THE MARINE RECORD. ---! s ffiflnnn ispeesents^dbsceibers (|)UUpUIIU mi ohm mm m mi ni ait nmngm AUODSEASDLOTOE«5,OOOOOVEKNHEKTI»NDFIIEE ire* INtof yearly mibtorlbart to 100,000 before tho llth of March. w»t iMoeiit offer to over/ reader of thU advert iMmeat who wInIidh to 411,000 mora n.Qnlr«tf tooompleto tha luO|000»io«eDdliiyuur Join, yoat la tbjj way you can trot your labicrlpUon froo I LIST OF PBESENTS TO BE GIVEN OUB SUBSCBIBEBS: leal.'B.lld Coin SllrerWntehe. .adlrV t' l.lno Unleki- _ leaotirblWllloIro lllaaoad lllnn „« leatant Hlik llreu I'aturxi too |eaaUhl Nickel Oleaks IS eaok~ §110 >0l4«.ltllAlbaau,saaa«h ikatKrainKlrM , dUeatyPMketltnlvo. r.slatea Tea SBMae isbpeua, |1 seek ...^ 1 Homeand La* In New Tork CUT Sltf,Oo» I If. M. OovflmncBt llano i . . f " 10 (^ M. Greenback, of tMO each. „ ' So p. m. •• ■ ttoo •• .,;, io jr. h. » » i&o « .'" ■ PfeMatSqnaFe4frBNdVlanea.ttlod *WJ»VJil»5S... I iteaedllarae...... ] ' | Sllrer»nlat«ll>5nnerlt«t,.'Blaeaa.„ I Klemot Hull 1'orlor ► uralture, .. A U>aU' £l«nat Mallii Uold Woleaei. 10 Ladle.' T' " " t-r." Alio, 06, &7r other uiicfiil andralnablo' preet ototalor 100,000 VAl.UAni.KANll UK. .......ia TUB |lpO»EYlo'- "' 600 •nrtbw wll naiclio tliu HpCMEIIIlijl jfAOAtWlTfor •«e>ear«nil«itele»a»t t're^nt Snldn. AlloCthoabove prwenti[trillboawardiHTia n Mr aallajaartlalaiaaaor. br apommlttMohoMnbytho !ii'er'&nt"h*1ti!:*iL»j«'A^ I.N.NI JV JOItk wr\, BiibaartborawbodonotottonJcanharotiolr pro«nU sent to any part of tbo bulled statu or (lanids. l>lBtMliUe*UwA»aTdJwmbefn.iTorJcdb/i««ll toor>-rr Buburlbcr THE HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE sj^^i^^^" wltb oi^ffa&ninu3ooT«r, bound, itltobod and oat' it !• raploto with JwantUWTlUniti^UonH ii^e^oiee literature. No oxmnio in ipircd to nuUto tlili pobllcitlon one of the flute la tke world. It li ably edited, Mid nji XllaMtpntod V«>aleti JfeB.utMMU fuUon Letter* *»d New* It oontaliu Bjerlei, Poenu, Hfaftcbea. HUtUile*. fwf*7 Inftm.tiea.llonMheld Not*, the Kitchen, tinrdfn,1etlet, Children'* Oeiwfiaient. Hnbboth lUadluh •(«* In fJi^onrythlnff that enn be qonu tonfalco thin publlr- tloDworOi moro than tlwmitwrlptlon prtoer ------- ~ " {tOOJstho rwmlar ■ubncriptloit prloftof irona rrew«l worth 11 ft, 000. OUB, believe you will like our publication to mnoh __ GETUP ACLUB.Tr* BindiiO.OO.witUthoflnraoiorteafrlfBdioraoq__________t...... . .. twelve BBmbered receipt*, thui irivltiff yoa iwn receipt* and anbaeHu.-.. ,, In fa^eTerythlnff thae oan be qonu tomato thlnpubL . "" "iWlLw^mumfiPehare-e forthew 1'mmbU,tbo LO>JhVBUCfirjDf and «omo ono li euro to trot a _. win (et flre frlenda tojot*yon and aend u* $5.00, we aond alx aubaerlpUena ■noalx Dnmbered recelpU nbunpuoBi Bad wlU eend hrrtTejnbeorli fAZINEjOaSfoSVond a ____ ... _________,._.