r 6 THE MARINE -RECORD. % )/ 'CV&-; THE LIKE SAVING SEI#It!E. Tho following U nn ilbntrnct ol tho re port of tho Gunerol Huptirliitendoiit of l)lo llfosiivingsorvlcu: Tim oauibllnhniont cntbritccil lit tlm closo of the Inst flMJiil year 194 ntiitloim, 1II) bulng on the Atlantic, ,17 on the lnkpp, 7on thel'miUle' and 1 nt thu Kfllla of the Ohio, Louisville' Ky. The iiiiinlici of illpnsium to documented vosbcIh wltlili) lln! Held of slntlon onernllnns during the yenr whs 11(10. Thciu >veie .'1,702 persons on bniml tliesi' ve»»e|s, ol uIiiiiii J,777 «cre saved and only 15 Inst. The limii- ber of tilt slilpwuiuKi'il who ici'dved suuunr at the stnlloiiK «us OBI, audio these 1,870 tlnys* rvllot In the iiKCii-guto were ulloiili'il. Thb estimated inliu'of the vl'mela Involved in these disusteis wiih $j ]00,02i"i,and tlintof thklr eargoes f'-.u7i>iUir>, milking the total value of piopcit) linni'l Heel, $7,170,510. 01 this amount f 1,^11,801) \Wis saved, iindfl,. 501,710 Inst. The number ol vessels totally, lost was (18. In addition to the lorcgoiiiK there have been 1111 dUaslers to smallei omft, as snllhoatH, iiiubnma, (He.-, on. which wen- 211 persons, JI0 ol whom veie saved and 4 lost. The pioperty Involved In the latter disasters w,ns $(NI,18U, of which f.10,000 u it* 6nvcd and |U,280 lost. The lesultsol all the' dlsasteis within the scope ol tho sei-vleo aggregate, thcielore-, mflullows: Intal ninnlior ol lUsu-tUrH ... . -IIS jolul vuluo of pnj|nrt) Iii\iiI\«1 S7,2li<J0 Xutfll initio of ]iru|H.rty witeil .. 1,071,700 r«tal value uf proper!) Iimt 1 571,020 lutul iiiiiiiliirtif pintoim limiltml ' 4,()ll> 1 Tulal number «( pi rsuiis. «aMill - .. 4,017 rotalTiunilHr nf pi raoiM hint II) loul nmiilitrotiilil|iwri'Ckcil pcruim succored alhtallniin . .Col lolal miiulKir ol ilu>a' suciiir iiiriirtluJ 1,87'* Ju addllion Hi llmse saved fioin Mitels, thwe were 22 pel sons rescued who had lallen fiom wharves, plus, elc, and who would have perished without the help of the lile saving erews. Investigations held in each nise established that the 10 peisoiis lost weie entiicly be¬ yond the ic.ich ol human aid. Ol Dili num¬ ber, 0 were ('.ionlied by the sudden capsiz¬ ing ol vessels .11 some distance I rum land, beloie assistance niuld reach lliem, 7 weie lost In endeaviniug lo get ashore bj Ibeh own elloris, while llu lile sa\lug eiews weie hurrjing lo ibe lesciie, me perished fioin being thrown oveiboaid bj ibe sIhhI. of;i collision; one was washed ovciboard lioui a stranded vessel, and one died ftn soon as landed, owing to pietlou* t \posiire on a wreck 'lile upon gilt's full and specific account ol all of those pel sons Tile uuinlici ol disasters during the jmi exceed by se«cuH-one ibe nuinbei ol dis¬ asters ol the yc'ar prctedrug, which was coiibiderably lingerlluiu licit ol anj pievlom year in I1 o blstoiy ol (he seiwlce ' I'he amount of properlj imolved w m*.!,i7<> I'J'I greatei than in tin piecujlng miii, but the .iinoiiiil lost w is JIS.T'iO liss tb in that ol the pieieiliug \i u, while ibe nnouni savul was (2,5(15,21.1 nunc I he nuinbei ofll\(,'s loot was scvei' moic than in Ihc preiuling year, but lu propnitlou