THE MARINE RECOBD. tho next morning, when they mado another start. On December lat, as It was blowing hard tho schooner's anchors wcro let go un¬ der Plum Island, and she lay there several .hours, when they again.proceeded on their voyage and got off Milwaukee nt 2 p. m. en > the 2d of December. They wont Into Mil waukee for the tug to coal, and started for Chicago at 2 li. in., of tho 3d And arrived • hero at 0 p. m- onihat day. T. W. BOOK NOTICES. The January "Atlantic opens the new volume brilliantly. -The place of honor Is given to the first chapters of aslrlklngserial Story, "In- War Time," a story of tho War for tho Union' by Dr.S. Weir Mitchell. Mr. Crawford's.sorlnl, "A Roman Singer," one of the strongest and most notable serial novels over • published "lir an American magazii o, Iscontlntled, and wi'l run through sovcralinoro numbers. Henry James, who knew-Turgonlcff and greatly .admired him writes of him ii'b an author and a, man. Dr. Holmes has a puoui, "At the Saturday Club," in which he'pays noble and discriminating tributes toLongfellmv, Agassiz, Hawthorne, and Emerson. Rev. Dr. Peabody con¬ tributes" an attlcle on "The Study of Greek," apropos' of the famous address of C. F. Adams, Jr. Octave Ttianet tells a very In¬ teresting story, "The Bishop's Vagabond:" II. II. writes entertainingly of "Chester Streets;" Richard Grant White adds "A Sequel lo Mr. Washington Adams, In a Letter from'Mr. Manslleld Iluinphrev.s;"' Prof. E. P. Evans has a learned piqicr on "Hotlz of Shlraz;" E. V. Smalley survejs "The Political Field" from up uupartlsau standpoint; and there Is'an unusually, 'lull department of reviews, and a varhd'Con¬ tributors' Club. Thu Atlantic Is so sure to be excellent every mouth that It can safely be commended to every intelligent reader, lloughtou, Milllin & Co.', Boston. St. Nicholas for Jjinuary makes Its New Year's call with a blight table of contents and a brilliant list of contributors. Louisa M. Alcott begins .her promised series ol "Spinning-wheel Stories" with a sketcli ot tho "good old time-," of seventy years ago, showing liow Grandmother's wheel spun it tale of fun, war, loye, and wolves, to suit the tastes of all her hearers. The frontispiece Is by Mary Hiillock Foote, and 11. II. opens the number with a complete and timely story of Colorado milling life, entitled "Christmas in tlio Pink Boardli.g- liouse." Julian Hawthorne finishes his fanolful allegory," Almlon, Aurla, and Mona;" and -Ro8e-4I*wtlferi)er-L«diroB—contributes-a merry tale of child llfo .In holiday times, called "Fun Beams." Miiyuo Reid's Berlal, \|Tho Land of Fire," continues to grow In Interest, and is'full of instruction in regard to the many peculiarities of that faraway region. II. II. Bovescnends the ttrst'of Ids "Tales of Two Continents" with an exciting eucouuter; and W. O. Stoddard entertains his readers with the second Instalment ol "Winter Fun." Among,the poems aro a fable In verso by Joel Benton; some'jolly New Year's verses ■by Helen Gray Cone, with pictures by A. Brennau; wiiojilso illustrates a quaint little verse of his own, entitled "Lucy Lee from High Dundee;" and "The Ballad of Gooil Sir Urgan," by E. Vinton Blake, a medhi'viil poem, with spirited Illustrations by Allied Kappes. Au_entlrely new feature, Inangurated In thlB number ami to continue throughout tho year, is the