___—.-- nwMbered . receipt that la trortli from 8ft cent* to $10,000 refer to any New York publlihvr* a* to our rca-pon* atbllity Moiiiy Iniumaofoneortwo dollaracan bu aunt by orillnnry letter, liirgur auiua abould bo aunt by ittfilrtorod Utter or 1 oat Gfllce Money Oruur Addroai all ordun to THE HOUSEHOLD MAGAZINE CO., 10 Barclay St., New York. OUT THIS OUT nrid ohotf It to your (Worlds, nolghbor* and noqualntanoaa, as . It If tho lost ohanoe you will hnvo to tnko pdvantago of this offer.______ TESTIMONIALS. Oen'i,'—Tnt HoDmnoui IboAinn arrlra* rsnularlv and In a wulcomn visitor Iasnirorou. I wonld not do wllliont It. Un». 0. K. Oiuiuuv, WlikltA, Kan. Otnttl—Enclosed ploaoo And twonty •abiorltitlons, tho rosalt or hnir a day's work. I oan send you lou more; everyone likes tlio manulne. D. \V Uoods, LanoMUjr, N, B. Honsrooia lUaizms Oo, QtnU:—Allow mo to comrratulato you upon gcttlDROUtBo Ono and pure a IHasazlne. It Is worth doable any other dollar publication I have seen. Ilsy. 1*0 DAviitpoitT, Hudson, 0. I enclose ttventyxeren mora sab* serlntlons.wlll send you more In a few (inyn Tns tLuusuii takes better than any I ever canvassed for. Bend receipts and mngnnines with your usual promptness. J. E. Foutj, Independence, loirs. «PAiutnoir,NewYorlt,J)eo 28 1883 During; tho put (our years tho proprietor* of tho HotmxnoLO Mioiiwi haw rjold UK over *50,000 lor newspaper advertlslna, Ihuy have always been prompt wltb us. and we consider them perftotly reliable. J«o ft PuiLUiwotOo. I admire your mamilne very much; my chil¬ dren lflio to rond It. It I* pare In literature and reflaed In tone. J. B. MoQoaid, Colovlllo, Fa. 8 Pinx Row, New York, Jan 2,1884. It Is an safe to rood money to the Houa&aoLD MiaiziKS Oo, u It Is to hrlnir It I have no hesitancy In saying that they will do ex¬ actly a* they aft-ree, ana everything; will boas repiesentod. h Dunou) BmmM, Advertising Agent Idrmaroi), Ho, Deo Si, 1KK1 I think tho JTotTssiioLO oUoazins tho bes.t dollar monthly in tho country. J 1) CoKSTJurr W.nnld consider It cheap at 41.60 wllltout presents. r A K., East Saginaw, Mich. rThc shorloul and Qnlrkcat Rohlr <o 1'llla- bnrir. Unahluirtiiii nml llnltlmnro nml rho Nonlhenst. FOR SALE, KerlPH^tli in l^fcd, luiiii 20 foot, and hold 1(1 fed 10Inchon B)ikrl7 luut long 7 foot tlliumlLr. tbac Hues, two Id Inch and ouo 17-IulIi 1 iixlno £lj\l Curries 240,000 foot of lumbi r S|.ou<l II inllcH.llk'h", and 0 1-2 load ml. Iusuronco \altiatl<m. %\\Wft Ad droaa MarinkUkcoru Oillce, No 2 South Wator stroot, Clovuland, 