THE . MARINE- RECORD. OIjDKST KKKSII WATKH SAII.Olt. Uncle Duvy Johnson I? tho oldest fienh water auilor 11 vtiijj;. Ho wiib n Inke viiptuin seventy years ngo. Ho whh n Btuuly hoy of !l lit Washington's dentil; «m30 ycnisof ti){e when Gourde III. (Hod; wim nn old mini when Oriint, Sherman '11111] Arthur wcro schoolboys. Davy Johnson liven near tho lake shore betwei nClovfilaiul and the village ol V'Tnlilllon. Uo in a inoilliim bIzuiI iiiiiii with now white hull mitl beintl. lie hub burn in Sodnnfi, Conn , Junu 24,1700, and though in his 01th year has all the vigor of a mini of IU. 111b father I'lin led a flint-lock iiiunkct in the Itcvoliiilounry war. 111b nieinwy of mimes and dates in niOHt reinui'kable, and he tells a highly Intel citing stoiy of his lllp. "I have been a good many) ear* on thin eui til," Bald Uncle Duvy to me, "I ean re¬ member well when Gem ge Washington wub 1'icHldent. I believe 1 was 7 years old When In- went out of olllcc. It hub eiiiitoiiiury uhon young folks mot logethoi In tlioso days to slug songs about Washington mid Conllnontal times. After lie went out ol ollko there was A Wiig the folks used to sing- that commenced something like—well, let mo see, 'Aliil now ho has retlied to Potomac's |ivn.'>'ful shore.' I rememberveiy well when he died. 1 ought to, for I was m-nily 10 jenrsofage. In tllnao iIiijh .JelTc,ri,iiii wiib not as popular as lie is yow. When his mime \\«s mentioned In connection with the 1'iesl dency ho was abused just us heartily us men whViue running- loi otllco now and even moieBO. At time the excitement was intense. I cun remember, women running ibout the stieetB trying. "On, it Jelletson ii-cleilctl he will hum e\ci} I}lble In the l.ind," and the) prajed that suihaiuhtmlty nnglit be uveilcd 1 think linn Mii'Ufon wus the first l'rei-ident I <oted tor. 'Unit was over seventy jhub ago. In tlio«e da)a tho imlltiuil partits weie till) redeialtsls and W bigs, llie loiuiei being called "(Joon- bkllis." i " I voted both tlihis for Jackson. Icon, filler the death ol Lincoln the groutcst iih- lioual calainlty llint^iui look | luce In tho lustor\ of the lulled atutcs. I didn't like old John Adams. He was an uibiiiiiry oltl lillon. Young Job was dHleieiit. He wub putty likely. In 1807 1 left homo to live with Uncle Amos Johnson. He husu Kevolutlonnrj. soldier, unci otten showed me Ins discharge which he kept hi nil old tin tn>\. Years iiIit Ills dentil his widow ie- , 11 veil fOPO as honi tv Ii qui the government, that sum was u big fortune In those"days. Iberc wore no schools whcirlwasu boy. -V^u-thuy-nm llip m'linnl linslnesa to dentil lived In tin old log-hoifso whoro tho Indian Omlck Intel been oonllijc] the your previous. 1!o was hanged In 1812. Tho (Irstrvo8«ol 1 sailed us ouptaln 'was tho Porsevornnco, In 1810. The llrst trip I iimile In hor was from Miinmeo to Mackinaw with a cargo of boor for Vr.nco and Mcokor. Vnnco »aa after- waidsGovernor of Ohio. From that tlmo on I sailed tho lakes for fllty vonrs.—Nem York Tribune. jid turn out seoicsol well-dressed sen In wags who earn-money without doing any hind work. There was no idleness when I wiisji h >y. II a township trustee saw mboy i round doing nothing he would catch lihn and bind him out to some trade, and foi seven years he would'get only bis boaul and clothes \\ hen I was a ihunk ofu jotingster 1 wus ■ipprentiied to a cooper at III idgcpoi t, Conn,, mil for five years I hamiiieieil away, with uiUe nut) driver and hauled a draw knife tor pist what I put ill mo uuil on me. We used to think that. Western New York hlate oi Western Pennsylvania wnonway out West. In 1SU0 I put a thirty-two pound bundle On my back and started on loot to Bullulo. 