TEST - IPR records

Marine Record, December 13, 1883, p. 6

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THE MARINE RECORD. A SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATION OK . THE CAUSE OF THE EXPOSITION . FIRE AT lTlTSUURGH. J The most plumIblo theory of the (muse of the roicnt exposition Hie nt Pittsburgh, Pii , hits been Unit of sponnuicoim combustion., Muny conliiscil ucuonnis Imvo bocn printed of the probnulu milliner In which tlio upon- tnixjons combustion occuncil, but none hiivl* been united In mith clem letm** ns thnt enn- trlbuted to the IMt-mbiugh Dlspntt.li by John E. Neehl, 11 nriiUlciil chemist. Our iitten- •tlon lius been culled ,to Sir. Neeld's nrt'elc * —,by mi eBleemed mill irustuoi thy coi respond- ,eilt*Ji.1io nannies us thnt Mr, Neeld's theorj Is the one now jreneiidly accept*, d In l'ltta- burnh. '1 lie m-lentist snjs: After.rciKllnulhi! testimony of Piofessnr Win lit r, Ills iisslstunt, Dorim, mid Wnlchnuin Mi'Chwkey, us given bcloio l'lre Murshiil j'lcFiiddeii In teliitlou to the exposition Hie, I nin loiivluu'il lluit I lie biilluon wns the eliuse of It. l'loli/sor Wurnei unled thnt hi dug n tienih l.'i feet loi>>r„ covoiin*,' it over, making mi umU-lgiotiiiil turiMii-; lie put in nn Iron pipe nt pne end |>I the tieuth, out end of It im-cituil in the balloon, and started a wood tire in tin. tin mil ol the i-ciilIi, in ordci to Iohl hot nlr Into lli(t*mlloiiii to ill} It The wood being wet did not bin u well, -" he protuieil torn or live gallons of beii/ine anil tlnew It on the Hie In «iiiall (Jilulit1ti<:r atn time. Ons wns gtuernted mpldU Some of the g is was uiiisiiinecl, but Inigt quanti¬ ties of it, Biiiuiiiled by the stuuu tioin tin liiirulng wit wood, pnssLiI Into the balloon with the slcniti. Lomli'gln „ortmt wltli tin cold wet balloon It wasi o idLtncd Inn k agidii to bui7lin!. The outside coining ol lliebil- loou, ninth Piok'ssoi Wiirher lfiled bbniiiih on lor us llri'-proof qunlllics, pievented the beii7lne tioin esuplng through the miiteiiill of the balloon '1 he condensed helulne mill Beam ununited Ihe inside, ol the li illoon, mi! that Is uh) thepiofessor fulled to diyjt. In this condition the balloon was hung up in tin1 both I room, w hue I lie licat ngaln ton- vcrlcil the bciuine inside Ihe balloon to gun It tlowcd out ol the balloon and lell to the floor, being hjeio-enrbon gas and heaviei than the nUiion-plicn*. 'Hie do-c, tight tlooi prevenlul its e-capi downwniil, tne natural eomse bj whlih it would sick to eseapi. It then sprenlovei the floor, How lug under tlic ftiniace, and as It became hulled expanded and rose, mixing with the nil imtil It became ol the ilL'ht lnlituie to piodiue an explo¬ sion, wlilcli, inluuic Is one pnrtofhjdio- eiirbon gns to seven partB ol cominon atmos- pheic 'Ihetiipsiirinee wasoflhat mixture, and loinlng in contact wllli the tile in the Ininace oi all open light it produced a Hash by which another layer ol gas was hentiil and nil\ed with *l1'*. Tm& siioceetllng tli all • was strongu until llu whole bod) ot gas una ignited 1 he gn\ expanded so rapid) as to be diivin out into inacblneiy hall In «. gieal Miluuies Iltlllid the hull In a lew minute* (line and burned sotliuil) tint the