TEST - IPR records

Marine Record, January 3, 1884, p. 6

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THE MARINE RECORD. THE MERCHANT MARINE. ' Atldltloiiiil vessel* luld up ne follows: iiuitai.o. Propillm—Biiiljjor htnte, Arctic, Milwau¬ kee, Empire Stiito, Fountain (My, Annlo Young, St. I.omIp, Avon, RiibMii, Scotin, Nebraska, Colorado, Chlnii, ArnxcB, Wins- «, Arnliln, Iiliilirn. Plillnilelpliln, City of Jju"tgtlij Bhmclinnl, .Jjipnii, Nym-k, Roches¬ ter, KdwnrJl Towneontl. - Schooners—VI'. 8. Croatuliwnite, P.'R. Louko, L\//.\u A. Law, I). B. Aiii-tlti, Marie Mnitln, Allegheny, Annie Sherwood, Iron- ton, Louise, Bed villi;, John Wesley. Steambaiyea—City of Home, ' Alpenn, Nevada, Ili'cln, II. D, Cofllnberrv.. llurqcsr-Dun Rogers, Cyclone. Bimiipr, Col, Binckett, jKt'ollen, L. W. Drake, Ai)nie Vntiglit, John Bieilen, Golden Rule R.tt.Rlco. Harbor Uigs—Q. R. Unnd. S. E. Brynnr, Kdwiird Flake, J. B. Qtlllln, Compound, B. F. Binie, Lorenzo, Dlmlck, Mnry K. Pierce, >I. L. WilliiiiiiK, A. I'. Doir, Orient, James Ash, R. F. Ooodiniin, J^-F. Behn, Alphn, J. M. Moore. / AmjUSKY. Stcamn«—RjJK tin}es, N. Walter,Elln G. J. W.'TllftS. Tm/s—l'. L. Jnliiiuin, Myrtle, Mjstio, Oil Davis, Annie Roheif-on. Stemnliaigci—Ohio, Yosemlte, "Westford, Bessie, Red Jacket, T. bhepluiul. Yacht—dive. Schooiiaa—Joseph Paige, Lucerne, King Slaters, Irene. Banjia—Monitor, C. ^, Ryan, Fostorla, Weiltl-tlie-Wiuc, II. a. Wiilbiidge.Siigiiiiiw, L. H. Ciorlci>i,T5uiuii. Suncs— Diih u, Mmy Ellen, Morning Lurk nnd Cuideliu. LORAIN. StiuiitlMntjt.*—Lucky Iioj.h. II. Hnbbell. iSt/i««ntis—Moutciilin, J. H, Pelton, J. L. Qiillib), II. A. Kent, riiounii G i\\ n, SilliM- tra, Gi-iion, JuIiit Tlbbelts N. C. Weal, South¬ west, Coinad Recti. Slum—M.O. K"\s. HLIlMIIttVIIl I., Sc/iowicis—A. hioiii ctilec,Corsica, John Stevenson,R. Norwood, WIIITBUALL. Stcambari/c—Sv. allow. ' ' Schooner^—Ellen Ellenwood, HnrrUon, Mlnnelmha, A.J. Cnvlllo, Arrow. l'ltANKFOItr. " Tup—Boss, D. P. Hall, L. Q. Rawson, Jessie A-. alylleld, Jay, Weston, Ruby, and a now tug not yet named Schooner— George W. Weeleot. > • . ronr aatiiuh. Propellers—Acndla. Georgian, Argyle, E. M. Foster. . Tvi/s—Three Friends, Salty Jack, Chain plon, Solvit, Silver Spray. ■Sc/ioomua^jMjdJinitl Rover, Mar Morrison, Belle StcpnTns MT. CLKMKN8. Steamer—U\i\. • L. < bteambaraes—J, S. Ruby, Handy Boy, Ida Burton, Windsor, S. P. Johnson, Florence. Tutjs—Una, Nellie Abnrr. Yacht—Pauline. Tnwbataes—Fulton, Elvlna, Jeanetto, Scow—Fex. •A. Sioue, l'tnt'st Queen. 0\W..\ Mil M). Stitimtin—Cniii|iiina, Futures Smith, Mag¬ net, Allien, Kntoipihc, Ueoiglan, C, N. Prim, A. E. Nell, netnliti'k, Meteor,' For¬ tune. M'uiird, W. T. Kobb, Mnlhutn. Stlimmeis— Lilly lliiinlllon, ,Latly Mac- iloniilil, Ueiulc\, J. C. Woodruff, Anule Fos ter, Hcillesi I'hci'liel ulliuilue, Faiiy Queen. IIKLLKVILLK. Stiamer— Piinee Edward. Schnonm— A G. Ryan, IMeton, L. D. Bullock, George hullel, Belle of Hamilton, Mnry Foster, and Belle ol l'oit Dover. SteamyaUtla—Rosamond, Ouieta, aliU Annlo Gilbert. Sc6io»—Glusgow, Frank