—a THE ,MABINE RECOBt). 5 Detroit, Florn, Saginaw, Idlowlld, Ponr], City of Mncklnno, Spnrtnn, Alaska, Kowotv. nnw, Ivanhoo, Milton D. ward. Propellers—Gazelle, Ontario, Pnolflo, Pus> .sale, Atlantlo, rKE^IIodgo, John Prldgeon, Jr., R. J. GordonVNuWun, Ooonto, St. Paul, Steatubaryca—Mlniiupolls, R. J. Bucket, Isano May, Annie Smith, Sitllnn, A. A, Tur- tier, Mineral Rock, Empire, A. Weston, 'Glasgow, Michigan, Geo. A. Mnrsh, Macki¬ naw. B. ,W, JonncsB, Munlstlqiio, Alcona, W T. Grnvos, Don. M. Dickinson, Mary Mills, Olego. Tuns—Chiiinplon Sweepstakefl', Stranger, J. P. Clark, Crusader, h. L. LFOn, Dim An¬ derson, Ballzo, Michigan, Gladiator, Qtuiylo, Onedn, I. U. Masters, Chas, Kellugg, O. Wilcox, Remorse, aiioo-Ffy, Kutc Moll'at, JohiipArcn, Torrent, A. ,1. Smith, Oswego, TOirtlow, Rlvor Queen, Kate Williams (to Jfrrlve^W. A, Mporo. \Sehoonera—Jnmos Coueh. Ti. 8. Hammond, I.TT. Foster, Holvotla, win. McGregor, Swnllow, Mineral State, Forretl, Sun Diego, Wayno, J, C. King, Acontlas, Geo. W. Case, J. F. Joy, Mono, Canton. II. Blssell, Don¬ aldson, II. II. Brown, Morrlmuc, Cniisuello, .St. Lawronco, M. I. Wilcox, Middlesex, A. Body, II. W, Johnson, G. W. Adams. Reli¬ able, JiOtilsn, Dauntless, Wm. Tuttle, Ger¬ man. roioian/es'-O, Cromwell, Wavorly, vyvan- <lotte, Lllllc Mac, Magnot/Dlckliison, Star of Hone, G. W. Blssell, W. H, Prlngle, India, J. M. Spaiildlng, Mary Hattle, S. Morton, Bnblneau.S. Bolton, A. II. Muss, Supeilor, J. Ralston, M. R. Baker, Plymouth Rock, Vannettu, Dashing Wuve, Sweepnaker, Moars, Mariner, Senntor, Blunt. Emerald, Fame, Virglnlus, Emerald. Steamen—George L. Diinlitp, ^E. M. Cnr- rlngton, Emerald, Metropolis, Luther West- over, Sea Gull. Propellers—Arundell, Snglnaw Valley, C. A. Forbes. Jennie Sjitton. Sleambarg68—Sunlhio, Goorge L. Colwell, Oswegatchte, Nelson Mills, Belle P. Cross, Kittle M. Forbes, J. F. Donaldson, O.F. Rose. Tugs—Peter Smith, Sarah Smith, E. M. Smith, S. J, Rumage, A. Molles, Maude S., Hurley, Clara, Irr, Lnkotou, Music, Cnta B., O. J. Mee, Lizzie, Shangrann, Witch of the West, E. V. Mnndy, Willie Brown, Chal¬ lenge, A. F. Bnrtlett, J. G. Hubbard, M. Teller, E. Halght, Geo. B. Dickinson, C. M. Farran, E. M. Peck. Toledo, W. A. Avery, J. P. Wilson, Roberts, C. C. McDonald. Schooners—H. C. Wlnslow,. Sylvester Neolon, Dreaduaught, S. P. Ames, Jordon Beobe,-jr.- Barges—Tnllor, A. Qeb|)art, Antelope, Wyoming, B. B, Icsman, A. W. Wright, Chicago Board of Trade, Bay City, D. P. Dobbins, Racine, Bahama, Boscobel, Yankee, WJlllam i,ewl9,-J-i. Iictclium._Brightic^ Henry W. Hoag, Amaranth, David Ferguson, Eliza/George II. Wand, S Clement, Fannie Neil, Montgomery, Leader, Jtipltnr, Marine City, AJax, Oneonta, Kentucky. Sfcamj/ac/tfs—Handy Bov, Joseph Gordon, David Sutton, Colonel I. Camp, I'aonts—Julio, Georgia. Homos—Joseph