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Marine Record, November 15, 1883, p. 7

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THE MARINE RECOFD. The NeversM Cork JacKei' Twenty por rent, mnro linojnncylliiin nny _____oilier TjIIo- I'resiTVur In the innrkot. In llio INFEST mill only JIRUAIILB LIFE PRBSKRVEIl In liXIHT*GNCE. as provo(l oft'io Into «rock mi tlio I'noilld Const, ni tlir PiihIIIc Mnil Stcittitnlitp, "City ol tinr. Frunclaoo." RING BUOYS AND FENDERS. ■==■ i. C « -> «' to Approved nnd ndnptod 1>> tlio United Stuto> Board of Supervising In«|icctorn;u|go by Ihe principal Oceim, I.iiKe and River Summer l.lnos, ns the 'only Rellalilu I.it'e I'icserver VESSELS ASI) TRADE SUI'JM.IED- Send for Clrottlnrs. D. KAHNWEILER 14(1,148 & 150 Woi ill 8l. Ni'nr f'pniur St.. New York. MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers and Agents, S». 121 SI riitr titreut, ItoomM"' ci.rvci.anu,—. i>mu- 7 PENFIELD BLOCK CO, Lookpoi't, N.^Y. SQI,K >HM'F*rlt!IIHIB OK r»K CKLKIIHATUI) "ANCHOR BRAND" TackJe Blocks. "Improved* Anchor bnnlch Ulockn Paper Mill Blodchon ftSsbriM. 6dsomoters)SaltP<ms Smoto Stitte And all kmdsdf HtavyHato &. Sheet 'rnriWoric -Ofeice & Works, • "".2?o*T85(K£5?. Perry St." OIL STILLS'* Af>ITATORS. Eepairing Rnmpt^.At^ndodta W.Z«.MTWW5|!Art;8S4. ^"JSir M®!&M@)b SFCIMAL LAMPS, -WITH- .Patent Fluud Lens And Perfect Colors. ? GET THEBEST& AVOID COLLISIONS. ., TliOftf**! »in pi plvo n mom brlllnnt light tlinn any Signal liimp n»v In tine They hnvH tiiifii mloptwl l»j tho pHuclpnl Ocran and Lnku Slmniori and Vomeln anil arefuriala in tin? prlncipnl portH on I lie A-tlantlccnntft nnd !»ikc» Wrought Iron Ranges for Steamers and Hotels. Send for cniatogiit Mnuufoitund by IKI.THOtHEN A HISSKLL, 130 ft 141 MAIN ST., BUFFALO, N. Y. toil's PATENI METALLIC LIFE RIFT THOS. WILSON MANAGING OWNKR Wilson's Transit Line. Gen. Forwnrder. freight ond Vessel Agent. CIEVKIAKD, o HIBBAR0& VANCE, Vessel Agents It and 168 Brotdw>y MILWAUKEE, WIH 114 UHnll.HlnirL_______CHirA(IO. Ir.L DAVISON and HOLMES, Vessel Owners & Agents, 240 So WtUr Street, ____ OIIICAOO, ILLINOIS ATKINS &BECKWITH, Vessel Owners & Agents 127 LlSnlle Street ____' _..n!.irAon_ - III. A. M. BARNUM, Vessel Agent and Broker, K Eichangebt. .lulTalo, N Y. l^-IF YOU DO NOT RECKIVK MY MONTHLY I.IJT OF VEPSEI.S. 'OR**.! F. SEN" F(iK IT. ROBERT RAE, Admiralty and Insurance Law Office, ltnom (7. Moiclianln'-tulldliiH, ______rillLAU), II 1^__ _ WILLIAM FORDE, SHIP BROKER, Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. N b lor (ulumbiiN Avn A WalnrSt ____________hANllUHKV OHIO,_____________ PALMER & BENHAM, J U I'AI MMl A 8QN, | Vessel Owners & Agents, No 130 Water HtreeU RonmnO A 7 " CI.hVU.ANI) •* . OHIO H.0.