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Marine Record, February 21, 1884, p. 6

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> 4 THE M ghe$arine§ecord. Entered m cording to tho lima of tlio Unltfd But 08 f Al lho Pout Oflln nt Uovelnml as second-flni* inMler, robllntiod \wcKly at No 2 Bouth V, atcr ilivet, Cleveland, Oliio • L A. FOMEROY; Editor anil Proprietor. TVMHHOl' SUllSCUII'TJONl J2.W 1.00 Ono year, pontiiRu paid .......... Biz motitliH, po-tUgo paid ...........' InrnrUlil) In nilvwirf. 'I tio MAH1M. Ill 101(1) on bo found [or nils nl tho following placca:, . Nd 2-SontIi Wstor atreot, Cleveland. Joajph Gray, No M Sonth-yfitor itrool, Chicago. (. Koluuor, Michigan Htywt, KulMo, Not York. I> McMaiton A Co , Siirnla. Ontario "'Wm Gotlley, Kacnnsba, allchlgiln J E Soaiervllle, Maniatoo, Mlclilgun Article*, latum mid qiierloa on all aubjacta nro aollcl- led **T"llio Idllor iitiPtimeH no ritiponalbllity for tho opInloiiH of correH|n>m!t nta ^lo Inauronotico, contributors must glvo numo nnd adtlrasa, and w rite on ono aldo uf tlio paper on]} fill A N< 11 Of'FKE, 812 NOUT1I WATKIt STUt'.I.T. CIIICAUO. AIHEKTISING itATES. Ten cenla pur lint, npnpareil nieiuuromcnt, or 81 20 per tncli, cadi Inacrtlpn, tour wtoLa $4 00, with n liberal dlHcount ou ordera amounting to $41) 09 or over (oMMAMint W b bchcley lm« been selected lo command tlie Greely rellef.ex- peilillon. • '1 he BoBton & ^Savannah Stennisliip Com¬ pany will tiy to limit Iib liitlji 111v for dam¬ age in ilie lorn ol the Clly of Columbus. l.\ another column will be found I lie sclodiI number of the ancient mariner Belies of letters, frtmi our esteemed Del loll coriespondent, which will be loiuul lull of inleicst. < A MiNiUtiii model ol ilie old ship New Orlciins>jleslro\ed tit Snckett's Harbor re¬ cent'), Is on exhibition In Oswego It la the wink of Ileuiv Iloldildge mid ib a ver) dalnly attnietlon, \/\ty:seo Ibiit Ilie Maiiinf Rn.oiir> arfli ICj "Reminiscence ol Lake Ontario" Is going the rounds of the prc-is eredited to the Walerlown Times. '• Plruej of the Brain" la ulint Die Nautical Gazette culls It. 'Inr Lake Superior News veiy aptly ob- scives that as the Auieiiciin navy Is so slow In huntlnK »P Lieutenant Greely that It would be n good plan lor tlio Lieutenant lo tome out of his wlntei qimitersand hunt up the navy. 'lut Mechanical Engineer, published by K 1'. Watson & Son 110 Nassau street, New York comes lo us in an enlarged and im „ piovcd shape and Is woithy the patronage of all interesied III inatteis peilainlng lo eugi- neeiing. OrToe-ino.N to the Wilson palent steam, sliorel still continues, and iiltu a thoiougli Investigation the Senate vnli'il down I he tavoiable it-poil of thecoiniiiltlc-e, '1 lie lasi patent on the shovel expired in March, 1882F and hills have been IntioduieiJ In bolli biaiithts foi Its extension some jeurs. A mil "as liitioduccil In tlio House on the 181 h b\ Rtpicsinlallve I'm an lo regulate ceitalii inatteis lelntlvc to Ameilcnn ship¬ ping. It provides against overload)! gb) le- quiring eveiy vessel lo huve lis wntci line distlneily painted upon the hull at a point to he fixed by olllclnl ineasuieiiient, and no „__ vessel loaded below lliat line shall be grantcu clearance Irom any port on cither soaconst or Inland water. It further pro¬ vides against insufficient crews by prescrib¬ ing for steam and anil vessels it certain crew for u fixed tonnage and an Increase for ad¬ ditional tonnage, according to a fixed scale. Anothei provision is that noclenrancti shall be granted tojiny American vessel whose ciow shall be more_tl)an two-thirds composed of unnaturalized foreigners. A section ap¬ plicable only to the lakes piuhiblts mastcis of vessels from discharging at Canadian ports excepj fur certain good causo