A' THE MARINE RECOK 4. *v Apill 18—A noutlnveiit Rnlo dentioyod n dock lit 'l'liwim, Luk6 Huron, mid citrrlod nwiiy 100,000 foot or limtbpr. - April 17—Nnvlgntloii open between Detiolt and Clevulniid. Apill 21—Nnvlifntloii open bet ween De¬ troit mid Clieboy)[iiii. Summer. City of Cleveland nrrlvcfl lliore, April 25—Navigation open nt Bullalo, The B'oitiribnrge 1). I.cuty arilvoB tbeie. April 2U--A koii til west gnle throughout the lake* with heavy lonsca. April 29—Navigation open through the StrnltB; stpaiiibnige F.J. Mucey first boat through going east. Mny 2—Navigation open to Lnko Superi¬ or; steamer Sault Ste, Mary pauses east. J[ay 6—Wi'lland ennui open on this date. May G—Seamen's \wig8B at Chicago, $2 p3r day. May 7—IJrle canal open on this (Into. Mny 0—Northeast gale with snow on Luke Huron. May 0—Steamship Ouoko-clears from Chi¬ cago with 100,000 huthels of oats. May 17—Steaincis Mjignut and Spartnn, 8idcwheelers, Jrimsfei led. from Lako Ontario^ to the upper lakes.' May 21—Northeast pale throughout the lakes with numerous shipwrecks, May 20—Siliomci Wells Burt lounUors nenr Chicago, all hands lost May 25—Fire at Muskegon destroj > a mill, $110,000 worth of lumber and the achooiler Geo, Boyce. Juno 4—A Sniw aukee elevator crashes and 3,000 bushels ol grain went Into the river. June 21—Klot between union and non¬ union seamen at Milwaukee. July 5—A like occm lonce also on tldsdato. July 5—Schoouei IJ//le A. Law recedes on board 1,100 tons ol teal at Ilullalo in two hours. July 5—Propeller Cviifiutas with 20,000 bushels of corn buriiccHu theWelland canal. Septembui 1—lugs Morse and Maud 8. lost over 1,000,000 leetoi logs on Lake Su¬ perior. \ boptcinber 29—Propeller Colorado explod¬ ed on Lake Eiie, killing four persons. September 29—Sternberg elevator; con¬ taining flaxseed, burned at Buflalo entailing alossof»lD-),000. ' Oaober 4—Steamship James Davidson, coal laden, wrt'iked on Lake Huron and be- cninon total loss, October 31—Steamer City of Toronto bjrncd at Poit Dallioimie. November 1J—Heavy noithwest gale last lng four days with great destruction of life and property. ..—vNovtinber 1.1—Schooner Potomac, the old c^t\e»sel on the'lakes, forty-two jcais, wrecked at FrnnkVort, Lake Michigan NovrnllM'f I A—h'eainslllp il, (' A< klev toun<len on Lake MlUiigau, luur llu'» lost lXccmberl—Kile canal closes on this date DtLciiiber 12—Wi Hand uinal closes. I>i(iinbLrJ7 NiiMgiition still open but bulinens suspended. DEA I'll KhCOKD. ■ Nntwlthstandiug the season ol 187J lias betn unuhiiallj (Monstrous tliu number of lives lost has not betn as inaiu as in past ^uiiis from either causes. '1 lint limy linvo been lost from the want of life saving ap¬ pliances, llicie can be no doubt. The ncuislty of keeping at hand and on deck ol e\erj vessel while outside one or more life pteservers. has been repeatedly spoken of. A Ibo in "ttnica of peril having the small bout in readiness lor instant launching and fiec fioni the danger of swamping Is a niattci well worthy attention ofourlnke uniiliurs l'lio recording auyd leaving on .shoiethc names ol passengcis or crews so far as it call be cairicd out Is also quite necessary. The total number of deaths we tind to be as followh 188 1—rrom nntuial cause J7 Aecldenlal 107 1882— " " " b4 208 18S1— " " " JO " 02 188(1— " *' m 18 " 155 1870— " " " 11 187 1878— » " " .10 124 1877— " ti " .1,1 181 1870- " " " 1U 168 l'HOM NA'IUUAL CAUhLS ' January 8, Captain Joseph Kennedy died of congestion of tlie\luugs, at Toronto, aged 52 January 8, Thomas Kennedy died from ex- posuie at 'loronto, aged 18 January 28, Captain Ilmrv