1 made the Journey toAlLuiij.N Y,, about JJ0 miles, in sixteen days. That journey wiib nothing lemaikable, as I hud $3 in money unit a bundle ol tood. Muny it poor lellow started on the siiine jonrnij with uotliing hut nn ax. When 1 airivcd ut Uul- lulo 1 lot.nil a very small town. Ill 181:! 1 In lleve there were only three vessels on the hikes. lMttsburg .it lluH time wus un impor- tnut lown. She itinled on a lonsldernble llade Willi tlio West bj wiij ol Erie The merchandise was inTted 6verluud to Kric und tl en shi]iped to the leu polls on the gieut hikes. '•(Jloveland,Sandusky,and Li ie weie potts ol enlry. There wen onU iwu lighthouses on Ihe lakes, one at Hulliilo, tlrsl one built, mil ihcoihei at Krie. lliillnlii «iU th< iihiIImI 1 ort Eije, and vmis a struggling link plm i until the warol 1812 gave Itasinil M\ tiiht nip us n sallui was iniiile from Ilnllulo to Erie, which wuslluu (Oii>idered ipilK u nip. I'ftim Bullulo to Doirolt wus looked upon ns u long Yo\uge, and a \essel of thlitj two Ions hiirilt'll was then (onsldcrcil the hugest sailing on the hikes. In lblil 1 was one ot u crew of lour, Opinio Ulik O'Ncll In cuiiiinauil, that loll liiillalu In the sloop ("oinineiiienient with a cargo ol whisky for Erie. While beating along the slum' Ihe English Irigate Charlotte bore down upon us and captured us. Two boatloades ol ted loals boarded oui vessel and took iis piison-' eis We weie) Immediate)) pnioled, iilul Ii small bout plnced at oui disposnl to leuih shoie. We disliked to leuve the sloop nnd wTilsky at their men), and tiskod to lie .dlowed to remain In the vlilulty ol the ves¬ sel, and were told by the lliitish coiunmndei that If it wftB any consolation to us wo could do bo. Wu thereupon concootud a «c|ionio to got tlje guard tliiink and run the'vessel 'ashore. This scheme was found out, and wu weie packed In a bout and rowed ashore. Willi ordors not to leliun. Aftei lVnj'i. vlitory tin owners ol the C'oiniueiiuinunt were indeinllled. 1 saw Coininodoro-IVrry often nt Erio. He hud his guns mill ii<uiiltli)iis ol war carried oveilaud Irom I'llisbuig irt Erie. In 1813 I settled In Cleveland. Itf wus then n Utile poveiiy stilekl'ii buildli' ol not mote thuii ii do/ed ol lllleeu hmi»i». Wi AMERICAN VESSELS FOB THE WEST - , INDIES. If It Is'nnllll wind that blows nobody good then tho hlto'Wcst India hurricanes bnvo not beofi entlruly tinfavoiablo to American shipbuilders. Ship owners who have bhJ- fned from tlioso gales will 8 in He grimly lit ihe suggestion. Their more favored broth- ron will not bo so skeptical. Tho hurrlcniios have opened a" market for small Altterletm craft ot which our ship owiipib anil builders should avail themselves. Shipping property belonging td the West India islands Is gen- eially sninll craft and is hirgely composed of schooneis and'sloops built in the United Stutes. Our fishermen und coasters furnish the clilet supply. These veesols mnge from ten up to one liuiidred toils and are espe¬ cially adapted to the icqulremcntB of inler- insulin trading. Linger voBsels are of courso employed, but the small cratt, oven In the (iulfol Mexico, more than hold their own share ol the trade. This cliisBOfsblpplnghiiB sullored most severely during the past two months, and what botween every cnsiiiilty fioin total loss to that of spars, Its ranks have been sadly depleted. We need only to mention (he haibnr of JJiisbuu alono In or¬ der to givo some Ultfa of the destrtictlsn caused by the late InniIciiircs. In Unit har¬ bor there weie over twenty-Ilvo sloops re- poi ted nslioi e, half of w hlch beenmn a total ins, the leiuaindcr