St. Nicholas Almanac, which will give to young folks, In simple and popular form,, the moro important pheivomeba of our earth's relations lo the 'heavenly bodleB, and, in addition, some ciitertaiulitg bltsol fun, fable, and allegory relating to the various months and seasons. The January Century. General Sherman's retirement from iho army lends timely In¬ terest to tho fronllspleco of tlio January Century, and Is evidence tu the eyes thai General Sherman has been retired by law before Ids bodily'and mental powers have cven'bi'gun todecllue. Ills life, his character, and bis services to die country are discussed • by.E.' V. Smalley In a fresh and authorita¬ tive paper, which contains .good anecdotes. General Grant has assisted in making the paper extracts and valuable with reference lo war hUinry by giving Important iufurinn-' tion and by reading die proofs. "Garlleld In London" Is an account, in the main, of President GarlleUl's experiences and Impressions while in the Bililsh cnplnd^ being exact from his Journal of his trip to Europivin 1807, In company wflhhls wife. His views on Kngll-li poliiics and on promi¬ nent men "IlKe,Bright, Dlsravli, Gallstone, and Sptirgeou, lutvo a strong nutnblographi- ual interest. ' Tlio most Interesting of French Institu¬ tions,'the Academy, with Its "Forty Im¬ mortals," ,is made. .the,, subject of a gossipy paper, by' the author of the striking bio¬ graphical sketch of/'Gatrtbetta," widen was printed-In tho Century for last March. Por¬ traits of thirteen of tho most widely known Academicians illustrate Iho waiter's crisp characterizations. A portrait and biograph¬ ical notice Of ilie-Hlndoo girl,' "'IJoru Butt," calls attention once more to tho remarkablft command of'English possessed by this young pool, who died when she Was only twenty- one. . ' "In Wordsworth's Country" Is an Ehgll-h proSo pastoral by John Burroughs, who says tlu(t."Shaksnear Is the universal genius, but Wordsworth's pootry has the character of a special message, and a message special and personal to a few renders." . '•Ldluboro Old Town," by Andrew Lang, is die opening article ol'the number, and is profusely-Illustrated by l'vnnell. Bnlh the writer ami die artist have felt the romantic and picturesque Influence hi" "Auld Heckle." In the "Ldg of an'Ocean Studio" Is described a vacation voyage lo Europe of sijvi'ii New York arllstR, who amused themselves with decorating i,lie ol die steamers cabins. Tho 'Illustrations, taken for tlio most part from the cabin pictures, are by Win. M, Chase. J. Carroll Brckwlth,. Frederh) P. Vinton, Robert Blum, Arthur Qnartley, A. A. Anderson and F. II. Limgreii ;^C. C. Buol contributes tHe "Log." "Hiishaudry In Colony Times," is perhaps the most popular "I Dr. Edward Egtrlestou's studies oLcolonlal life. Nearly every one of the chief staples ol die country has a roman¬ tic history. Manycuiious illustrations add to the iiiicrcst »f die paper. hi llction, tke January" number is notable for tlie conclusion of'Tiie Bread-wlonen.;" the third part nr .Mr. Cable's romance, "|)r. Sevier;" die second part of Robert Grant's New York story, "An Average Man ;" and a humniuus story by Frank R. Stockton: entitled, "His VVil'oVDcccased Sister." The poetry ol the number is cnnlrlhutuil by Henry Tyrrell, .Mis* Caroline May, Henry Glllniau, Mrs Elizabeth It. Bhinchirdi. James