Eiirlglii,Canai Ian, Cm lew, Genorol Weaver, Lady Essex. EAST UAQ1NAW. Propellers—C. II. Green, Porter Chamber- lln, L. G. Milson, William Rudol|(h, W. R. Bunt, Mary Hess Tugs—Stlckney, J. Cram, Roys, Mildred, W. C. Calkins, E. Eddy, James Hav, 4. P, Logic, R. Weldman, Giant, Robert Boyd, 'Annie. A. W. Wright, Turn Ddwllng, Tom Maytbem, Pickwick, Pilgrim, Daiay Lee, LauraVjibbs, O. W. Cheney. Bflujes—Mattlo V. Belle, Ross Sonsmlth <.o*mmodore, W. L. Peck, Wolverine, A.I Bliss, Richard Martin, B. B. Bui-knout G. W. Wesley, T. II. Onhoon, Mury Stockton, Nellie Mason, J. E. Sparrow, E. F. Gould, Matilda, D. II. Keys J. A. MoDqugnll. Harvest, Mary Blrckliend, Norway, C. L. Davis. Sfcami/ucnts—Mary Belle, Florence. MIlMAUHhE. Sttamrri—Andy Johnson, Jol|ii \ Dljc. ProptlUra—D. Balleuline, Nullum, Minne¬ sota, C. II. btaik, Geoige ltittnhntu, hu porloi Monoliassett, (). ( Markllaiu, C. J Kershaw, I). W. Rust, James Shi igley, Lewis Pahlow, W. II. Barnuin, Massachusetts, Colin Campbell, Qui den Campbell. Scauoneis—Wallula, .Eminu Lclghton, Three Belles, La Petite, Alviu Bionson, Two Brotliers, Adiu, Alice II. Norrls, S. I'. Fly, Oil Otson, James Gal ret), J. h 1'llden. Napoleon. Oneida, L. A. biuipsoii, Firvettc Blown Anna Mai hi, J. II. Mead, Nellie Hammond, William Aldi Ich, E. hcovlll, Celt, Hoar, Starke, Thomas Parsons, Spartan, S. Thud, Lewis Luildlngtoii, Three Biotliets W. W. Bilghain, George Itaiher, G. T. Triimpff, Flying Cloud, .1.11. Men III, Lake Foust, PenoliBCOtl, 'L. A. Button, t'lly ol Toledo, A. M Nelson, Joseph, lliital. Stampede, Granger, David Vance, 11e|le Iiituflc, L. W. Perry, Madonna, Challenge, Sandusky, Mnieasoit, Eureka, Julia Wlllard, J. O. Bauer,' Suvelund, Redd Case, Transit, Monterey, Tennlu and I.aurlo, C. P. Mlnch, Pulaski, Pride, Black Hawk, Rub Bo/.EIIda, Eliza, II. M. Scove, ( . G. Houghton, John Suhuotto, Rlcl>ard_Mott, Active, C. Ainsdcu, C. C. Bams, D.'C. Clint, L. C. Butts, Mettt- comet. Scotos—Hunter,Gladiator, M. N. Dunham, Ii, Mny Giitherlo J. B. Prime, Albert Smith, Milton, Agnes, R. II. liuckor, J. M. Hill, Blue Belle, South Side, Sunday Morrison, Trio, Ahnapoo, Supply". AS1ITA11UI.A. ■Propeller—A. Eveioir. Sc/iooiit!r«--M. F. Merlok, liOOnnid Ilniiiin, Montana, Reindeer, Fltzhtigh. Nurrngniiset, Voronn, Edward Kelly, Chutles Wall, Mont- blnnc, Mnntgnmory. •THE.RECORD. ' NEW lONNWU. , ____________bio« Minrn.s. . * 8snphn„..,............. City of M ekinae. Alg.iainb.............. Wheni llullt St.Clal'...... Ia>tri!|r..7...rt„ Scotland........ 224 55 2,110 Villus- lion. I .10.1110 l'O.COO 200,100 tl' ll.OI'li pftnrKLRH AHn STKiunAnnKfl. . Vslua- t Whrre Hulll. l"nt tlon. Walter L. Froit........ Detroit ,............ I.2C1 U12.0W K'iwanl Smith.......... II. Hi. Oluir........ 