0______________________________________ DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. DOMESTIC A NTBAtI CiOAL Cleveland, Ohio deatT^co^ BOAru'ii.Dnts DETROIT,.....MICIU -TO-f^ESEfWt^^FHE-HEAtTH- Vac tbo Mugnuton AppllimcoCoH Magnetic Lung Protector! PRICE ONLY 85 Thuy are prifUei* to 1 ADitn oi ntikmi ** AM>cmt- nKKN WITH WEAK I UN US UU ta^fl (11 I NhUMuM-* (tit ■citoui ih ovpr known win rt lha«t Karniciiia uro warn Thi'y also jfnjvtnt mi I euro HhAin iiih u 11 n ia-s COLDS, ItllKUMAliHll ^H ItAKJU 1111(0^1 IltUl HLr>*, IJllimtltU (AlAHKli ANt> All KIMHI1 I' 1MHI VS| >, Will wkah uny Btrvki. for iiiiti,! .kaiu. Am torn over the uiulur UotliiiiK pAfTl A DPtJ ^ 'H ncdlMri In i|i"*oiil)o tin ru iii|)tumn UiililllltJlj Of tlli"> IIJUlrHOtlS UimiiH 111 it isr-uppiHh tlio lltouud iflrengtli of ( nh too ninny .if tin i.iln ii and.bef.tof both uuxcn Uihoi ntuilj and rtntardi In America, I nrouo uud Cimltrri la il». htiv< ntnlted In tho Mngnotlo I ink 1 roktii.r aHonlln^ car (or c«- tarrh, a rui»c<ly wlikh huiIjiIiih NolJUnmiMi oi iiik Sysikm, and \ulh tli(Hontluu him airoumof MukoiUkiii penntatlng through tin atlllitul organB, \iu-fi iii^riiui THhM TO A III tllll. A. riOS \\ * I I AC! 01 it I ICK 1 for thin Ai)|)liuncu at U hi thn.ii mo twuittuth of t"i price asked byolhois for nniLtUi. ujmn wliicli you ttilto all tliHthuncLS mid hi isiiUAiiv r\i\ni tin pulronugt)oMhi many i khhons « lm Iiiim trkd intuo UIM. Till lit iIUMACIIH \l II IIOll Kl 1 I L 1 HOW TO OBTAIN \lt^^,TZ^ thuy )ii,vu not got thorn uiitii to tlio iiropik'torH. in closing tho prlu In loitt r id o r rluk and tln> h Lit bo aont to joii at line by mail pitlpull CJlikI Blatiipfir tin New Ihpuriuro In M tlU il rrmtiiiunt wnuoi i miukim w itli ttioimnii In of UstiinuniiilB " 1IIL MAdM ION Al'l I 1A\( 1 CO 2>H St iti ilruil < hliugo 111 Noiit — Rend ono dollar In puJtaj.uhtmu a or luwtu. c) in letturnt our rl k will) m/u of tthot ntuallv v irn and try a pair of our Mngni tic Iuwilt,-* anil Lh con vlnctdof tlio power naiding In "tir Miigndlc Appll ai.Lta roaltlvoly notvltl Jtct uhne thtj uie uorn, or vuttuy rf/un tfd bare beeneorad Iiidood.ioitronffUo tnill^lUaaodT^OBOTTLEaFttBi,^^ _........ UaDLBTBHATIBB oo this dUooo, to an/iumirer Giro Bx. ort»*r.aaddrw*, Plt.T.^BLOoUlt.iaifoarlaL.M T. AnpiTIJlO wuntnl for Tim I lu a of nil tho IVialdonla aUfjlllO of the U s rin hirgmt lianittunmiK IxkI hookovtritdil fir liir-H than twlc( our prut Ihufiwt tstHtlllng iMiok In \iuuri(ii liniutiiHuprofHi to ngoutu All inlulllgLiit pcojilu want it Any ono iun hiLoiuo a riic< OHaful ugont UVnii frit IIai i iit Douk < o , I'orlttttid Maine_____________..