THE MARINE RECORD. =r \j£he Marine §ecord. KfiTAM.ipltKI* I\ 1M7H. 1 itn nil mcmllut, t.i tin linuof HiuUtiltid SlutOB ill tlio I'ohi i Hilti til < >( nlu)nJ lih ii-t imii1-< Ijiiui innHor. i ' *\. , I'llliHulldl WiiKlv ill >it J '■"OHtil Wiitur MrOLl, ( livclaiiil, Ohio L k. POMEROY, tutor and Proprietor. iuiamii »»ri<'F,*uii Moirrir wateii NTIlt.KT, I III) AtiO. 11.HMHIH HIIIIWORII'TlONi SJ.Oft 1.00 One ytnr posing piild , ,' Six monltis, iioiinRi puld 1 Invnrliil.l) in nilvati <• ' a The MAIIIM III ( Olll enlllie found [or lido nt tho followlns- |llllll|l , ho Jbouili "\\n1tr htiiLt llcielnnd lis^pli l.niy- No JMI -Oath Wntir direct, lliteogo D rs A ( n snriilii, Ontario, Will * ..Mirny I sun aim, Mlihlimn I it Nuiiemll. MiinUtio Mictilgnn Article, MleiHiut'l queries on ull mihjiels nro Hollol- -^ •fr^Ilrti 1 dllttr imiuijn no rospoiiHlhlllty tor tlic oplnloim ol i trrf HpnlnlLiitu Tolnsni. iinnii), loiilrlluitnni mint kIio niiinu mill address uurlXi rlti on one Hiili or tlit- paper only AU\EUTJSIN(. ItATTS. li 11 n lit-, n r Urn non]mrell iiic-unin mint, or 81 20 jur im h inch InHLEllon lour wiuLh 8-1IX) with 11 Ithcriil dim nuiit 111 orilinnimiiuntlnir Infill Oil or over Mu. 1.. M. Guonwis Ihib picsenU'tl to the Aineilcnn bocicl) nl Civil LiigliiiTi" thiil) - bIx spci linens of wood Lolloeleil in bouihcin Mllhig.n Mu-. M A M1111 it, ol New Orleans, ap- pjli il li>) i Incuse* im master of 11 sleninbuat. Tlio snpi ivlsing inspector nl llu Dlst'ilit ic- poris In 1 competent, but debars bit on 111- couul ot her 1.1 v. The mac has been lefciii'd to llu Si.licltoi of tin- Truism) Ai the close ul navigation, when ibe Mi at 1b tin ill In pott "nil 110 more vessel prop¬ erty o\posiil tn Ibe stoiins, Ibe Maiiim Rixoitli w ill give the most lompliti iltinil of disn-tirs lli it bin. ever been published, also ol \t^i-eU I ihl tip mul llu 11 b'l.ittou Ol it 1 sleo nul cuntcmpniai;) , tlio Viulhal U1171MI1, (New Yolk) Is prcpaiiug nil iilphu- beticuj dliii tin 1 ol stemnboni oimi'is inn) agents in the I lilted Stulos, fol llu line ot tbt Nnlionnl Honri1 ol btonm Navigation, ami dcslnsall on tiers to send theli nanus tor » phue In 1111' list Maidii Hi n)ai no has made 1 sum) ol tile rnuteB 1m ibe proposal ennui limn I tiki Michigan to lli" Mississippi liver lie gUos the piefeii'iico to Ibe Kotk island iiinte, mill estimates the loinl tost ot construction from llennepiii to Hni k Island nt ft),.172,7110, anil the coat of llu onlnigeincnl of the ixisllng canal Iroin Ilenni |>ll> toLhliago hccsilu ntes at»2J»K,»IU 'Im piospect nou iBjhutnboul two thirds .is inuUi lunibei u ill be cm on the Kennebec mid 1th trlbuliiricB ll.e coining w liner n« usu¬ al, sins the. Augusta .liiiirnnl, owing tn the low pi Ices which openilors have niched tor tlielr lunibei A Itmliuj; Augusta opiuitor in Ininbur bujb tlnit, pun lii'allj, Ininbcrmen receive nothing lor the stuinpngo ol hint yinr'n cut. Tllf mipi'i \Uing iiiBpeLtoi ol siuilii mm-c) nt ll'illnlo bus repoitid 10 the Mipi 1 using lilBpuitor Unit the explohlon of Jhc bnllers of the steitiner (.oloindn In Vplunliei lntt while leiuliig llulliilo for ii trip on the np- pi'l InkiH, wiib LiitiBtd b) the misconduct ot I liimiris LuMit, tin (hlet euglueii ol the (olomdo, In weighing down the mifcty- vidvi iiiid'beennse of iiegllgence mill lnnt- tcutlon to Out) In othei umlteis '1 he In- tpcclor him Biispended I.ovell's llu use lor itn ludellnilc peilod, mid foivnuUil ulili nee