Van Allen at Mmklnaw, aged 80. Jiiiiiinrv 30, Captain Thomas Doughortv af Detroit lioBpltal. February 4, Captain Thomas Zealand sin British Columbia, aged 48. March 0, Captain Tlionms L. Parker at Washota,Wls,aged71. March 12, Captain J. G. Kehoe at Bay City, aged 13. March 23, Captain P. N. Jones at Buffalo, nged 08. March 31, Captain John Kcllar Imind dead at East S iginaw. April 20, t'nptaiii J. Mills at Pint Huron Ma) IB, Jus W lieadi, cngineei, died suddenly at Uullalo, ag( d Uil. May 10, J, C. Connelly, seaman, In hos¬ pital, Chicago, May 30, Captain Jainos Sanderson at Mil¬ waukee, aged 89. June 18, JatueB Murphy, seamen, in hos¬ pital, Chicago, July 5. Henry New house, seaman, in hos¬ pital, Chicago, July 11, Captain Cnas. Harding at Ids residencd,Chicago. July 15, Captain J. M. McCiilloUgh nt Port Huron, aged 75, July 21, Win. Leg, colored deckhand, In hospital Chicago, aged 37. July 20, Captain John M. Grlllln at 0»vvegO| N. Y. • July 20, Captain James Bennett at Mack¬ inaw. . . July 20, Captain Wm. Donaldson nt Cleve land, ngei) 20, August 2, Captain Isaac Sutor of consump tlon, at Buffalo, aged 00. August t, Captain Thos. Dougherty stoom- barge Annie Laura, (lied on board at Mus¬ kegon. August 4, George Grant, deckhand, died sudduulv on sojiooner Ir.on Clill, at Detroit Augnst4, Onptaln John Oreil, of tug Cole¬ man at Pcli oit, aged 32. September 4, Captain John Fuilong nt Chicago. September 14, Captain Homy R. Preston at Buflalo. ' • October 4, Captain Jns. C. 1 hompson re¬ tired veteran at Hudson, Wis. October 1, Peter Ontran, mate, of schooner L. W' Pcny ill Milwaukee. ' October 4, Daniel Drew,seaman, died siid- dcnly at Bin City, aged 10. November 10, Captain Hcber Squior of Grnnd Haven died at Philadelphia, aged 01. November 10, Captain Michael Murray was finally Injured on bbard near Oswego. November 12, Cnptaln C. Langetln and a sailor named Fortier lost with bargB Mil¬ waukee on Lake Ontario. November 12, JaineB Van Valkenburg died at Chicago, aged 42. Novemoer 13, John C. Simmons, cook on board tug Winslow, at Detiolt, aged 10 November 20, Michael GleasDn, flrenian, from a blow given by James McNanlara with a club, at Detroit. November 27, Daniel Plnlajson In hospital at Detroit, aged 45. December 0, James Bj ce, engineer, at De¬ troit, aged 50. ACCIDENTAL DEATHS. ' January 12, JameB Martin, killed by a fall nt'Chlcngo. rebuury 1, James May, ongineei, drowned fiom the steamer Trnsport, at Maiden. April 17, Jitnts Marshall,diowned fiom a bum at JI ilMuiiu j April JO, Captain Archie Doj le, from schooner J. F.Tiaey on Lake Michigan aged 15 May 7, Joseph Brandish from tug Shultz, on Lake Michigan*- . May 1J, Aiuhibald Donnelly, from bargo' Siinburj at Bay City, aged 19 M iv 15, llennis Black, seaman, at Milwau¬ kee, aged 10 May !.">, John Jnques, Herman Jolinsou and Caleb Eilekson, tiom about neai Chi¬ cago, May 15, Lyman Jordan, boat tender, di owned at Chicago. May 10.Edward Woodson was fatally Injured, on bonnl the schooner P. B. Locke at Bullalo, aged 15. May 10, Captain John Anderson, L. Peter¬ son, A. Hllgcson and Clinton Niels, lost with schooner Jenny Llnd near Chienge. May 19, Sophia Noll}, drowncd from barge St. Joe In Luke Huron. Mny 21, Cnptaln Thos. Fountain aged 18, Davld-I ountain aged 18, Win.foolv, John* While, I. Hli kit}, Thos. Geo.rge, W. Me¬ tal h}, E. Haldol', C. Maxson, Edwaul lynch and two uiiknown,>Jost wltbsdiooilci Wells Burt, which foundeic'd near Chicago Miiy 21, t has. Olson Jacob Hanson and Martin II, Mateson, drowned from Bchooner Petrel In Milwaukee Bay. June 9, John McGinuls, from scow Essex