combined llic depuitincnls ol both elms eoiild not idnliol It Ihe balloon Itsi It might not ha\c laki n tin i mil tin liiill.lin/ was all abln/c, it having no more in do with the lite than to be the gas hnlilei B) the |,linc llu gas got lino m ichlui i) hall II was hinted, txpiiudid, and hgbli i than the atninsphi ic It nsuVnjJi d to llic loot, anil bung held down In the loot and held up b) the hcnUii ail, u Ittj)i<ll\ loueil itsell ihiniiL'h lloinl ball lo the innin hall In the exp Hiding toicc lu the rein What i Ise iiiiild have lomluclul llic tbioiigh lloial hill, wheictlnn was nothing to conduct the liie lint uiinlaltiie I ike~, fouiiliilus, ihm.iiIis, ^icen bu-h»i-, glass, and a small, amount ot wood" l*n nacliiug the main lull it inn ilong iriiilu the mill, .-ilting 111c; lo Su bunting diiorations, binning tliein nil and diopplug tbun hi i/iilg on llic i xhibll goods bilww, |u-t nsi je witnesses sin that it did (In iiai hlng tlie fartliisl end ol the ball lis Iliad» a\ »' iheikul tor a uioiik nt and the hall hn'aiiH ignltid liiim end to end in a \ci\ li w inonn ills Soini ol llu e)i wit- nissessi^ (lit v In llui the lire icaehed llu liutbisl i ml id tin half In tweUi mliiutis llu\ wen pi nimbly aliniil llicli veiaclt) would lie ipicslloiitd It the) gave an) slioib er linn li sums iiiiriilible I beliew It was not the hall ot that time In it aching the tnriliei tbilol llu building Had the bal¬ loon In in less »etthau it was when hlingin tin boiler loom the lire would have on in red much sooner, as^as would bine gcneiaied quicker. ' Alan) pi rsons say that four m live gallons ot heu/iiie would not produce gas enough lo till the building. It would not be ueci'snary lo till Ihe building with gas to produce the ifltilllial was produced. 'Ihe gas would run idol g iindu the lool lu a thin stintn, anilavciv bilge quantity would not be le- qulred to tench the liu end of the |«,ill. Had the Are occuirod a few hours eiuller, when the building was Jammed with III Wen or twenty thousand human beings, with the windows many lift, above ground, with the turnstile pissngi wa)s, admitting onu piisou v nt a time, and a high Isnird leiue suiiouiiil lug tlio building—w bat would luivi lieeu Ihe consequence' Will, I will not dlsiusslt K\er)body knows Hull Instead ol tin ga) dags and banners of mil jovial dcrmaii Iriendb ever) dwelling In the tun cities. ■I would liavc been ill lipid lu MioUinlng. My own ehllilicn werethue. I-jin'ddci tb think THE NAVAL SERVICE. -»T|m Prcsldeiil's messiige, which is m con¬ cise stalotiieiit of foreign relations and pub¬ lic nflairs of (he United Stales, contains the follow lug In regard to the naval service . The Secretary of the Navy lepnrts thaf under Ihe niilhoilty 01 tho laws of August Dtn, 1882, mid Match 3d, 1883, the work of ptrengllienlng our navy by tho cnnstiiiclioil ol model u vessels has been auspiciously bo- gun. Three crulseis are: lu process of con- struc'lofi—tho Chicago, of 4,IS00 tons dis¬ placement, and the Huston and Atlanta, each oi 2,500 tons. They fire to bo built of stOL'l, with the lonslle snngtli and ductility prescribed by law, and In combina¬ tion of speed, endurance nnd armnnent are expelled to compare fnvoiablv with the best iiiiMiniot'iHl «ar vessels of otjiei nations. A lourth vessel, the Dojphlnj Id to be con- sliuctid of slmilai inateiial, mid Is Intended to serve as a licet dispatch boat. The double turrctted inoultois Pulitan. Anipldtijte and 'Icnoi have been launchsil on the Dclawaie liver and a cnniiact has boeij made lor the supply of tlieli niachiiicy. A slnillm mon- llor. the Monaduoek, has been laftiiihcd In California. 