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Marine Record, December 6, 1883, p. 1

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y ■1 vol. v: ' ^6. 48,4^ CLEVELAND, O., DECEMBER 6,1883, 82 00 I'M Afujuu Ml VOLE (.UPIKfl b CBR7I AROJ0NDTHE LAKES; ■—*. CI.FVKI.AND. Theio were im arilvuls Jit this port on Wednesday. ■II. B. Tuttle ilnil Sin nil E. Sheldon wll _wlnter nt L'Anse. The propeller Benton will huvo her boil¬ ers repiilrcil this winter. The barge Mrmtgoim'i'v will bo robullt nt Buy Oltv during the winter. The iinminl Intorniitionnl convention of the seiinien's union will be held In Detroit noxt neck. The schooner H. C. Rlehiirda, ashore on the North -MiuiHoii, Ins been released and taken to Chicago. The bodies of all the men killed by the explosion of the Erie Belle near Kincardine have been recovered. The Fort Wayne railroad bilugo Is again ready for truffle, the propeller Coinmodoro having been pulled nut. Captain Joseph Sheldon, late master of the David Don*, has been appointed cap¬ tain of the Bteambarge Iron Age. Wu call the attention of vessel masters to the fact that Hie river olilco ol the custom house will only be open during the day lor the present. The propellers. Mnnlsthjue and W. I). Jenucss weio olititc'ii'd, Tuesday, coal, ( leveliincl to Detiiiit, 10c. lhej wlllwlutei ,il Deli It. .ijiptain Norton, of thcRuleigh is inipiov- Ing. Ills hands aie not so badly ITo/i'ii us una reported. Novel thelcss, he will lose Lwo or three lingers. He is at the Huron sticet hospital. The mastci of the barge Euieka expresses his ^latitude to Captain OlcGioh and his lito-snvlngcrew at Sheboygan, In a card to the lutei Ocoan, tor ellluient service dm lug the dlstiess-ol the barge recently. United States Cuinnilssoncr Hall has com¬ menced a suit In admiralty against the own- eisot the Inst schoonei Cecelia. William Ryan mid George Hiooks, tile defendants want pity toi the icpalis and matuiials put on llie Ceeclla '1 lie- binning ol Ihe Canadian Hleauibiiige Ninii.iin wlpt's out llie hint i>l tin' Norinaii Une from the hikes. Ihu sihonuei Noiiuan went aslioie on Hogg [slaml reel, and the Anierliiiii sleaiuliarge Noiiiintf- went to pieces ut Pcnlwaier. The 1 leveiiiuil Rolling Mill Co. is to uiiiki llie steel angles anil ileik beams liu tlie new 11on steaiiK'i iyav being built by the (Jlolio Iron Woikjyfoi which puipose the ( oinpiinj inputting In mlleis. I'lii' mini uunpuin wlU make llie iion flutes. Tile varliitlou ol the compass which In thought to have been the caufc of* tin' pro pellcr II .1. .lewi'tt'n going aslioie I- mil supposed tu In- nil account "I l><'4 hull hull, as ill thst slated, hut Hum a pile ul 1(H) ions ol pig lion, will, Ii werc*lying on deck. At theOlohi' Diyduck, since (lun'lusl n- poil tliu S. .1. MtiLry had hi r slciii bearing* repaiicd. The R. Wallace also hud InM' "tern bearings ropalicd.. The J. T. Johnson Is. having leaks stopped so that sjiu can go to iluck and discharge-tier, caigootoic. Railclllle lias I'ontiacted with,JWullaee Hi Of., Gawntind ollicrs to build a barge with a capacity ol about 1,1100 tons, to go Into the K. Wuluico' tow/.,The new binge will have easier lines than tlfe R Wallace, which was also built by Mr. Railolille, anil is considered one of the llui>t barges an the hikes. The to'a! gniln receipts nt this port from the opening of the season to December 1, were 04,150,1170 bushels, an Increase ol 11,- 100.550 bushels over last vear. Canal ship¬ ments, f-r this season wer42,350 0J0 bushel', a gain of 12,011,2:10 bushels over last sea¬ son. Coal shipments by lake Mils vein amount to 1,253,010 toni.au inciease nt 2.10.