to Hit pimibei ol persons oil hoalil the M's^els sulh i my; djs- astei It is eonsiilci ibly k„», ibe inllimi i'i- d/ictlnu being l> pel cent. ITin. aSslplauce leudcrcd during the year in saving Ussels andcaigoed has been lunch Jaiger than i|i any pievloin- year, I !7 \ei»cln having bten worked oil when (.Uandcil, re¬ filled when damaged, piloted out ol dangei- our places,oi shullailj assisted bj the nl.ttion crtws* '1 here were besides 125 Instance* t'-iitn-uliic mote than in the pieccdlng \e.ir; wheie vessels running ii.ro danger ol siiaudlng weie wanted oil by the night signals ol (lit- patiols, most ol [lit in ihus he¬ rn.'savtd 11•••ii paili.il or lolal dcsuucllon Tho fdlowlng geneial siiminaij Is given ol tin statlslits ol tile opelalion ol the pres- enl sistt'in lu l»71 lo Ibe olosc ol ibe llscal \iiu It will be obseiM'd lb.il the low-, ol lib »» siiiied "iuiludis the niunbiiol those who perished at the wieeks ol ibe Union mil Mtliopolis, width, Inanlct jniilit, lire not clLirgtable lollie servite. Mi iul« r oltliiuiltrs i UH \alu. .J |iiu|iul> liitnht.l slll'rjl.m Vitlui uf |iru|>irl) iiliiiil J1.7I7II.U \nlui «l |ini|«rl) liil li,7sl Ml Viinli, r ul piirsuiiHpitiilviiil IS '10 Siiiuli r u( |« r-iin^ hiitnl 1« tJ* Niiiul.ir ul [.. rsnils list !.!'! Ntliul.tr i.l sliii wrttlittl pi i>unii suit tin i) ul ■luliuiis 17^'" Nuiirliir iil.lii)!, niiiinrulliirili I . 111 .W Siiici lilt Iiihi lipuit se\en additional si iiiinih Iiiim lu en cuuipliti d. oni at liuniii- well's litaili, Me , one at Miisktget Idauil Old one ul ( osk iiu, Niniiiikil, Mas- , niu it llilg.inllno lliiuh, N .1 , oiical V w li.lt i, .)!»• al Cape II illeias, and unii ai Oinjtuke, inasl ol Niiilli ( ainliua 1 Olll olliei sj^illuus .no in pun i ss ol eousiiuiiiiin anil .ippioiich iiie loniplctlon, initial Lewis, Del , one at Norlh l)i mli. Mil , out, at Wallop's Diach, anil one al Pnniiinou 's H< in h Va Phcie have bn n nine s(t*t selenlttl Itu new sta¬ tions, wblib It is proposal |o constiui't next yiar, piovitlcil litlts, w hlch lui\c been piomlsed, are obtained and 'sufficient ap¬ propriation slmll he made by Congress, namely: One at llieiitnn's I'olnt, li. I.; one at Grand Marias, I.irko Superior; one at Franklin t, one at rtutwatel, one at ihc mouth ol White ilvti, out at Holland, 'and out at dentil Ilium, Mlih., one al Michigan City, fntl , and one at htuigeon Day Canal, Wlsionsln, Mies an also now being seleetul lot lint icinalning stations. aulhoilfcd by ( ongrcss. Dining the vein tbesti\lce had |iu exhibit. upon Invitation, oflts^oats nnd apparalns nt the International Fisheries Exp-isltlon In London, (life savlngppcrntlonB having a col- laternl relation (hereto) niuMvaa awarded it gold iricdal. ». Tho gcnornl Biiperlntonilent attributes much of tho high elllcloney of tho Bervloe to Its utter exemption from political In. tlueneoB, nnd stales that the statute enacted In 1882, declaring It non-political, has niiide It an easier task for Jit in to conduct Hie saving iillalr'a with solo reference to tho pub¬ lic gooo. _ LIGHTED BUOYS. It Is stated that the Canadian Mlnistei of Marine Is eopHldeilng the sub|ect ol having buoys