__________ APDT7P l,u"' w'x r,I1,N '"r IHMh ^l a,u' riirivo 1 Itlijiji frio, a cuatly box of goudu nlilth will holp von to nmri m im « ilglil h«iiv Ihui nn\l).hig(N In Ilih. « rlH \|l i . d li r K« * »n<<"l Coin ll'hl hour |I.p Inn m| i 1 t f Hun )n i n I r Iho viorkir al>« lottl) nitrt At uinu atldrisn litt'KLtn, Aiigmtu Miilin. FOR SALE/ AI THE GLOBE IN WORKS, SECOND HAND TUHULAH ROILt-R, 44lnchadi nmotcr, 41 tiilne t in< Ins dlanntur nnd U foot lonfr, b too in (Iruin to Ini Iich dlnmoti r, 40 lnchca lifich, frot(t gratoe, flj.tlng8 and hroechfnga, good order SrX0M> HAND MAHINK I10IL1 ft In good onlor Shell, 7-1(1 inch Iron plato, dlimiLtcr 1) KiL li inched, longtli, 18 fict 12) tubes 4 inihoa In diamotur, 11 hoi b inciiiBlong, thao fluiti 18 Incliiw dliniLtcr,'wo lints 14 Inches dlaiuitir, two flnoa 101-J lncln» dlnmetor. tiro box, 6 foot lout,, 4 fcetlilgh.atomn chimney, 7 foU nlgfi SIpOVD H\ND MAHISI BOII1 It four Uii wide fl I 2fiet long fifiel lilj,h, nlxtj four 2 !-.; inntrtiihca CO liiohti long, c-Bt Inm hntihug jpiod aa now SIX 'ND HAM>MAWM HSt-ISI danliledlrtct- acilng 8x8 Inch tj Under, wlinft nnd whcbl for yaclit or tug good as nm N. C. PETERSON, Jt-rASURI- II0A1S AM) SAIIING ANUMTKAH YACIITf, YAW! IIOAT8 MOON OAI13, 8TKH11M7 HIIFKU, KTO. 385 Atwater St., Near Riopelle, DKritOlT, MICH. TRAVELERS^REGISTER. 1 KM SIIOUI \ Mltllld \N SOUTH! UN. ( oiuni ni inn Miiiilnx Suviinl i r 1H,Ht ]Jo i lock nnmi I ho linn f,l.(ii In tin Umir^n hi low Ih the in u Htauilard (Mnitii lh nuridlnii) time uhhhN thirl> thr < mint mm alow, r than tlo\flaniJ liiui proiior and. Lwcnir- tight mtiiuUH slowtr Ihuii tin tljiio nentof iro in nsi lLol »julfllft-UuiLl-Uy-tiiUL-ro.tHU Uiatward l-iwt Now "i ork I X] riw N ^ It t Alxpnlw 11) riu Aicamnxxlailoii Port Cllntun Uunnroodiilion Dnllulo AiLominiHlutlon „ i* \ I HI ant hxprcH.1 , Cio .Ic bt lymlH LxpriM toniit aut A( unntnodiition Notllnglmm [-undiij only] Night I xpnis ' \\ t tL\uird | Arrive | Dupurt I 07a wi q 22a w ■■6 17 a u *7 «2 a u (h (17 A M 10 17 A M 10 (7 A M 1 fl7 !>.». I imt 1 Inilnd I xpruMt Mliji IxnniiiTlu Siiudusky Lhluigo rxprti=a vlu * Mich Aicoin Norwnlk < mnuout Ati ominoifatlon Nottlnghutn, [lundaj only | lolwlo txpriM .hi Norwnlk JitXouiaJiXJiu-ia nd UHlrjhi tl« V a » *2 J7 P M * I (7 l U I 4 -l*i A U I) 44 I m\ &_}* 1 M f 10 0" 1 M I Arrl,»_ | 1>« pint 1*11 05 a si 12 U5a» °J 12 AM '2 17 A U gif »7 Capt. D. S. Webster VL.SM L AM) l-NSUKAVCI. AOENT Wood, Fence Posts, Bark, ITC DOIN.HT AJ.D SOI DON COMMIS.SI9N Chartennfi and Freighting of Canadian Coarse Freights Specially, No 64 Woodbridge Street Detroit, Michigan I I* I x .iu Norwnlk Port Clinton AicQininodutloii Ittfcrinrd nuirka-!