'Ihe naval fuhisoiy board and the Secietaiy recoiymeud tlie completion ot the inonilois, the constiuctlon of loin guu- bonls and also of three- mlilliioniil steel ves- st Is like the Chicago, Huston and Dolphin as an Important mcasuie ot imiteilal defense. The Secretary urges also the linnudlato erection of an Intel lor coast life ol water- wa)s across Ihe peninsula of Florida along the const of Florida to Hampton Itoads, be twicn the Chesapeake Bay ""mil the Debt- wine river nnd through Cnpo Coil. 1 Itil bound to Imptcssupon Congress the neces¬ sity of continued progress in Tile rcconsti no¬ tion of the navy The condition of the pub lie treasiuy, as I have ahead) Intimated, makes the piesent nil auspicious (hue foi pulling this blanch of the service lu a state of elllclcuc). It is no pill tot our polity to ueatc and maintain a navy able to cope with that ol the other giciit poweis of tiie wor'th We Have no wish for foreign con¬ quest, and the peace wlilch we huvc long cn|o)cd is lu uoicfrmiiig dangei ot Intelrup- tlon, but I lint our naval strength should he made adequate foi the defense of our hnr- -bois, thepioteUtlfluofoui commercial Inter¬ ests and the maintenance ol our Nat honor, Is a proposition Ironi which no pat¬ riotic clli?cu can withhold his assent of It. Every person who was there on that night may rejolco and thank Providence that the balloon was so wet. Villi f shfit .tlonuL-j, QUE&I'IOJSJOFFELb. In Older lo prevent the occurrence of dl6- ciepancles between the statements ot transac¬ tions under the steamboat Inspection laws of the chic! ollleers ot ciLgloms and the In- spettoisof steam vessels, llic following ic* gulalions inc published lor the guldanceof chief ofllcers ol euslouis 1. Tin lies provide! for h) section 1,158, Revised MallllCh, as a compensation lot the iuspiclion til stuuu \cs--els, will be com puled, In ench ense, on tin basis ol the ic- glstt i toiiu igc ns cxprt 8-ul Hi the steiuuei's inniine douimculs on the (millculm day on whlih the )us|iiilioii wns toin{iltted niitl n luiilitiUe mndc anil suhstilhcd by tliclu- sptclois ol sit tin vessels J. In him the e. iilthale ol inspection rt mined it) tin custom house contains tiioucoii'. tonnage* the Inspntor-- sjitmld be uolitlcil o! the tact, so that the) ma) lie en¬ abled lo make the appiopiiate collections lu utntise will an oilitii ol customs make thaiigis in an inspcctluu cutllicnte. .1 Tin rigislci tonnage ol a ves-t 1 re feirttl to nbinc is the net toiuiige asiletu- ininitl uticit i the ;icl eiitilh d >' Vu act to pio- vldc loi tit ductlops from the gioss touting! ol vessels o! the Unlttd Stalls," appiovttl August "', lSb2 (publUheil In dtpnrtiiiint ilicular No llrs, st,i les ol 1SHJ,) in the case of utinmeis lulnieasuit d ilmlei (lit ait, andthc gioss tonnage as dett imined pri vlous to