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Marine Record, December 6, 1883, p. 5

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THE MARINE RECORD. Tho Detroit nnd Sandusky route whloli was first cntorod upon In 18W, has tho pres¬ ent, nnd for a font Benson's pnBt, boon occu¬ pied by the stonmor Alnska plying from - Ashley & Mitchell's dock, foot of First atroot, This stcmnct'lins, during the season, miido 157 round trips iliut carried ?6,000 passongcrs. Tho route is, beyond n doubt, 0110 of tlio roost eujoynblo on thecntiiechlOii of lnkcs, Desldus tho scenery on tho Detroit liver, her trips have been to and nmong tho bountiful Islands nt tho head of Lake trie, thenco to Snndusky. The stcameis City of Cleveland and Alnska nro considered the fleetest on tho lakes, although in times gone by their time bus been equaled, .If.iiot ccllrsed," by bnnts plying In 18116-, 1850 and ' 18H7. . In 1838 the fastest stenjner on tho hikes was the Cleveland, wfiluli made the tun from Clevelnnd to Buftnlo In foiiiteon bonis,' which wns considered iiinrvclnus. The steamer Chesapeake went from Biiflulo to Dotrolt'ln thlrfy-slx li'otiis, prloi to whtv.li Onto the Buffalo mu from "Detroit to .Buffalo in 10)^ hours. Tlie'stcainor Kmpiie, Cap- tnlii Howe, made the rim between Clevelnnd nud Biifliijti In ten bouts; the steamer (Jucen City, fron^Dettolt to Buffalo In twen- , ty-three hours; the S. 11. Canada, the sume distance in twentj-two hours. i_The_8teiini- cr Mnyflower's time botween Detroit and Biiflulo wnB sixteen hour's. Uuyfield's I'linrt" lompiitcd the dlatiince betiyceu Detioit nnd IlnfTalo itu321 linuticiil miles, w bleb, is equiv¬ alent to 258 statute miles, u nautical mile be¬ ing 6,075 feet The llrfit pnssage between the two ports wns by BtuttrnTnve dayBln 1818. Steambnrgc Bunkei Hill wnscredlted.ln 18J8 with having made a quick passage between Buffalo nnd Chicago in six da")8, Yet the time for greatest speed bus never been sur¬ passed which was performed, as above noted, in 1855, by stunners tit) of Biiflulo, West¬ ern Mctin|)ol|s, and othcis of lhat peilod l'BCANAIIA. , A/sxlrt! lo the Murine Jlecord The steumbnrge Geo Markhniii.froin Mil¬ waukee foi '1 liompsun, for lumber, inn in lure on Monday to repair damage -to hoi machinery. With the exception of a few loads to Faj- ette, weathci permitting the ore shipping -ensoii closed lust, Monday, the Woeoken, mil Oshorn with consort, being the Inst to sail. The total shipments show n Urge lull¬ ing oil from lnat season, yet the prospects foi next season nre poorer still. The EiusliiB Coiin|ng suiled WednisdKy last oio huliii foi I.nko Eile, the lust tie- pirture. The J B I'onlkltl gut in a), light, on Monday, bum d lor l'luu Inki lo load pig lion 'lhe cuptnin of the Geo W Davifi ii limed lo lake llu sihoonci to Lake Kile mil left her heie Ills phue was taken by one of the malts ol tin steamer Osboin, n imed Porter, and ( aplain Graves, ol the .1 b Hlchnrdsi took l'oitei's plncc on the Oslrnin lhe selioiinei L, C. Butts, for Milwaukee with cold, ami Ilulstend, toi (iieeu Bu\, tun in heie loi shelter last Tuesday, both leak¬ ing 1 he Dulls lust a foreboom and hei ennvusB is in ralhei bud shape The tug Del- la towed the Hints to Mllwaukie. 