being badly damaged, und over sixty schooners, moBt ot which weio either a total loss, or very badly dam¬ aged. In a huge number of the other Islands ■ ho loss was quite as heavy. It will bo snld that the tntnl tonnage damaged wns not huge and that It wiib composed ol very small ves¬ sels. This can be giunted, but these stnnll vessels must bo replnced. fheio wus a de¬ mand for their soi vices and they formed an important leutuie In the commerce of the. West Indies. It 1' not to bo supposed that they w'll be leplnced Immediate!), but after the wieiks are ileared away and the acliiul amount of tonnage withdrawn is ascertained demand will be ninile to fill the vacancy. Now who Is to do this If not the owners of BjdpjthjJLPiuiiortyin this countrj. They have Gxactly~llic OhlsBOfreBscls-needod and If new ones aie wanted our shipbuilders un¬ derstand—none bettei—how to build th'e small wouilen vessels suited to tho trade. If puroluiBers will not come lorwaid, disheart¬ ened bv the ill fnie which bus attendod thl« piopeity, the 111 wind huB at least not blnw.n awayi tnojraile in which the vossels were .engaged. That still lemalus, mid If Auieli- can vessels will not be bought to ^MpJace those lost. American owncistun ei7i))lov them at lemt In this iiiter-islaud busiiicss — Viiiitime Hun*!* i I.UMBEK N'OTEb. Vroni ihe number of liitnbertnen wholmve pnssed tlllon^li Aitkin enroute foi the dif¬ ferent lamps north of here, It is evident that winter is fust uppiouchliig.—^litiiu Ai/e. The lurgest diij's work ever done by a cir- cnlai saw on Saginaw river, was triuisucted in bmullc)B A, Woodworths siiw-inill on the \vest side ol the river. Six bundled and one logs were mi wed into I' 1-inili boaidsln. ten hortis, fflilch is a trifle ovel a log pel minute—Vt'V City 1 nbumi. C iiiiiulii is tr) ing to hire people to Bottle in its vai Ions wIlik'rnesseB The large sum of $5 is olleied to evei) nble-bodied mull who will figiuutUcl) bur) hluisell In Ililtlsli Co- lliinbia. The kind ol men 10 be utlrncted by suili un ofli i will not iniike imiili liendwuy in drugging the Ilominlon to future grent- ness 1 heie me engngld ill the getting out and muiiului Inn ol 111 in tit-1 in! uiiiidi iiboiil 100,- OIK) men, who suppoii luinilles forming u giund mild ol hull u million, oi about one nlnlli ol the population ol the Dominion. In nil lie Iniluslilnl iHlnlilishiuelili. ol ( iinuilu $1115 000.000 ol uipllul Is hlMMcil, In saw¬ mills mill iiHiebluiiiy ovei $j.\000,000 is plnced The ninount invesieil in lunds uud luinbeilug oulllt, l» nboul foil 000,000 in all, or moietliaii one tlilnlol tin niiioiintinvest¬ ed In all ulhei iiiduslilul tMuhliKliinenlH. The total produil ol liiinhei In 1881 wiih $J8,o41,7.'>2, oi nine dollnis loi each Inhabl- lunl ol the couiiti \, ol which t noiigh was M/ld abroad to hilng Into the louutn $J,I, 01)1,0oJ. hXNSUI.VE AM) SHADOW Sunshino seems to follow , in the wake of some people, while gloom und*sorrow en¬ shrouds the pathway ol other*, And why Is It? The loriiior'usoSwayiio's pills, which act upon tin s)stem In u miinper to keep it health) , while the Intlei sutler wllb d)spep- siu, liver complaint, diopsy. hilllous ami slik headache, jam iliitt, levels, tuiutlpaliou, female lrieguluillius, etc. If limy pielei (o sulli'i lulliur than pa) 2o ti uls foi a box ol Swayne's pills, wlileli is wuiraiitedlo cult' all tho above (lis, whj— lot them live and suflei. ENGINEERING AND MECHANICAL ' ' INVENTIONS. A millstone dfcBBhjg machine bus been patented by Mr. Thotnus C. Barnes, of Lo- gnnsport, lnd, Tho Invention relates to tho dressing of uillUtoues by means of « din-- mond cutter, nnd providos means