tin pais igc ol salJf act in i use o! sleaiui is not so at mcasiiiul I. In iipoillug tlie tonnage lu tin s!ntc» incut of tiaiisaclions iLudti the sttamboat Inspection laws, 1 tnin *JI0a, the gross tun uage tit all sit iimus wbost iiisptclltiu Ins have been tollceled shiijilcl be repoi toil in the column gioss tonnage, and the net ton¬ nage, as deleimilled by nclunl mcasiiieu en! iindci tlie aitol August », 18H'J, Bhoulil hi reported In the column net tonnage. The tonnage, of steamers not admeasured iindei the in w lliw shoiiUl bo repoi ted In the column gi^ss tonnage onl), since their net tonnage has not been nscei tallied. ft. In the nbstcaut ol moiie)S received un- tler the steamboat Inspection laws, ( at No. (Ill, the reglstei tonnage, as above ilellnetl, should be reportid 111 Ihe column tonnage 0. The gross and net tonnage leported In both the stiitemeutKaiid abstract must be the tonnage ns It existed nn the date ol the In¬ spect Ion, and nut that determined on a subse¬ quent tin to 7 In the iuse of sttunit rs txeinpt from uilminsiiiemenl by the rigulailoiis nnd not aillin-asiiit"tl, an cstlinateil tonnage must be li polled as a basis fin the i (imputation ol tlie fits, the llgiirt s given In lug put tiled bi Ihe abbreviation "Ksl.." to Indhale f'al the tunnagu Is an approximated tou'hagi, tlic \cssii not having In en admiasiijtd. j Ciias, .1. 1 oi,umi Sccrotaiy. THE CENTURY. PROGRAMME FOR 1883-84. The programme for the fourteenth year of this magazine, and the third under the new name, » if anything more ntcresting nnd popu nr than ever. With evel y lemon the Century shows if decided gain in. circulation. The new volume begins wub November, and, when possible, subscriptions isuld begin with that issue. The following are ime of the features of the coming year. A new novel by George VV. Cable, author of 'Old Creole Days " etc., entitled I >r. Sevier," a story of New Orleans life, the time being the eve of the late civil 'war. "1 ifc in the Thirteen Colonies," hy.Cdward Eggleston, separate illustrated papers on subjects connected with the eaijy history of this country. Three stories b/ Henry James, of varying lengths, to appear tltraugh' the year. Ihe New Asir nomy, untechmcal articles, by Prof S. 11 Laqgley, deseni ing the most interest¬ ing, of rexent di cqvenes in the sun and stars, * A novelette by II. II. Boyeson, author of "Gunnar," etc A vivid and sparkling story. The New I ta ill A menenn Architecture, a se rics of papas tie criptive of the best work of American architects in public buddings, cily and country houses, etc. To be | rofusely illustrated. A novelette by Robert Grant author of "Con¬ cessit ns of a frivolous Girl," etc., entitled "An Aver ge Man —a story of New York, T he Ilrcai'-wlnncrs, one of the most remarkable novels of tl i tiny, to he completed in January. Cl nstinnity nnt< Wealth, wilh otner cs-ays, by the author o( " The Christnn League of-Connetjti cut, etc , an iht npphent on of Christian morals to the present phase ot modern life ( onsting About the Gulf of St. Lawrence, a series ol entertaining irticles profusely illustrated. On the 1 ruck of Ulysses, ihe record of a yacht- cruise on the Mediterranean, identifying the loute of Ulysses on his