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Marine Record, February 14, 1884, p. 3

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THE "MARINE RECORD! '<£ •Ingbnl'ylho romovnlof oxccpslve charge. In such it slmpe It should be pnoswl without delnv. It Ib to bo hoped that the Sonnto will 'bo eqdnlly fiilr In lu trenlmont^of the bill. Got tho burdens out of the way first nnd then shipping will hnvo i-omn uhnnce td live. Geo. 0.. M. Poo, of Detroit, tins prepared tho draft of n bill which the Secretary of War han transmitted to CongrosB placing, tho St, Mary's Falls .inmil tinder tho control of tho Socrotary of \Vnr. A superintendent nnd as many assistants as may bo necessary are to bo appointed by tho Secretary of War, upon tho recommendation'of tho engineer officer In charge of tho work. Reeulntioris . tor tho protection of the canal and ap¬ proaches are set forth and authority given for their enforcement. 7»,*------------------- WORK OF THE AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS COMPANY. The steamer building at Cleveland will have a Providence capstan windlass from the American Ship Windlass (Jo. The steamer building by the Un'on Dry- dock Co., at Buffalo, Is to have a Providence capstan windlass from the American Ship Windlass Co. ... The two steamers building by the Detroit Drydork Co., at Detroit, Mich , will have a Providence capstan windlass, from the American Ship Wlndlim Co. .The ai-lmpiier jnat built by Samual Gasklll, at May's Landing, X. J., has a Providence pump brake windlass front tho American Ship Wlndluss Co. Tho schooner building by Morris & Ma- . this, at Cooper's Polnr, N. J., for Captain J. T. Booye, will have a Providence pump brake windlass from the American Ship Windlass Co. Tho steam yacht Lagonda, building at South Brooklyn, for J. C. Uoagland, wilfbe furnished with a Prnvldenc pump break windlass by. the American Ship Windlass Company. Tho large shipbuilding by T.J. Southard & Son, at Richmond, Me,, will haveaProvi- donce capstan windlass, with Southard's messenger chain attachment, from the. American Ship Windlass to. ' The U. S. revenue steamer Dallas, com¬ manded by Captain R..GIover, and stationed at Portland, Me., has replaced her old wind¬ lass with one of tho celebrated Providence pump brako windlasses, made especially for her with extra heavy and long shaft to tit into the old bltts. Captain Glover says they ciln take the anchor, in one quarter the time required with the old windlass, and he is very much pleaded with It In every way. The three large steamships building by William Cramp & Sons Co., at Philadelphia, for the Morgan Lino, and one for the Me¬ tropolitan S. S. Co., will be'furnished tilth -jho new style Providence steam capstan -wlndlass-from-Uie-AmerioBii-Ship-Wliidlass Co. The steamer Boischere, of Port An Prince, Haytl, Is to have her old windlass replaced by a Provldenco pump brake windlass from the-Amorlcah-Ship-Wlndl»8B-€o.