1'he total ol ore shipments Iroip the Pen¬ insula, Is 2,217,087 ions, It iniiy lencb tlnidl) two and a quiirler inllllou tons. Moie Ibnn one half bus gout tu mmket vja Esianabit' and in inly one halfol the total wna jiiodtlccd b) the joiiugu mines, of Kelch Mountain, Menonilnee, Wlseonsin, iron Hlvci and l iistal Palls range. The Uhupin bends the list with an output ot 2.r>l,.ll.l tons Ole shipinents lor week ending Nuvembei 2», 188.1, 11,770 tons, milking a grand total Horn Kscunaba tor Benson of 188.1, Including pig lion, from ore, and quail/of 1,120,239 tons. The shipping season Is mu. coin u u HON The schooner New Dominion, mo wcckB in initio ai lived site I) on Moniln) I'lie ( nstlc, ul Ibe Mollnl Line, look Ilie nud buiuiuUUUuu^q^""0'1'8- l",rt 91'"" ilepka, licit heiiinT Mi'it'cMntTrrjt >vo K"iio Messrs. Smith nnd Davis, of llulliilo, held a Ilie risk on tho hull. IV tug Mocking Hiiil bloke hei sbatl nil White Kni'k, w hlle tow lug tin' Meanibaigc Nallne nqd linigis. t'hc stcaiubaigc Munis ilqiiu toned her back to bund Iliiiih 1'he fug Casllo will tow her hei o for iqpnirs. -flic sehoouei Donaldson urilvedtlowii wlthginln Iroin Chicago, nud will go Into winter qunrtors hero. PIOTION. "Fiction, Ont., Docembor I.—The stonm- bnrgo Norman wab binned In Prlnor's Covo Inst-Frldny. Tho captain and crow arrived here this morning by tho stonmor Utlcn. Tho Norman loft Cape Vincent light for tha Bny to lay up, nrilvod nt Prlnor's CoVo nud stopped to take on some \vqod, but could not got to tho dock owing to the steamer Utlcn being In tho way. All hands lind bqen up ull the previous night. The cnptuln decided to'mnko fust; to the bunk till morning. Tl o flie broke out about 11 p. tyi. while the crew were nil nBleop. When nwakoned by ll)o lire thoy had Just time to save tlicmselvcB by jumping overborn il. The croiv lost nil their clothing. The captain lost $100 in uusli, his wntch, ilnd nil his clothes. The Norman was built on tho Rkleiiu Cnnnl eleven yenrs ngo, w us burned In OslVcgo In 1880, her hull towod to Kingston and rebuilt. She classed A 2, was- valued at $t,O0O, nnd Insured foi $1,000 against lire. She was owned by Ilnzul- tnn Hicks and sailed by Captain Collins. The Ilie is supposed lo have originated around Iho boilers. -"' STUItUKON bay. The llshlug tug Iliihn, which" lecently picked up n log and a bioko a blade Trom her screw, relumed from Munltowocon Monday witlfunuw wheel from Kund & Burger's tluit-glvns Inn much Increase speed. Tho llslilng tug J. N. Brooks, of bt. Mar¬ tin's Island, recently broke her wheel nnd started foi Manitowoc to have it lcplaced. When off Ahnapce, on Sunday last she lost the wheel entirely, and was obliged to anchor" and wait foi a tow to the dockyard. Tho tug TiUson went to MUiVnukec to have n new sheriffs wheel put In and also have the bed plates tor u new engine fust- cued. The engine Is in process ol building by Ives e4 hon here, and It wns found neces¬ sary to place the bout In drydock In order to leinove the fiistenliigs which hold the old engine In place. The new engine will be 10x22 Indies and much moio powerful than the tun double ones now in use. ' The Duputy Miirshnl lias selml tlio achoonei Westchester tit Sturgeon Bay on a claim, by seamen, amounted to t'100 ' . - CHUIOYUAN " ^ ITio1 propeller Law lente laijded her