for tlio ad¬ justment of the cuttor nt any dcslied.anglo. Its leednt anypiopci speed, audits entire control In oltfior direction by tho opcrntoi. Tho entire uirnngomcnt may be made auto- inatlc at will. Among tho recent pntonts Issued Is one for an Improved and simple steam whlBtlc granted to Mr. J: E. Giiiibc, of Drownsvllle, Tenn. - In combination, with tho boll of a s.tciim whlstlo a movnblo valve is fitted for operation bv the engineer, so that tho tone ot tho whistle can bo chmtged readily ut the will of tho engineer. Means aro also pro¬ vided for adjusting tlfc bell to the steam out¬ let so as to obtain a clear tone. > Messrs. I. K. Ellerbcck and A. C, Toting, of Snlt Lake Cltv, Utah, have rcconllv se¬ cured letters patent' for an Improved hose ami rope reel containing a spring which 1b colled by the tinwlndliigof the rope or hose, which spring winds up the Iiobo or Tope its sooji ns It la released. To prevent ovei wind- ing*ol this spring or unw hiding h too far, a drum'ls arranged to travel on Its axis and strike agaltlBt checks, after making Biifllciont revolutions to tighten the spring aa much ns may bo nccessaiy. An Improved hydraullc^motor for vossels hns recently been patented by Mi, Simon O'Blicn, of Bristol, R. 1.' The Invention ionsist8 In a motor formed of n series ol pipes and a cock so connected that water enn bo drawn In a* the botiom pf tho vessel and forced out at the rear end of it, to the oflect that llio vessel wl I be moved forward. Wa¬ ter also inn bo drawn In at the renr end of the vessel and forced out at the bottom to¬ ward the front end, thus moving the vessel buckwnrd. The InUMillon nlso consists In nttnchlng n hose oi flexible pipe to the ei.d of the pipe pi ejecting from the Btern, nnd nttnchlug the hose to the rudder, whereby the wnter Issuing Irom the hose will /isaim in sleeting the.vessel. Messis. John A. I.csouid nnd J nines Lo tan, of Portland, Oiegoti, have patented an Improvement In hydintillc elevators of the telescopic kind, In wliiili u fluid under pres¬ sure, or which is supplied from a higher head or level than thut to which It Is neces¬ sary to raise the cage ol platform of tho elo- vntor, is mndo to net upon n series qf rams or tubes arranged to woikjujeivltliin the other,—The Invention, howevor, differs from other telescopic hydraulic elevators in its mode of action, valve gear, and inceliuiilsni, whereby aro produced what the Inventors term n "multiple hydraulic elevator," in which each telescoping section is contioiled by independent valves, nnd may be raised or lowered Independently of the oilier sections, thus making each section u complete elevat¬ ing device within itself, nnd so that the fluid may bo Introiliiued to eitltei telescoping sec¬ tion to opei ate the platfoi m ol the elevator a given distanie, or nil of tho telescopic sec¬ tions miiy be simultaneously operated, as desired —ticimtitlt Ammcuii. DISEASE CURED Without Metllolne. A ? ulimldr Disroitn/ for tupphjunj Mtttinrtiim lo Ihe llu man Sr/iiVi/i hletlricid/ tuul Mminetinn nttli.ctl <ti uriti lie/me fur Ileiihwf lite Sic* THL MAGNETON API'IANCE CO.'S Magnetic Kidney Belt FOR mi:K IS warranted to cure »r!::tr,:,:r:.irr, WlUjyfUl lllldlt IllL — IMIV IV TIIK 11AI K llll \ JlKAlMHt mills si n\m i mMium, 11 miiu ii, t i-nhui nmiL- ir^ UMKl MAlKjll UlUn-'h MIIUM.H H* I A1)( A mshAtlTs or Hlf K I US UA S M1VAI DlSH-^Ks Klltllll 11 \ k it (lout, N mm In ul KiiiImnIoiih, liii]t»t«ii(y, Aittliuiu, lli'iirt IHhcuhu, 1>\n|m pnlu, CuiiMtlpil- tlon, KrjdiptilaN, Lii<U|t('Mttmi, Il^rnln.ur Hup- turt\ i iiturrlt, I'Uch, K|i1I«*]in> , Dumb A^uo, vii, Wliuuray (i<liihi> <>f <li. t.!M,ltAl I\ 