Smith, and Pilde of Anieiie.il. Twj—Eli/a Bonar. ___________________ 8II1.IKIYOA8I. ' -________ Schooners- Citj ot Sheboj gan, Oscar Now- liouse, Evening alar, fjlnu lotto Raah, J. E. Green, Eureka, Giiidn, Una, Maggie Johnson, J. A. Holmes, J. II. Sevens, Clara, Mary, Day hprlng, Pull el, I)a\vn, Elva, C. Gordon, ludnstiy, Jesse Wlutei, Wuleskn, Exchange, Ihland City, EII/.11 Day, Nancy Dell, Nellie Chin cli, blher-C'loud. ItACIM!. S.hooncis—Z. G. Simmons, Rainbow, New- lunil, S. J. Holly, Caledonia, J, V. Jones, Fearless, Kewaunee, Green Bay, Forest, Onward, Mollle. GUAND 1|AVKN, Sltnmci—City of Milwaukee, 7'iij/s—New Em, Louisa Cunilillngs, C. \V. Moore, Grace Tinker, j* St./ionium—Unvei. Apprentice Boy, ljun- ter aavidge, Johu E.Gilinoic, Mary Amanda, Eveline, Piesto, Golden llaivest, City ol Eiio. SI. JOSKl'H. - Piopello— City of ht. Joseph. . PSo/iuoiifcis—Wninsettii, Ll/zlo Doak, Cora, \Ada, Tri-Color, Libble Ciuloi. ?S l'AIHI'Olll. Sc/iopacia-M P. Baikulow, J. J. Hill, Souio—F. L. Jones. Eiue. Piopellcra—Alaska, Junlaln, Clarion, Ari¬ zona. ScAooiicis—F. W.GllIoid, Lafiluier, Cham¬ pion. I'Olll COI.I10IINK. Ahoonen— Craftsman, Now Donitnlon, ol Toronto, Jura, Grace, Whitney,and Albany Twja—Uector, Booth, Mary, Clara, Maggie, S. Neelon, and Laugblln. I'U'l-IN-BAV. S(camer«—Jay Cook, B. F. Ferris. OUCKAMA. Tuva—Oiiwurd, Gem. - OH HI UIIKhK. Schooner—Lilly Hulch. fcSCANAllA. J. S. Richards and'Eiastus Corning. SAUOAlUCK. Sfeaniers-Dougla'i ,l\ h. Scaverns. Steambarya—A. R. ('olbornr, G. P. Honth WINDSOR. TREASURY DECISIONS AFFECTING VESSELS. vessel—ci.earakck of foiieion, owned by ci1izen8 of the united states. Treasury Depart mem, Nov. 3, 1883. Sir:—Your teller of the 27th .ultimo sub- miU the case of the Spanish bark Mai la Vie- torlna, of Sanlander, Spain, lor instructions as to her rights and privileges under the navigation laws. It appears tint the vissef, laden with a cm go ol lumber, was attached ut your port for.qash advances made subsequently lo her anlvlil, and that vessel and cnigo, under a deciceofthe United Slates dlsti let courl.were on the 20th ultimo, sold by the United .Stale,, marshal. A. li. Wheelotk and T. II. Durln became the purchasers. As they aie llkel) lo apply soon lor a cleaiauco lor the vessi I fin a loiclgn pint, witli her cargo, 'you to-k for insti notions In view of the antlclpateii action ol her owneis. Yon are iirioimed that Decision No. 1113. of May 2, 1872, coveis the ca«c. She may be denied Iprelgi), laden or In ballast,' biit she cannot return with a eaigo without Hit blllty to foifeltuie, .nor without cargo,ex¬ cept under u liability to a tonnage lax of f-JOpei ion, 'Resume tax will nttneb to her at any pint ol the United States Into which she may enter, should she engage in tho coasting tratle, she being nil'•undocu¬ mented ves-el, owned by Ameiicnn citizens. (.Sto netionsa,4!)7, 4,'Jll), 4,225, and 4,371 of tho Revised Statutes To Collector ol Customs, Cedar Keys, Fin, VESShlS—JtXACIIU.NStIF 10NNAQE-TAX. TltLABVIlY DH'ARIMEM, Nov. 0, 