return from the Tn jan war, "Garfield in England," extracts from a private journal kept during n trip to Europe in 1867. "The Silverado squatters," by Robert Louis Stevenson, author of "New Arabian Nights " There will be pipers on outdoor England by John llurroughs and others, n beautifull) illustrat¬ ed series oil Dante, a number of papers by Ihe eminent French novelist Alphonse Dau det, articles on art and archeology by Charles Dudley Warner and others, illustrated papers on sport and adventure, shod stories by the leading writers, essays on timely subjects, etc., ete Subscription price, $4 eo a year, single numbers, sold everywhere at 35 cents etch. All dealers receive subscriptions, or remittance may be made direct to the publishers by postal or express order, registered letter, bank check, or draft. SPECIAL OI FERS. To enable new subsi ribers to begin with the first volume undci The Century nnme, we make the following special offers .Viit) siidsci dm» beijinn'iig Willi Voieni'iei, /SS 7, mm/onfiini 1'ir maiiaznu urn i/liii finm dtllr, tim! //it (imiOl-Jiini /ilelli.ili llili/l/ius, uuliiiuuil 11" fA ml lUnnlm join In Hun. i/trtM.f/.'WI Or if preferred, a subscription add the twenty- fotlr elegnnt volumes w ill lie furnished loi If 10 kceular price $16 IHECFN1URY CO , New York, \. Y Boat washing and general laun¬ dry in a few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, 33 St. Clair Street. Telephone* 118. % T1T1T0P SLI"I "l* 'Lin-, lor jioalOM miilrufnt A rlu/ihi f^. » c,,"ll> Wx ,,[ M'Hihwhuh win htlii sou tuition mina\ i IkIh uvui) fliuii an) tlilnj, t Im In ttlis wtrli Ml <>f (tilur si x hikikiI from 11 rut hunt J he broiHi loml lo fort inn (iji^iis luforo tin wurUril fllwulutil) wire At oiiil lulilrlsn, llllt \. ( t , Vesselmen SrIOL7I<l5 HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK. ConUtiiino nil potnti of MAHINK LAW ni de¬ termined by tlio United HUtM Com U , ,------------ON- SflAmnn, PrelHhtM, • Towftffo, Colli Hfonii, Genernl Avernire, Ohkrtom, He p; In try. tSnroliinantit Common Cnrrlnn, DntloB of Henmen, Mimtoni ft Owner*, » Hill or Lh<IIuv. WBffen, Ac. The volumh Ih hnndsomcly liound In atlfl Board coven, nud line Eimllsh rlatn binding. U«)hio(thut kind gonornlly eoit 11 (K), \m\ #o will nend it tn anr addrean ixmUiftu pnid for %\M, or with the MA KINE RCCOUD for cmo ymr, liotl) lor only $3 00 Aileron* Maiunk Hhconn* Clovolanif O FOR SALE, IIorlcnKtli tn 1*15 fut, luntn 20 fi«r, a, d hulil HI foot ^ lfllHchui* K-tiltr IT fut long 7 fitt iltnimur, llirco , "• Itm'fl, two lil Inch nnd on« 17-hich . I n^trtt '2^x42. Carried J^f.fKiOfcct of lumlur S|ll(tl, 11 iinhn ll^rhr, and ft l-.» lundtd. (timirnrn'O Mlnnttim, Sl^UOO Ad- drtiii Maiiimc iliCOituOlllce, No I South Wuttr -.irci,!, UcMlnnil, O rtiCC n wink at luiiim 8o0*t outfit trie I'ay uliMilulcl) tJlOD xurc No rink, (apitnl not rcqnlrtd Itmkt.if yun unnt IiuhIikih nt which pirnoiiHo! f thirtm, xoiiii^orold, cun make jfriiit jmj nil tliu time tlnv work, with ntunlutt Mrimni), Wilit for jiartiniluro to H lUKiir , .