llerlert .Morse, and .Miss Eliza C'alvcrl Hall; and the "lirlc-a-brac" verse by John Vance Cheney, Samuel Minium I'cck. Ml-s Grace Deillo Litchfield, H. W. G , anil others. —- ' . APDI7P S>n<l six reula for postBge, and recelvu riUZirj, free, a contly liox of KOmls which will hell) you to marc money light afl'ay tlnm niiythiny else tn tills world. All, ot rithrr jfet,- •Mimwl from Ui„! hour. The broud roud to fortune opens heforo tlio orken., ahsolulely sure. At onco ftddresDri'liUKlt ^o-, ngiis tn, Maine - TO PRESERVE THE HEALTH ! Vse I ho MngnuLoii AppliuncoCo'a Magnetic Lung Protector! Capt. D. S. Webster VESSEL AND INSURANCE AGENT. Wood, Fence Posts, Bark, . ETC., I10UQUT AND SOLD ON COMMfSSION. Charters and Fielding of Canadian Coarse Freights Specialty, • No. 64 Woodbrldgo Street Detroit, Michigan PWx Paint Co., ' ftANUFACTUnEit8 OF ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS, .-■' OFFICE AND FACTORY 36 Micligan St:, CLEVELAND, OHIO, TRAVELERS' REGISTER. LAKE SHOItE ^ MICHIGAN SOUTHERN. - ' Conuncnrtnv Sunday, November IB, nt 12 o'clock noon Iho tlme'iilvim in the figure* below In-llit new Btnndnrd {NtnctltMii meridian) time, which Is tlilrty-thrtio njln- iiteH slower than Cluvt land tlmo pniper nnd twentr- eltfht mtiiuli'8 slower than the time heretofore in use (ColnnibiiH time) by them; ronds. Kafiiwnrd. Kant New York Express........... N V, II A A Kxpn-M............... Klyriu AccomiiKxlttdon............ Port Cllnlon AiicomnHidmlim , Bufluio- Aeniihmndatlfm........... N V A II Fast, Ki press............. Cin A£t. Ivmts hxprcHs.......... Connomit Accommodation....... Noti Ingham [-umlay only] ..... Night KxprirriH......................... | Arrive. | Depart. ■" -*i'22Tji *7 02 A u tl<> .12 A M **2 27 !■ M «3 37 1* M ■1 22 a u fl) 42 !■ M fJO ))7 r,M »1 07 A M »0 37 A V t» (17 til) 117 fio :i7 A SI A M A M •1 67 l> Bl '"i"!'! '•?' tatt* anl. Flint Uuilmr~Expi.............. Mich KxpruKH vln Snmlurfky..... f!liti>:ir#> Kxpri'fs via " ..... Mich- AiTiini, Nurwalk......,....... ( onni'uul Accomniodiitloii........, Nottingham, |Mindny onlyl..... Toledo l'xpn-ri via Noiwulk ... St l.otih Kx via S-.iiduHliy....... C I' lix tin Norwiilk.............. I'orl j'llntnn .VToiiiuKxliitioii . Ifeferi'iici) murks—v Dnt!)-, | £ dully, except Monday.' i Arrive. | Depart. ~M /ft A WI2H) a Bl "2 -J.'l a .mi ^'J J17 a ,M (III II" A SI (1 !I2 A M ............'I |1 12 am fS 12 A M I 17 ]• M1 12 W l> M *1 )K! I* M til *r> v m, t 17 1' M t:i la v m *! 2ri r m "It S2 l' M t » W'iv » .lalljV except Sunday, BEE LINE Cleveland, Colujrilirs, Cincinnati nnd Indian¬ apolis Railway. The Great. Central Trunk Route to the Ohio and Mississippi Rivera. --------:--------rUIOE ONLY 83.'--------------- They are priceless to ladies, ok.vti.kmkn and ciiil- DIIK.N WITH WJCAK MINUS; UO C» O of I'NKUMONIA OH choiu' in evi r known wheru theue Kurnients are worn. They also prevent and core hkakt iukficui.tiks, COL US, ItHKUMATIHM, NKl'ttALOM, THItOAT, TltOUHI.fc.S, DIITHKKIA, CATAltllH, AND ALL KI.NIlltKU DISLArfKS. Will WBAit any aervlco for tiikkk ykahs. Are .orn over the underclothing. nifiunpn It is needles to describe tho symptoms uii 1 illlllllj of tills nauseous disease that fseappliiK tholltuand ritrengih of ynly too many nf the fulrust and hext of both mxva bilior, ntudy and research In America, Kurone und ICnstcrn