In the SI. Lawiencevlvei' Illuminated at night by gas in order to fVieJlltato naviga¬ tion after sunset. It, Is to be hoped that'tlie ministei will make a favorable decision lu this mallei, The advantages fiom lighted h'no>» are so many, the drawbacks so lew, that It'secms onh leasonable to expect that they will be hugely used In the luturo. This mutter of lighted buoys Is'no longer a prob leinatieal point. It litis now been pioved bevond question that such buoys can he miide and their light maintained for any de- siied petliul at comparalively little expense. Uoth abroad and on -our ow n coasts trials wiih these .buoys liuve been succt'ssfitl and lu every case, 60 far as we can/earn, navi¬ gator* ai d otheis who depend ijpon similar beacons have declared that the llgbled buoys are material aids to tho safe navigation bl coasts. Kvery buov on our const, every buoy that minks put a channel in out harbors fs- the stiougest argument in favor of lighted buoys. ^Inii and spar buoys iire«xce*iiont guiding points in the day time. They maik out lho way so that to the navigator the channel is as plain befoie him as Is the well paved street to the pedestrian* At sunset, howevei, these points disappear and beyond lighthouses, whl.'h throw out their waml g rays, tho shipmaster Is uncertain as to the track, and in many instances w hen Hear bar- bois must peilorce lay to, or pioceed very shwly until daybreak. Lighthouses, do not, Iheiolme, accomplish all that Is wanted and more guiding points are needed at night. Whenevei a heavy fog hides the buoys lu I he daytime, fog bells clang and sirens send out tlitir hoarse notes, so that tho buoyser- \lte is supplemented by the log signals. When night Inslead ot fog conceals lliese buoys, why should not their positions be In- dliaiedbyii light"' Whatever aigument Is put loiwaid in favor ol llgljihouses anil fog signals must a|)|>!) will) eipud lorce In lawn ol llghled buoys. They aie not only an ad- illllonal safegilaid to niulgatois, but the) la'eililalo Ihe nit^igmgiH ot vessels at night with what icoiiDJny of lime Is patent lo i'M'ry ship ownel. The aiUantagesoi hav¬ ing will llghtul slieets aie olnloui to e\eij ituin \ml the ;idvant igeu of lui\iugthe ship ill ulniK lit ."Ul pi 1 hi I pa] h.ubnis wt II uiiiikeil oul at night 1h lighted buo\s must be ttpi.illy tib\ious Wti lui\t> long advocat¬ ed the intiodiietion ol tlic-e buojs on oul t oasts as lieiuir in Ihe inti rests oj coinmeiie, ami now that It has been tleuionstiali d Hull nut h hiioyse in li^-made and winked sutcess- fully , tluyi,i» n° leason why Ihey should nol be u-en"' Il is trt.'belioiied th d Congiess will lake|told of-thlB nwiWcr at its next ses¬ sion, and "make sirch lllii i ul appioprhulons that lile Liglithoi|su lioaid will be able, at llit! opening of next season, lo place many llghled buoy s at suc,h points on oni coast an as it may deem best.