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Marine Record, January 10, 1884, p. 3

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"ffi i', v' .,3 V THE-MA KlNfe RECORD.' . , ■ TREASURE TROVE.. The lollcltornf the Ticiitury' was notified . that there would ho submitted to him certain legal questions which had recently iirUcu'in connection with the work of recovering the treasure suppopud to be lying in tlio1 wreck of the British frigate Hussar at the bottom of the East rlM'r, New, York, Just below Port Motrls. The Hussar wn.s wrecked In 1780 whlle.on her way to Nrtrwluli, Conn. She Is supposed to h ivt> had on board nearly a million pounds sierllng'-lhtended- for tho payment of British tmnp>, also seventy American prisoners chnlued to her gun deck. Attemps have been uilule at Intervals for miinv years to recover the treasure which It Is believed wont-down witli her, but iiuae- countofthe gient depth ol ihe water and the swiftness of the lido In tne channel where the wreck lies, all such attempts Inve hlthcrf) been fi'ultless. The company, nnw engagct] In'thc work undertook It at their own expense and rl»k upon nil agreement with the United States government ihnc they should.have Ol) per cent, ul all the money recovered, the United States to nave1 the other 10 per cent', together»lib nil relics ot value that might be found— Frniii the THE CENTURY. PROGRAMME FOR 1883-84. The programme for the fourteenth year of.this magazine, and the third under the new name,'is if anything more interesting nndpopu'ar than ever; With eve, y season the Century shows a decided gain in circulation. The new volurde begins witb November, and, when possible, subscriptions should begin with that issue. Tjhe following are some of the features of the coming year. A new novel by George W. Cable, author of "Old Creole Days." etc., entitled I >r, Sevier," a story of New Orleans life, the time being the eve of the late civil tvar. "Life in the Thirteen Colonies," hy Edward Eggleston, separate illustrated papers on subjects connected with the early history of this country. Three stories by Henry James, of varying length i, to appear through the year. The New Astronomy, untechnical articles, by Prof. S. B, Langley, describing the most interest¬ ing of recent discoveries in the sun and stars. A novelette by H. H, Boyeson, author of ■Gunnar," etc. A vivid and sparkling story. The New Era in Americnn Architecture, ft se¬ ries of papers descriptive of the best work of American architects inpublifc buildings, city and country houses, etc. To be profusely illustrated. A novelette by Robert Grant, author of "Con¬ fessions of a Frivolous Girl," etc., entitled "An Average Man"—a story of New York,' , The Bread-wlrmers, one of the most remarkable novels of the day, to- be completed in January.. Christianity nnrl Wealth, with other essays, by the author of "The Christian League of Connecti¬ cut, etc., on tho application of Christian morals to the present phase ot modern life. Coasting About the (Julf of St. Lawrence, n series ol entertaining articles profusely illustrated. On the Track of Ulysses, hb tococtl of a yncht- fnct that a legal question has arisen concchi-' Ing'tho sunken treasure, and Is to Uo sub¬ mitted to the law officer of tho Treasury, the Inference Is drawn that thero Is a bettor prospect than ever tietoro for the recovery of .tho mono^, but nothing Is known definitely about It or about the nature of the question raised. ■ The number of vessels launched 'on the Clyde during November was 30, represent¬ ing an nggregdto of 40,430 tons. Thk Is slightly under the . tonnage put intothe water lu the sntiiu mouth Inst year, but the figure* are largely lu exce's of those for the preceding eight years. The , vacancies on iho-slock* ii'e not, however, being tilled, the amount of work on hnnil Is now very small.