IuihIm. have reunited In tho Mufiiutlc I'Ong Protector, ulturdintf cure for Ca¬ tarrhal remedy whleh contain* So Dituuuis'u oktiik Hyktkm, and with the ooNtimiouri ilroam »f Ma^netlm" pormeutlng thniUKli tho it Diluted organs, must kkhtouh THKM TO A IIKALIIIY ACTION. \\V. 1'LACK OUlt I'KICE for (lib Anpllanco at l( si llnin/nno-tweiitloth of the price ariUeil by othunt for remedies Upon which you lake all ilie I'lHineta, and wk rsi'KriALi.v ]MViTi:the pulronuKeof the manv I'kiujo.nh \i I|o have tried nunc. (UNO TIIK1H NTOMAC'ILS WITHtU'T KKI-'KIT, *• 11(1 nD'PHM 'n,h Appliance, (in Ut yom JU UDlAlfl druKKl^tnnd ukfur thmu. If tliey Inn e not (pit them, Wrlle to l he, iirii]uielor". en¬ closing llni l)rice, In loiter at o-r tlsk ,iiid lite) will ho sent to >on at onto by mm I, poil )mld. ■ Send htampfttr llitf 'New Departure In 'Medical Treiumuut wuiiout mkhiclnk," with tlioimaiids i>f temlmoiiitilH THK MAdNKTON A1TLIANCK CO., 2'H Htate Si reel, Chicago, 111. NoiK,—Send one dollar in posture statin s or curren¬ cy, in Irtterat our ri k, with sleuof shoo uiualty worn, and try a pair of our M^nellc Insoje-, and bo con¬ vinced uf tlie {tower resldliiK in our Alnunelic Appli¬ ances. Positively no told Jut where (hey are uornt or money rtftinttnl. A nPUTIO wanted for The Mvcs of all tho Presidents liuDillu <'fthe U S. -Tlio lurifeat, handsoim'st, lw«t book ever iold f'»r lei-n than twice our price. '1 he fast¬ est K< lling book In America ImtiH'iiso proUts to unentM, All IntelllKeiit Jmoplu wunt it Any one nun become a «iicm-ss(iiI »Ki'iit. Terms fne* Hm.i.i.1'1' IUidk Co., Portland, Maine.________________________________ Pfll [1 lurl'H' wurkliiKrlusH. .send ten cents for n is- uULU li>ttL> Ullti wu wtll mall ynu frM,'n royal, vutuu- hto box of sample goods I nut will nut yon in tho way of making more money in a few days than you cvor thought possible ut any business.' Capital not required. We wUI start you. You can work all the time or la sjari) lime only. The-work Is universally adapted to both st'xcfl, joiniK and old. Von can easily earn fioui 60conlw lug.! every evening That till who wnnt work ■nut tent the ne make Oils uupuralluil oiler; to all who kn not well »utlstl<;d ive will send $1 to | ay for the iroiiblo of writing us. Full p irllruliirs, direc¬ tion h, etc., sunt free. Tort lines Mill bu made by those who tfho theit who'o time lo ( o wotk. (Ileal success abtolutely sine Um'L tlelav Mart now. Address Stinhon »* Co , l*4irtlantl, >Iaine. THREE TRAINS WEEK DAYS, TWO TRAJXS SUNDAYS,' . Leave Clcvclniiil with Through Palnci Conchui and Elegant'Sleeping Cur*, for COLUMBUS,---------- CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS TERREHAUTE ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CIIANOK. This la tho oni; lino making Direct Connection .with nl tlio jirlnclpnl Trunk Llnob of fho l'^a.Ht fur nil Hoiilhorn. SoutliWL'Hti'rn iintl Wustcrn jioiiiIh, otthor by way of Cliiclnnivtl, IlldluiinjMillA or 8t. I^lllsand till Hillwuy To^m .illSSOUKI, AHKANSAS, TEXAS, KANSAS, NEIIKASICA, ' COl.OKAOO MEW JIEXICO, 01.1) MEXICO ANtinil! i'aciek; coast. New. York, Fenusylvania & Olio fi. R. HEW YORK, IIONTON AND TIIK 3 EAfit. Tho Miorli-al mill (InlcUout Iloiito to Plttn- bnrv, WnahliiD/inn nml Ilnltlmorn nnil (ho Snutfioniil. ConfnilorNlnotlotli Mrrldlon tftno. 