— Utu limit 7iV//is/i i < TI1K LOSS OK THE IOWA. Olfjectlou Is taken by the crew of tho wrecked baigo Iowa to ceitain• statements which aie going (he lounds of the piess. i'hi' lollowiug slatements by the ( aptain and signed In all ol tlieui, has been'foi- waiiletl lor publication lo Ihe Tin onto Mail '"soi iiiami'ion, .Nov 2.1—Ihe Iowa; owned it Hntlidt), tleaiul Irmu Mpeuaon Ibiiistliiy, the 15lb hint , In tow ol ilu Oregon, wilh a cargo ol lumber shipped by ( nuisloek ailil consigned lo J. 11 Holmes, ol Uolliilo. All went will till 5 p in When no mllis ubove l'olul mix Haitpics [hi line piutt d I then tiled lo wink down Ihe I ike \\ hi n the llni pin led it was blow¬ ing and snowing so haidliould see the Oiegi.....nlx ul"11hut-, nnil f| lIn oicgnn had looked Im us ihe nt xl dm I think she would bate lounil us We bail Ibctablu bulliined up, hut the sea was breakingelean o\er, inul about 7 in N p. in. the eabiir was washed, aw i\, i in t \ lug un wile and two tblldicn with n IIii'M-mIwiis now iintiid wllh in ,.m> its lo In i tune ultelly uuin inageabli Ui lemnlned In lhat conillllou till Sunday looming, win ii we weie taken oil bv ihe .lohn Mi Kay. He took us to Sloki s Hay, win le eyt ly thing possible was doin lo u> ike n« itnntoiliible When leavlng-Mold Me. b-uy lo tiy to save the vest! I. I pnu ai- i lying at Stokes liay.lt was loiind ilial all ol us ni'Vc m/iri' or less Irosl-liltico, Ihe pain of wljh)i lyas fesseneil by ihe tug l'liieulv arrlvTmo; and taklilg us to-dav to Snuthainp- lon„wWue ;wc arc now at' Itusl)}'s Hotel, yvhoii)^k.'wl|lng care and modicahisBiBtaiieo. can iVraRtanYils be|jig dune." This lir^ln t"l by' .1. Taj lor, c ipUln ; Chas. 1'ayloi, mnli'5 Jnhii lUukc,.lol|ii ( iLllaghao, l'i lei '.Mi (.li ml, .lohn ltalll uds sallois 1'liu wlmesses ale ( ajualll .lames JoIiiimjii, Ld-t wind h. ilusby. Ibe Iowa had .1112,0(1(1 leel ol liiinliei [Irs, went down In eight leet tif watel, and will piove a tolal loss. None ol Ihe new will lose limbs. HOW FKK1GHT8. HAVE SUfcED. "Tho sewin lins promlao of being a very succeBBlitl qiro," was tho gonorn) venHct on lako nnd canal business itboiU tlio mlddle'of summer. FieightB were high and everything .was fairly bdomlug. Amen yvho owned a good lako grain carrier, or Its equivalent In boats, began lor the first llmo In yenrsto be thought it lucky fellow. Hut the season ad¬ vanced and tho boom slowly collnp-ed. A complete falluro of the foreign demand for grajn sot frelglits Into a dGollini. Down they went, inch by inch, until cannl boatmen weie making little nhovo expenses, and the lako cratt was depending nn up freights for profit. The good llguics leallzud on coal dhl much to iiuilutnlii good feeling. Oicr also, was dping sometlilng; lumber very little. Had the cxpoit demand kept up al One time, there would have been but one limit'to the earnings of lako and canal ornlt—railroad" competition. The ten Ible storm that has swept tho lakes, until it has cilppled'the tonnage In a way scarcely knoyvn before, makes It utmost Im¬ possible to say yv'lint tho hikes have done lor the general piosperlty ol llio country during Ihe past season. If a vessel owner has escaped the stoims, It is fair to say that he Is a ffood-rtcuLjUore In pocket than when the season opened. It he has bought his vissul Into In the season, on tho strength of the general good feeling lhat (hen pievailed, Only to sec bor now lying high