paa- sengers nnd Home lulght for this place at Haibor bpilugs last Thuisday nlghti On Lake Michigan lire wns discovered nfoum] her smokestack, which .threatened her de¬ struction, but b) prompt action nnd hnid noik the Ilie was i-<lliiguished. The sihonnei F. B (.indliel, two weoks fiotii'the ihels, coul laden, lor Cblcaiio, came In poit to la) up. ^ IOIKDO S^rcml to Ilie .Viii tut UtLord ( aptniii Huntley has sold bis luteicst In lhe lug A. \\. Coltou to Ids piuluer, b. V. It. Van Hoi ue, foi $8,000." Mr Vhi Home, thereby becomes lhe sole on tier. I iijilalu Kool, ot the piopellei Hopkins, repents haling seen a sunken schooner about twciitv-fhu miles oil Itondcau Point Only two spurs wvie visible The tug Belle lias laid up foi tho season. She will hnve her boiloi stiuugthened dur¬ ing lhe wlntci A suit In admiralty has been instituted ngiiinst nlm owners ul lhe lost schooner I C'ci'liu. I hedefendents 6eek lemuiieinllou loi repairs nud matt t hd put-upon the boat ITio stemnbuige Alcona nud scbonnti ban Diego, which aiiivcd here last week with sail, wen iletuli.cil heie hi blioilft Harbeck on a claim toi alleged iion-fiilllll- meut of contract in falling to bring oie liom Lseanabu. Bonds were given and lhe boms released, leaving loi Detroit Ibis morning. The \\ nliiish boats have gone Into i> Intel quui teis ni 11 in The piopellei Ontiulo ui lived trom bm ilia oiT'Tui'sdaj, nliu n.tilp of thicc weeks' duiation She wus storiu-bound miuh of the time." bhe icporla tnooi thrcu doiks i in led nun} h\ the late stoinis, nni\ mi i v tensive land slide nt MoKny's Hnibor, by which several houses nnd docks were lu- Itlllill. T hu total lossul piopeit) by sloinis on tin north sboic of Luke bupeiiui the lust Unit wieks will leiuli $100^)00. '^ While the hinge D. M. W llson wnsal Poll Aitliui ThinBdny aftcinoon Charles Kjnu, of Buflnlo,' second engineer, fell Into th« hatchway, nnd striking on his heat', wna klllod ItiBtnntly. Ho wns nbout'twonty-flvo years old. Tho Wilson brought the remains ,to tills city nnd forward them to Buffalo. MIIAVAUKKlt. Special lo tht Marine Jlecord. Chains nud a steam pump are bolng used to raise the schooner Guldo, sunk nt Sheboy¬ gan. T[ie steambnrgc Hilton was at work on fior. The barge L. C. Butts, conl laden, from Clovelnrrd, nrilvod to-dny nfter bclngout sov- ernl weoks, during which she hnd n terrible experience, being nt ono time deserted by the crew on Luke Huron. She wns towed hero to-dny from Escnnnba by tho tug Delta. Tho bnrgo Eureka, which wns surrk nt Chc- boygan, arrived to day nnd goes to Rucine to discharge her cargo of coul. She will return hero to go into drydock Sho Is damaged to the extent of about $1,200. T'ho tug Sill, with tb,e wiccked schooner J, 1. Case, put Into Stuigeon Bay Tuesday. Thoie wero some fonts for their safety, 'l'lie sjhuouei J. II. Mead, overdue nt this port from below, is lepoited lyltig under St. Ileloua. The sehoouei I.nllu Kookh bus beep got oil the bench lit Pentwiuei. A Giccn BaV'dlBpatch Bays: The steam- barge Minnie, owned by Hogan & English, burned Tuesday at tho Koit Howard Bhip- vnnl. Loss, if 10,000, insuriin^i-, *8,000. T'Jie wrecked bulge Eureka bus been towed to Ituclnc. MANIIOWOC. The schooner II. C. Richards Ib ashore on tho South Manltou, haVlug diiftcd