------ The steamer Estcro, of Port An Prince, Haytl. is to have her old windlass replaced by it .Provldenoo crank windlass. The U. S. revenuo steamer Ewlng, at Balti¬ more, has just had her old windlass replaced by one of the Providence pumpbrake wind¬ lasses from the American Ship Windlass (jo. The schooner bullning lit Tutteuvllle, Staten Island, by J. Ellis & Son(for Captain Rose and others, will have one of the Prov¬ idence pump brake windlasses. The schooner building at MiLford, Del., by . Sample & Rcville, will have a Providence pump brake windlass from the American Ship Windlass Co. The vessel building by G. C. Pettis,-at | Port Greville, Nova Scotia, is to have ono of tho celebrated Providence windlasses from tho American Ship Windlass Co. The transfer steamer William T. Hart, on on the, Hudson, has Just been fitted out with two Prevldenc6 steam capstans from tho American Ship Windlass Co. The tug Wljllam H. Wood belonging to B. D. Wood & Brothers, of New Orleans, U-tn have one of the Providence steam capstans from the American Ship WIikUiish Co. Tho steam'collier building by the Ameri¬ can Shipbuilding Company Iiiihii Providence capstan windlass with messangrr chain attachment, from tho American Ship Wind¬ lass Co. The Iron sailing ship building by the American Shipbuilding Company, which .was launched on Saturday, has a Prnvldonce capstan wlndluss, with Southard's messenger chain attachment and Kendell and Roberts' hoisting endues. The steam collier for the Consolidation line, built by Harlan & Ilollingswortli Co., at Wilmington, Del., has a Providence pump .brake wlndluss with messenger chain attach¬ ment and a i'rovldonco capstan Irotu the American Ship Windlass Company.' An Englishman shooting small game In Germany said <b his host that there was a spice of danger in shnorlng In America. ..."Ah!" said.tlio host. "You'like danger mlt your sport. Then you go oiit.shootlng mlt me. The last time I shoot mine bruder-ln- Jawln theschtomack." THE ETNA GRATE. G. C. BASIS, Alt This Improved Shaking Grate EspeciallyAdapt- ed to Burning Slack! Mt Iron forks, ManuM, ,^ Ofllco and Foundry, corner of Elm and f/iv* _ SprucQ-§ta.', CLEVKLANP, O, . t: -E, wilson; All Kinds of Water Work .HOXEPMOMffLI TO ORDER HEADQUAKTKHS, lfpsoik& italton's, <Rher Street, Or, I37 Hermann-St, Cleveland, 0. PENFIELD BLOCK CO, Lodport, New York, are Sole Manufacturers of the Celebrated "Anchor Brand" Tackle Blocks, ALL STEEL, ROLLER BUSHED OB WITH Our Self-lubricating Phospkek Bronze Bushinqs. The metal In theso BuihlngB la the Celebrated Phosphor-Hronwj, tho best uonrlni! metal In the market, and bolnir perfect lubricators they are Inst pupurucdinir all other styles, For sale by SHIP C'It».NDLEHM everywhere. ASK FOR " ANCHOR BRAND" TACKLE I1LOCKB j- ,'PATENTED NOVEMBER 13, 1X83. Illustrated Catalogues and price lint mailed (reeonai>pllcatloh. Sample orders Kollcllml. TO PRESERVE THE HEALTH | Ub« tbo Magneton Appliance Co's Magnetic Lung Protector I PRICE ONLY 85. Thoy ire priceless to ladies, oenjlembk and ciol- DRKN WITH WEAK LUNUSJ DO cue of PNEUMONIA OK croup ih evijf koqwu where theae garments are worn". They also prevent anil euro hear? dipficultiks, COLDS, ltUEUMATlMU, NKUItA^LUIA, THHOAi; TROUBLES, DIPTIIKRIA, OATARltllVAND ALL KINDRED DISK-ASKS. Will wear anyjerylclnor TitRKB years. Are ,iora ^Te^the^nderclothing.