and dry on a Jeo shord, too case Is quite dlllcrcnt. In all this the .shipbuilder doubtlcsB sees a Provl- dence,-,nnd lpjiga lor good frelglits next spilng to 1111 Ills vards with the ribs of ncyv vessels about to tiy the depths. Where Is the .Marine Commission to take e\ ideiice as to the causa of a vessel outi iding a storm or going down heloro ItV Meie In¬ dividual opinion, .backed up by enor or formed on faulty lilies, will doubtless build marl no colllns next year; but it Is safo to say tiiat fcyver vessels of that class will conic out tlnin ever before. Tho amount of sail craft that lias gouoto pieces where steameis have escaped is auothei verdict in the same direction as the geneinl tendency. The question will not be yvhv certain sailing ves¬ sels wenl down; it will be in legaid lo the conduct of the sieameib, why one went to the wall when nnotlnr rode through safely. There has fin a long time been serious complaint among the owners of stanch steam vessels that the insurance companies aie doing great 1mrin by tlicit caicless rating of vessels: or rathor, that they foini their est I mates from linpropci soniees. I'bey say a new steamei Is A 1. and an old one clown 111 11, wbethei the A 1 Is actually seaworthy or lint, and however much in little the other hag sentence) by age. There aie vessels, ihey say, that Ure practically unmanageable on ai count ol laulty steering geai oi awkwaitl liillltl, llieie aie otheis sound as a nut aflei y em s of sei vice. The lompanit s, il Is cl/dined, do nol pay enough intention lo these I nets and ihe lesult islloic aie any number ol uiiscaworlhy clalt alloal icady to' go to plecth yyfieli the storms ionic This llitows much unnecessary cost on the heftei i lirsses ol vessels, lor they^ue prat liially obligetl to pay iorthexessel lost In unlaii rates ot In¬ surance.—Buffalo El " IHE LOSS OF 'HIE h( I.ll'Sh The lollowiug is the statement of .John Drew, the only known sinvlvor of the steamer Lcllpse: Captain limy loll Al- goma Mills Novembei loili for Fort Sainl i, with the barge Ktla 111 tow , mil Into Haltle- suake harbor, Manitoiilln Island, and lclt Iheie Wednesday, Xovembei 21st, Intending lo make Southampton. Captain Bush ol .Ibe barge Etta, left me alone on Ihe barge and wenl on boaul I be Kclipsc. 1'lie jyealb- eryyasllue, and 1 was up until we piissi d Cove Island light, about 10 u'lloek In the eyenlng; (lieu 1 turned In anil slept tiulil about 1 a m. I fthfhsed and yyeni on deck, toiild see nolliiiigol the Kclips, and leali/ul lhat 1 vy,tis cai/l aiUill and alone on Luke Hu¬ ron and a lea'ilul gait laging. Allci a whllt I heard the oltaioei's whislle seytial. limes, ami ibeil saw niu Iteaid uo mine ol Ibem At day light 1 sayv laud about a mile illsitnil, and about 1 p. in , Ihc binge wenl nshoie on the beach al Utile Flkc Hay, and I jumped asboii and stalled lol Wlarton, sixti i n mill s distant 1 ilo not know the names ol ibe treyy I Inn weiencvcn men on the Ellipse, Mnue tishtimiu yvtie old .u a boal al *l'lue 1'iie llatboi, and saw' three luulli s lloallus neiu Ihe shore wllh llle-piesi i vims on, inaikiil 'Siitiinet I.illp-c," and wbatap- pt an ilei be llu uppei works ol a^sleiiuiei. One ol Ihc bodies Inula Wnltli anil f 22 2>V annihei a walib ami $22, and anotbci (S 1)5.