still mak¬ly trips between this city and I'jit-ln-iiptnln Maglo reports the Ico In theregion from six to twelve InchesThe only openlwater hereabout is Kelly's Island and Marblehcadt-off Cedar Point. , 1 . DUXUTB< The prbpoller—or rather steambarge— Jay Gould will have-fine cabins built on her hofore she takes lior place on the Manistee's route. The tug Myrtlo, wlilth was engaged lost - season In towing logs on the St. Louis nnd ' NomadJI rivers, Is being entirely rebuilt nt, Sandusky, Ohio. '■ Cnptnln Ira Holt Is endeavoring to make pence with the Canadian custom hoiisonu-' thorltles so that the propeller R. G. Stewart can again run between Dtiluthand tholuuil- l"K- The work of repairing the machinery and ' extending the main cabin of tho propeller Agnes Is nearly finished nnd she will bp ready for business almost as soon ns the fee pio.ves out. ' Cooley, LaVnque'iS; Co. will, buy another tug. ■ Captain Napier* Is In Chlcngoondeavdrlng- to purchase a Billable steamer for tho Agnte Bliy route.- Tug P. Lt Johnson, which did towing In the harbor nearlv all summer, was recently sold by Sandusky parties to J. Hursby, of Marquette. '* Captain J. B, Yocuin knows Duluth har¬ bor-fully as well as any living man and when he states that considerable dredging slionkl and ought to be done before the open¬ ing of navigation In orderto float the largest carriers, his warning should be'heeded. This matter deserves the attention of the chamber of commerce.—Duluth Times. MANirowoc. Captain James, Eassoli, formerly ot the schooner F. M. Knapp is said to be engaged as eommnnder of the J. I. Case for next season, *ir The sailor, James Matthews, who was in¬ jured on board the J. t. Case some two years since, lias brought, suit ngaiust the owners for |10,000 damages. Captain Wm. Steele has been appointed muster of the schooner Kefvnunee In place of Captain W. W. Jones who will remove to Dakota.— 7'nm^. SAL'i'.r 8iK. MAim:. Cnptnln Svms, fonnerly on the Manitoba, . will sail the Quebec, anil Captain H. Zohuul of the propeller Glenllnlas, will command the Ontario.this season. Captain J. ,B. Monitor, Is putting upper woik8 on the Southern Belle, and will have a very desirable freight and passenger boat when completed. Slie will run between Detour and Taqunnienon-jda._the_llnyjnku_- chanuel and will stop nt nil Intermediate points. The boat will supply a long felt want. kings-ion. In tlio case of Sinccy v. lhevSt. Lawrence .Steamboat Company, which was tried at tho Division Court recently^! verdict was given lor defendants. A Kingston mariner is In Cleveland en¬ deavoring to secure n divorce from a highly esteemed lady.—iVi'tcn, •The Hoard of Marine ExamiuorB Is com¬ posed of Cnptnln Thos. Hnrbottle, Toronto, (Chairman;) Captain McElbenny, of the Miiiinu and Fisheries Department; Cnptnln Thos. Taylor, Klngst......mil Captain Mc- llwaiue, St. Cntbnilnos. 'Captain Scott, R N., Halifax, chairman of the Maritime 1'iovinccB, where tho system has been In opeialion for sumo time, was present at tho examinations nt Toronto. It Is said that be. tw'een lllty and dxty mariners wl|l go up for examination In Kingston. It is 10 bo hoped that many will iry lorjund succeed in getting ccrtillcates.pl couipoluncy. None have been secured atTprontoJlliusjfiir. They should try ami come out'iheail. The annual meeting ot the Dominion Wrecking Company look place In Montieul on Wednesday. Captain John Gaskiu and John Scott, of the Persia, attended the Salvation'Army meeting, tho hitter for tho first time. Cap¬ tain Scott was very -much Impressed. lie thinks that If all mariners would join the army a sailors' lot would be a happy one: Captain John Trowell, ot'tho propeller Cal- Ifoiriln, and Mr. Jas. Blako Jhavo succeeded In passing a most successful marl 110 examina¬ tion, securing certificates (of competency, • wltllwft servitude, as captain. wai.kkhvii.i.k. . The steambarge Ada Allen has been fitted up for th6 purpose of transporting grain from tho Michigan ' Central elevator to the Walkervllle elevator for II. Walker & Song

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