* Dally, f dally txcipt butlday I daily oxcopt Monday BEE LINE ~ Cleveland, Columbis, Cincinmti and Indian njMjlfS Railway The Great Central Trunk, Route to the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers Phoenix Paint. Co., MtfaVlPACTUIll lib 01 ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS. 01 hci Amu \croui 36 Micliigan St., CLEVELAND, OHIO, H V BOEOMAN, Proprietor. The Madison, ' (FOItMbUI.Y REVKRB HOU8K) Detroit, Mich. •Sloal CeiKrnlly I.ocnte.1 Street l'iuh puss the door every lew inlnutcB to llcpotsAiul nil parlH of tlio City Tline minute's walk to I. s> A SI S, 1) & M, mid Wiiliimli Depots Bates tl»0. to tfl.00 per day Boat washing and general laun¬ dry in a few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, 3S St. Clair Street. Telephone 118. i hi. iithooni) iim makiiii, Direct Connection ultli nl Hit jirlii{i|iitl Trunk I Int. of tlio 1 ant for nil Soi 1.1k ru, Soulhwml, rn unit \Stilirn point, rlllur bj way of ( liiclnnlltl hnlliini|iotlfl ur Sv I.oulBaiii! all Hnilnaj Ionufi illssOUKI, VUhANSAs, I'lA'AI, IvANWS, M HKAShA, f OI.UHVIIO \L\\ J1JAKO, OLD MI.XKO AM) IIIK I'A( IMC ( OAST New York, Pennsyl7ama & Ohio R. R. WKW YOHK. IIONTO.V AND TIIK ICANT. ;.501 m. t .ntrjil or Mni Hi Hi Mirlillnn llroo .11 iiiIiiiiIcb ,lmr ir llun (Imliinil Lit) Him Until fnrthor intllni trnlini rflll luivn from tlio ni w r. niral Depot, hmiih Willir .trait nnd Viailuct n. fol¬ lows ATI A NTH l.XI'llhSS-(llall>) Pull. -......— man aliepliiK nml luifol com Inalrom liilUtl.ungli a 1^ it in to fcuiv Vork, Albany nnd Ronton withiiiiKliunit Arrlteat Meulilllf al KMIla m (dlnni r) I ranklln at IJ OH p m, Oil (Ity u sap m Curry li Dp in, JiimiKim n (I.nko Chautauqua) I Vj n in . Ilullnlo n VI p m Iloi liratcr S JO p in , Ilornolh. Tlllo fl (ID p in [aiippirl toriitnir 7 a p in • niinlra g 05 p in llliinliunloii IS 03 p in , Allmnjr h 00 a in Bolton I lop in , armliiitiit Suw \ ork II18 am 9'9fln in "Mitih ixi'iius-mroukii pqii. iioUJIi Jlli man .IcrnliiK ennrh from (Ipvoland to New l ork Arnfunt Miuililllu al 111(lp in Tunic*. limn H 47 p m, Siliiuiniica t» .'i p m., Nitr York 10 li) a hi UiUU JIi.IUi Hiiuilaj)Sni|iin([conch (roiuClareland IIornol]H>lllo Arrive at nt 1 1(j a m MrailvllU 121 a in , Corry I ,1a in Janiealowii', 57 a' in, Buffalo I) .20 a ni , Iloclinner 12 SO p, m Ilornella. tIIIl, 11 00 a in , Cornlnit 12 0! p ni, LlmiraI2-10 p m , dlli>lhninpti>n 2 IU p in , Ni * \nrk |l ]o p m Arrlre_ nt l'llt.lmrgh B 10 a in without clianuo L,hV U.lll. Ilirouji wliln,ut cnanKO, I'arlor car at. uiilml Arrive nt Yoiiii«iloirn fiUO p in .lltiabura 8 02 p ni WniililiiBion 7111 a ni , Bnltlmo ft 11, m" H\ Tl IU MAIIONIM, AO IMOIIAPION - , Jill Jli 111. Slopping; at all wa) . atioiu arrlilnuat Vount,i<io»n( 9ip in , bhainii tl 01 p ni, Slinrro.vlllo H 10 p in fi'rifl!! HI I'lr'lM'I'IU'll n.