ol tin ense to the disliict iiltoinej lot the iioitliiru OlBtilct of Ni» 'Ymk, tin such action iib lie limy 'deem pioper. Enoi 18H BlilpyiinlB 1110 Just now tcciies ot grent nctlvlt). Tlio veshcls being built nrc I01 win mid not lor eonnneiie Two mouths ugo piepiuntlonB wen lining niuilc to force woik on On in on nccoiiiit or l'li'iiili 1111O lliibsliiu nilivitj Now thcligjljjbin^roh- peethteiih In lo hum up i)Uitter« still more. NntloiiB obliged to kup oiiVwni tooling witll theli nelghljois,nnd whose t,e)l pu-i 1 M.Uiin,forcesthetn totnkon blind In lieeplng ilou n one power or I'lovntlng nnothor, otton cnntrlbntq Imlli'oiJily to tnmvenltli niiii proo- pit tly ol otliern » ho do not profess to uiiilto wlie but pence theli piliVlpnl I'IIhIiicbb.. ijo the Fnlse 1'iopliet Is tlio friend ol the shlp- buildei. . 'JU1> JILWXKl'liV CM AM/,. We nrc wntching unci wlifting lor 1J10 ml- voiuieBbl the Ilcnui'pin cinliil to put forth »oine Inuglble tbcoiy its to the benefits it will coufei upon hike nnvlgntlon, but up to the picBcnt 1 line nil In vnlu. l'ciluipn they niiike no pretensions tn Biiclrclnlmn, If so the sonnet they boldly nil ml t tluit It Is fol the benefit of Clilcngo shippers, who thus Imvlng two nutlets will bo cnnblod to irmki' terms wltbcnrrleiB. the better It will bo lor nil pnrtles. It Ib true, liowe\cr, the further west we cnli piiKlimir wutoi routes the 111010 miles of compelItlon we 1110 uniibled lo oiler our grent nntiigoiilst, the rulliond, for the Hlilpnioiit of proiluce. NevertheluBB, 11s this proposed wnleiwny Is 1 ot to bo n ship cnlnil the shlpiuent would hnvc to be niiiilo l)J n ,Ry»tein of bnigiH, which would neiessnrlly cntiBC Unnhjilpnieiit nt Chlingo fot ttniiBpor- Intlon oil the hikes, for the senbourd ein>t or go down the Mississippi to New Oileuns III the Intlri I'M'iit take nnvlgntlon would lose tho biisinesB lluit would nntumll) come to it. Some one Inning wil'tten to L. D Whit¬ ing, one 01 the udvocntCB of the cnnnl, lie uuilcrtnkes to imswei the questions put to lilui hi the Chiingo Tribune. Tliey me "Wlint does the Jleiineptu cnnnl lOiniiiUsiou 10 iiLLcmiplibli° Who shnll dolt" What Will be the results'" A6 It Is well known that the Go\einment la to be nsked 10 do the work, nnd the ennui Ihib been le- piutedl) descilbed in these columns, we an nnl> lonceined in Hie Inst queBllun "What will be I he 11 Milts'" Ml. Whiting Bins tin) will be sluillm lo those 1 fleeted by the Eile cnnnl, nnd deduies his leasons en- lliel) bj louipnilson. llcsnjBthc Kile ca¬ nal openid n ilinnnclloi the NnilliwcBtcin Sliitca to the sinbuaiil, and rnWltcd cheap 11 |iispoititioti fioiul hlcngo e 1st wind to the senbuaid, ai d Jaiuis lluit in like uinnner the lli'iiiu plu cnunl will open n cbnniicl fol ensl- em iinnspoiintlnn to the MlBtissippI liver, nnd llu 1111, of emu Be to the senbonul 'ibis niiswii iiillkii nil) exposes the theoiy of Its nthoenles. If Ibe piodiine ol Ibe N'oithnest now- liuils Its outlet through the hikes nnd the l.ile (iinui, wh),the> think, inn It nut be tinned wcstwanl thiougb the Mtuslnirippl' We do\iiot dispute ibe giilil be m (It Ibis wouldUil to shippers W Inn we do snj i», thiil we do not see when the benellt to (Jie cm 1 in comes In. 