on Tues¬ day night after losing both anchors arid chains. Hand & Buigei's tug Gregoryiinji steam pumps have been sent to her nssistniiee% The Ulchaids, which was built at mid Is on ned in Manitowoc, Ib ii vessel of about 700 tons I eglster, i ntes A 2, nnd is valued at $2-1,- 000. The tug J.N. liiooks, of Escuunba, was towed In heie by tug Commodore Nut with iudder nnd wheel bioken. The scow Dunhuiii, of Milwaukee, was towed in by the tug Gicgory, wateilogged. The w recked sehoouei M. L. Collins wiib' towed In by thetug Welcome. —/flic tug Kitty bnloUe lias been sold to Mus kegon pui lies. The tug J. N. Brooks, scow Dunham ni d schooner M L Collins will be repalied at Hand it Hurgei's diy dock. ( si. jMkpu. The schonilci R Ii King, llglit liom Chi¬ cago lo Muskegon, was beached here, south nl the south pier The damage Is slight so lai. CiptiiiuJ C Dunbui mid three men were saved by the Ilie crew heie. i mi. The Anchor Line fleet air nil In portsafel) and laid upnsjh>l!ow« At Pile, piopellcis Alaska, Jtiuiala, Wis&atiieliOii, mid Minion. At Buflalo, propcllcis Philadelphia, India, C/blcngn, Japan, Annie Yuting, Ai.Uonn,and WliisloW, and die schooner Alleghany, and Annie bhctwootl. At Chicago, schoonijs ^sc;ttii^ Itv^ll* prupellers Lehigh, Delaware, Conestoga, Lycoinlng, (onemaiigb, anil Gordon Caui]ibell 1.111:1 N iiai The sleilmb.irgc Minnie, on lied by Hogan & English, buriled Tuesday at Fort Howa d ship)mil Loss $15,000, liiaiiinuiu $8,00C. SAM)l sh) The bnigo W end-thc Wine will lay up nt, this poit for the winlet The Bchoonei King blsteia on her way up passed the- spurs of a sunken schooner twenty miles ull Vsbtabula t be spars weie neatly uptight, nnd neieoutot wiilii about ten oi lllteen leet oswlloo The small selioiinei C lain Hill, P. .1. Hose inastei was nieckul at the mouth ol Big bund) Clock ut J .lUo'oliHk The si hooiiei isu total loss. She was linking badly and nils emiKil wllh lee ( apt iln Hose says the winlher wns iciv Ihlik, with snow squujls, uncalled by a heiui sea which i aiisril him to run lei this limbiii. railing to make it, lie went oil the beach. Loss $1,- 000, no Instiltincu the men weie saved by the lite saving clew. '. r l'lie selioiinu Vb/lon, wreikid near the I line Kiln plci, has lit en washed laithci up by the late sliimis. I'he boltoni ,i|>|ii'ais lo havu been kuueked nut ol hei and the spus me beginning to go , HANCOCK. Ono of the Mnnlstoo's bonis found lour miles west of" Englo Harbor. Pnokngo of butter found little below Engle Rlvor, Have oi'dorcd search continued, ' John TTmi.KAifB, Agent. IllIl'l'AIO. Bjxdal to the Marine Record Captain Pagan, 6f the Edwards said thoy hndnfnlr rnn down, encountering no lee nnd but one snow storm, nnd that of short duration.' Ho was quite sick on the way down, from neuralgia from which hd had suffered, befm e loin Ijjg Clilcngo. On nrrlval bo was baldly able to stand on the pilot¬ house". A doctor uttonded him In the after¬ noon and lator ho felt cpuslderably better. Nothing daunted, and notwithstanding the latonoss of tho scaso'n, Captain Fngnn made Inquiry for a conl culgo to Chicago. U/ would not be sm prising* I' he should make," •in attempt toiunup ngdn. There wnsa Tall of snow this evening, but tho n eittheT- is Iiy no means severe. The ownor of the