---------------—r*- - —— A AfJItpnTT It la needless to describe the lymptoma UuluIUlIli' of this nnusoouj dlseosfl that nnjapping the lite and strength of only too many of tho fairest and bout of both sexes Labor,'study and, ri-aearch In America, Europe and Eastern lands, hare resulted In , the Magnetic Eung Protector, affording cure for Ca- lnrrli.a rstflSTr wh|ch uontatQs'NoDnuoaiNQ oktiik System, and with tho continuous stream or Magnetism permeating through the nffllcted orguns, muht rk8Toru THEM TO A HEALTHY ACT10.V. WE I'LACK OUR PRICE for this Appliance at less than one-twentieth of the &rlco asked by others for remedies upon which you ike all tliechancos, nnd w,k especially iMViTKthe patronage of the many persons who ttavo tried diiuu- OINO THEIR STOMACHS WITHOUT EFFECT. "UnWIin flDWATU Thi8 Appliance. Go to your ilUff 1U UDlfllfl druggist and nBk (or them. If they have not got them, write to (he proprietor*, en- eloslug the price, tn loiter ai oit risk add they will be sent to you at onco by mail, post paid. Send stamp for the "New Departure In Medical Troatmout without medicine," with thousands of testimonials TUE MAGNETON AIl'LIANCE CO., ' 218 State Street, Chicago, 111. Note,—Send one dollar In postage stami s or curren¬ cy, la letter at our risk, with slxo of shoo uaually worn, and try a pair of our Magnetic Insolon, and bo con¬ vinced of the power residing In our Magnetite Appli¬ ances. I'ositively no told, feet where they art worn, or money refunded. TRAVELERS' REGISTER. LAKE SIIORE A MICHIGAN. SOUTlIEItN. Commencing Sunday, November 18» at 12 o'clock noon. (ho time given in tho figures below in the new standard (Ninetieth meridian) Urns, which Is thirty-three min¬ ute* alowcr than Cleveland titno proper nnd twenty- ehjnt minutes slower than tho time heretofore in uau {Columbua time) by theao roads. Eastward. Fast New York Express . N Y, B A A Express....... ElyThrAtTommortfti Wn~ V. D. NICKERSON, MARINE ARTIST Rear of Central Tug Office, Main St. Bridge, Cleveland, 0. Boat washing and general laun¬ dry in a few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, 33 St. Clair Street. Telephone 118 I CURE FITS! When I nil nmi I tin ni'l luuiiil liiuruly litsliin ulum Ifira l!mo ant] thulllmvo Ilium rullirn niriln, I msftitftrftdluulrtiro. I li»r. mrnlo lliu illuuuu ■" VV\*. KI'IMII'.lV it flLI.IMI tllCKNKHd % llfu l.mic riiiiIv. Iwnrrtiit myramwly turiiru lliu wor.t C..-.I.. IIomivku ullicm luiv i riilluj u nu niuinl lur not in.Mf ruci'l.lnir 11 e-mn Htin.lM ouon lur ft truutt^ukinl « Krfi) u<illtuuliiiv liilHlllhle rniiituly dlvu B«|ir.>.. knit l'n«l Ullk.. It I n.Tft j..u limMiiK f»r ft trial, mill I will curu Ton A'Mro.N l)r II. 0. 1IQOT. IB3 I'.i.rl tit. Haw York. I'drt Clinton Accommoilutlon. Btiffftlo Accommodalluii........... N Y * B Put Bxpren............. Cln.i St. I>iul» Eipnu............ Connoaut Accoinniodatlon....... Nottlngliam [Sunday only] ....., Night Exprroft.......:.T7............... | Arrjve, | Diiparl. "I ^7 A 11 «1 22 A 11 °6_87JUI "7 W. a u 1» 0} a w .............. tio .17 A U............. f 10 117 A « flO 52 A M "1 67 p ll oj 27 !