'I he ICi >c cnnnl now gl\es n lieu outlet to Western proilnu: nnd the Inke Unfile consists hugely III cmr)lug It to tlmt cnnnl 'lhe, llcjii epln ciiniil woulJ give nnothct outlet nnd Uiiib deeicnse this frnde The Hennepin cnunl piojtctois ni" cnteful to distant upnii \\\e gient nuiouut nl freight tbut eiosscs westwnrd Iroui Clilcngo to the Mississippi, iwd the gient Increilse would icsiilt from the pioposed cnnnl. Ever) lake until knows that fm more freight Is imrled Ibnn west. )Mint the Hennepin cnnnl Auultl guln would Im from ibe l^ile ennui mid consequently fiom freights now cnirled enstwnid. Mr. W lililug sn)s lluit it would Induce 11 mo\c>iiioi)t of eonimcice olbeiwlBe dnimant. It might, It is true, but even 11 It should, tlW nioM'inent would havi to be 110111 1 nflt to west In mi del to liilu'llt Hi nne- piu, nut) win Iberdorinniit fiilgbts would be aicuBcil in sutlleienl quantities to ovei bal¬ ance the piesent tialllc enstwnid Ib ajjucB- lloii foi lake 111111 to think about We do not oppose the Ileuucpln tannl, oui fricitd- lliiisstotlie Interests of ("11 nelgbhois nnd to the inteieslsof the gcneiul cnininiinlt) will not penult It, but we want nil classes to lie sine of their giounil and Ui know what they are doing In the ennui busluiss I'MthAWUJtlJli I LMKLi> Nnvlgntlon I'm this jenr Is \cty nenr tlio close, but it Is nlwnvs seiiBnnnblc to ngi- ta|e lefornis forllie siifuty of I'ltninil lives. When the steamer Miinisleo wont down some time ngo lhe public leninul tlintrslie had lQiigbiiu unsenwoitli) anil that Mssi'lmin weic cnlj suipiisi'd that she lasted as long 11s she did How Is It that \issilsme ptr- niltted to sail In this condition ' In asking the question no distinction should be nindli us lo the number of human llvis (be) may onrry, whether they nro In the pnssenaer or freight irafllc; but In tlio case of the Munis- loo hundreds of lives hud been In ijnlly Jeop. nrdy, The kindness nnd coirrtcsy of her ofllccrs miidc her n popitlnr bout wlt|i the public. Though hoi pnsseugern lind been triinsferreil jintbctorolliociihiiiillyoceiincib liei ucw'ol twonly five peisons weio nil lost. It Is n pei pen nl cmitt* of wonder that such vessels niciillowcil to sail. In prliul- tl\o days, befote hull lfisuiiinie liiBpcclms wci0 hcitVil of— wliu often born where ihcy know, tliey w 111 fliursoiinil finnioB nnd nvold the line between wind anil water, uheie they 'will find tbeictieii wooil, II there Is Jin), In nidci toget gooihinti's 01111 bntl ilsk —It might hiivo been nnturnl enough; but wcliie In nti mlvmiccO stnte of civilization, .mil those ilnys hnvc been loft behind with oilier 1 ellcs ot bnrbnrlsm. Owners ol vessel iiuisi be expected to keep them going until they full to pieces from sheer rottonnoss, or suew the storm-tossed wines with their w 1 ei kitge, Human greet) ol gain lo practically the same in nil ems Hence the necessity of Inspectors, men appointed to keep nil eye on the worthless hill's nnd qtinllflcd to detect them upon examination. Why Is It then that somnii) uusenwnithy hulls nre flist mfide known to the Inspectors nfti 1 the nrickingf buih a posslbllit) suggests cilmlnnl con- ulvniite, but It is e thei this or ignorance. 