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Marine Record, December 6, 1883, p. 7

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THE MAPINE RECOBD,' , TJjc NeversiDk Cork Jacket Twenty poroont. more Bnoynnoy limn nny •ther Iifl'o-Prcaervor In tlio market. In thu SAFEST unii only RELIABLE LIFE PRESERVER In EXISTENCE, us proved oft'io liite «ieck on thu Piicllli'Conut, nl the Pnullli! Mull Steiurmlilp, "City of Sun FruncUco." . ' RING BUOYS AND FENDERS. fllOrWRO HAMMOND. JOHN COON. Paper Mill Bloaclwrs StRotwiw. GisometfflijSaltPdwj Smote SEo^s Mall kindsof Hcaiy Hate & Short IronWorfc OIL STILLS & AGITATORS. Repairing ftomptlyAttendodto. OFFICE &W0HKS, K^g^r^i n>w,«»«««^ xi.-w Perry St. .„»»» Approval imJ adopted by thu Unl'od Stntce). Board of HiipurvlxliiK InHpertornjulso by tho principal Ocean, Lake and River Steamer Ltyies, us the only Reliable Lile I'ltwiver. VESSELS 'AND TRADE SUPPLIED. Send for Clrcnlurn. D KAHNWEILEK14B, 14fi & 150 Woilh SI. Near Center St., New "York. MOORE and BARTOWr^ Ship Brokers and Agents, No 121 81 Hair Slroot, Itmm Z7 Cl.l.VU.AND. - OHIO__________ THOS. WILSON MANAQINO OWNKR 's Transit Line. Geo. Forwarder. Freight and Vessel Agent. _______ LI FVKI.AND. O__________ . HIBBARD& VANCE, Vessel Agents 06 uml W8 Brondw»T MU.WAUKKE, WIS 11. USnlli.airti'l.________(HirAIIO. ILL DAVISON and HOLMES, Vessel Owners & Agents, 240 bo Water BtreOt ^^^ CHICAItJ ILLINOIS________ ATKINS &BECKWITH, Vessel Owners*Agents 127 l.iSalln Sir. .'t CIIK Aim • ILL A.M. BARNUM, Vessel Agent and Broker, 1 c Exchange it. ilufTalo, N« Y. JS?-IF VOL DO NOT RECEIVE MY MON'lllLY I.l.iT OF VHS^EI.S OH >> vl i' sKV KliK I ROBERT RAE, Admiralty and Insurance Law Office, ItooiA 17,. Mi i-lIiuiiIV huilJliiK, \( nn \(.U, III y _ WILLIAM F0R0E, SKIP BROKER, Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. X t tor (oluinhuH Avh A WnltVSt _______________HANHUSI^Y OHIO________________ PALMER & BENHAM, n.Micies'wrH lo J [{ I'VLMHl A SON, Vessel Owners & Agents, No 1J0 Wulor HlrenU BoomsO .1 7 i Li.vni.ANii ■ imio • BECKER & KELLY, -Vessel Agents, Voineln cliiult mil, |mtclmn«l ami wihl. (oiilnalti mndu (or coin mi mid luiiv) fn Iglitri. Luke hiiifrrijir nut! I •.iiiiiulm lion 01 u ( hiutuiri (or nln- iflu trip ur huison 11 »|)i (lulty ..Jite'..'^!, cienl'dDil, 0. ' roleplioiw NoOS3____________' KNEIP & MORRISON, I'UOCTOUS IN ADUIJIALTY, U*> MouruuHL IUiuui R4 I IiIlu^o V. t). NICKERSON, MARINE ARTIST Hear of Central Tug Office, Main St. Bridge, Cleveland, 0. CALKIN'S PATENT METALLIC LIFE RAFT. << 1 Snatch Blocltn. H. 0.