- 140 tons over last year, ird of 428,700, Ions .over 1881. Advices Iron) Harboi Springs etato that the schooner John Blgler, of Chicago, Is ashore there, but In a condition to be easily released. Her master, Captain John Dee- gnu, has scut to Cheboygan for a steam pump and tug, and as soon as they ai rlve I here will be no (lltllculty experienced in re¬ leasing the vessel. The Blgler Is owned by George F. Finney, of Chicago, and is Insured in llie "Big Four" companies. She meas¬ ures 351 tons and Is valued at $8,500. Captain (,'. E. Uenham tells n very Inter¬ esting story of ills trip down from Marquette as master iif the tug Samson, which ai rived at tills port on Sunday morning wi Ii the schooneiu C. G. King, Fianz Selgol, Eliza Gerlach and C. II. Johnson In tow. A few hours after leaving Marquette, on the 24th of Novembci, the wind shifted to the north¬ west, and in the ga'o which tullovvcd tile Johnson pa'ied her line and was compelled to seek shelter at Gland Island, the otlici vessels remaining with her until the morn- iug ol the 2f)th, whi'iitliey nulled as hit as While Fish Point, where the 'wind again shifted, and they were met by a sdii-bdii east wind and Hit') were obliged to lay to until the 2Ulh. The wind then sheeted round to the ,noi Ihw est uceompii tiled by a heavy snow stoi in. They came on to Whisky Bay, how¬ ever where they again sought shelter, the schuuners letting go their anchors and the bamsoii going Inside and freezing in dining the night. One or two hours were passed In getting clear and the lleet sailed as lar as the Siinlt, whete the mate of the King was taken to tlie marine hospital, It would be well lor the authoiltlcn win) markeil llie channel tlnoitgli Lake Geoige wlih stakes lui\lng bushes attached to the,m to lead the Itrtli'lc In arinlhcr column of this pupi'i on lighted buoys, as his s\stem ol mm king out Hie course lor uavigutcis Is .ippaicutly useless, ospiilullj .lit a snow storm In'puss- lug thiiiugli Saginaw Bay the wind beanie so violent as In again bicak up the low, the l-iampsou i oining thiougli to llie ilvets with hut inn' M'ssel llie otlieis anivliig tindi'i sal' lu due time. From Hie ihers the Sampson made IhU pint with the Heel without tin titer ui'shnp t it ICA.HO. Sitectiil lo tlttt Murm? /fruit-ft j The lug Piolccllon, of tlie V. 0. T -Hue. Is still "ii the hem h ul Sallgatuik , Tliv lug Chicago went fioui llils pint lust I Inn siluy In Hal hoi Spiliigs,lo release the si'lnuinct Hlirlei, aslu'ie there Rnsi'l Dow ni'i, Hie snbniai hie dlvei went on the Meaiui'i l.uwreuce tnl'ioss Village to examine the wteek ol the schooner Lucy J.' Clark. Tin) Anclmr Muo propellers Lehigh, Del¬ aware, i.'orestogii, Lv coming, Conemiiiigh and Kiinlnn ('ainpbell mill the scliuouet Hclni) Iklll aie laid up at this port. Thesieumburge Fied Metctit,after recelv lug neeessiiiy ie|ialiu, went nut of the Vessel Owner's drtdui'k on Thnisiluj lust, and pro¬ ceeded to an elevatoi and loaded eom for Buffalo. v I The first Regular ipcetlngnl tile sensonof. (lib Mai Ine Engineers' Association, No. 4, of Chicago, was held nt their hall, Nos. 57 and 39 West Randolph street. Tuesday evening, December 4,188.'