--Liverpool Mercury, Vec'l. Within a shoit period Ihe Clyde ship¬ builders In the upper reaches of the river have discharged 1,180 workmen. One firm have chii-ed their works, dlstnl-slug on Sat¬ urday 1,000 men. The depression has wrought havoc lu the ranks of the Civile artisans The shipbuilding trade is rapidly approaching the chill times ul smuo.-years ago; 22,317 men lire employed, against 20,- 5118 shortly sllice. '" FOR SALE, fei Capt. D. 8. Webster VESSEL AND IN8UIUNCE AGENT, Wood, Fence Posts, Bark, ETC, BOUOIIT ANT) BOtfiW COMMISSION. Chartcrina and Freighting of. Canadian' '. Coarse Freights'. Specialty?*. No. G4Wpodbrldge Street Detroit, Mlohlgan New York, Pennsylyania & Ohio IR, MEW YORK, BOSTON AND THE BART. • HANUFACTURBItS OF ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS. .. OFFICE AND FACTORY . 36 Michigan St., CLEVELAND, OHIO, Hor longth is 185 (cot, bonin 20 feet, nnd bold. 10 foot 10Inchon, tlillor 17 lVut Iour. 7 ff?ct dloiirtHur; throo Hut'i. two I»5 Inch mid one 17^'iicll. htifflno 22x42. Carries 2-10,000 lout of.lumb. r. tijieed, U miles light, and 0 1-2 luadt»0. Insurancu valuation. gl^DOO. Atf- dross Maiiink lUfCOltn UI lice, No. 2 South W'utor atreot, Cluvoland, O. <• DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. DOMESTIC * NTEAM Cleveland, Ohio DEAN & CO., BOATBUILDEIW. DETROIT, MICHt TO PRESERVE THE HEALTH U«« (be Magneton Appliance Co'H Magnetic Lung Protector! PRICE ONLY 85. They are prlcelesi to ladted, okntlkmkn and cmi> DRKN WITH WKAK LUNOS; UO CtiB Of PNUUUO.NI> OH citoui' is eTiT knowii whero thcoo gannonta are worn. Tlu'y"also prevent nnd euro hkart difficih.Ti'es, COLU3, KUKUMATIIM, NKl'HAI.UlA, TIIItOAT TltOUHLKfj, DI ITU It III A, CATAldtll, AND A 1,1. KINDIUCD DltfcAtlKS. Will wkah any iM'rvlco for TiutKK yicars. Aro rvorn ovorthf undprclothlnp;." CATARRH," It Is needless (o describe the symptni _____________ iBMippl thu lite and ritrengih of only too many of the fulrest of thin ntiuseonji diaodsti that Is Mapping and heutof both sexes Uibur, nliuiy uml research In ;._l^ll «iLJ. iu-Hi—.....i,.... ^.i—.■:!• (- .1. ' ...* America, Eurone and Kasturn lands. Imvo resulted In iseun the M^itemm^ridcntilying the route j lhe- Ml,g'nt!l|0 LlJ1,K iToteetur, »m»nilnK cure for t> in-------------l-------------r------*■_ ^njanjilwu^-------Uarrh, a leiuurr TRAVELERS' REGISTER. LAKE SHORE jTsttCIJIOAN SOUTIIF.RN. Commcnrlng Sunday, MyTonilter 18, nt 12 o'clock noon thn llinoglvcn In tho tlKorfu belnwis tlie'neu Htanilflrd (Nlnctli'lh meridian) llmo. which li thirty-lliroo min¬ ute, slowor than Clovrland tlmo proper nnd twenlr- olqht nitiiutos Hlowcr than the tlmo lierotofnro In uac (Coloinhn. tlini') by thpiw nmrti.________________' Eastward. Font Now York Kxprcra........... N Y, II \ AKipriw............... Elyrlu Accominoilailon............. Port Clinton Acconimodilllon . BufTa'o Accommodation............ N Y A B Fast Kxpremt.............. Cin.A St. I>'ul» Eiprru........... Connciut Accommodation, Nniilnglinm [Mindny only] _[_Arrlvo. J Doparl. «\ (17 A II ■>0 87 * it1 +8 07 A M 10 .17 A » 10 U7 a m "l 6" r » 'Jt*r» 1 22 A M "7 02 a u tW 5? A H •2 27 I' M "t 87 P U fftAU NMght liinroM........£...........~rrr t° ■" ■"" t'O W r " . Weltw.nl. Fust Limited Kxpic......'............. Mich KxprctiH Tin Sandusky...... Chlcjigo Exprut-H via " .......< Mich Accom, Norwalk................ Conncaut Accommodation........... Nottingham, [8unday only]......... Toledo Fxprou via Norwalk ..„.. Ht Louli I'i via. Bimdusky......... C P Ex via Norwalk................... Port Clinton Accommodation....... 1 Arrive, j Depart. "11 M a ll "12 IB a It «2 22 A » It 37 A u ill 07 A II II 32 A >l .............. tn 12 a u t8 12 A » 4 17 PU "12 W p-u <•> 02 p H tfl 02 P« Rafercnco miirko—* Daily, I dally, except Monday. 1 47 PH t8 02 ru *1 25 P M "0 82 PU t 4 82p m t dally, except Sunday, BEE LINE Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indian¬ apolis Railway. The Great Central Trunk Route to the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. of Ulysses on his return from tile "Garfield in England," extracts from n private journal kept during a trip to-Europe in 1867. "The Silverado squatters," by Robert Louis Stevenson, author of "New Arabian Nights." There will be papers on outdoor England by John Burroughs and other-, a beautifully illustrat ed series.on' Ilante, a number of | apers by the eminent Krench novelet Alphonse' Dau det, articles on nrt and nrch.tolog\' by Charles Dudley Warner apd other-, illustrated papers on sport nnd adventure, sl>o t stories by the leading writers, essays on timely subjects, etc., ete. Subscription'price, $4.00 a year; single numbers sold everywhere at 35 cents each. All dealers receive subscriptions, or remittance may be made direct to the publishers by postal or express order, registered letter, bank check, or draft. ■ SPECIAL OFFERS. To enable new subscribers to begin with the first volume under Tho Century name, we make the followinp special offers: Neio subscribers ln'ijinu'iiy with Ntivcinhtr, K.SVi, iikii/ Mam Ihe mtuiitzine one i/cur from dale, tuid (he ttoeiUii-fnur previnus Handlers, itidniutid. fur \S tin. jtetjular jince hi three /win, %U.W). Or, if preferred, a subscription and the twenty-- four elegant volumes « ill "be furnished lor If 10 Regular price * 16 ■ THE CENTURY CO , New York, N. Y. jUIik 1 ruiecHir. iiimniiuK euro ior ua* rrrhlch Colilnlna Nouiiuqoinq oktiiu FOR SALE. -Ad Iron yuclit 3fl ieol long very flnelly . flulihed an** urnUbud. lirati 111-2. ftft mnu rnrv (am, Enquire of D. 1*. Klckcnion lUrkneM Block Koclld A'vtiHikUon Svstkm, and wltlt tlio continuous * I ream of Magnetism permcnllng tlinnitfli thn tiflltclod orgnne, muht iiRmtduk TIIKM TO A IIKALIIIV ACTIO.V. WK 1'LAUK OUIt 1'ltICK for this Anpllonco at less than one-twunttotli of tlio price an lieu by others for remedies u|ton which you laku nil iliudiuiicps, nnd wk khvkcima.y lUViTKthf pniroiuiK'iof tlio many I'kjlsunh u lid liuvo tried oituo Ol.NU TIIK1II HTOMACH8 WITHOUT KKKKCT, HOW TO OBTAIN Jr^fflnsA^ril thoy liftvu not got tlmm, writo to ilic u nip rib lorn, mi- chiriliiK llio pru^', In IuUit ulo'T tlsk and lln-y will ho sent In you tit mice by nuul po.tl paitl Send Miiinpfor tho 'Nuw Dupiirturc In Mi-dinil Trcuiiii'jiit wiTiiom hkihci.sk," v Itli tliouiunds uf teatlinuiiiiilu THE MAt.NKTON AI'l'UANCi: CO, v— 2'B SUU> S-reot, Clilnigii, 111. Noik.