5i irn.ooo (lunnte Ti Hope........ 11 iy City.......... R, Bt. Clair....... I.2W lltl).00l> J. W. Weieott.......... 41* 50.10(1 Kitry M. orbis.....m. J II Mill............i DuyCItt........ Mt 85,000 11 Bt.-Clair ... W 25.000 Plokup .......... A'lo F, Wild..... do 1'* 2H.000 llotn.il........ 21)1 0,00' It.....ir ......... .10 ....... 81 10 0-0 1'. 11, llobertr .. do .... lit 30,0(10 C. 11. Morrill..... Ch|>tlidm , ..... M sum 0»o ................. 'In /I 8,1)0 NinpuKi'B m......>. ...^ -t. CI ir Mi iwjoi Ot.g I). D. t » vln......™ It. m C1 .Ir . 11,1 25,(r 0 (liirilt-n filnn 1.. in io.oco Jus A miff.. . .. MilKiiuke . ... <5' 4001) City' f St, Joseih...... L Mich. ... 30IKI0 Hnrriun . .. . 1....... Bll 2HA100 W. 1, P oolor........ HuffnK ... U i-iiOA J. fi. Aliuiindeultoi L Mioh..... I3III 15, 10 .'.0 0 100. cm Liotlo Walker .. ^ -■20 27,000 q,4in' SP03.0.I Goomo £. klaber. .M cWrah Smiih . . .. Detroit......... 20 |8,UJU Hirer St. Clair IUvw8i.CI.ilr . St 0,000 Fern....._............._ a 8,500 <"•"' Mil..,, River St. Clair... 5 3,000 I,, Dlmoiiok..........„„ 41 10.000 ti. Ii. Danfurtb........... DufT.lo........ ' 15 5 0O.> BnlTalo. .. S» 9.000 J, L. WI,IUroi_...... Bttffilo......... St 0,000 ai 6,(MI in 7.001) 52 120 11.000 Cora A. Sheldon....... Ssnmuoi........ 15,00(1 Edwird Shelby.....™ Cbloago........... .15 A,'«0 Charles Welt,............ 54 12,000 John Maxvell........ Mud Lata.......... Ii Mipbtgicn „. . . Ii Superior eat... LMVebivan. .8 11,0 0 Calumet.. .....,......... 9.103 M.ud ....„......'......... E, L. MoJon„__ .... ' 4(1 0.50 87 8,51,1) A. W, Morrison........ .... .... Kl 0S00 OddMlow......„......... ..MM. ...vlLJi.. ' 15 5000 Gliu WlllUini.,...„ .... „.tM. 1 . . .17 ' 9.000 Admlrkl........... ,,,,_.......... All 17,000 Dsli................... ........ 5- 13.0(0 Chnrmley............ 07 34 000 J. W, Psrioelee...™. J.rlleM.y.......... ....« v" '" '• * Sh 0.0OI ........" ....... ml *,0O0 1.0.0 SJ40.5OO Hcnoowina xsd jiahokh. "..-StJilltjI.. 4 13 l-i j_ao.u(ji> Wan. A. Young.. •• Mi««is............... Norm Weal. h. St. ffl.fr .. iO.uOO 11. 81. Chlr... \i 2,1110 R. bt -Clair 11 2,50(1 Lulu Wbilins....... R bt. Cluir. R. St Clair . IS- 2 800 Pilot............. 1: 2,000 llufTnlo . . m 46,000 Mllw.uketi. hM 22,10-' Qoldeu A10. Veriiiilllun l,7.(i 140,00.1 Laura Johnson Chicisn s ■ J10' J. C. Cornsau L. Mich IJI 7 IKK) N.tlolu .-. I.. Mich, III 11,000 Hind Tiillnsa..... L. Allah ». , •i. 51101 Daniel Hoaeia / trHloh 27' y cxxi l). 1. Markhura .1 Milwaukte. ;«« 28.HUI lluidioii Star..... I) trolt Hi 3,00(1 Two 61<t«r< , D.lroil H5 I.S(X) Fred Carney... . Milwaukee. il 30,01 Kl Tot.l _.......... ■) (97 St44 HJKI Inns Vaiuo 2,78'i I 400 DUO Propellers........ 0,10) U03,(lOl ................ 1,020 219.5110 Sobonnen . ..... ...... 