!. _ Tlie sti'umhuige White & Filant Is lu Ml'- lei Brothers' drviloek (oi a new aline, mid Ihe seow Moses Gage for a thntoiigh rebuild Several vessels have already been char¬ tered heio for winter storage, 'or which 2 cents' Is expected toji> received. The amount of Btorage capacity of the vesselB'now laying up at this port exceeds 3,000,000 bushels. The schooner Green Bay arrived on Mon¬ day, twenty-live days out from Colllngwood. She experienced a very stormy passage and 'lost about 70,000 feet of her deck load of lumber during a heavy gule oil the Mnnl- tous. -i The schooner D. E. Bailey arrived on Monday In tow of the W. II. Alley, and liu barge Hazard In tow of the tug Leviathan. It Is reported that Captain T. D. McBtlde, formerly of the steatnbarge Milwaukee, lias arrived at San Francisco, and Hint be lins. sent to his wife for funds to enable him to return home. r ~~ At the Chicago Drvdock Company's dty dock the barge Mary E. Perew, oTthe Mnil- nette Barge Line Co., has had a new main¬ mast ami is cotuorted into a bchoouiii ; the schooner Kate Darley, of the same line, has had her thiee inufita taken out and tliey are being cut down 'so as to convett liei Into a barge; propellei C It y of Fremont had a gen¬ eral overhauling; jiropellei J. L. llllril had siiitte geui'iul tepulrs; piopcllcr Peerless a geneial DVcihaiillng, and the lug .1. C. Fred' ell had a leak'stupped. Tho schooner II C. Richards ai i Ived on Monday nfier a verj rough passage of twen¬ ty-two days from Buffalo. She went aslioie on the Monday previous itt JMnnltoii haibor, in a heavy sloiiu and was released by a tug ft out Franklort, and its she was leaking badly, the services ol tin. tug John Gngory anil a steam pump wete scented by the uip- tuln, llie,tug (itegoij towliigliei liete. 'Ihe piopellet Couimodoie uiid Ihe sUiou'i- et E. P. Rovco on Sunduy ulteinoOn got juiiMiieil in tile iliuw ol llie Pitlsbing and Foit Wnj ne ( niiipiuo V uillrnail Inldgeln Ihe Suiilli Uiaiieh ol llie ilvei. Two lugs an I llie piopi'llci Montuiia Hied to move them on Muitila), but wi're iinsiiccea-lul. Gieat IncouwiileiKe has been t-aused lo Hit1 railwa) ioinpiinj,iis no Indus have been abli to puss, Captain Iia 11.Owen, ol C liiiago, hits been at Uetniil lor seu'iul dins, anil liiisiimliiici- ed with John Duties & son, sliipliulldi'is, tu I ullil a puiseiigei sleatnei ul lb,' billowing dlnleuslniin Length over all, I i,"i leel, hit'udih ol Ileum. 'JO leel, with" Ino-lnc-l guuiil billll connive Muni hull, inuklug i'\ Heine bieutlih .10 im, ilipiliol hold, 10'j 'leel I he engli e Is In I'd built bj Ihe ItiM'Islili'Jtou Winks, Ljliuilei .lllx.lb, low pii'ssuie,- hiillei.Oilsstwl, sij leel In illatn- elei Iij 15 fei I luiy, II lonl wheels. The new sieaiuet will hn'o cabin loom tin llliy passengeis; sliced lo be luiiilCen miles tier hour. Shu Is to he completed by ApilM.I, 1884. J'he sleaniei will Hilt lietweeu Esla- uaba anil .Munlslii|ii|utnil (iiei ii l!.t\ po'ts, and owned Ii) lull) Owen mid uthi'isol Clilcago. { IIAllllDII M'llINU-. 