—Send one dollar lu pobtiigutuum fl'or curren¬ cy, In letter nt our ri k, with Hint) of uhou usually worn, and try n pair of our AIjriioUo Insole*, and bo 'con¬ vinced of thn |H»wer n-slding In our Mngnetlc Appli¬ ances. Positively nocold feet uhere they are worn, or money refunded. vThftftftpoilttvarfliDodr for tho fttxivo (IumuoTdjTu ant thousand* of c*mb or tha wont kin it and oflong •Uuidln j have boon cured TndMd, to atrotur li my faith InfU efficacy, that I will Band TWO BOTTLBfl PBEttogothar with a VAL- UAULBTltBATIHK od[liltdlasaaajto an/autforar. Olnt Bx- vnm* V. O. addroM, PH.T. jLBWOUK, 111 J'tarl flt., M, T. A0DUT0 n»ntod fur The Llveaof b 11 the PruuiduntH nuDlllO 'dtlifl U 8 The lur«esl, liandnomeHt, lient book eviTsnl'l (<t |e b Uiiiii twlcn our price, i lie>'n»t- oat BtdlliiK l"'11^ '" Aniericu Iiuuieniieprollta to ii^eiitii. All inielllgi-iit imoplu wimt It Any one win hecDiue a itiicd'saful hgent. Term j fne. IIai.lktt Book Co., Torlluud, Maine._____________^___________________ APDT7D ^"i^l nix coots for nostHgo, uud receive ! lullLi> fri>e, a costly box of koous which wlU help you to more money right Bwuy4httii anything ulsu ill tlui Hurld. All, of either sex, Hiiceeed from first hour. Too hrond roud to furluno opens la'foro thu worker", ubnolulely sure. At oucu addreiis, TiiukA Co., Aligusttt, Miilne. Imp uveJ bNAlCH Ulocku STAR BRAND TACKLE BLOCKS, BAGJVALL & LOUD, Boston. Mass. Node Mumifuoturera In II. S. A. of our Cdlehrttleri Metaline & Sleeve Roller Bush Tackle Blocks, Improved Snatch Blocks, Gaff Toasail Njleats, etc. Impntvt'il Snatch Block Qaip Opened THREE TRAINS WEEK DAYS, TWO TKAI.V9 SUNDAYS, Lenve Cleveluiul with Through I'nlnct Conclios ami Eleftiint SleopinitCars, for eotUIWT&US;—----- CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS TERREHAUTE —ASD— ST. LOUIS WITHOUT €11 ANdIC, Tha Hlinrtrat and qnlekcat'Rnntc to Pitt*. bniv, WR*blnBlon and Baltimore ami the Ronthea.t. Cbntrnl or Nlni*IJolh Mfrldlen tlmo. S3 mlnn'tca ilow or thin t'lOTolnnil city tlmo Until tiirthornotlco-traliii will leavo from-tbo now Control Daput,Soulb Wi'lcr urootiind yiiducCiuToI- lowa: fi'lfl. fl 111 ATI'AFI,C KXPHESS-tDally) PuU. U.JU (I, 111, man ult'oplng and Imtol conchoit from U'uvltis'mrgli B:_:i3 a. in. to Now York, Albany and fto.ton without chang. ra. (dlniHT) Frn ' " Oorry I2.W n. in, ■ii. BulTulQ4.'5U p. in ltoulicitc'r 6.-80 p. m.? HorneIl£ Ulo 0.1)0 p m [nispprl; CornliiR 1:'«p.m. Elmlni8:0S . . Arrlvoat Jloadvllloat 10:40a. ra. (dlnmr) Franklin at 12:041) ra,OilCllr 12:80p m. "■ -y lJ.m n. in, Janibntnwn (I.nko Chuutauqiia) 1.35ji. . .>I"'r" ""Tl'liR ' p m. Blnghantuti 10:05 p in., Alnnny l:«p. "-------'"'------«—« -■------ i.Ai.; arriving nt Nu» York 0:18 a.m. . ... 11 In -I'IMITEi) EXHtESS-Througli rmi. L i6U (li UliiJiuin ilcpplng coach from rioVeland to .Now York.' Arrlvw al Moaui lllo at 0-30 p. m ,'Jnnnw- tnnn 8:47 jk- m., 8nlanmnca 0:40 p. ni,, New York 10:10 n. in? ' >'.,""■ U'Dfl'lV HI 'KIfiIIT EXPRESS-(Dally oioopt" .UU bV-llli»!!nduy) Swiping toacli trora Clorcland Iloriic'il.Ylllo Arrive at Y'omig.town nt 1:S0 a. ft,, Moailvlllr 8:2a a. ui., Corry 4;5'J a. ra. JnmeatownS.W a. m, Hun'ololl.l'Oo m., Itoclici'cr 12:68 p, in , Hornella, vlllo, 11:00 nm , Corning 12.07 n in, Elmira 12:40 n. m , Illnghain|it,"n 2:|U p m„ Now York'0:10 p in. Arrive at rtitHburuli fJ:ft0 a m , wllliout chanso. H—- 8:02 p. ra utburgli 6:^0 a m ,'wllliout chanso. "II- ......."