5,Jt)7 341,800 Total....., - 1«> 11.897,300 LOST TONNAGE. STRAMRBS l-norRi i rr ASU TUC1S Nam- Where lost Tuns A«e V.lue. QuoenVlotorU Lily qfloronto. Miiinlo .....- . t. toaule, 1 M\ li I 11,00(1 >. Dalbousie !.l 18 3« Km In on Hay. l£l 18 1 \IKK1 i Superior Ml. 12 JS-raKl V Cunil (( U 30 IKK) L Lite HI, 43 • J.H0II I. W Cluir (1112 0.1 HI i. Huron 341 17 2) VIKI .1 n Davidsn . Huron I4M •i 1 Ml.l (10 O110I1I1 , • • ^ Unlariu mn 21 1 '.oi 0 iw* 19 ■ HI] 11 ('. Ackloy 'h Miob its'. 2 HMO ii MiiyOoisor ,!' «•«« twi 31 10.00(1 l.ellnse...........IL Hunin. 7( •t 1000 .Munlstou '1. huiiirmr iiV- In Jo.mHi Mmilolia .... 11 luiuita 1(K IJ -i.lKK) Nnruisn II. "atari, K li r) IKK) Knterprlae .... |L Huron W " li. no (l.rdo.r . . . h Ontario lUi 11 1JIHNI Viilcuti h hiln 2)' 1. 2.i 000 Alorl 1- Ontario i 9 in 0 Huron .. . li.Oninrl.i 41 8IKKI ^uporlor Oeorulan Day ErleHulle J;. Hur..ii r 11 7.0IWI 2^1. 21 11,000 Oniarln. . H s' Clair . 'Jl J Colin Munrn . . 1. Huron 41 In 4 000 SMU1II-.KIIS AMSII , llliRS N.in-. Wli.rnl.i Ion* A.,. \M.i« Spued V llatea . 1, Midi IS) I* W 00.1 L. Mich l."l .7 4IKJ0 L. Mioli li<l 11 2.IK8I .fanny Llnil . L Muli...... no 16 2,'IIU 11 11. Bum. r L Mloh I'.m 1 S.OIKI We II hurl 1,. Midi 7MI 10 3J.IKD Uoorss Btiyo ...... L Mloh .. 20" 1 12.IKI0 McClell li .., L. Huron 29 11 1 ,'SKI It. PiiTBnnl L. Iluriin 217 -7I 10,018) Baablrd......'........... L. Mich.. 139 M1 1.600 U*cauabi.......... L. Mild.... 414 17 lbOOil Yankee Hindu L. Allot) . L M iol> 2JI ■2H| 8,'On bunnyiiila..... iilkl 2(1 1H INK) I'icton, . , . L Out 181 Id 0,0011 1'uurleis . .. 1. Dm 25li 28 6,00 1 VI 11 Vaudorblt' 1, Krlo, n2(l 111, 18,010 I'lplnror 1. HoroQ 211 1(1 1 WKI ritarllsht...... »• I,, Huron .107 271 8 UK) Laura Holl L Superior 2011 111 14.IKK' Minnehaha .. 1. Mloh . Hi 11 .1 IKK) Nelllo Cijurcb....... L, Mleli 12.1 li, 3UI L, Mich 151 .III1 '2,0011 Mary Nan........... Katrhmn.............. Nelll.Uinlaer.... Monitor................ Luor J. Clark .... Ouldlni Hl»r......... Mult................. Lincoln D«ll,..... Aahtsbuta ....... Ellubeth Jones.... Patomao............. Arab................, Clara Parker....,..,, FlyinuMlat......... Clpay .................. Florence Howard.. Eureka................. Leadvllla............. Jamri Wado......... IJ/P. Merry......,. K. Pltiieralrl...'!.. Maple lifaf....'.., Natpaala.............. China........... Cecelia.......... Wabnsh ....,.......„ Mairkie ........... g. B. C. nkll.......... S.llorlloy . ... C. L I-'lck ..... Homer II. llino.... Ilsnnor............... C P. Allan . . . Orimiu ............... CI man............. Wm, Treat..... John Manb..... MilwaukHii..,... Iowa.............. 0 D, lluinxerford ~llierln ........ M ,ry A. Hulburi , T.iul 4.500 2,200 lfl.OOo 12.000 1 10,500 14,000 I.E0Q 0,000 '4,000 22.00C 5,500 3,000 14.'00 8000 3.0>0 2.000 1.M10 10,000 8,1100 • 700 14,001' 8,000 2,000 5.000 0.500 12000 3.000 4,iO0 1.00 1 2.00(1 2800 1.5KI •> 3,000 n.iioo 4.000 2,500 3.5IKI 7.00 7,000 4,000 1G.000 J,0C0 1917,400 Veooli ra'neil Dotr It ai taken from the reoordt whicli aro ,uijpoied lo bo eorroot: N............'■ —J— 2,180 . 1.313 1.762-ToUI . 5,246 .2JtK) , 1.S47 « 1,772-Total. ..5.059 li. Mloh...... 1,1)1 • 10 171 18 L, Huron,. LMlrh .. 68! 111 K HI L. Mich .... L. Mich..... m 20 324 14 L Mich...... li. Mich...... 1111 17 lion 14 L. Mloh...... 1)6 '29 I.. Mi' h..... m II) L. Mich..... m 42 L. Mloh. . I6H •XI L. Mich-..... 403 K L Mloh .. 3IA 22 L. M'oh I'll 27 L. Out,...... 1VII 24 L Ont .. 211 25 li. Els .... ;m 4 L. Erie....... 27.1 11 u. Krlo....... IS). ~14 ti Erie ... 297 ' 1.1 \ Eric . . n 11) i. Huron m 1.1 Icoril n B. 211 20 290 IS L,. fecip. .. .116 11 h Ont. .. 137 3S [,. 1 rle ..... 101 10 L Mioh. . 70 17 li. Erlo........ IIS 10 -,. Uu.-on... 150 12 Li. Mich...... 7) 19 L.Mloh . 151 21 h. Uur... MB 27 h Uur...... 290 20 1, Ilur.. . 389 27 h Out. „ UK 4 U Ont . .m 11 h. Ilur..... 42 9 1.. Ilur ... W 17 u. Erie... .17- 9 li Sup ... 82 27 LAKK nunoi AND SAQIHAW nlVM. No. rtonlnurlpiiicd un , No. lalioon' n naaVod up No. Iiiiri-is pn.iod up Mo ulramoii taiiLddi wn No rohoonora p itotl down No barsoi puiiud down Yeer. 1875 187(1 1877.. 1878 1H70. 1880 1881 . 1882.. Orind tntil both waya ...... _........A... ln,754 TO».\AOR COUrAniSOM ion srvcv vrarb, Loit Tbnnaire. No. Li ii. Tonnaae Valuation 1175....; 1878 . . 1877. 1878____ 1879 .... 1880 1881 ... 1882 . W 27,177 .1(1,04(1.000 SS 9.1)90 307,000 . 77 2CJI2 071100 . 65 18,1180 384,000 ........... '8 18.531 818,1176 ......... 08 -23.7(3 790.000 ..............48 13.081 680.800 ...... 54 14 923 570,0 0 Iteio Tanntioe. No. Tonni.«o. Valtratl n .....■• . ^31 189.78 IUW.000 ...... 12 84.51 386,000 .............. 10 65.70 313,0fK) .........18 130 38 930,000 ..-----19 :19.18 791.600 .....i.. 51 36.687 2 602,800 ...... 80 64 728 4,028,400 ......... 88 48.105 3,726,800 ' CASUALTIES-DAMAGE. The following statement gives the num¬ ber of casualties in e»ch month, with tho total lqsses op hull and cargo: No. 2 .18 188 March......... ' ... AdHI i............... May,. ..—. .. ..„..... J^rto. ... ............. 74 Julf .......... 72 Auault .... _ 58 Si-pleuib, r ...... . 88 .Camber ....... .. . 105 November ,.. 274 Duoumbor. .............. iy T"tala ....... ~m Losses on loRsanl rafts oitlm,tod Grunil toial Yo r 18x2 1881 18M,............ TH78\.' 1171 1 lB7o\ 1875 \ No. . 899 1.C02 -960 .. 804 W 740 . o,T) 1050 Damassi t 900 • 94,1 (2 3002470 117 900 US 925 22.1,205 '37,178 365,075 1,200.400 57,100 8*2,825,348 h.000 .rj.H4u.3i-J Il.miRes II47-1. '00 2 0I9.9O0 1,078,900 1 1 0,400 818 000 1.