\PHljiH_ Ila|)y_ UiJUQt lilt Iliroitgli wltlioiit clinUKo Arrive at raiiiuniown 1 10 a in, Shtt on 10 30a, ill , "liarna- vlllu 10 40 n m I'll alairtli u 4li p in, Iti tiiriilni IcnlLS I'lltiburgli ill 4 15 n in , 7:J1a in LJiln rn and I tl p in IflUfl m ^»u,>"siottN anhi'ittsiiuiioh 1Ui)3 d 111, Al 0MMOI)AI'l()N-!ito|i|ilii|i at all Wa) station, arriving ut ^uunK.lowu HOp m .Pitta- buriiti 6 4.1) p in Trains arrivi at Olivclnnil firm in t, 10 n ui If) Jflo m.lO'ip Hi uiiil ll tip in, SuaThlsl.tlioonly route bi n inuw ngi,r> can reach Curry I linlra Hlnghimptiin Now ^ork City and IntoriiiHllato point. kIIIiuiiI lIiuiilo No ihaDie lo Hostini and Ni v I iiirlnn I ' fill. BumihO i liinkid tlirougli to nil pulnu Fast rlunugli liikila ami Inlomiatlon. regarding tlio nunc inn In olilnlncd at the oltlco HI llnnll atrcit, nnd nl in <r I)i pot of N. ^ P A o It II, Soul h Wator .front wid_yliiiluct. Clovalaiid^O^_________________------------------- A E tl.ARK Uen'l PSsa'r Ag't O I JlflHHIS Qon'l Man'gr, (lirelnnd, O M l.110Uiy.umuiBi.rAgl, 111 Bank Kt tlivcland The Nickel Plate! M.W YOltK, IIIKAIIO A NT I.OCInl HAII.WAY. Tin paHinair iqil|iinnl if llila Vi * Trunk line l.iillniv, nml la aupjilliil will. Hi, liileiil appllaircaa litcsMirj lo Biifo .puily nml couifortnhlo Inrel At (liiiugo piiwiingtr train, nrilvi at and leara frniii tin Union Hi | ot ^llu Huron Hint I. lollowhiglHtiio flinoln ellicl Nov lbolMI nnd un¬ til furlliLr notice (iOINO I AS1 Iv (liitngo......... "M7-■ nl .......,,,i-------------------------— Arr. VillpaiuW) , I ort Wajm ' Now Hiulii " Wist I^lpsk " Armdla I nitorln a 17 1 on ii 1 11 3 4J 4 14 117 (in i n Spring S 41 1\ IMImih Ilillovu, Arr (ItMlui (I li (li Miami Air I almmlllt AmIiiiiIhiIii ' I on in nut • I rli < UmiMik BiiKilo ILL' 1102 ■12 II." 10 » 10.7 H n 12 21,, I 07 no ' 147 ' Accom. 1 \i p o 101 r oi a li , Equipment New and Comprising all Motjern Improvements IS1"I'llIti'tH In thin piipiilm uitittloi utile nt nil I('l,'llliu 'llkl t Ollill'f. E B. THOMAS, 0 B SKINNER, Oinirul MaiuiKor lmUlt MaiuiKir A J SMITH, (limriil I'nasingir Atcnl CI I.MCt.AMl, OHIO. CLLVI.IANI) COIUMBU8 OINcINNAII A IMH- ANAI'OLIH CoRimonLlns Sundav, Noyombcr 18th, trnitlaof tlio Roo I Ino—Cleyelatid, Coltimbiia, (Inelnniitl A Indinn* apulla Itallwu.) —will Icuva uud arrlva ut Cleveland u. follow., CKSTIUt HTANDlli!) TIUK, JJ llllllllte. .lower tliun Clovoluud time N i 1.. Clncliiiintl I riiluinbiiH I xprcin No 11, fndlunupoll. fWlutllng 1 xprtiia No n.UpiiclnlColuinbii. t