1883. Sir:—I am in receipt ol jour letter of the 30th iilliino.eneloslng the piutestol Mi, D.i. vid Dull, or your city, against your exaction ol tonnage-tux on tho schooner Mllhnd Fll- -morprOctobpr2o7IBs.'l, niiiouiiling to pSii.ft1: It nppenrs from your statement thai, on tho 20ih ultimo, Fdwaid Allllln, the M ister of tho vessel, of which Dull Is the iiiunaglng owner, reporteil her arrival at Chicago lion. Colllngwood, Ontatlo, and that the tax had been hibt paltl at Chailotte, N. Y. on lilt 10th ol Octohei, 1882, as Is shown by the leitlllcate. The protest lakes the giound that sucli eertilleate'explretl on the 10th ulll- mo, on which day Mr. Dull took a clearance and depailcd trom Colllngwood loi your poit, and wii- theiefoie, notengnged In for¬ eign cuiuuii rce allt'i that ilnle, \vliich allegation Is supported by an allldavlt of the irastri. ' You slate lui'her that, In jour opinion, It seems to he well seitled that It la the date of ontiy nt the Ainvilciiii tusioui house after tile hint iwyuient ol toumiue lux that gov¬ erns, mill in this case the vessel hn\lug en¬ tered at Clfleago on the 20ih of October last, you collected the money. You me coirect In jour \lew of tho prln- elple which bhould govein In the decision of the case; and as the vessel eijtercd direct from a loielgu poit aliei the jear hnd ex¬ pired ior which the lax hail been paid, you regarded It as due, and the Depailiuent ap¬ proves your action In exacting It. ThoqertillcateolOctober, 1882, Is returned herewith, as requested. To Collector of Customs, Chicago, 111. Third. The enrollment of the Maggie Pnden.datcd Deoembor 20th, 1880,shows that 10-24 parts of tho steamer ore owned by "somo heirs of Jacob Paden, deceased "and yon ask It llils description Is too ludoflnlto. You are Informed that there is-n "chango. of property," that Is, of ownership, when¬ ever n legatee, distributee, or next of kin takes the Inteiest of the doi'ens'oT'owner of a vessel. And It Is evident that the law In¬ tends that the name, place of abode, occupa¬ tion, and proportion of Interest oit'aoh own¬ er shall bo specified In the marine document. (Seo sections 4,142, 4,lnB, 4.170,-4,100.4,322, 4,320, and 4,321, Revised Statutes.) If the piceisfl description of Individual ^o not Insisted upon In the new .documents, lt_5yoiild_glve-an opportunity to evade tho restrictions as fo alien ownership. In tho case of the owner of n vessel dying Intestate, the evidence of tho court should be produced show lug the right ol tho claimants to succeed to the Interest of the decensod. When an owjier other than n managing owncr.dles, nnd'nls estate passes to Hie ex¬ ecutor of Ids will or flic aUmlnlstrntor of his wtnfi, redocumeiitiiig may not be insisted upon until alter the distribution. But after dlsirll in Ion and evidence thereof has, been prodAced from the executor, administrator or surioga e, the vessel must be rednciiuient- ed, and the collector must be able to Identi¬ fy Iho cliililiaiits as distributees of the de¬ ceased ow