'Ihe both id- liu' mate ol the winked nhoon'ei JjIcV J. t'lmk Was nisi up hj the" waves Satiitd IV inoin'iigut tills pltue. til moil. Sueclnl lo Ihe Murine llrtunl. Dm not i. December I. The dillleiiltles wlileli have surrounded the pinpellei St. Paul Im inorellian a month past have in n uieasiiie been llually overcome. After, being scuttled rteitin pinups weic sottp win km ii'lli'M' liei ii' Winer III order to place liei In ilrydoek loi icpulrs, but alter a week's lilnl theie mis hot the slightest perceptlhlo change any mme than there would be In an endeavoi to pump dry tlie Detroit river. There was a screw loo°e somewhere, and to .solve that ipystciy a diver was sent down to examine her bottom and found several boles that tequlreil plugging. There was a lepc- tltiou ol searches made, and on Saturday night thesteanl pumps became the victor mid tliL-noble ctali, though sadly begrimed, was once riiorufan the top ol the water and ready lor removnl to dtydock. Mr. Daniel Finlayson, Hist nuite-of tlie St. Paul, who sustuineil lnjuiles while the boat was on fire, by Inhaling gas, died on Thursday, quite unexpectedly to those at¬ tending him. He seemed to he Improving up to almost the veiy mou)ent ul his death, but It seems that lie wiib far worse injured than was siiDposeu, and be suddenly passed away. Hie funeial took place on Sunday and was attemled by a large circle ot friends and acnuViituiii.e.. His age was thirty-' seven years. The steamer H. J Jewett, aftel having undergone lempnruty iepalrs in theilijdoek here, pioiecdeil oi| to liiillalu oif "Sntiir- ilay, where the repaint will b« eoinpleted The schooners Hercules and Moiwood, of Port Burwell, have been laid up at Wind¬ sor, and many vessels ure being In it ] up on this side ol the slieum. The complete list will at the propet time-be made nut ami a copy lurwarded. The Bar Point lightship has been iulil up foi the scuson. Tlie steamship II. E. •Paekei, upward bound with coal, got aslioie during a snow stoim at Piesijue Isle, I nke Huron Tugs weie iliumdiulcly dlsputilied to her relict, and the sie uiiei got ulloat ultei jettisoning .100 tuns, sustaining i.o set Ions ilumage Dining Hie I itti l part ot the past wick tin'sihooui i .M.ninei, coil luileu, Hiiuudei' in Luke SI Cl.ui, ni'iit tin i ulliil liei stern post was i.ulied uv\u\ .inilslii) wits .ilso leak¬ ing hiulU Mie wan ,'tli'nilcil to uiid pio- ieeiled on m Hie tint pon tin lepiirs, whiili will not iiuioiiut lo inui'li. The pinpillei Puellii, otn ol \, ( hei s- Inoii^ii, Ksij's line nl vessels, Tnis, i|ni u prolltuhli seiism 's business, lu'en Iulil up ut liei nwui'i's dotk in good urdei uiid condi- tion. 'I be si Ininln i Xeiv I><>■■■ 1 iilon hns liuil lier oliltiuii) wilttiit up wltliin the past levy 'il i\ s, with nil In,nils losi, on li,» tu hei ui,[ Iiiiving inaile sititmhnui iiisteuil ut vessel Hun slie sillnl 11i>iii lieorgluii liu\ -and wliile on Luke llnroi) It II lu with severe gules ,mil, ol iiiiusi', hunli'il mil u le i. \'ot tieing IiiiiiiI ot ullil'l mi ulisi'i i e it bt'Veu dujs, l| wiib deemed i ertulu' iliu.1 she was swallowed tifi, It Ims tin tied out jli'll, ren'tly, liovvevei, us she hits since iinltCiljit'Aiii- liet'stlinig, lier ilcstluutUm-. , Even ruul tlno wenlliei ptev.died, Hie liiue jptult wa» tea- sonublv tail. I'lie bulge II. fl. Ilmwu, eon- soti ol Hie steiiinhuigi' I'ottst tilv, which inet wllli i|lsitsti't In llie Sattlt iitei, but was alleiwuiil teleasiil and Iniuiglit to this city tt)i lepalis, look tlie at Sptitigwell's dry. [CnatiliilMl *ll 4'h /h/i/i |. h Diamage '<j&i V4

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