............"""•HESS- « Angi Arrlvw at Youngalown S.-00 p m., Pltuburg Dally - Parlor jjar at. ~" unu i>:io p m 10.35 a m,) .way itoJlpna, an pirrsiiuiiiiit Exi' Through without cliani ...vo»at Youngiilown S.* ,....... imuuri . Wuilllnilon 7.0'J «. m , Balllmoro 8:10 a. m, A'fl ii m mamoni.no AO.IMOIUTION - 1,11 JI, Ul, Slopping nt alt way a'auoni, arriving at Youngnlowu CM p. ni., Slinion 8:01 n. in., iihnrro.vUlo 8:10 p. m, • fi'SflQ m PITT8BUIHIII PXPRESS - Dilly _' U ,JU a, 111, Through wlihoul chango Arrivea at Yonngatown 0..30 a.m., Hlm-on 10:30a. ni., Bharp*. vlllo 10:40 a. in., PU'.biirgh 12 4.1 p m., , Returning, loavoa Pittsburgh at 4:15 a in., j;4(la. m., 12M p. m and 8:45 p m ..... YOUNfiSTOWN AND PITTSBUROII ArOMMOUATION-Stopplng at all . . rrlvlug at Youngmown l:40p.m.,Pitu- burgb. 0.46 p. m. Trains arrlvr at Cleveland, 6:16 a. m., 6:30 p m 10 20n mi 1:05 p. m., and <J 45 p. n^ -^— BWThln lithe only routo b> which pauengen can renclt Oorry Eliulra, Blnglmraptnn, Now York Ctty and IntermedlHte polnta without chango. No chaon to Boston and Now England Tltlea. * Baggage chocked through to all polnli Eaat Through tlckoU and Information Kgardlng the mute can be obtained at the offlco 131 Bank atreef, and at now Depot ofN. Y., P A 0 R 11., South' Water «troot and Viaduct, Cleveland, O. A. E. CLARK, UenM Paaa'r Ag't Cluvoland. O. J. M FEKRI8, Gon'l Mao'gr, Cleveland, O. M. L, FOUTS,Pa>Mngor Agt, 131 Bank St. Cleveland. The Nickel Plate! NEW YOhK, CHICAGO RAILWAY. 4 ST- LOCI8 'i hi. ta tho only tine nuikhiK Direct Connootloti Hitlinl tho principal Trunk Lincfl ot the Eaat for nil boulhern. Houthwusti'm olid Western polntii, elllior by wuy of Clnclnnutl, IndluuaiKills or Ut. Loulaaml all The possonger on.uliiment ol this New Trunk line Is till new ami is luipptled with tho intent appltanoee ncccaanry to baIo n|,cedy nntl comfortablo travel, At Clucugo, aaMcnget triilna anlvc at and leave fnniHhc Union I>o|i(it, Vim Iluren atroel. Following Ie the tlmo In ellcct Nov. 18,1883, and un¬ til further notice: tioiMi Last. I.v. Clikngo ....... 7.47 a in................................. Arr. Vat Mill ul*.). 11.37 "............................ '■'tirl Wnwio. 1,00 p. in................... ......"'"I'll " New llii\en:. i.:w " Went Ix>lp.lc 8.4.S " Arcadia....... 4.44 " ............ " Fostorlu......... 4.67 " ............. " Green Springs 5 44 " ............. " 'Bellevii,......... e.1'2 '■ ............. I.v. UelluMie......... (1.22 " 7 62 a. Arrl'lovi'laiul..... 0.02 " 10.22 ' I.v. Uevelnnil...........I...... 10.27 Arr I'alneavlllo................ 11.33 ■ " AhIiIiiIiuIii.................. I2 2.'ip. " CuliiH'iillt...................... 1.07 ' " !>!■■ .... ....!.... 2.1)0 ' '• Dunkirk...,.................. 3.47 ' " Bulliihi ................. 3.22 ' GOING WEST. Accom. 3 52 p. m 5-0.1 OKI (1.32 ,, Hallway Towni' .vIlSSOUKI, TEXAS, NEBRASKA, NEW MEXICO, AKKAN8A8, KANSAS, COLORADO OLD MEXICO AKDTIIK ACIFIC COAST. Equipment New and Comprising all Modern Improvements. enlo CSTTIukets by tliln pupiilnr route for nt nil rcgulnr Tukul 'Oflli'Cf. E.B.THOMAS,' 0. B. SKINNER, General Mttmgcr. Inifllc Mtnnger. A, J. SMITH, ' Hi nerul Pamonger Agont. CLKVKI.ANH. Ull|0. CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI i INDI¬ ANAPOLIS. Comnienelng Hundav, Novemlwr 18th, tnilnaof the Bee Line—tjlove.bind, Colttinbui, Clnclnnutl A ludluu- apulla bailwaj -^wlll leave