*v Co , l'ortland, Mnino DISEASE CURED Without M4>fllt!lnc. A I aUtal If IHkoi en; for tujiplytmj Maiineltm ta the Jfu~ man **yittin I Irttricitg mid Jfagnfttuii utiltxed m iincr ttf hie Jur Hhiliny the Sick THE MAONCTON APPIANCE CQ.'b Magnetic Kidney Belt FOR MEN IS WARRANTED TQCnRE&TOras , without medli int"—t#in i\ tub um k, hii •*, m ah ur IIUIiH, NHI\Ul H 1)1 HJI II V, t l UIIACiO, OhM-KAL DKHIL- ITV, UIIKUMATl'-M, I'AllAMSlS M^UJULdlA, HIUTMA, D1HKA8EH Ul THKKII)V>\8 Ki'l\AL iJISIiASES, TOKWd livkh, Gout, Seminal LiiiUhIoiih, I in potency, AHtlinui, Htiiirt DIhuiihu, I>yH|iiliiiii», CcmHtlpw- tlon, EnnlpnliiH, Indlif«Htlon, II em I a or Hup- ture, futjirrh, I'IIoh, l-plle]t»v, Dumb Ajfiic, ft*-. WliLDiinj dihlllty of iho f.kNKHAl n K OR. OANH occuw LoHt Vltnllt>, Luck of Ner\o Faroe and Vigor, Wtifltlng %\«iiknt>nM( uml all lhono Dli- oiiMOHola |>i rnoiml naluro. from whatLTercaiiHc, tho continnoiiH mrmm of Mngnotisiu |K.rii]LaiiiiK through tliLjmrts mum restoro them to a healthy nttion ihuru in no in intake about thlu apiilianci. nin fnnTJ1 t anirQ < i{ >w«»r«iiflU€t«i wiui 1U Intl IfiUlDO,""! unio Untk, \Vrakiu.H» of t]»> Splnt ,1 Hllinjtof th^Wiimb, Leucorrhipa, Chronic InlliuiMiuitlon mill Ulcurutlon of tho Womb, Im lilfiital Iloiiiorrluifco or I loodinn, ruin fill, HupprcHHL'd uiid Irr«>;ultir AIoiiNtruii- tlon, Hiirrennt'NK, und Chuni;«of Idfo, thU U tin* Itoat Applluiu v nnd Curittlvft At;t-<nt known. I-or all fdrmi of I« mule Dltllt ultlt h it Ih uiiBur- putittcd by uiiyililHK hftoro Invinii i(lioilint< a curatlre a^t ut and iirtn * nice of powtr ami vjtuli/nlloi) 1 rice oft lilu r Hi It wltli Maniatli liiruiks 8)0 f nt lij ixpriSH( 0 l> and i iniiiliiittloii ulluwid, «r li> mall on ludjit of prlu In oidtriiij,' html miiLsinrof h ami, uiul size »1 bIhil, UluiUIuull iuiiUl made iu turn Ik \ m nf In ktlcr al ooi lUk Hit \l i(,iKt<iii tiiirmtiitmirc iula| tcil lo all n^tt- ire \\ im o\i r ifu inxlt r <1 itlihiir not in xt to th«* hotly llltfi the miiiij <.nl\uiilt itixl h U t trh lliiiiiliiiffa uthtrtlriicl hu < xt» iihI\<1\, uml shoulil In* lakui off tt nik'ln II") hold Hi ir UiHI It t UHI \ Ml Hiid aro warn nt all Hianont of [|n m ur beml nlanip for tin N<» l'i pnlurc hi Muliml in ii- inint \Mtlumt Mf'dlclni," Mllti tli uiiiiimU if t< hti Jinn hi^ I1II M \'-^l 1 A VI 1 1 I \N( i C<>. :IH Stut* sirc.t, LhhiiKo, IU. Nori —Nud in tit Ihr In | < Mu^t H|nmnH oi curron- ij lu Ittti rut our risk h ith -ii/i of shot asuull) w iru, tuidlr) our Mu^iu lit In mil I-** iliiiI 11 com liittxl ol th« iiowi r ri"l<lhih i" "i" "line Mahiitlii Ajtj iiiniuui losltiM.1) n ii ilil In t win il tilt \ aru tforn tirinuiiT Rflllldiil Cheapest and Best Book of its Class Published* A $5 Book for $2.50! E mho die a the Leading Details in 200 Trndos! Moore's Universal Assistant1'and Complete Mechanic • ««!«£**■• Contnlns ovor l.OOO.IHlO IniliiHl i lul '1'ivctH, I'rorufMteH, c^nm. ..y^H^..^ (^i, ,1,(1,,,,^ l^nilhfni HiHlniHB lonifn Kill i < U f juirain mil utility *-Jt««» — to < *i i v Miumfiu tun M.i lifinlr tlirim r uml IIiiniih k* Mm dlvi h full dO- tftila nlioiit I iiiuIh rlliit &iwiiiIIIb I'hnlnir Mtlln ^tw lHiinr.h|M-iil t Wli tilflt l*«ll«y« Iinmirt.i InulirSiwK " ""I wmkltitr Mn lilu r>,a. On Mlh 0 iiiirt, ( Waurwhwln II U iumi r. f strtiim». I «»i r f HUam, Wind uh T. umUu 1 I_[ v, TamlmiU uil < MfliliiKMi.iu.tn « f MiHhIiIm S* m iiIiik "f llinU r (IJ M^ -*~N V'X m iy«) ^wt»'i. < <">t fTlui I'll n Slroam ii tvlhir 1 ui it« r M. wiirtiin nt and Tr h...