• SI .............. "3 87 r II ............ IM.11I 0<iv jl .............. JO it l' M flO U7 r M Weatwjrd. Fail Limited Erprttis............. Mich Express tJu Saildusky.... CliloigO'Exprenn Tin " Mich Accom, Norwulk............, t'onneaut Acuommodiitlon....... Nottingham, [Sundiiy onlyj ... Toledo Express vlu Norwalk ., St Louis Ex via tiundusky..... C I* Ex Yla Norwalk............... Port Clinton Accommodation. Ileforencs rnarkit-^* Dally," f Jdally, except Monday. I Arrho. | Depart. fll 55 a il|»(2 05 a (a «2 22 a Hi |li U7 a u: "i 37 a ii t" 12 a m 1 17 P M tfl 12 a u •I 17 I'M1 '12 M P W VJ 02 p M «i 02 p Sr»i 251- >i ft! 02 p ill >'« 32 P H ,...,..«..„..! t * S2p« dally,' except Simduy, BEE LINE Cleveland, Columbus, -Cincinnati and Indian¬ apolis Railway. Equipment New and Comprising all Modern Improvements. UTTlcke,t8 by this popular route for stile lit all regular Tcfjct Oillce*. E. B. THOMAS, 0. B. SKINNER, General .Manager. Inifllc Manager. A. J. SMITH, lieneral I'aiwnger Agent. CI.KVKLANII, OHIO. IflTJUlpO wanted lor The Lives of all Ihe l'resldonls iHlLirl 10 ..f tho U 8. The largest, handsomest, be»t hook ever sotil l"r le-s thiill twice our price. I he fust* est selling hook In Ainerluu Jmluciue itrollts to agente. All Inielligent |ioople want it. Any one din heroine a Hiiofesitnl Hgent, TeriiH Irtu IfAr.LKTT Book l'o'., Portland, Maine. ADDT7TJ S,'ud Hlx cen,B for P°nUlKC, and receive rnluIJi Ireo, a cosily hoi of koihIs which will help you to mnro money t ighl away than anytliing else In UlU uorhl. All, of either sex, succeed from tint hour. \ The hroinl rond to fortune opens before the worker#nth.olulely sure. At once addreasl|TurK,VCo , AugustsrAJilne- CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI A INDI- ANArQLla Commencing Humlay, NoTorubor 18th, trains of the Bee Lino—tloielund, Coluinbuj, ClnclnDatl A Indian- apolls Kallwaj—wlll leave and arrive ut Cloveluml us fulloWH, CKNTIIAI, HTANDAItl) TIUK, 33 IllllUlteS slower than Ctuvelanil time: No. 1. ClnclnnutlA Columbus Express . ., 'No. 11, Indianapolis ,tt W heeling l'x|trt'«s . No. 17,HptKlnlCulmiLl.na ,t Cincinnati Ex.. No. 3, .S|>uclal Ind «t SI, Louis Express No, 5, Col ('In. Iud. & St. biliU Express .. No.j|(iallliili i- C.L A W. Ace................. No. 2, Col. A Cln/J; Iud. lixprcsa......... . .. No. 8. (lallluu ,S C. I, .1 W.'Ace.............:.,. No 12, Hi, l.ouls Jt Indiannpolls Evnreiu... No. G, Col. (in. A. Indianapolis Express..... No, -I, Colniuhtis A Cincinnati Express...... No. Ill, Wheeling Express.................,...... No. H.Col., Clu A N. V," Knst Lino Trains uiurked * dally, ill] other truius ih Sunday. fiepitrt "»7.30 A~M li 111 A M 1.211 I'M "I. Ill I'M Ii. 10 1' M 1.10 I' M Arrive. 