(60.700 1.173.260 3.701.300 Stranded ....... _ Cnrgooa damnsod .. . Went aahori- . ... u ... , Heavy woatber.....».. Dibbled....... bnruns alouk........ Foundered... ......, Flro'................... L'iplodtrf...,......... Tolal ........ LARR UlLirhiAV '.tramiod Fire Houvr w at liur. Went uihoro c '..I 1,1 in Si runs alenk till bid fariiois duiliaR d I IstitinnK Liplmled rapo/ol Fuuiiili rod . ... lolal irCRRIOR ANDSAUI.T RIVER, No. Valuation. I 58.4-10 67.000 74,010 15.600 10,91 K) 12.500 20 000 3,000 600 82P1.100 _ 37 AVP Till ST1U1TS. Vilustlon v Ko. Valuation. 1 36.400 Dliablciil................... Oollliloni..............„,... .............20 ............... 6 8,000 Went 1 ihor«„<.........:. , ......'.... 34 141,600 C rjosi dsmaaod......... .........89 110,900 Bprunv aleak ............. Heavy weatlior........... .......27 16,(00 ............1. W 26,300 otrapded............. Foundrrid............. ,",;;- ;1! 106,300 68,000 Fir......................... ........... 2 0,400 Explodud.............!,.. ...........1 11,000 Total......... ... . '65 1,137,900 LAKRRItIR AKD WRM^ANP CANAL. • 1 No. ' Vnluatlop, Wont mhoro. ...,,.... ............. 3.1 1156,800 Btrandod................... ..........2,1 41,000 Colllilon................ ........... 29 10,100 Hoi vy weather....... .........86 93,800 Dpruns atoak ....... ..........10 14,900 llnnbloi).................... ............ 9 20,2Tfl ............ 5 68,700 I'uund.Ted , ............. 5 32.000 Eipjodid ...;...... ....... 1 26.0U) Cat ill-d........... .............. 1 4.000 Cargoi 1 ..... -........... ...........38 119.189 , Total.. 142 1523,086 I.AKR liiTAIllll AaiiKT. I.AWURNCR, , . No. Valuation, Stranded . / ............„„ 27 Went tiahoro Heavy woiltli. Dlaubl'd .. . Cohliinm . 8prunir aleak roundered Fire ..... , Cursoes........, Total..... Disabled... CollMoim. btrandod Fl.o .. , ,...23 .... 15 . 1 . . 2 -:! .. 4 .... 29 ,.."78 1(I\ Kit BT. CLAIR Total No. , 7 10 , 8 4 29 115.1,000 63,000 16,800 300 '1.742 .,7,500 19.100 49,600 91,600 1395.242 Valuation 17,300 6,760 3.6-10 19,600 137,060 No. 60 9 101 . 7) 101 3( 17 07 4 1 . 1 0 OMUUl! Ill \ Lit Stroll loil ( olllsioUl Ashore biiriitur .Inn IlKiltllnl 1 11 rg* 1113 1-lri Tiital . . No II 1148 100 11910 21600 2(2 700 »7,(K0 18.700 27.200 2H7O0 1.100 Id (WM) 8.12.1 1(2 1 0 S'KII.'Jll Valuation 811.100 8 IKK) 1..KII) ' UK) 2.000 I KM) 'I (Oil [ Akh sr 111 2) IIM 1 II T HUM 851 W0 Went aHlinre . DU-blod .. Mraniloil , bprutlK iilink Cargoes ...... Flro ...... Culllslnui. . Total. IIRIIIIIIUN \U\. W out aahuro..... hiiaiiiled ilouv) cvoallur.. Cirtiueb Total.... Xo. 7 4 4 II \ nluuii n. •'OH 2.IKK) 3..IO0 Ml UK) 18 508 300 821,200 Valuiulon. S-'ti.l III) 12,4011 2,600 . 