* Hy papeis Iniiud ihey ideiitlly oui as Cap- lain Hush, ol the batge Ijtu, and .1 Moon, cnglueei ol the l.t llpse. <• IIIMIIUK \l.. It Is elaiined Ibal there aio ,1,(1(14 lan¬ guages in the wtrld, anil 1,(11)0 dllluienl tonus of l ellglon. The Chi islhins are divid¬ ed us follows.'Chinch of Home, 170,000,000; I'lotostoiits, 1)0,000,000; -Greek and Enst Church, UO,000,('OuV and of this vast number two-thirds are alllli ted with In liiug jilles oi iruptlonsot Ihc skin in one loiiu oi anolhei. Swayne,s oliilmciit banishes all humoisiua jllly. and iiiisons ol eyiry itllglou aie be¬ ginning to knoyv It. Drugglsls Imp It. The Scotch and English I'arliuinelits were milled In 1707. Vesselmen SHOULD IIAVB OUR MARINE LAW ROOK. Con mining all p'olnm of MAUINK LAW an do- torralnoU by tlio United titatcs Oaii|;U ,—I---------ON-----------— Ownerii, Ohnrtom, JUtttntry. KnroHmontHt HhAmnn, Fralahtii, ^ CoIIIftlonHi Gennrnt Avernue( Commini Cnrrlorrir Dutloa of Nonnirn. Mniitcrti A Owner*, Hill of LucHnir, Wnir*». Ac, Thn volmnn 4« ImntlwimLly limmfl In ntlfl* Jtniml* covcrn, niu] lino \.\\ 'Huh cjotn htnillnit Hmihf of tin* kind Kcnurnlly onntSi <m, but #o will tend It to unr adilruHH |mis(iik« pild for Sim or wit I. tln< MAHINB IlKCOUD for.mie ymr, botli lor onl> V>m Addremii Makink HkcnRn.Clovnlftnfl •■ - FOR SALE, AT THE GLOBE IRON IK SECOND HAND ^UIUJLAU 1IOIM R, U tncliatdi- ttinolt'r,-n fuboH IIikIhx dinmotcr nnd 12foot long, ntoniu drum lOinihcH diauiuttr, 40 InclieM liljfh, front tfruU b, fiitiiiKi nnd liixcctilntfH, k< od order filCOM) HANDMAHINK HOIU.H, In hoc 1 order Shell. 7*10 fndi Iron plitlo. dltimutor, 'J ftot (1 Inchon, lungth, 1H tu-A, lSUtuhtfl -Ifniliciiliidiamotor.ll fmt 6 lncliCB lonff, thrto ilut h 1H lucln'N (HaninUr, *wo flues 14 Inched difiini ttr, t^o limn 10 1 2 Inch en dlitiuoter. lire box, 6 foot lonf;, 4 fcctblKh, Htoani chlmner> 7 feet lilgli, 8FCOND HAND MAIUNHIIOIl Ul four Rot wide, C 1-2 fiot Jumk, 5 ft.el IiIkI-i Mxly-tuur 2 1*2 inch tubf* fill luchcfl ]oua, csmt Iron brenhiig, good as now SLCOND HANDMAHINL HNOINL, doublodlrt'ct- aitlng 8x8 inch cyllndor, dhuft mid whtc] for ynditor tug, good ns new N. C. PETERSON, Boat Builder. PIPASUltf liOATa AM) SAIIlNfJ AND HTBAM YACHT1, YAWI HOATH, HIOON OAlfi, HThKUIVU WIIl-MJJ, hTC. 385 Atwater st., Near Riopelle, Di;ntoiT. Mien. FOR SALE, llerlLnirtli ih lift fit 1,1 nun H Ui^ unci hold 111 fcn( lDiiiLlion Ifaiih r 17 fn,t loji({ Tf<ol dhmiuor, tbroo Ihus, i\\it Ifllixh and nuu 17 Imh I iikIim il'x-12. Carries 'Jt(),(HH) U t-t of lumber hptied, 11 inlb^ light, nnd? I-'J loatlid. luHurimco \uluution, 81^,300 Ad- drtin JIahisk Hn-tijtlHUllcc, No 2 South Wuttr ntre(t, Clt'\Llmnl, 0 DISEASE CURE1> ) . \ynn.mi Aii'iiiii.i,.. / I Ultwlll* lltn<nrn//t>r 111/7I1/111J Miuiurtutit In tlir Ilu' ~~ tiiii.i Sytlriii I la li inti/ lit Ituifurlum 11M/1 ' I tu tniw bfjur fir 1/iitliwj l/ic SicA -THK-MAGNK'1'OcrvnTANCE CD7S Magnetic Kidney Belt FOR MEN IS WARRANTED TO CDBESlr.