Ed¬ wards and Uer consorts bus bono carrying his own risks, mid of course wouldnot platee any insurance on her.how. Her bows have been 8henthc.il with Iron nud there would be a lair show lor her gelling through, bhe CoiilJ get $1.50 ficlgjit. It IS not likely that any other vessel will leuie here. PruBldeiit William Thomas, of tho Buffalo blanch of tin Seamen's Liiion received a despatch from Po-t Rowan stating that the keeper ol the lighthouse on the cast end of Loud Point lound' the holy ot a man Wednesihu, one wist ol the light and de¬ cently Intel red It 1 hi body was that of n man about lhe feet Ito Inches high, with ■light complexion, darji sandy hair nnd mustache. The figure of a woman was tiitoocd on the right m ur, w ith wreaths on her head An mielioi.wu's on the back ol each hand A badge' inurliid "B. B., of C b U, No. 2,18(1," was in his pocket. The body Is believed to he that of Chnrles Bing¬ ham. 20 y em a of.age, of Noiwlchvllle, On- t ti lo, llewns i ncllmof the ITt/gernlil dls- iiBter. i'he steel sleanii'i Athabasca Is out of Uiis ion ilrydoek, hcrrfietlng being completed". The two'sietionB of tile Algonia were doi ked Wednesdu) morning. _ I he nmriugers of the seaboats liuve not full) dc'crfled whereto put on tlulr cabin work, which Is being made In Monti enl. About 10 o'clockTiiisdn) morulngusmull flie occurred In jbe ingine room ot tjie sieniuei CIl) ol Rome, lying at foot of Wash¬ ington strict V gallon of "black" oil, Which bid been ill i in loi'cleaning the boll, r, laugbt llu 11out tin contact of Its gas witli the flume of a lamp lhe clew, with the use of lhe pony pump, extinguished the fire. Beyond a scoitchiqg to the adjoining wood ii oik, no damage w is done. Binges II.,I Mills ilnd W. A. bheinian, lumber laden li out Pcntaugiilslieiie, arrived In tow of the tug Gladiator The Mills had lost pnrtol bin dick load, and was leaking considerably, bhe brought down e\fa men to work the pumps These binges, as well us tho b D Iliingerfoul, h ul n rough time of It on Lake Huron Inst week They broke away froiq lhe Glndlutor, mid nothing has thus fur boon binid from tin HiingerforiL There appeals to be doubt that she Is lost wltll all hands bhe was loiiiniandcd by t'aplaln Wllllain Moore, ot this city, and besides a inalo and a Icint'le t ook/^eurried tluce men. bhe is on lied 1>y Cuptilu Hobeit Diewery I.I1IM) iia\ I s Thetug Vutic airilcd iv Ith the sehoouei N'oiinau, which she piilkd oil the beach at ' I'mvers (lay On hi i trip donn she was i might i lit in tuo stoi ins bill made Iiauk- turt aui\ Liitjlugtou with liei ton snfoly. The \rctii loaves aguin fpi Peiitivntr/r to pull the silinonoi killing oil the beuclLnud In lug hei In I'he Cnptuln nnd irew of the selioiinei Ottnun li-lt thunkliil jesioiihi). Iheowncrs, Husnell, ( dins A Ciimpnny oiilorid the sehoouei laid up tun! present!t! Cnptuln Hattet nlibagold wntch, lhe mate with a sllvei one, and each of thesallois$25ciisli. si, IONAl'1 . The Steainharge Kiitui prise is aslioiu on G'leou Island id the head ol Luke Huron bhe Is loiulcir.ulib, flour, pork, and augni, and Is in bid shape, the boltoni coniph lei) stove In. Aliiilhu steainhaigc took oil her deik IoihI Piiinp iml llghtii linn bein sent .... y ',

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