9 COO a'AuoO- QUICK TItlPS. But little notice has been taken of quiet trips during the icaBiin. Tho followitig have c,ome under our notice: Steamer II. J. Jewell, Detroit to Chi¬ cago, 21 hours. Steamer Thomas W. Palmer, Chicago to Buffalo, 4 clayB II hours. Steamer City of Milwaukee, Milwaukee to Grand Haven, 4 hours S3 minutes. Propeller Noshua, Lake Erie to Lalie On¬ tario, 10 1-2 hours. Schooner Angus Snlith, Milwaukee to Poll Colborno, 4 days 5 hours. Schooner CHitrles—Foster, Chicago to Buffalo, 4 3-4 days. Schooner Sunrjse, Milwaukeo to Chi¬ cago, & hours. Steamer W. L. Frost, Detroit to Toledo, 4 hours 50 minutes. Schooner Bavaria, Grand Mario, Lako Suponor, to Kingston in 7 days. Propeller Riiasol Sago, Buffalo to Toledo, 20 hours 15 minutes, VESSEL SALKr. TOR 188?. The follow lug are among tho more import¬ ant sides which took place during the year. I hose of a minor character or of part Inter¬ ests we have not placed oil leconl, jinil It" Id possible that others have been omitted hchooiu-r* Red Wing, Jones estate to Smrth & Diivh. ltul|»lo, $22,000 Scliiiooei W. I! Tavlnr, underwriters to Captain II Buckley, Cldeigo, $4,500. Schooner D. R. Mnrllu, • Wells & Van t-iuhnick to Marinette Bargo Line, 10,500. Schooner Kate Hurley, sainc patties, $11,- 000. Schooner Mary E. Perew, same parties, R&00. hteamer Cltv of Milwaukee and propellers Wisconsin and Michigan, A.li. Goodtlch to Grand Trunk ruiluut. Price stated, $550,000. Schooner Bcrih-Cdklns, T G Elwcll to Peter Hanson, Chicago, $12,000. Barge Nniway, (. Hamilton loL'jiailes Tnruei, BtiHalo,3o,000. Piopellei Ron loke to L. O. Crlsiey, Buf- luln. $I0,(K)0 ' Barge Mahle Corray, Wolf A, Dmldson to Mai incite Binge Co., $12,000. (i^iLhoonur Fiauk 1'eiew, tii^Perilti iV MwveiTHai CilJ, $17,000 ^Piopellei Vgues, to (' ,!.- iJonahue, line City, $8,I)(H) Piupellei Lawieiice, \V \\ Llsworthto S S Biirk and 01 In is, $12 000 . Steann-ir, Id lew lid, anil Fuming Slni, Star Line-to Mi-I)at( ami iilhets, $711,018). Tog A J. smith, ltlce and othus I" Mur- phy Biothers, Delink, $20,011(1. lug John (,ii-giiiy to liuiul ,\, Burger, Miiiiitowo^lliOOO Sc-hiioni'i Lllcii spiv. John sprs to II. II Gardnei. Chicago, $l.'),tl0(). Piopellei Oeonio I, I' ( o. lo Geo. Col¬ well. Hun 1stllle, Mh-li., $17,000 Tug I'hos. Spear, W. Baplist to i'hos. Speai, (inen Hal, |li,H0ll steiniel Keweeimw, W W ittlnel to .Cap¬ tain Waul a.idotheis, Delinll $1(1,11(111 Sc|i(ionet I) 10 HiHn, If II. (uiidiici to John spr), ( lihiiL'i' $111,000. Sihooiiei Geo. M ( 0,1, t w- i' ( ongcr.lo N...S. Whlpplu, Detn.ll, $11,000. Do- Ma- VAVIGATION INCIDENTS. . The following prominent incidents took plate dining the milIgatinli ol 18S.1, and will he iiuiioitaut, lis main 1 loi Ilium- n I. ii-ucel Mai eh Jl>—N ivlgatlou open hetwien Do- lioil and Miihlcn. A|iill III—Navigation along the west bhoio ol Lake Mh lilgau. A pi II18- Navigation open bctweou Detiolt and 1'mt Union.