'I lie]e' slinuld he olhei inspectors to look In¬ to this state ol ntlnlis, wbRhcver It mil) be. It Is 11 fnetlhnt unsenwoillij vessels ale of¬ ten pel milled to sn|l. Tl|eieforo the crime must be punhid Imine anil the derelict pun- l-hul. ul U TIML l'tll' IKY &/fiiil/ loutiimmU.nce nftln Vimur 1 mini Iln 11011, Uuccmliei 1 I he following iiiiupliiuentni) veisea weie ikiliented In ( upt.iln Ticil \\ heeler, of the pi opt I lei Hen uh s, nem I) loll) unissiinei bj sonic piouilni'iit CloH'hind nnd DeLioli I Ill/ens who weie on bnniil. nnd slgiiel b) si vent)-the passeugels llln lliniilti (u)lnlii I s Dhnlur HiIm )u.r has 1..11IU ..nt lultit 11 pn 1 r ITn liiiit t I rn-oii thin llonts AI1I111 sin 111 \er hints irutk boiUH Noin4ir—tlin' tin ntlii r .lay shipiiMMil MiniLuliiri In Hullrln Hay Air tl that tur tin tiri-iHiil time h)liill nol Ho nmiiesl m rliyinu Anil now ui tsdn &uy sumo two won, And If Wo count luo ladles itlon Snlim rllioonr names in hh, that wo W'unlil ratlitr trtm, .111 lukt nr Ua Otirllus iqioii tin II. riulm lliniinii\ iriifltliiit |il.iiisrlm tin son-. tin ItollislLrs him .lone thill lust to mill nil III. hi uliolniMl iu«t Anil wo uinh till lo undi rsliuid rtittl Mltli 1 led )) heeler to ciniiiiiiitid Whe'tlior tin laki Is Hnioolh orrousli Rlie a Just the tiling ' nnd tlnit'a eii..imh lltUN 11 \HKI.1 ltl I'OHI Ci m 1 and, Ueceii hei il. 'Ibeie bus been no uinlei'lal tbnnge In the lion nimket dining the week ended Decem- boi 4. ^ e quote IIIAIICI1A! I HI UtllS No 1 I uk.i 8ii|iorior ihuR.iiil 82.1 IK)(rt^ W No 2 l^iko Siijiorior ililiri.idl .4 2d Utl(lJ4 go Nos I ull M Lnko huporlol „ U 0tlCe.2o IK' Nun Inn J 1. Uku tniptiiliir 2.1 00(n25 IKI Nns I, 2 I, *, », ftcllshurj J6 00(.t37 00 Sjouttiurn eliarioul Irons n mi(ieluj 00 Htjxjrtctl by 1 A Jtttr]xr A. In, t fiicl)i«n/l 'lhe nppronch of whiter IS met with the usual seasonable leductlon of oiuputof lnnn- fncttitcd pioduci,aiid theindlcatlousnie lluit tempornrlly the leiluccd production of cimle lion Is adequate toi cm rent demands, and may puBslbl) he In excess in a small degiee II Is n nsoimble to suppose that this nspeit ot supply and demand will result In a kiii- tluuanii' of the weak prlus pievulllng Im n t rict peilod. 'iheie mu be no disguising the patent tin IB Lint lhe slocks at the 1111 - nans and In tlie bunds ol consumer mu alike Inadequate foi lhe usual noiiiuil iiin- dliluiik ol tiude, and lluit the leeovei) I10111 the jilelhoiii 1 "millions of the business Will lead, and !"">«lbly quick!;, lo 11 lieulth) de- ii'iuid thiil will gi\e pig iron n decidedly bettei value and lhe miiiket gtenter activity home of tho ttu nines 111 u well sold up. nm] BCverul have ileelluid nuleia tin dellvuy dining lliu next yixty da)a ill eun.6ei|UL'Uee, The tnmket iloses with pikus llimuapci quotations below : ItuiiKlnil Iloclc Uinr^uul No, 1 Hiuiitlim flock Cluirec-nl No '1 Htroiiic Ni ntrul t-oko No 1 Amerlciin Kiutili Ni. 1 Hi 8U to $>l?S il •l>i " il !S 111011 ' JIMS) 18 00 " III l«l lauoio lnw slltFY llillin Niiutrul Loki 8W'.11 to 81" nil 1 old hhort , In Ci ' ill 76 l Alt Will I I AM* Mil I ItAlil I , '. llnuiilim Hoik, siilclk mid liliint -8 );v, ■' " 11111 ui liliisl -y iliW ' J4VI Ijiko hupt rlor ' ) ul< 1111' all ariul. 1 ^ Si lr) ' J<1 On houtlu 111.1111 Wluel slililly 1.1I1I l.linl. Jliftll' JT'.li MARINE ENGINEERS' BANQUET. Tlielr lnbors for tlio Bonsgn being endoil, tlio murine ongliioei s^hoso vessols lnlve tloil up nl this pnrt,.ccluhrntcd tho event Inst Sntuijlny evening by^-ii bunqiiot, nt the Fuinklln House. The following gentlemen sut down to the table. Messrs. E. W. Prince P. II. Dnylo, W. 8. Tllton, J. G. Roneb, Wllllnni J. I'leots, John I.. Mend, TliOTns Hnlg Wllllain S. ScMiiple, J.T, Smith, P. J. Jones, M. A. Ltoyd, Wllilijln A. JJoyd, Ed- munil E. I'llncc, John Smith nnd James Cliiney, of this city; John Thompson, of •WcUt Cleveland; Jtimes Tiirnbull, ofOgdpns- burg, N. Y.; mill Tlionins AlhiIghton, of Mll- wiiukue. After the banquet hud been disposed of lhe icmuliider of ilie ciioilng was devoted to singing iiiiil.spi'cihtnukliig, tho occnslon being 11 most enjoyable one. Mr. John Smith Loreapouillng seuretury of No. 