ner. TbSuivcyorofCii8to>ns, Wheeling, W.Vn. VESSELS—TONNAGE-TAX ACCRUES ON AMERI¬ CAN 1IIO HhlUhMINO WIOM HAVINQ IAKEN a tow to a canadian fort. Treasury Defartmknt, Nov. 30, 1883. Sir:—I am in lecelpt of your report of the 22il ultimo, on the appeal of Washing¬ ton Mtioie, mastei of ihe tug Kate Williams, ot Detroit, 11"in yoni exaction of tonnage tix on said tugiitnoiintliigto $33,under sec¬ tion I 210 of the Revised Smtnles. It appeals that I he lug, which Is engaged in the towing and wiecking bislness, took 'n 'ow two sidling vessels at Detroit, and de¬ livered ihem at the Canadian port of Prince Aithui's Landing, their destination; that ihcieiipon ihe iiigcle.ned from Fort Ailhnr, Camilla, illnct lo jour poitg without freight or p.is«engeis iijul without a tow, and that on her aiilval you exacted tonnage-tax.as nloiesnld. Upon this state of facts, Iho Department decides ttint such towing was completed on the ai rival of tho tug and the delivery of the vessels towetl at the foreign port, and conse¬ quently cannot opeiato to bring her within ihe provisions of scclioii 3,123, Revised Stat¬ utes, exempting r.teiiuito'gs lioin tepoitand clearance (and consequently from such lax,) "when exclusively employed In towing ves¬ sels," Hie tug not being so-employed on her, ictinn tlip, which terminated at vour port. Yoiu iittlon In the pioinlses Is therefo-o alllrmtd, and you will plensegfotlly the np- pell nit To collector of Customs, Marquette, Mich. FOR SALE, AT THE ' s, SECOND HAND TUDULAIt 110ILI It, 44 Inches dl- nniotor. 4il tutiua 3 Inehoi tllnraotor nnrf 12 foot Ion*, atoam drum 80 Initios dlsmeur, 40 lnchos hloln front grntci, Oillnp and tirotnlilngs; gooa order. o'.8f.<3?N.P,1,ilgPMAniN,!: "OILER, In rood order. Hholl, 7-10 Inch Iron plntoj dlnniotor, 0 feci 0 Inches: length, 18 foot; ISO tubes. 4 Inehos In dlnmotor, 11 fool 4 inches lonj, thrco fluos IS Inches dlamutor; <wo duos 14 Inches dlnmotor, two llura 101-2 Inches dlnmotor: flr» box, 0 loot long, 4 loothlgli; stoam oblranor, 7 foot high. 8CCDND HAND MAIUNBDOIrpil four foot wide,' 01-2 fret long, 5 feet high, sixty-four 2 14 Inch tube* 00 inches long, cast Iron brooding, good ns now. SCCoUD HAND MARINE ENGINE: double direct- acting 8i8 Inch cylinder, wlioll nnd whool for yacht or tug; good ss new. N. C. PETERSON, Boat Builder, PLKASUIlK BOATS AND SilMMO AND STKAU YAOIITI, yawi? boats, spoon oins, siksbino wiibkls, etc, 385 Atwater St., Near-Riopille, purnoiT. MICH. Vesselmen SrlQCLD HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK. Conlnmlng nil polnls ol MARINE hAW m do- tormiued by tho Unllod Htulos Couru Sennion, KrelulitH, Towftge, Collisions, Qenernl Avonitfe, Dutlos of Hvninon, Owners, Chnrt«rs, ItoirlHtry, Knniuinents, Common Carriers, MiiHtars A Owners, Mill of LndliiK, Wntces, *o. Tim voliimu Is hnndsomoly linund In sllff Bonrd coYors, mill lino Uniillslu loth binding Books of this ll ml g-oneriillj aistS3.H0, Inn *o w||| »t.n(Ht |o nny K'^f.'W'y1"80 •""" for 81.0"' or »'lll> ttte MARINE llbCOKD tor oliu ytnr, bolh lor only 8.1 00 Address MiiMNK RttOlU) Clovelsml O / V1HBH8—KVIDKNCH. Itl IJI'IIII I) AS 10 1IIK lIlANSl-KIKir VK3BI l.'K I'ltol'HtH 1IY WILL. TiiKABuiiY Dil'AHiMhM Nov. ll), 1883: Sik.