In Lake Union. June 11, Michael Maloney, drowned at (hhago. June 10, Avery, a boy, from schooner Augusta, on Laki Erie June 18, Patrick ilanlson, seaman, killed by the winch on hoard Schiij Iklll on Lake Michigan, agi il 65, > June 18, Unknown sailor fiom schooner J. It Benson In Lake Erie. Juno 18, Charles Blayne} from a boat near Chicago. June 19, James Collins fTlall} Injured, on board schooner llaiiirluou Lake Huron Jul) 5, Charles Bel jauitn killed by tailing ..Into I lie hold of the ttcainbarge Egyptian at Mai queue. July 5, (ieoruc Llukuer, wheelbinan, drowned at Bay City, aged 2J. July 14, Charles'i'lghe from schooner A. W. Wright on Lake Huron July 21, Frank Tondo, W. Dean imd Louis Bune, [rom a boat In Saginaw Bay.1 July 20, John Armstrong, seaman, from schooner I'flineriiy at ( hliago ** August 2, Roger M hi ilu i, seaman, from bmgo Maggie on Lake Kile _ August 2, Cnptnln .!..(>. Henderson his wile and I In I'd ehlldien and thice tailors alsoMis. J W. Conroy mid child w Itli schoon¬ er Seablrd on Lake Michigan. August 2, Mr. W. F. Young while Insauo on honrd from schooner Japan In Lr.ke Mlclilgnu and drow ncd, aged 41. August 2, Christ Snsouson, Bciimnn, from s61iooni'r Feiulpss In Lake Mlohlgan. August 2, John Hwoltniai), fireman from tug Hood at Chicago. ^^^/~\ Anguat 2, John Bnloi.dor from sleambargc Daisy Day in Luke Michigan, aged 20. Atirust 2, Henry Kim? from schooner Kale Wlneliman In Groen Bay. August 2, 'I'lioimis Tclors from tug Whcelei neai Mnnlslee. August 2, Flank, seaman, from schooner W. Y. Emerv In Lake Eric. August 2, Owen Toner, seaman, fr^m achoouer Yoi.k State In Lake Michigan. September 29, David Ellis. Jas. Farroll, Harry Allen and one other killed by ex- pliislnn of pmpi-llei Colorado on Lako Erie. September 20 Oapt. John Allen and his son, Albert Allen, frpmschoonor Ida, Walkor, In Lake Ontario. September 20. Felix McCourt and John Sylva, from u boat in Luke Ontario October 2 Daniel McGibbon, from steam- barge Hullmrt, on Lake Huron. October 2 Oapt Wm. Crilpbins, from a brjnt at Erie, Pa Oclober. Neai McCollum, seaman, drownod at Cleveland. Oclober Wm. McFarland, from schooner A C Maxwell, In Sault Canal November 3 John W Eyslor, aged 80, Giles Russell 80, Charles Brown, 21, and F. C, Kolley, from a boat'at Erie, Pa. November Martin Joyce, a tug man, killed by cars at Chicago, November Oapt. Wm Campbell, killed by falling into the hold of his vessel, the Morning Star, on Lake Michigan November Orcn M Chase and 0 others, drowned from a boat near Potoskcy', Lako Michigan. November 14, Oapt Forest, loat with Col Chester lightship, Lake Eric. November 14 Wm Kelley, lost with schooner Arab, on Liiko Michigan November 14 Thomas McConoell, mate, from schooner Kate Darby, in Lako Michigan November, 14. Captain Edward Stretch, aged 40, John Kingston, first mate, John Babbctt, steward, Wm Stanley and 2 deck hands, lost with steamship H C Ackley, which foundered in Lako Michigan during a terrible storm November 14 Wm Grace, fireman, from tug Protection, near Sangatuck. Novomborll Jas. Moody, ongincor, Mi chad Roddcn and Eugeno Rodway, from' schooner Lucy J Clark, at Petoskcy( Lake Michigan. November 14. Thomas Simmons, cook, from schooner Hackley, In Lnjto Mlohlgan November 14 Gcorgo Prlccr and M W Wakefield, from sloopJlagglo, Lako Eric, November 11 Capt. Dnnlol Langan, aged 31 ( Robert Stevens, A Ferguson, Charles Kimball and 3 others, lost witli schooner E Fitzgerald, which went ashore on Lone: Point. Lnko Erie Novembor 14 Gcorgo Barlow and Jas Whitbord, from schooner Annie, In Lake Erie Novomber 14 Male of schooner