\.....^.'1 full mil i ii|1lU Ii Ulh t r( It n Wmllui not hill ' ' for I-1 mr, OaUm il SI |i!Kj 1 >|H r uml tt to i Mill t, nm< •> (li»wtirkH Viiij r w.iiUm nytlrnilllri tc ,....„. ....^. .. ..„..„..»,.....WJO.IHKKulillltttliilH | full (ttUibfm ( .tiatruitlnrf. Oi'wmtVnir. ftiiil it imiiloK Mill tin I SU*in Mnililnj ty ofuMry kind Nt w j ri«isn Villi air Itjitun luuMlll tonm S« t tmKof \aivi» UiiVnn«Aul*yMo(lm hi^Sintrii") Inillwitur Hiu«runH UiJ.iUra HUwn II ill ni^lnuinii Wachlii IfU'TiwIk Muliaiil ni Mnu inonU, Turuioillliif MhiliiK «»d llmk IrllllnirNuu liliuij i I I uix of Mllh llrlcjuii. vtc liiHtniLtiuiiHu MHwnciw MiiBMlw,lk»ii*"WKiaw,M(iiMiAM.LAnliuujjUiuii^ n if Hufin.H iidhriuid" Ku-ftinnliwtoviriiiir to do I'nmntlvtfiKWklmlKl Um«l»ls(Cl>kiiiiU) tJUami ukliitf llikht I Uxlid kliulm. Hi- Ullnfor l,omm iUm toil lullroad Oar Lotiitruait>n i Ut It* |*uir L<K.uuiutUu ll(;ak<I »n» oil tli ,Kuul i dilnllitln -^inwaiiir—- jJ)W \tjll Mn lilu 11 i iU for I-1 mr, OaUm il nraluElovatnrt.Bupir.oil MwliU «" (lu UlrurMlllK. Ill wt Kuin 1 ho work nintolnil Auo I mm»*lit i». «1 Ti.il km t. nUlnliiK ov;r W> linmanM vnri. t> for <W Htinm, < ivil, nod Milling biii,inwjr* MwhlnUtH, III i kctnltliti \r n fiMiiuli r» Mlm nt, HiUilhirirUU Akwyi r^TluinlK.ni,fliw IUU.ni, Wnmni, U li^mnltlm, lliillilirn MtUtlnnaWi « - ' Alloynfor all nirpiMNUUI kliulA U« I'io^hh llutf, UluiiiK ProuwiHoruMlanilSlI' « sx... f^.A f_. _L._— U. —«... ri..lllnrt fli rtP_. lltlllKF fll»jl¥>lri[p Inuli ____..... _.. ,..-, - - -- , fliJiiK iU On UtU«-{t<Arlmi, tkrcwcutllni llnliitilntr Itmlnuani H' *'T— " ",-- " Ing "I Bwol, TtniiicrinK 0 l«mlIlOI.t^tO(Mf"",...... V« beols, lUARieni I Wtirk.ihc f tviry -.......v rhlm tlon. Ko- Tu nliiK^ li* rhufj.l'lllntr, '<Arlnff, tkrrwcuUlntr, ucarH.utUiur. Uodrliitf ComiHiunil UitU Tn hIok, lw rhur, rillnir, HlinftTiiK, Ik Itlntr, miction, Tool making, Tunptriiiir Annulling 1 h In nlnir nmi TomjH.r- K 11 lullt, llLiallto Tompcrinff lluthi. wclulnv CompounilM Cam tmnli iiin^ rtc ^ ui-S. I, TunivrinR Uiullt, llLialno Tomptrtny Iiutlw. mwiiig'CoiiipnmulH Cam imnlt mmr, p tttOOWTumiKrlnoSoCrcU romakoCuttlnir, Drilling mid Borlnir Ttmlit B*nwtf Tspn Flli Atnoni Cold OhliMii, baft* Sprintri ot nil klndj, UllVpkka, Bloiiu-oitu n. l> i lc, ( iiikry 1> .........Lnnry ntkry Ihotal and V. beols, lUAtiieni Cold UIiIm !■, baroa. Sprintn ol nil kind j, UIL1 pkks, rJloiiUH.niu n> n i ik, ( iilkrv IH ntal aiiO flunricalInUniimirtUi,ota IUiun for Iron.Ilraw, nmnw, Typo, biimitjr^ nml lklliPmmdini l"filu»rn iiwkcni, etc blam. Clr and Aiwa of Clmlna, lMti 1» of WhMila. filtoclflo Uraiflk». Ixnanilnn of Uiul* SiiiuIiIiik ot Wet*li, lUxluolnBof0.l(Io»,Maktn«ofCrucilniM^olirhtofHoUKCn]^llkiHofTankH.ClHUn^ Ihillnii •Wdfftitiff R'al«i\ Haatlntf of HnildlnirB,JolnlliiKof npt------ "*-"1..........."---------*u".....,'•,,' " "- "" '"— '---------- inana, oto. (W kindi). Carpuntry, Diagram ilp-hulldlnir NHvluailon, Hoi Id OonUmu of mnatfo Hulua, EMtlnintua, Tallica. vt&, for ; Bhl. Tom _ _„ _-litofHo(al»,Cn]ttcllk«ofTankH.ClHUniit _____ WaUrvHo«tlnirof imiltlinirB,Jolnfliinrof nixwLiU) ToCanipuUi Po«crof HUwiiliolkni. Bn nu liliw, I^-uiam, .