—The llcpiirliiii nt is in leceipt of jour teller of the Dili Instant, rela'lve lo ihe enrollment of the towing sieniners Barnard and Hope and steitmei Maggie fatlden.^" It appears Unit the tiifolu'ient ot thuAlfkr- nard, dated November 18, 1878, shows tlfat Jacob Crauier owned 1-32 pints of the ves¬ sel, mid that twoothei persons owned the remainder. Ciamei tiled In 1880, ami there being no wlllot iidniiuiMiiiioi.nud hlseslate being seltletl by-his wile and t hlliiren, jou ask if the ciiiollincnt shinild not be so changed as to show the mimes of all Inter¬ ested.. Second, The'enrollment'of the Hope shows that Cramer was also an owner with, others; and as thai document was issued slnto lili ilentti III 1880, you ask II It Is cor- red to doscnbe his inteiest as owned by Ills Schooners—Benedict, BiltMi Lyon, Her- estate. - , --------fcOfr-OF-TirE HUNGHRPORD. Tho sehoonei S. D. Ilungerford, of Buf¬ falo, lei t for Tobcrmorny November 25, bound to Buffalo In low the tug Glndlatoi; wind northeast, .wcitllier lino; at 3 p. in.' the tug got disabled and bioke up the tow; we made all sail and continued on out voyage till 0 p. m. when the wind freshened, blow¬ ing hard from south southeast; shortened sail, and discovered -the vessel leaking very fast; kept away anil run before the gale, and oomtnenced throwing the decklond over boaid. The Jicavy sea breakiug over the stem awept away the boat and wheel house; binnacle gone, untl no compass tp steer by. Novcmlier 2(1, 2 p. m.—Wind vceied to west, with snow, blowing a hiirilcanc; six feet ol watei In hold; J p u,. weatherclearcd oll,sn.w Mauitniillu ; ran under southe-asi sound and let go am hoi ; pumped her nexi day and got all ready foi sen; came on gale from southwest, vessel diagged anchors ashore. We lt\etl on tho Island nineteen days In a lent, short of provisions; left on Sunday, 10th Inst., In an old fishing boat for Tobeuiioriiy, and at rived the same evening all light. 1 wish you to give my kind re¬ gards to the peoplo of Canada for their kindness to us In our trouble. i William Mooiik, Muster, And crew, six all told. M- V, BOHOMAK, Proprietor. The Madison, (fOHMMtLI HKVKIiK HOUSE) Detroit, Mich. MohI Centrally I.orittml. Stieet cars pass the door every few minutes to Depots and all' parts of tho City. Three minute's walk to I. S & M S, I) & M, nnd Wabash Depots. Bates 81 BO, to »2.00 per day. JUSEXSE-G-URED FOR SALE, Her longUi Is 186 fcol, beam M foot, and bold. Ill foet 10 lnchos. alitor IT foot long. 7 foot dlnniotcr; three linos, two M Inch and ono I7,lnoh Higlno 22x4Sf Carries 210,000 feet of lumber. Speed, II tulles light and !