&J.H. Oalkinr Coprsraiitis and Plnmbers Sieamlirul Gns Fitting, GALLEY STOVES- 250 A 3S7 Went St., Cor, Lnlglit NEW YORK Clrculitrs Bent upon nppllniilon. SMITH'S PATENT METALLIC LIFE BOATS, ijtiMt Imnrovfr mi ALL STEEL ROLJLER BUSHED - OKWJTIIOlTIl • SELF-LUBRICATING PHOSPHOBBSORZE BUSHINGS. Tjie metoMn thne Hu>h- mgt JP the celebrated Thos- phor Bronie, the beat bear. in([ metnl in market »nd lieinc perfect jelflubnc». tore they are fast supersed¬ ing all other styles For sale by Ship Chaird. lers everywhere. ASK FOR"ANCHOR BRAND" ni.OCKh Illustrated Catalogues and Price Lists-mailed free upon application. Siitinit- anient nohnu-.! (a"H RANI) II II IlUltt.IIt SE^fD sTOR PRICES TO SMITH'S BOAT WOUKS, 169 South Street, New York Improved Snatch "Jiock Clnwii i IcimihIi STAR BRAND ( TACKLE BLOCKS, BAGNALL & LOUD, . Boston, Mass. Hold MttnufiicttirerM In I/, h. A, of our Celebrated Metatine &• Sleeve Roller Bush Tackle Blocks, Improved Snatch Blocks, Gaff Topsail OLFATH. ETC Jiiiprovt'il Snatch llrocK Clasp Openinl RAND & BURGER SHIP-BUILDERS. WITH E>:t=5"sr DOCK ATTAIIIICU TO THb UOItKS. ALSO I'KLI'AKKD TO DO WRECKING AND TOWING WITH THE Tug John Gregory. Vessels Docked arid Re¬ paired on Short Notice. MA.NITOWOC.WIS. GANFIELD Wrecking & Towing Line, BECKER & KELLY, Vessel Agents, \m nelt ehnrluriKi luirclniMMl imij mild. <(mirncln uinilo fur loniiii) mill lunvy frol^uln I uku Hiipirlur mid f luiiiiilm Iron on < luukiH for uln uk trip or nun so n a rijinhil*) 110 Hiittrsi Itoom It , loulA iron 1 x Huild h roU'nliono No DM ClereldDi KNEIP & MORRISON, PBOCrotlH IN AUMIItAl.l\ HI Mniirm "il Ituniii M'< ■>■■ »K ■ V. D. l>fICKERSON, MARINE ARTIST Rear of Central Tug Office, Main Si. Bridge, Cleveland, 0. If You Want the Best STEAM PUMP For Mlnlntt, Railroad or Mtrnnilinnt line, Paper Mill, fhrmlrnl or Una " arks Tannery, nrewery or Huvar Hennery. Draining lluarr^CH, Cellnni nr>l*lniu n- tliinn, Irrlcadna; or lljclriiullr mining, Nlnklnx roiindniloiiH, (orrcr Dam, newer, Well Hlnkliic anil other Contractnrn' Work, nr llnlaliiK ~ W aler for any kind or Mnnufactiirlnr or Pirn PnriinMr, wiilo for an lllu. tmte.1 ilo.rriiitltolionk nu tho >KW PHlXOWKTKII, n iiliihjlnit tnMK nilnrul prloof, huinlrvila nfiMtliiinnlftlu (If Mnllulfroo J'rlrcM HHI jmr»onl low or tlian othur Bvory pump tsitb^LJioforo ihlpment and ffu&rnntaed at reproieatcd. ECONOMY AND EFFICIENCY UNEOUALED. Pulsouioter Steum Piiui|i Co., S3 John St., MTw York Cltj, V. S. A. air* tj< o l>rli lh imxt Ihsiio until* Ik»por -^,0 I ST\1lI,ISIII I) IH II. tfff. MT4lifi'0 Tugs, Hawsers,^ ^~ Lighters, Steani Pumps, Lifting Screws, &c, lulu liHilnh-.lioit ii illu \\ .....lor lMi,,r \<\\ ' \ O. Will I I I K III*" <»M VII ( II ■* Mutukii*' V\iit,kini. Miifllcr -M \XUKACI L'llKjtS Olf— CORDAGE > OAKUM. (i«ni,ior AMI Illl IS, IIINSI \ nuil II M UN III Ml'orilu virj lutqin itv iiia.l. tu n'rlir A I OM lY'SNUllll M VMI ^iTntl sis VI IIIMH II IIVIM Office No. 113;1 WALL STREET, NEW \WRK. Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y, v -----—l-' a . _ I. bir., Cobibob, •Vessel Brokers, Dl II 111. .MINN 88 114

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