Regulator, drowned in Lake Michigan November 11 Capt Divld II Brown, Ell Boshnv, mate Nick Uluchnctt, Louis Green¬ ock, Richard Fay and 8 others, with Bchooner James Wnde, which foundered in Lako Erie November 21 Wife and 2 children of Capt Williams, perished on hoard of bargo Iowa, on Lako Huron November 21 Capt John McKay, aged 40, Andrew Mack, first mato, 85, Harry Halo, Bccond mate, Patrick Cullen, onginoor, John McDonald, second engineer, Geo L 8eaton, clorki Eurndia Donaldson, chamber maid, Chas McCourt, fireman, Chas Riley fin man, Patrick Etchingham, Edward Band en, Herman Joorg, -watchman, Jofeeph Young and Goorgo Johnson, wheelmen, and D deck bauds, lost with 'propeller Manistee, which foundered on Lake Superior November 21 Wm Osgood, Frar/k Eck ouhurst, und Wm Sayles, killed by explosion of tug Erie Belle, at Kincardine Novembor 21 James Lilly, drowned from tug Oneida, in Detroit River November 20 Wm bhcohnn, fatally in¬ jured by falling into the hold of the steam bargo Raleigh, at Cleveland November 20 Cnpt Win Bush and Jas Mooro, onglncer, and 0 others, lost with steamer Eclipse, in Lake Huron November 80 Charles Ryan, second oogin eor, killed by fulling into tho hold of the Btcamburgo D M Willson Decembor 0 James McGraw, Charles Cnr- bory, John Oarbijry," David Jones, Charles Williams, Patrick Quinn, and 2 firemen, lost with Btcambnrgo Eutorprlso, on Lake Huron December 0 James Flannlgan, manna engineer, drowned from tug Winslow, in Lalto Huron December 15 Capt Martin O'Malloy, aged 45, and 19 others, lost with echooner Mary E Hulhurt, In Lako Superior Decembor 15. Cant, Robert Jackson, killed by cars, at East Saginaw. SHORTAGES. Prop Geo T. Hope, shdft 070 bus wheat at Buffalo - btr Iron Chief, short 87 bus corn at Bullalo. Schr. David Stewart, short 70 bus oorn at Buffalo bi.lir Laura, short 220 bus wheat at To* ronto Schr Dundee, short 08 bus wlicut, at To ronto Schr. David Dows, short 480 bus, wheat at Buffalo. Prop, City of Rome, short 05 bus wheat at Bullalo. Prop. Armenia, short 400 bus. corh at Mon¬ treal. Prop City of Rome, short 107bus. of com at Buffalo. Sohr. Porter, short 70 bus. corn at Buffalo. St. Barge Clinton, short 030 bus. corn at Kingston Prop City of Romo, short 802 bus of oat» at Buffalo. St. Bargo Iron Duko, short 1100 bus. corn at Buffalo. Scbr. James Couch, short 835 bus. corn at' Buffalo. Schr. David Dows, short 872 bus corn at Buffalo. Str. Iron Age, short 200 bus. corn at Buf¬ falo • Str Siberia, short 310 bus corn at Buffalo. Vessel men SHOULD HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK. Con (lining all poUlli of MARINE LAW Af do tormlnnl \>j tlw UniteiSUtu CoifrU , ,-----------—ON----------------, ' Sonrnen, FrelKbtR, Towiifre, CollUloni, General Avernjre, Owner*, Chnrtem, RoirUtry, Knrollmentii, Common Cnrrler*, Dutlei of Senroen, Mnstom A Ownero. Bill of Liulintf, AVnffoi, <to. Tha Tolumn 1b houdnoinuW bound Id itlff Boiird co to re, and lino English cloth binding Iiookiof this kind gonorallj cost 83 00, but we will aond It to any ■ddreaa, postage paid for^l.OO, or with the MARINE UEOOKD for ono year, -both for only $3 00 AddrcM Maujnk JUcobd Oleveland U FOR SALE, Her langth Is 135 fcot, beam go feet, and hold. 10 fqct lOluchutf BoikrlTfcct loot? 7 ftot dlninutur, three ttutfl, two 10 inch mid ono 17-lncli LiiRino 22j12. Carries 240,000 fout of lumber Speed, 11 miles light, and 0 1-2 hinded. Insiiranco valuation, 9113,800 Ad- dross Mxnmit Kkcqhd OlUce, N6 I South Water streot, Cleveland, O * " DISEASE CURED Without Modlolne. A Valunblt Dlicmtry /or lupphjtnf) MagnfUum In lh£ /f«- man System I ledrlctly and Magnttitni uliliMtd at fltfi«r btfnre far Heating the Siclt THE MAGNETON APPIANCE CO.'S Magnetic Kidney Belt FOR MEN IS WARRANTED TO CUREffiis!