88 mlnnton liow ortliun lluvelnntl c\iy tfmo. " - --" Until furthor noiloo Iralno will UavoJrom tbo now Ccntrnl Doput, Hnuili Wnlor airoit itlul vlxlncl m fol¬ lows fi/idfl 111 ATLANTIC EXPIlIiSS-(Dolly) P.|U. . U JU fit 111, man nloeplng mid lintol conclion from LrnvltiB^ingli H:»5 n. ni, to Now York, Albany and floston ttttlioui cltnng.'. Arrlvfaiilfoadvfllent 10:40 n. m. (dlnnrr)Frnnklinat 12:08 p m, Oil Clty.|2:80n m. . Onrry 12.:iB p. ill, Jamoatoffn {Luke Cluutnuqtio) I.ruin. in . Buffalo fi:o0 p. m. HochoNtcr 6:20 p, m.; Ilomellf- flllo (WW p m t»npporV, Cornlnil 7:25 p. ni.'Elnilni »:05 p tn. Blnithatiton 10 05 p, In., Allmoy. n:00 •. ui. Boftoa i:4o p.m.; arriving at Nuw York G:15 a.m. ., n ■on ii m- LiJimsp EXHBEtf-Thfen* i'u»- Lib\l'])i 111, man ilccnluK from Tloveland to Now York. Arrivci at Munlvfllo at O.'SO p. m , Jiimoa- town1 8.-47 p. m., Siilntnuiion 0:45 p. m., Ketr York 10:1(1 n. in. . . H'dn-n-tll NI,!,IIT EXPnF88-(I)«lljr oicopt lliUU II, 111, 8unduy)Soop ng conch from Cleveland Hortiollnvlllo Arrive at Youugctown nt 1:B0 'a. ra., McadvlllL- 8:88 a. in., Corry 4:511 n. m. Jomratown 6,H7 «. m. DulTnlo 0:"0 a m., HiHiliofl'cr 12:88 p, m., HornelU. villi', 11:00 a in , CorniiiK 12:07 p tu, Klifnra[, Ringluimtit'in 2:10 p m,, New .York 0:10 p. m. Arrive -L f'litsbiirgli fi:.'i0 a in . without cliango. .. ' ml'IlTSUUltlill EXPttESS — Pally _' , Through without cliango, Parlor cut it- tuchcdT ArrlveH at Youiipitown 8:0(1 p tn., Pittsburg S:(i2 p. in., Wiuhingion 7.-00 a. m , Baltimore am a. m° yl.fl n m MAlIONINt; "AO.IMODATION - till 11, 111, Slopping nt nllwny n'attons, nrrlvlnnat Youngniown 0:88 p. tn., Shnion 8:01 p. m., Sharredvllla 8:10 p. m. fi'/inQ m PITTHBURllll EXPHESS _ Dally- U,JUu, 111, Tlirmigh without change. Arrlvos at Youn'ctiown 0..80 n. in., Slin-on 10:30 a. m., sbarpi- vlllu 10:40 a. in., Pltubiirgli 12-15 p m., ^Jtetn ruing, leave I'lttiburgli at 4:15 a .in., 7j45 a. ly.VritfB p. ro., and 11:45 p iu in "JA Q HI VOUNCSTOWN AND rlTTSBUItGII 11103 d 111, AUIMMOIMTION-Stopnlng »■ all Waj atntlons, ar'rlvtugut Youugalown 1:40 p. m.,Pitta- burgh, 5.45 p. m. • Trains urrivi' at (llcvolaml, (1:15 n. ui , 0:S0 p ui., 10 20 n ni; 1:05 p. in., mid <i r, p. ,n, ttarrtiis la Che iinlj- nmle b. which pamimigiTs can much Corry Ehnlrii, Binglnmpt'in, Now York City and IntornH-illatv |i(,lnl.i wltlu.iii t-lmngo. No'dinngo ' to Ilo.ston and New KiiL-laml lilieH. tlagKage ( hccki d tlirmigh Iu nil points EiAt Thniugh .llLkiMs mill liilnruiatlotl rrganling iho rente coil bcohtaini-d nt thiMilllLC llll Hank street, nnd at-mw Depot of N. Y.,P At) It It, South'Watorstrei-t ami Viaduct, Cleveland, (>. A. K ("LaIIK, (ieii'l Tns.-.'r Ag'l Cleveland. O. .1 M l-EltKIS, tleii'l Ma.i'gr, Cli-vclniid, O. M. I. rotITMV»ongor Agi, 131 Ilnnk Hi. Cleveland. The Nickel Plate! A'KW YOItli, ('IIIt'AHO A NT. LOUIS IIAII.WAV. The paNQUger equl]imenl of thia Ne^r Trunk lint Itiiill new anil in Hupplled with the Intent appllanosa necituinry to mile n|iee,ly nnd comfnrtnblo traval, Al Chicago, puNncnuer trnin» nnivc nt and icavo fnuii tin- Union lii'imt, Van Huron Hlret-t. l-'olluwltiK la iho tijue in ollect Nov. |8. UM, aud un^ Equipment New and Comprising all- Modern Improvements. JSTT'leketH by-this popular route for'stile nt nil regular Tckel Ollleei. E. B. THOMAS, 0. B. SKINNER, Ueneral Manngor. TmlQc Malinger. A. j. SMITH, ' (it