'iTlirATl U.'lll A SI ■>i:M I' M I) S5 1' M "3 20 I' M tl-4.1 I1 M I III A M New York, Pennsylvania & Olio R, R. NEW yoRK. ItOHTON AND tUF. BAST, The NhnrttU unci Qnlekeat Ronte lo Pllii. ' bnrir, W»alilnr<on nnd Rullfmoro anil the Sonthetui. Control or Ninetieth Merldlen tln]e,8a.mliinttjiloir or than Cleveland city time. ' Until further uoilco trains wllf leave from the now' Itos' P<"' H°U W"'0r '"mt "nd Vl«'"u" «> M- i.50 a m ^THSJi£.E^i!n,^sr(.D*ll/) .PuU- WfluBuSh ."S a!Cf,F.,n«„ *Nn„t WS'^" Ros on withotihellang". Arrive «t»leadt Hi at 10:"a m. (dlnnrj) Franklin at 12:08 p m, Oil City 12:80 pm m,,\ fi,uSloS;M."- m R°<*e«ter 8.-20 p, m.; Iloniellsl YllW (l;00 p m ["ipner !.ComlnR 7:25 i. m. kfilSiSti n pi. Blnghanton 10.05 p. m., Albiiny.Soo a. m< Doiton l:« p.m.| arrll Ing at New Yorkfl:I6«.m7 O.nn. -. LIMITED EXPnE3S-.TUh)Ugh Tull- i,&\) j), ill. limn slecnlng coach from Cleveland to Now . ork. Arrives at Moaavllle at 0.80 p. m , SinTe* »*" 8""7 ......■> Salamanca 0:45 p. „,., New Yo* 1U.' 1U It. IU, ■ • m, Buirololl.-2()a. m, Itoc'hcsler 12:W p7m., Hofnelh , ^."•o»«'».Co'"lngl?:07pni.Elmin.il'RT' IIIiiglvouipton 2:10 p ni„ New Vork 0:10 p m. Arriv, at Pittsburgh 5:50 a m , without change. 9'9n Tl Til l:!TrsBun«« EXPIiESS-Dally- LM II. Ill, Tlirougl. without change, Parlor carat. inched. Arrlvosot Yinlngstown (i.-OO n m Plttsl.i,™ 8:02 p. in., Washlngion m|.. „ ?ZxL&ImT£ L'\ 11 IH 5,A"I0M-N(,,1 AO.IMODATION- 4,11 ", 111, Slopping alallwny a'auons, arrltingat Yotuigsiow.1 6.B5 p. i,,., Sliaioi. 8:01 p. m, 8harre°vll" o. lu p. nit k fi'lflP ID ?'TTSBun™ EXPRESS -Dally _ U.JU CI. Ill, Through without ehango ArrlM. at- Youngsiown0..30 a.m., Sharon 10:80a. m., sharni. VUIe.fo.MO a. m., Hii.inrr.il Slip « Retu?"nT wd'tfi i\ '15* n,'-7:"'-m-.i2S5p. *■, lfl-i/i a Ml VOUXOSTOWN AND PITl'SIIUHQII 1U 00 d HI, ACOMMbDATION-Stopplng .-. .11 Way .lalion., arriving at Youogslown lio p. m..PlttJ. burgh. 8.45 p. in. v * l* Trains arrive at Cleveland, 8.15 a. ra„6:80 d m 10 2011 m: 1:05 p. m.,andll:4Bjp. in, ' • P' ' •W-Thlsls the only routei b> which passenger., reach Oorry Elmira Blnglinmpton, >fe» Yoaneirr and inlorinediale points without ehango. Kotaun to Boston and New England Cities. ""»!• Baggage checked through to all point. East Through ticket.. and Information regarding the route 9an be obtained at the oUco 131 Banlt stree?, and :„dn7i.a:a^'df b4 °-" "■•8o,ub w*"r"™' M. L, FOUTS.Passeuger Agl, 181 Bank 81. Cleveland. The Nickel Plate! NEW YORK, CHICAGO A ST. LOUIS II All, WAY. itJly t'xocpi Tho iiaaaonper equipment of this Now Trunk IW jsnll now Jin., iii supplied with the Intcst aiipIUiW ncci-BHury losnfo npewly ami comfortgblo IniTel At CHiciim, iiBKMiifter tminft unite at ind Ickti Irom tliu Uniun Depot, Van Huron atroet. " Following Ih the time In eQect Not. 18,1883, wd ua. .til furtlier-aiotice; ___:___________ GOING KAST. ' , _ • Lt. Chicago......... 7.47 a m...........,„..... Arr. Valpainlto.. 9.87 " ... ........... ^" Fort Wayne. 1.00 p. m..............".'.'..' ............... " New Haven.. I.Itt ' , .............. *» Went Uipile. 8.45 " ,...'.'".*.'.""*................. " Arcndii.r....... 4M " ..... ................ " Foatorlti......... 4.67- -"-—-.~"-n,.-.....