=^XDS WltllOUt tUOtlU llU. —PAIJriTTlIK nACK, Hll'8, HKAb OB I 111 118, NKIIVOUS imilll 1TY, I UMIIAfJO, OKNKItAL DUDIL- ITY, lUIKUMAVlrlM, PAHA! YUI8, NKUIUIOIA, 8CI*T|(A^ IH4FASRB OV 11IK KIDVEYB Bl'INAI DIHKASlta, TOUIID Li\ hit, Gout, Seminal Emltmfoiia, Impot^noy, Asthma, Heart Dlauuno, DyHponitla, Constlji|»- tlon, KrynlpolnH. Inillffontlon, Hernia or llup- ture, riilnrrh, Pile*, Kpllepity, Dumb Affue, etc When uny di bllllr of tbo GKNKKATIVK OR¬ GANS occurs I>oHt Vitality, Lack of Nerve Force and Vltfor, WnHtlnff, Weakness, and all those Uli. ouhoh of a personal nature, from wtialuvercauBo, tho contlnuouH stream of Muguetlum permeating through tho pai tn. must resturo tfit-in to a healthy ai tlon 1 liore 1h no mIntake alxmt tliln aphllanco mn fpm? f a HTT?Q < « yoHaronniifiUm witli 1U iUCi LflUlDU."*lumo Unok, Woalinoiw of tho Hnlnu, I nllliiff of the Wnmli, I^ucorrlimn, Chron|e Inllaunnatlon ninl Ulceration of the Womb, Iueldontal Hemorrhnjft or I loodin^, Paluftil, HuppruMMtHl iiiul Irrojtular MoiiHtrna- tion( Ilnrronu^NH, ami Chnufie of Idfo thin U tho |IoHt Ap|iliaiue and Curative Aubnt unown. lor all /or Ins of Female DlfllcultloH il In unBur- punHCil by nil) thing bttoru Inutitnl, both us u cqrutiTu iigunt and Bhu smroo of/]>o«ur and vltnll7utlon, 1'rlctMif ilthor Iklt wuti Mngnak fnmiks, 810, fent by (xpassC, O I> Jliul uKtunliiitfoii allowed, or by million rcctlpt qf prlco Jin <irdi ring brml mLiwuro ol wni«t, nnd sico "f shoe ' Itumittanci ran bo made lo currencj, suut In luttor al our rink lhu M iguetou UurnniiQit ur» uduiited to all a^un, are woru (i%tr tbo under clotKJuii, not next to the body lflio tlin many Ualvanfc and Klertr'lu llutnhuipi luUertloud «o ex(«u»lvelj( and should be luken off al nlghi They hold (heir I'OWI It lullLVMt, aud nru worn ut all bcusiiiih of tbo )uir 8end mump for lhu"Now l>o|toiture In Medici] tnnt- mtiiL Without Medicine/1 wllh thnuaands of U|U nior.iuls v THLMAONllON Al'PI IANCK 0O„ '£1H Btute Ntruot, Chiruffo, 11). Notk — Soud ono dolliir In jiostugo stamps or ourrt»- cy, in letter at our risk, with sliti of shou iittually worn, andtr) oui Magnollc Insolw and bdcoiivhicod of th« [Hiwir rmldlng In our other Muglioiic Appltanrm l'Qsltivel) no cold feet when they uro worn, or tuouey rofundid _____ ___ _____ (hCC ii wick ut homo So 00 outfit true 1'ay uhsolutoly 5)00 ""re NorlnK, (upital not rc<pilri-4l Header if you utLiit ImsiiutN at ttlifeli poTdonit of oithors i, yuuugor old, tun mako groat puy ull tho tlmu tljoy work, with ubrtoluU)ierluluty, Write for_jiartkulari to II, 11 ai lkt", A. Co., Portland, Alaiuo for tho working clan Send ton cents for pis- _____(Age and we will mull yon /ree, a, loyal, valua- Je box of sample goods thuC will nut you III tho way of making moru money In a few duya than you ever thought possible at any busiuuns Capital not required Wo Will Blurt you \oiuan work all tbo tluio or in spiiru liiuuouly 1 ho work Ih uiilvuMiUly uduptwl to both nwxrs, juiingiiud old \o\i ( an ouslly iaru from fil) runts to 8"* eyt ry «vi nlng I hut ull who want work may tent tlio minimus, wo nutkt this uiipurullud oiler, to ull who arumil null uutlfllb d we will sond 81 to pay for tho troubh/of uritlugui I ull pirtli ulun,dilu¬ tions, ttc^TTteiit free I ortum n will ho made by thoso \vhogl\o-tlif Lr who o tlmi to (ttu work, dioat suceedH ubrtolub ly mnu Unit delay blnrt »fow Addttas hTiNtON A Co , Portland, Maine 923905 272211