> 1-2 loaded. Insurnncu valuation, 115,800. Ad¬ dress Maiuvk Kucuill) OUlco, No.'1 South Water street C'lovebuiil, O DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. IIOMKMTIt' rievolnnil, *NTKAM COAL Ohio Boat washing and general laun¬ dry in a few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, 33 St. Clair Street. Telephone 118. Without Modlolne. A Valuable Micimry/or lupplylna Jl/ojne/iim lo Ihe Hu¬ man Syitern. LlcclrUsUy and ifagnelUm utiliud at never lie/ore Jar Healing Ihe Sick. THE$AGNETON APPIANCE CO.'S Magnetic Kidney Belt ' FOR MEN IS .WARRANTED TO C0RE8£«!Fsib without mcdli ino:—I'ain i.n tiik iuck, mi's, hb»I) on LIUIIS, NlCllfuuB PKI1IIITY, I UHllAUO, (IENKIUI. DKIIIl.- 1TY, ItltrUMATlNU, I'AHA LYSIS, NUUIUI.OIA, SCIATICA DISI'.ASK9 Or IIIK KII1S MB SHNAL D1SKAHSS TOltril) Liviflt, Oout, Semlintl Kinlaslons, Impotenor. nstlunn, lloiu-t Dlsoitso, Uj»ihi|ibIh, Constlnsv- tloni KrysljioluH, InUlgestlun, Hernlit or ltup- ture, Cnbirrli, I'llos, Epllensy, Dumb Amio, et«. tWhonnny debility of iIn, OKNEIIATIVE Oil- OANS occurs Lost Vitality, Luckof Nerve Toi-or and ViRor, Wustlnp; Weiiknoss, mid nil tboso Dl»- eusosofa poraoiinl niituro. from whaleTor cnuso, tho conllnuous strosiu of Magnetism normeatlng through tlio|iuit», iiiusi resbiro them ton lioullby action 'Ihoro is no mixUiko nlKiut Ibis omillniico TR TUP 1A HIPS ■ " >,,m »» "ffliouni «iui 1U 1QD LiiUllJO,—liuue U„ok, Weakness of the 8l>lno, KldlliiK of tho Womb, Loueorrhron. Ohronlu niniitniimtloii mill Uliorution of the Womb, Ineldentiil lleiiiurrlinge nr l'looillnir, l'liliifiil, Suppressed null Irrouuh«r Moiistruu- tlcin, Ilnrreniiess, nnd Clmngo of Life this Is the Best Appliance untl Curittlvo Asjeiit'known. 1'or nil forms of Femule Dlrtioultlos Ills unsur¬ passed by anything beloro invcnloil, both as n ourntive ugoiit and ns u snurco of powor mid vltultutlon, IMco of olthtir Bolt with Magnetic Insoles, jio, rent by ei|iross t!, O I), and oianilii'itlon allowed, or by mall on tocthit of price In ordoring solid measuiool waist, unil slle of slide, itoililltitrfce run bo made In currency, sent In leltor at our risk rheMignetontiiirinoutauro adapted to all sites nro worn ov. r the under clotlilinr, nut uoit t«i tho body like the luiiny Oulvuulo nnd Jileotrlo lliiinbuirm udvertisod so •««n"l™ly. and should, be Inken Jff altilgbi. They huld their IWVEtl FOBtViJH, and ar»4vorn at all seasons of ttio } oar. * ' "*?".SSS'I1 fn.r It" '.'J,l;w "Ol"1""" ia Medical trost- raon Without Motllolne," will, tliouutiOa of teitT mottlals. THE MAOSCT'lN AI'I'UANCP CO,, , , 'iis "tiiUi Street, Cliioun;,,, III. NOT!' -hood one dollar In | iwtuge .laiuns or currt-n- cy.in li tlorot our nsk, with sl»'of shin usually w„rn, andtry out Miignollo Insoles uiifl l>ocanvlncoii-of the power rolling In our other Mugnollo Aiiiillunooa. rosiilvoly no cold feel when they uro worn, or money refund d ' I CURE FITS' illiSmS 1 i ,° ',"""""" "'. ""• t-l'U.bl'ilV i r FILI Ihll tl!.£™K,I.'.""i""1' """'? I""'™1" iii»roiii«.ly ciictiro t, t ,.Z ~ ? , ""«"»•■ olhsrs liuvi r« Imi u no r..».„n f ,r J™ »uj'l» »""y li>f«lllhlo r.imu.ly Ulv.i Kipr Plllie 11 Qn.l.yiiii iiinljliigf„'ri"ltlBl"«ii'jT»'iueuro'iua iJJro.. Dr. 11. tT 1100WIS11'u.tlBl. Niw Vork.

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