-... '" "~"'"" . " Gn-cii .S|irjng3 fi -M I.t, Ikitluyuo'.. . Uelluviio...... Arr Clovcliiiid,.. Lv, Clovflnnd. . Arr I'aliiL'svilte.. " Ashtabula.. " Connetiut..... " Erli*......;. . '■ Dunkirk...... fl.12 , C22 9.0i 7fl2 *. m. .............' I0.2H " Accom. I0.?7 ' 5fl2 p. m n.aa " 5-M ,. 12 W p. m.o> A.oa 1.07 * 3.47 0.32 Buffiilo."."""."............'.".".".".. fl.2? " *.."."."."..".'."." (iOlNG W^ST. Lv Buffalo........y.47a.ju.......;............. v Air Dunkirk..........11.24 " ......... m........."' " Erio............... 1 23 p. m................... Lmto " Conneuui,..... '2.11 " .................. 017a. m, " AahUbiila,...... 2.fi0 •' .................. fi 4(1 *' " raint'ivillo......3 44 '* .................. 7 43 ' '.' Clovoland........4.6'J " ,.;............... 8.57 /■ Lv Clovt'land...... 4 57 " fl.47 a. m, .......... ArrBellevue..,...... 7 37 " 017 " ............ Lv Bulloviie.................. 0,22 '* ............ " (.reuii Hprlnga............... 9.44 " ............... •' I'ostoria..........................1022 " ..... « Arcadtn;........................ 10 34 " ............". " Went Uipsic................ 11.30 " ............. " Now Ilnvea............. J Sfi p. m........,...... " Fort Wayne............. 1 A3 " ........... " Valnrniw...:................... A 85 ".............. '■ Chicago......................... 19.62 *• ............... Trains run by the MiiulMliMtirldlan Time, which is nine lulnuletfalowor than Chicago time, twenty-eight ininuti'H trimver thai) (.'oluinlms tltuu, thirty-thr.>oinlii- uU'»Blower than Ch>Tclnml time, forty-four luiuulM hltiuur ilian Buffalo time, nnd sixty inliiulca blower than iho'ftSfVtmti^th Meridleii lime. For information, cull on iK'iircai agent of thoCotu- iruuy, or address B. k. noitNj:n, (ien'l nisfliMiger Agent, LEV'lh WIJ.LIAMS, Uonfrul Manager. Cleveland, O. Rocky Hlvt*r Accotiimodatlpii departa at 6 20 *». m and 2-lB |> m> \ Euclid* AcconimodaUon-deparU at 7;30 a to and 10,'U p in. All tralnadnlly cict-pi-Sunilay. nnj n.for tliu workfiircrluax. Send ten conta'for poa- llLILU la«*-' »ih1 wo will mall ynu free., n royal, Tfllua- blo box of dutuplo g(KHla that will put you iu tho way (i[ making wont niuin-y iii u fuw ilaya than you evor thought |)OH.ilhlu at any buslnctgi Cujiltal not requlrwl. Wo will ntiirt you. \ou ian work all tho time or In spare ilmu only. Tho work In uiitverttully adapted to tmth noKftt, young and old. You t'uu eanlly caro from filironW togfi ovi*ry erenlug Thutall who want work imiv teat tbo biirilui'.sn, »u make thla linparaltetl olfer; In all who art not Hell xiUltdiid wr will aeud %\ to |iuy for the trouble of wniiiy^us. Full p.irtioularH, illj-ec- dona, etc., »ent fife, lurtuiit'tt will he uuuhj by tboso who gh o their whole time to t^o work, (iroiit Hiicceaa absolutely1 huiu Itoii't delay titart now. Addreaa hTiSMiA .v CM , I'l.rlhind, Maine. d)fifi " wt't,'< llt hoiiioi ti 00 outfit free. 1'ay absolutely JpOO >t»re No rlak. Capital not requlrod. Header, 11 you want builue«a at which persona of eilliortex, youugor old, cun make great pay all tho time 1hey> work, with absolute r< rliuntv, wilto for particular! to ,li. lUl.i.in , X Ci>„ rortluud, Maine. 27

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