& J. H. Calkin, ' GoDiBnmitiu and PlmnDiirs Stcum mul Giis Fittttrg-, GALLEY STOVES- 300 £ 2S7 Wont St., Cor, Cnlfflil NEW YOEK Circulars sent uiinn iippliaillnn. SMITH'S PATENT METALLIC LIFE BOATS, THE BB8T ^-KTI3 OBBAFB8T. PENFIELD BLOCK CO. Lookport, N, \ BOI.K MANIIKACTU1IKII8 OK THK OKLKIUIATF.D BRAND" Tackle Blocks. "Improved Anchor" II I "CTCCI , ROLLER BUSHED Oil WITH OCR MLF-LUBRICATING PH0SPH0EBH0NZE BUSHINGS. The metal in ihene Bush¬ ings is the celebrated Phos¬ phor Uronie, the best bear. ing metal id market and being perfect self lubrica¬ tors they are fast supersed¬ ing idl other styles. For sale by Ship Chand¬ lers everywhere, ASK FOR"ANCHOR UKAND" BLOCKS,' Illustrated -Catalogues and Price Lists mailed free upon application. , Patented November 13, 1883. jueM linnrovi, , m Sninnif onltrit mIiciuhi -------r^T------ ir ^i numiKn SE>D FOR PRICES TO SMITH'S BOAT WOKKS, 159 South Street, New York Jmj. ved Snaicii I!k Clasp clj-,1 il. STAR BRAND TACKLE BLOCKS, BAGNALL & LOUD, Boston, Mass. Hole Man 11 fiu tin-urn In V. "*. A. ofoitr Cdlehrulrtl ( Metaline & -Sleeve Roller Bush Tackle Blocfs,'Improved Snatch Blocks, Gaff Topsail «i.j:ath, kto Improvril SiNAICH Biock Clup Opciiutl If You Want (fie Best STEAM PUMP l'ur MlniiiK, nallrnail or llriinitinnt nar, I'nnrrMIII, (lirnilrn! ni' I. lit M nrlit Tauntrr, llreneryiirNimnrllrllner>,llrnlnlnitQnnn*t»,OclliirHiirrinnln- tliinh, lirliratlnir nr ll>ilranllr lllnlnir, Nliiklnw I'iiIiiiiIiiiIiiiih, (nllfi Diim, Hitvrr, Nell Nliiklnc anil ntbrr ('unlrai(nr»' Work, or Hal» iik - " Wnier for nuy kind of Mnniilnclurlim or Urol'iiriHiKf. itritn tnr nn II]i(b tmtiHl ili«rl|ill\n liuil oiitlinM'tt PI'IXIMKl'EII,.....il|ilii» urutih mliii.1 prices, liuiiilriilmif toftliiHiiilnlH i li ,lnllul fnm l'rli-t h llltlpi r i niitliiwi r than olla r Evurypump tuitutl buforu ahlpmoiit ami irunrilnttiiiil ao ropruaentuil. ' ECONOMY AND EFFICIENCY UNEQUALED. Piilsomotcr Stcum l'miip Co., 811 John St., New York Cltj, U. S. A. Si" St i! I'rln n in it Ihhiiu of (lllu l'njitr "iO \A/\A KHTAHMXlll.l) 1M.I0. -U IN til-Alii 11KK8 OV— CORDAGE * OAKUM. t.mun of AMl.HK'AN, 1HWSIA oml ITALIAN linMgjiriln my lit at tpii'lty niinlo lo order Al ONE DAV!8 NOl'ICi:™ MANILA mill SISAL BINDI.lt 1W1NL IHo. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y________ THE MARINE LAW BOOK -IS, \0\\ ItlCADY.- SEND YOUR ORDERS TO THE MARINE RECORD, RAND& BURGER SHIP-BUILDERS, WITH ce't rocii ATTAi 1IKI1 TO THK WORKS. ALSO I'KWARED lo' DO WKEOKINa AND TOWIM « n 11 i hi; Tug John Gregory. Vessels Docked and Re¬ paired on Short Notice. MANITOWOC.WIS. CANFIELD Wrecking & Towing Line, Tugs, Hawsers. Lighters, Steam Pumps, Lifting Screws, , &., lo Ir> luij mi ilunt tA'lhi, l>) mull or It kgrupli A. O. WI1LLLI It, < HAS. ONinvi'CIl P k Cd, I I y Vessel Brokers, IHJLVT1I. MTN'N. 54 �691 08982438 3

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