and arrive at Cleveluu i at follnwa, CKNTaat. BTANnAKD time, 33 mlnutea slower than Cleveland time: No. I, Clnclnnull A rulutulius Exprosa .... No. 11, Iiiilfni)ii|M,llM ,t Wheeling Lxprca No. (7 S|ioclalCuluiiitiua,l: Clm liiniili Kx No. :l, hjteiisl lull A St. I^iuis ICxpress No, 5, til Clu. Ind. i Si. I/uiln Express.. N" 7^1^11011^,1 C.L AW. Ace............... No. 2, Col. A Cln. A Ind. Express.............. No. », tlulllon AC. L.A W. Ace................. No 12, Si. Louis i Indium polls Kaprra...... No, ti, Col. Cln. A IniliuuiiiHilU Express...... No, 4, Columbus & Clnihiu ill .Express........ No lu, Wheeling Express .............. N". 14, Col,, C'li A N. Y. Fust Lin "TnHmTmurT Siitiday Depart «7;il0 A M i; 40 A M 1.20 P M «| 4(1 P M <li 411 P M I 30 P M Arrnu. ■<«~ll) aTi II. Ill A M "J-fJI P M II 55 P M >3 3l P M li-Jl P M I.Ill A M ked ° dully, till oilier iruins dully except I.v Bulbil....... AJr4>uuklrk...... " EMo........... " Coinieiuit...... " Aslitnliiilu, . " PuliHsvlllo..... " Cleveluiul.... I.v Cluvehuiu.. .. Air llellevite........ I.v llellevue... . '* (ireen hjirlng^ ' I'oslorlu.......... " Arcudlu........... '• West l^lpsle. " New Hlivun « Piirl W.iyue M Viilpriilso....... '- Cbhiigii ........ , li 17 u. in. 1124 " 1.2.1 |>. in. 2 17 " 2 .'ill •' 341 " 4 52 " IS7 7 37 d.47 n. 41 17 " . 0.22 " .0 11 " .10 22 " . 1(1 III " . 11 .'1(1 " I 8.1 |i. 1 52 » .1M " 7,52 " 1^-uvi- (I17U. IT 0 411 '• 7 4.1 ' 8 57 '• TrnliiH run by tl-e NliiLMlellrMi-iUllnii Time, which Is nine minutes slower til >li Chleugo lime, tweiity.eleht julliutes slower thiin Columbus time, thirty-tlm-ouilu- llles slower than Cli velutid lime, forty-fimr tiiluuloa hJowiii tlittli Ilufliilo tltnu, uud sixt) tiiiuutea slower Ihuu Ihe Sevent))-flflh Merlillen time. For Information, cull ou nuurust agent of tho Com¬ pany, or address B. F. HORNER, tlen'l Pussengor Agent, LEVIS WILLIAMS, 5 * (Jeuerul Manager. Cleveland, O. Itoi-kv lllver Accommnilullon de|iurts at B 20 a. ra ,und 2.15 |> nt Euclid Aeeommodiitliin departs at 7 .w u at and 10-12 |i in. All Irulusthill) exLipt Siitiday -r— GOLD bl« bnx ol wimple gooai that will put you in tlio wit at nuking n\ori) money In a few; days than you over thought |iomIu]u at biiv biulnuas. Capita I not rtxiiitro!.' We will sun you. You can work ul] thu tlmo or In II II xor lll° worKl"K omiw' o0"1* wn oenti lor pot* UiiU tai<e and we will wall you Jrct, a royal, valtu- s b"i o( wmple goodi that will put yon fn tho war Tlio work U iiiLivurriully mtupttid u> »lly ni arj tlmo only ^_____ linth Bi'xra, yuuiiK ami «M. You run miHlIy earn froiil fii) pvuUi lo 85 «v*'ry ovnilng That all who want work mil. t< Al (liu bu-liifrifl, hi; in like thin mipuriitli'it nltor' tn ull who Mr* mil v\ull natlnlh-d wi< will blmuI 81 to \my for tho Iroiihlu ol wrltiiiKun Full pirllculurs.dirtic- tloim, it<*., iwul free, Fortuuea will lnj uiudc hy thoso whoghu iholr uho e tlmeio fo work, (neiit hiicciwh iiliHolult'ly mho IKm'i dt'luy hUtu now. Addrrmi Siinm(.n A Co , I'orllaiiil, Main*'. - (tj(JC h wt't'k »t lion IJOD niire No rlto 'uy aliHolnttdy " Kcmliir, if inno. 8,1) 00 outfit irvu. _ _„ rime. Cujutal nut rt-vjulrwl you mint lumlm'tM nt whlMi pi'r->onn of't» thdr »>• voting or old, imi iiiuke ureal pay ull tlio tlutoihuv Work.^itli tth'idittiM'iTiiiuiiy, wrlio for tiarllmlan to II llAi.ti.r nU'n,, I'ortland, Maluo 85 64

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