Uniliinutl Kx No 1, Hpoclal Ind A Hu Uiul. I xpre.i No 5, (nl (In Ind A SI 1/iul. I'xiiriB.i N i 7 (.alllon All* W Ate No 2, (al A Cln A Ind 1 xprta. N i «. (iiilllou III U *u Ni 12 Hi Inula I luilliin-ipull. * Npr,. Nl> (I, Col till A luiliniuipulla l.xpn-u >o 4 toliiuibu. V ( lliitunlltl I xpn.i N i in Wlio tin,. I xpnaa 12 11,1 i ii l \ 1 .ill TriitiiH in n i \ ii i ii. Spnday iTTpiirt "TioXm Ii 40 A M 1 -II 1' M '1 III I'M ^i III P M J III V M Arrive l III A M i III A M . ,0 I' M U m I' M 1 Jl I' M kI I'll 'li \ M Hly" IMl|ll 1 i llollalo li 17 a in Ait Dunkirk 11 .1 I tli 1 .lp in !.< nvt tonn<a It . r Aslilaluli . ii l li Palm ai lib 141 1 Iim land 1 12 l> (liiiluud 4 i7 114" u. in Ur Iklliim 7 17 'I 17 1 \ Bitli \ lie J.' l»ni n siirlni,"! lostuilu' '141 111-. 1 ArLiullii Ill II ' Wi-l l^lpali II III Sin Hum ii 1 1 lorl \1 lym 1 ' Nnlpialaii li ' (lilfnai 17 1- , Iratiiariiu h) tin Mnoiu-lli M, rl llijn linn nlililil. nine iiilnuliaaliiair linn (llluni llun twi ntr , i, lit ininuti. al'inir Muni I liiiul ua linn Hurt) Mini into llliaalotiii llun (I wlaiiil luiu fnrlj fnur inlniitiw al. w, r tliun nuffillo tlmi anil alxh mini u. *l,w,r tbiin tin NMlitp llftb Miriiliiii tiiuo lirlnf riuntloti mil ou uuiriat aguit of tin ( oin pull} oraililr, an 11 1 IIIIIINI II In n 1 1 tcai iii7i r Ikint I LI Pa Wll I IA-\|H, K M tiiiurul Miuiu^i r t lnoliiuil O Itoukv Hivor Aui ininoililllon di purl, nl f ju'a ,a nml 2 11 p in 1 iilIIU Accnnllnodntliiii drpnrla nt 7 10 a 4 uud 10 12 pin All tralnadnilj exei pi Sunday BflT II .r"r"'" "'fklnseluai SenU Ion cent, for po>. UUIlU time and wo will mull you free, a roynl valua¬ ble box ofnuiuplo Ki.Kl.tbut will put you In tbo way of iimklng iniirii iiioiii j In u fo« ilnj. tl,,,,, ,,iu over thought | oaalblc ut un\ biulmiH. (uplliil not required Wov.lll.tarl you \niunn work ull tin liino „r In al am llun only I lie work I. iinlvoraiilly adaptid to Imtli »i xe», young imil old You I an ou.lly i «ro from f,l)ionlHloS.1ov,r> oviiilng Ihatull who wiint work may tc.t tlio liualnia. »i uuiki llila uiipiralluil offer to all aim ar< mil null autlallid «n »lllwiu|<| tu nay forllie iroubloof v,rlllnkua I nil p irlli ulnrH,dlrcc- lliin. eti ». nl fru I, rli.....will 1 o niudi by thoio who all ii lliulr »h ,le Iim, in pie work (Ironl .iiccens nlanliil, ly aiiiu Dou't d,lav Ntnrl now Adilrea. ■•iivmiv I Pn Inrfliinl Mulni rflfiCll UIHklllllWUi JDDmii Soil. )Oi i int I mini >""« ..... u i I uhli ill , h I II llMlll III » 11oni una i , i iv I., lutoly I ap nl li 1 mpilr I IN ulir, If l "lilili p i . ,-l.f , tl,, r a, i 'k kii l I u nil Hi, llun Ihuy 'ii ii i •« 1 i lor iiirll ulurato Inllinl MiIiii. D6C