^X'X'ri wlthdut uifdh hut — I'ais in 1 nr iia< k, ihia, head ok IIMI1H, NFItMUH llKini IT\,I I MllAdO, Ul NKHAI IIKHIL- I1V 1(111 UMATIHM, I'AIIAIYMV, MCtUAlOIA, WI\THA IMSIA1*! 41^ llll KID>Ml hllNAI Hf-I ASKS, ItlltPIlt in fit, doiit, Suinliiul KiiiImmIodh, Iiiipot^ncy, AHtliiim, Iltiart DIhchhii, I>\Np«iml», CuiiHtlpH- tlon, KryMlpcIuH, Indli;('Htloii, llurniu »i Uup tur«, rulnrrh, ril«n, KpllrpHy, Ihunb Ajruo, «Ui. Wbui uo} d-hlllly of tin (il.M.KAT(\ l; Oli- <JANS (iLLiir» Lout % Itullty, I.m k uf Ni-rvo l'oror ami \lv»r, Wiufhii; H«'iihnr*K, mul all ihotti 1>|h- I'liHUNiifu (KiMiiml rmttin, fniin-wluth V(i cuumi , tlio Loiitlmious struiiu t)f MiiKti'l'stii |ii i miming Ihrnugh ilu put it, 11111*1 n-niorn tin in ton In nit by in t Inn i hcrr- iniitj mittiiKt ulMKiithlN it|ii>li nix mn fPUT? I AT1TT?Q* « )»««i ntnuuni with 1U IflD LJiblDO, —l am.' Itmk, Wi-tiUn. hm of tin Spine, I ullhlK or the \\ oinb, Innu orrbii 11, * Clironli IrilliiitMiiiitlon mul I ltiimtltMi itrthc Uomb, Iiu Idfiilitl lli'innri |i»k;i or I looiltni;. l'liliiful, hupprttHHiil anil Iiri'^ulur Mi>n^Lruji- llon, llarreuiiOMH 11111J < biun-iMif Mfo, iHU U Ilu* ltv>Ht ApplluiKo mul < in nt Uo Ak»iiI"4(iiimvii. fix iill funiii til I 1 iiuilti I>IltlrnltUK it In niiHiir- im*Mtl b aiiyiltlii^ t i>r.-hmnt. i( lioth iih u (iirutift* »Kt lit mill iih 11 m 11111 ( (iiMt r in.I vllall/utlon I ri<< itiiiijii It It u Hi MnhiM th luwtltt ]fiii t, ,,t hy ix,|jrih.*( <t li and < xiiihin uhm allowid, oi hj inalloti it< Ij.t iifj.ru. In nnhrhiK .....I hna.iiii.uf wutHL, apil hI/i ul hh » Id nilttaiitf oili hi aiude in iiiin in \ h« in in h 11. r at our iltk , , llu MikiiUuiMiirminthiiri ulipiid lu all iik» « we Muni ii\ir thi uihIm il.itlitn,' nu| next to tAfi body 11 hi tlionmii> (.uHuiili mul | |<»trio HiiiiiImikb lllhoitlnill HO «'lt« 1in1\* Ivfc mul nhoilll U liAiliufr' * at nlifhi liny h< Id tliur I i IU I H 1 OKI \-Ut, UDd aro wurii at nil m uituiis of tin \ i ir hrniUlutiiji I'T llu Sin li. (mitiin Id Mi.IIui) tn'il- ......I UltlMiiit MuilltliH," wllh lbmiiniiaititf ii«l nun In'-- ■"111! MAt.N! ION AIM'LHNCI. (JO JIM Stale Strut, Chlnijcii, III Ntni —S nd an. 1. liar In in»-illM Bliunp*ur inrn*i- «j lo I. INiut ..in unI, Hilh-u ■■(mIuh oSuiilly HMrn / ainltr) dim MiiKiutii I|im|. i uml l.i coiivIikd-I uf tlw iiiwii ritldiiiK hi urn iiflur MuKihiIl A|tii1laiM iwi roiiilw I > nn nil I t<< i win n tin > aru wuru, ur m< n< t Ufuiidul J I CURE FITS1 w hen I irnr f mi I il.. in • miiitn liwrolj li»"up ifluin "r ■ limit Mil lh.ni Imvo ilium ruliirii nualii, I moitu * ^uliuul mini iiiVSJli?1; '." 1""T°".' "".* ""tnwiif"' fAtiimi ItlCKNESa • lllu Inntt i|„,|v Iwurritnt my rcmuily uinirn lliu wori.1 ciini « IIul lunu oil or* Imvo rulli.J In mi r.iiuinii f it •Mliii.vfriK Ivlnpr ii r.iro rt n liittitiLi I r n li *tlhuatiU Irti II I Moulin, liinillhlmiiii Ij Ul». K.|."...ii,11.,i (fCCiimtliilluiiiiii JiW......Ill In. I iyTli».liil. ly ^UU'iiru Nn rl»». tiiiiiliiliiutrtipilr.il lluulu II >uu ttiiiil I.unlink ul tihlih |u return ul ulliilrMix )iiiuiKiirnlil, tun nuU.ii i.riut |nyiill thu llilin iluy wurk, ttllli iiliiiiliniiitrlnliily, wrllu fur iiurlii nliin. In II II ai i s i ,.v< ii, rnrlliiiul, Muiii.