------- ... .si !.._..„. *,-------._, Tllaarama of Iu»(jk*»onnaB« Tutiloi 8Uiwnir« tn Ships MikIi llliiv if Una. la, .^.-TT---«----- tmr. u........ "Inrrvln,TlnilKr hnl«)itii by Kailand Wat.r, HKtorum, ItiHifui* HttiMu WuikitH On Art „.,.», ,™vw,»..„„ . i........„, ulifn WritlOtf. >Yaino^llItlliiff, womi HUitnlnjr \jtndnhliiif I* )ll»hlnir (JIutiN Kinnn etc., SiOOIU)im)c Olwwauiiiliiir*ndGUIIn(r7lJnoto(rraphy, ItoBtarinjr Old I idnttnin< «tf 600'Uium fnr Waidimnkini lorfHIiint milium i 800 lu nut for I'rlnUim, Authom, and I ubllnheni | 400 Hi altli lu tun. Di Ulla for H( n linntii on Unking Bookkeeping, AllvcrtlrlnB, Hafo Itimln^Hi lluliw. otc. | r xi tittiuro Tahlos, IU ady llu koiitr Int» rtut Ooal and TunnaffD Talitiw, HUindanl and Mitrlo yytoiru of WilgliU and Mtawinw, HUrling Ta U « Knka for ( uinpnUntf Ironu,I'«rouDUMroe,cto.| iWltoMluUfurdroeora, < «nf»"< Honor*, tto j sou (U-ccljitii tor Uyinj Ultachini llattuni, liimrManufacturura, Ihilp Color*, ».to.i H» for Tropin nf.Tiinni.i'B, ruirlira, Ilw>t Bliw and Ilarni-w Maki ra j 10,000TradoSucnitaandSoliintlno VvAm. Thomiuiula uf duUiila fur hitrmonii Land,Grain luy.and CattU MiMuuru- ment* OoliUinta of Uranariw, Corn Crina, tl«.l J-.-iicIim. riougliliiK. ,1'lantlnur, tk<**> and Brooding Tablw. Food uid Hanaro \ aIum, ta rVrttluwra, Homo and Cuttlu IwmedUja, *IT klnda To II uak. Train, ana BIiod Horat t, er.—i-----*»-----t» «... .»i— i^, iiurai Uooui>iiiykH«lllngoc hioek.Btfo-koipiiiir Cunntnictlnn of Hhm,Hi«in 1a t jtiftil" ll. mi Hotatlon of Oropa, t»Kill Kwin I'wutai Knr*l UoonomyiHoillng m nwcit,ikv-kihuiok lun»i™ci i fit Barn* IMtor util tlhooaa Maklnff, hw. lluajniaai Turiiia, a I klni a. LBgulMu nm,tfiioolaJ TerHtorl^ttd ProvincoartntKa U &aJuL(fciadu>Matliig lo »»• Vollirfti u of IW u, Kwmp1 pile, kt«! ^aiilea' LJen, tho Jurl>*dlotlon otOiwtta, TnuWcv of llool Enuuo, ItigliU of Uarrlud Wbuwu, uihuvw w4 •Miaafur«iitMhi1mrylnJiiwir~--*tiMr.€rrp*ef.., "AjiimptertiiayCbTawholftwlnt^r^-MirwEtrndyhrmrr. ,'yo^lnlloolIlI^lllU>tn»tl^^ul^ontllttTarl^^^■»tltlJul.Ul.,^- Kf( Am * fliumay Iw colli d a l-x>k of w( nli m f r ll ha* • romul lotion or Infnmmtlun frurn till avuuum of kit w], Igo. f<ovfliLro il*> uui ttm li a mlm if lut«.lkuLiuil wi ft Ith bo founti) It ahmild Iw In tmsry hoUaohuldi curtulnly In uvvry ollko and w6rk»hu|i. >-A in. < i/y Timet. ' fin re iiovolKHiiinanyutUiimiUU/iuitallbiLiry llfto uim ti |um , uml oertalnl> no | i vlou* utti uipt hni \nai «o Kiipotwuful oa I hid onu "-JVlfl JOWAmflaf " A regular omtdt ipi d I'NiVKitaAl I «»■ *» l^o ki u ' -Jf/r and lit (r. .' llioAaaniT*NTlutlM>moi.[ioiiiilit imdvalnoblouraiiy »■ rk . f iwkinilm Ifbyenvi r au.n.,lC-Htn. Jf<ic/ifnf<f. 'CiiinlliiKoontuf priHluotlim, tlu AHamrAHT in Clio ehui|iuiiL wuik of Itiiliuu piildUli. I Konutalnall ia|wj*La. In a Timrvi II >u* rufiurU ry uf vulurflilo liifommtl ni, an 1 wurtb Ita hi b lit In koI 11 uoy Mii l mtu y trim r, or HihIiuhk Mun, 1 vol l&nn Mini by mill lo miy Ad tntw, In l«*i iuK\\.h*.luw,l<Jt$2ttiQi-Uil^tlivrjlil>nr] ityl*i,lutl«njti baUcaud uwrblud uilgu*, fvr S3*00* Addruaa ail uhJura lu Address H. N. KNEELAND, 150 Nassau Street, N. V. 7 929985

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