iiiiruj rnNflongcr Ancnt. CLKVKLANI), OHIO. CLKVKLANI), COLU.MHUS, CINCINNATI "t INDI- ANAI'OUH. Com uio nn I nit Bundiiv, NoruinlHir lHtti, tniiiiBof Iho HOu Lino—CloTulutid, Columbian, C'ln'cliuiutl it Liiillao- Rpolls Hallwaj —will leave unit itrrlvo at Clcvulaicl as folloWH, CKNTHAI. HTANDAltl) T1MK, DU mlllutvB ultlWOr itiun Cluvfland tliuo:____________' rr No. 1, Cincinnati A Colunibun ExprCAH.... No. II, InilianniKilli, A U he«-liiiK l-.x|m<HH No. 17, Spoi'lul Cuhiiiibua ,t Uiiclumitl Kx No.:), Siil'cIhI 1ml A HU \mu\» Exprena No, 5, Oil (In.. Inil. A HI. I>mla ExiireiH.. Nm. 7,ti»llliiu ,t C.I. A W. Aee................. • Tii.voaiKiiulvaroiiioilyriirtlii! nliAro itilaueniyTta uiu llinu*aniUofcMutor Uio wont ktiul anil ot long aUnillng havotaionouruil. Indeed, .o.tronir!.my nilthlMluiolncacy, III.11 will .nnd TWU UOTTI.KU l"«lia.tSgolhor with • VA U UAHLBTUKATIHH on tliladl.oaM, to any aulnirar, (llvo Kx. on>n*l'. CaJdlMi. Dll.T.A.Ul.Ol!Uii;uU'»ui8t., N. Y. No. a, Col. A Un. A bid. Express............... No. H.'llullloli AC. f..A W. /Vec.................. Ni, 12, St, Louis A Inillumpolis KxcrcRS..... No. |1, Col. Cin. A Iuilinna[aillit"Kxurea4...... No, 4, Coluniliua.V Cincinnati Expreu........ No. 10, Wheeling Kxpreaa......................... No, 14. Col., ('In A N. Y. h'a»t Line. lepnrt '7litrA>l 0: III A -M 1.2(1 P M •l:lll I'M lilll P M I :»l P M Arrive. Tl. II) A M !l ("1 A M P M !1 511 P M 3 2II P M ll:« P M I 10 A M Tr)iliis milked * dally, nil other trains linlly except Sunday. til further notice: (101 NO ICAST. / " New Haven, '• West U'lpile 4.14 " ................. " ftdlevne...... . (1.22 " 7 62 It. ni. 0.0'i " K1.22 " 5 82 p. m 5-0,r, . AlT Palliesville..... ............. 11.33 " '• Ailliahuhl.. .. '.............. 12 25 p. ill. n in (1.112 „- .............. !U7 " (ItllNti WICST.- I.v Illllt'lllo...... .11.21 " ......... " Uile............... 1,,-nvo " Conileiuiu. ... 1117a. ra. " Anlitnliula. . .. f. Hi " " Palimsvlllo...... 311 " ................. 7 43 ' " I'luvelnnil....... »57 '• I.v clevi'lniid....... I.57 " 11.17 a. in. 7117 ' 1117 " I.v Ik-lli'Vllo...... ......... 0 22 " " (ireeii Springs. . ... ti II " .......-,.... in.12 " " We-l.lA'Ipilc... ..........11.110. " " New Hnvun " fort W.'iyne . 1 .V " 5 55 " Tmiim nm l.y tti<< Nlnutirtli Mrridhn Time, which Is ' nine intmiUw uio wit than ('IiIculto ilnio/twunty-olKlit iii1ih\I('H nltiwcT tliiin (olunitiuri tlnii', thirly-tlirw niin- utca nlowoi than Cli-Vflimil liiuu, ftirty-dmr inliiuloa tilowur (han Biiffulir-tlmc, ami niitj ml nut us nlowcr than IlifHi-vi'iitn-liftli Mtrldlcn time. „. l-\>r liifiinimtloii, call on ntarvst ugunt ol llioCom- tiuiiy. or Hitilri-in IU V. IIOHNKII, - (iun'l I'lmsontiur Agent, LF-Vns W1I.IJAM**, Ui'tiiTiil M.uniLtur. Cliivuliifid, (). , Hoclty itivcr AtcuiiuiiotUilinn ik'jmrtn ftt G 10 'ft in anil 2.-15 |i in ' Kui-litl Ai-cmuiixiilittinii ilc'parl.s ui 7..IU a m ami 10.12- . j> m. All tniiiiB dully i'xcc|n Suiuliiy. • FOR SALE. An Iron strum yacht lift n-t-t Iohk. 'J ^ct li-am, 3 fcot ilt)u|i; runii v«ry Cast, ami well fuiiml. of ~ I*. 1*. NlClvKllMlS, Kiiclnl Avt'llUt) Stiltlull. FOR SALE. An Iron ynrhi ;tri Ct-t't lung wry (Inelly Aninliud and urnlfllit'd. 1'iati ;i \-'2. U-i-i nuiN toit fnnt, I>. T. Nk'tccrMon ll.nknr^ Hlurk luicllU AntHUUoii DEAN & CO., DKTHOIT, HUA't'iilIIMlKltS. Micm