invented, . any ssilor shipped at an Auieilcau port " wltholit the consent oi against lie will ol such sailor. THE IltON INTEREST From the Michigan exchanges a spondence rohitlve to the abnvo su learn that the prospects at presen very Haltering for early aotivlty at t Thoropoit Imm Aliirquctte Is th pectoj reaction In the ore market bu sot In; mill retrenchments and retlui the older of the day. Some ol th mines me gelling icady for a seaso ive vvoik* but the contrary Is true o ones, Tlio Naniilmn," near Stnmb piepnilng to Infiease Its product, pects to get out ■100,000 tons next The Mastodon and Paint River m also going In for all ihey are Worth Is thought to be some disposition am operators in tills vlciultj to ignore ing mistrust regarding their findin ket ami go on producing at nil even nay and Vulcan are running w lorecs and making im impro The IVuiisylvaulii mining compan ling down an expensive,shall foi p and hoisting purposes. On the M Hinge matters are in statue quo The has shut down but only tempoiar thought. The Iron Cllll recenllv tlli one hundred men and (educed the w the remainder. The nthci mines l ning at a steady pace^bpt give no In ot an Increase of work, as the shippi son approaches. '1 lie Detroit, Mae Marquette-iiitlrond Is making prep to gpt away vvlthu good deal of orffi ing season. A large number of men ployed constiiictlng n new ore dock quelle The old Fiemont bouse wi ken for a depot and railioad offices me laid lor about half the length of icnsloH-Trom Marquette to Ncgiiun the latter place considerable trouble encountered in having to build a tr cioss the Maiquette, Ilougl ton & gon railioad oveihead; but notwiths this, ,the road will be ready to cu some weeks betore vessels can run. ellect Mr. Morrison's bill will hav tills industry we cannot sa), and-I lieved that Ml. Mnnison does nu himself. It Is to be hoped," lion eve Congiess will extiai tsulllclent wisdo the protest of Ilie iron and sleel m tuieis and lion ore producers .iga emu tiiient of the bill to It,row the nc light upon It. Mr. Geuige II. El spoke In behillfof the iron ore pio said "ll c mnufaeture of lion and mis couutty Is dependent on tho d ment ol Ilie Iron ore mines of the Stales. He alluded to the growth hitler and the huge amount of mone in building up the iron ore indi|siry. Lake Superior region It had led lo the 'ng of several railroads, and Jkets of weie engaged In the trade. In the ye the output of the Maiquette and Men mines was 2,000,000 tons villi an a mute value of $20,270,000 and in J883 000 tonsor ♦14,750,01111, (I e decrease be to a decline lu the lion node. Mr. Ely 01 the need ol protection loi Ameiican liigmcn, stating lliat with lion ore tree list, (be Canadian mines being would send 1'itli meg to Ohio and P villi lu, ami thus ruin the Lake Supeil oic busluePs, and the men who had their capital lu ll Iron ore on tho fr would enable the (heap labor of Sp Bnrbiirv lo compete with tho Am mines u The cross examination of M was inalhly conducted by Rrprcse A In a in h Hewitt, but the witness n aimed will) facts to refute e\eiy e the examiner lo gainsay his lemark Vnndvke, ol Milwaukee, Hon. Wav Veagli and John ltoach, llieshlpbnlkl lowed with elaboiale aiguincnts In nation with those alieady sitbmltled. wind a delegation of worklugme heiud. They protested lu the inte higher wages and against any further tion of the tariff, OIL AND WATEI1 Following lu Interest to mariners th per const met Ion of 'ships, Is the subj volving their preservation. The nso has been advocated for some years as a llcinl means ot rendering couipaia harmless the violence of a heavy, sw sea during a storm, and much atten being now directed toward the exper being made under the direction, o

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