'i, lend a pnper on Tho inlilniloii ofnu engineer In Glasgow by two bud bovs •giving him the royal bumper-degree, which cieuted mtioli ineriiment. Beloie udjouining Mi. and Mrs. Sullivan, the host and hostess, wcro called in niid tluinked Im courtesies extended Also t hunks wevoextejided to tlio )pung Indies who seived nt the tuble, [ComlmUil fium lit Pin/i ] dock 011 riiday night nnd was dainuged to the extent of fJ5C0 or thercnboiit. ' ThcBtenmbuige Maiiiioba, whicl, bus been ushoie (01 neailya month past near South¬ ampton, Lake Huron, it la lemed will prove it lotnl loss, nil cHoils townrds gettingHhtr nil having tlniH far proved futile. Il will rc- quiie ponioniiN to coiihiiuiii utethe woik, hut the se.tson being about nt its close, it Is ob¬ vious that nothing In that direction can be I'llecied Jmnes Hins, a nun ine engineer^ died In this city on huiiiuln), and jesterilay his 'oinalns wile taken inerlo Wimlsni forbtulal iindoi an usiort of lhe Odd Fi Hows fiuteinliy. He sei veil lin snine lime un the lullroad stcam- 01 W tnlun helm 111 Detroit nnd Windsot, ulti 1 winds ilie steaiiiei lion Duke juiil othcis lielciDesn widow mid two chlldieti. His nge was about lift) Tlie Lnke hii|ii'iloi 'transit limits liavuiill ,eneheil tjiiii lespei tive^jiorts toi wlntci quiil leis 111 sulci) , 11IU1 a pri tllable s, nsoir's business. The fiiipli yes In the ligbtl niisi dipnit- nieiii will be fiiriilshed a onltnfni by which the; will bo disignaled hi the fiitme 'I his will Include all aniloei) di'siiipilnu of keept is and engluieis ul s'ullous, nlso iho«e on honul lhe>1ight vessels and tendeis. Tho cnloi will be all Indigo blue The cngiueci In elimgeol llu I.lniekiln Cii'sslng gives notice tbut nil lightships will be wllliihumi on Moudnj, Decembei 10th leitvlug lhe i lossllig ui nimked at night af¬ ter that dull Muiphy Uio«. hiDcdlsputclicd the tug lin ll/u toGeoiginn Hay, foi the relief of the sti'iiiner Hiinarprlso, nsliore there, t'ho tugs Andrew J. hinltb nud W A. Moore me here In lendiiiess loi wbntever culls nmy urlsc. The hate Williams Is iilliidlng the selioiinei Monitor, hshoie at Noiih Mniiiioii, I.nke Michigan, and with favorable weather will soon have her nfloat. 'f ho liiBiirnnce on the cm go of the seboon ei II. V. Merry, wrecked nt bllver tioek, Kile, ilie amount of which wasf 11,800, and Insured in this city, has been promptly paid Thuvconipaii) wnsieprescpteillu this ill) by Captain Uben Ward. The Grand Trunk Hallway are having constructed nt Wyandotte, n monster iron Btennier loi the transfer of treigbt and pas¬ sengers across the Detiolt river, which will he complete 1 bj^the ensuing Bpilng Hei length la JlU feet 0 Inches. The Bteaniei Cit) of Clevelnnd has gone into winter qtiartei s nt this pint. Asliigen- enllj known, hei Jioule has been between Uotrolt and Mncklnaw', •culling nt various points on tho way. blnco tlio opening of iiuvlgiitlon she has pei formed Blxty-fom trips, the ilihtuiicc for the lound trip being tlHS iiiiles, with a grand lofa/ loi t)ic season ul ilfiM miles, bile has not fulled to make two tilps pel week without accident, 'lhe niiiaiim uf unfile,. Ill pnssengerB nud freight I'lleclod up to lhe piesent t,lmo has not been computed. U- t-