1, <>H- (.ANM^.imrh I o»t Vttullt\, l.uitk uf N«m\i. Furci mitl \ ltf<»r, W»Mlhi(f UriiUiM'NN, ami all llioitu 1)1 h (u»m«h of u pirHDiittl iintun . In lit wlittluvt r i huhc llm ciitiilniiiiim »tnam of MuKiit-ilntii jh nmu liifi IIikiiikIi Mit (mil-. rniHi rt-rititN uitnii in u liiultliy aiiluii j hun In mi uiinUkt alwmt l\\\f, aptillitiu t , 110 iPtir I AtllfQI' *I< >'»" nr« Bill Idled with iU lllD LliUlDU .""I uiim- hunk, Wi'itkmiHH of tlit* Npliu', I nil In ff or the H diiiIi, li4)m orrltii n, Clirontt InlliiiiiiiiHtitiii nnd lllnorutlon of the Wuntli, Iiit idi ntul Iloiiiurrliiitrc) or flooding, l'ulnlnl, HupprdNHi'd uud Irrojiultir Mi>i|Htnm- tlon, llHrr«iiti«MHt ituil Ctmii|f<i of iACt\ thU U tlit* Hunt Applhitit p Mild Ciirutlio Atfunt knoun, 1 or all furnu i»( I tfiinulu l)iflt« ulllim Ii la uuuur |mit-«|l 1iy unytliliiK I »t(KLjInunti I, tiotliuu n inrutlvi UK' nt and iirfnVinrcu »(jimver tuul vindication I'rlLiiof illliui Ik It will! IMilgnuiU. IiumiIlh, 8l0, -ttut liy tx]ir;tw( O I) and <\iuiilnilloii ullowtil, or lj> until on iuu iufrrf-iirlu . liAmli rlnn Hind ii^uiuiuik of nam! uitd tilfi nf Wiojir-UUnnlitaiiu luii l>u miule In curmiKV, w nt \\\ ktror at our rink Thu MiKllct,"> t'unuontit are uduntwl to ull hrls, are wnrn over thu \iwUsr clothing, not next to the ImmIj like the many Oulvftiilti i»iid Klcwirlti llumbuttrH >ulvurtUuil «u exttiiiHlvely, und ihontit bo tukvu off ul uIkIh 'llioy hold tliulr/f'OWUt tOltLVMi, und 4ro worn ut ull nt uhoiih of tlio > i ur hPinl NMitii]) for I do Nnw Dit(itirturt) In M<iiii«| In il- mt lit Ullhont Mmllulnn," Willi llmintaiidn id Unit iiiuiilaln 11IL. MAdNI 1 )N AITII\N( I CU, ,MH Htutti Mtr.lrt, CliU'utfo, III. Nmi —^i nd nnt di>ll ir In ptmtu^o ntaiupn i,r curn n- i) i i kiti r ut our rink, with hI/h id hIiol UHimlly wurn, andtrj oui Miikih lit Iiinului, ami Ui loii\Iiilo I of tltu imwi r nvnidlinx In our othir MuKUiitk A|ip)liuH«in I'oHltlvtlj no colli Itu wIjlii tlicy uro wurn, or iiuiuny rufiinilnl The NcTDniik Cork Jacbit Twenty por rent, more hiioynncy than Jiijy other Llfo-Preserver In the market. Is tho 9AFK8T and only REUABLE LIFE PHESUKVER hi EXISTENCE, im proved ol tho late wreck on the I'acltlc Coast, ot the Pacific Mail StoaniBhlp, "City of ,Sa:i Frttiielflco." RING BIJOYS AND FENDERS. - -\ O a w > w '03 > B V- 1^ Approved and adopted by the United StatcB Bomd of Hupci vising Inspectors ;also by the principal Ocean, Lake and River Steamer Lines, as tho onjy Reliable Life Preserver. VESSELS AND TRADE SUPPLIED- Send fpr Circulars. D. KAIINWEILER140,14811B0 Woi th St. Near Centei St.. New York. FOR SALE, AT THE GLOBE IN K BUOND HAIfD TtDULAR BOIM II,-H Inches tll- aniftter 41 tntiOH I indioi tllftinttur and 12 foet Idhk Htciun drum .IUIiilIich diaiuuu-r, 4(i lncliea hl^lit front gratis, lUthiRH and l)neohlngnrK0t>d order ^niONTt HANDMARINK DOILI.R, lu good order Shell, 7-10 Inch Imn plaio. dlitinttor ') ftet 6 (uchca, lenptli, 18 ftU, U'l iiilio^fiiuilifiBlrijl In muter, 11 ft ot i> IntiiuH long, thruoJluciTlfi iuclie»^iititl6terr*wo^UiiLfll^ iiiLluH dinmtkJi 1wo (iuc» Itll-2 laclicn diameter, lire Iiox, fl foU-lonp,, 4 foot high, Htoain ohiranej, 7 ftct lilgli^ >ECOMI) II VND MAUIM.BUILl R four fitt vlile C 1*2 ti el -«»>K A -«t 1-lgh, ulitj-fmir 2 1-2 Inch lubu 60 inches long, ciist Imn bretchng, good at now SI doND HAND MAItLNj: i:N(JlM , douhledlrect- nctiug 8xB inch t) Under, ulutff and whtel for yacht or tug, good aa new G 8 HAND ji ii jiMiam. RAND & BURGER SHIP-BUILDERS. WITH IDIS"ST DOCK ATTUIIl;i) TO THK H'OHKS, ALIO PREPARED '10 Da WRECKING AND TOWING WITH THE Ttfg John Gregory. Vessels Docked and Re¬ paired on Short Notice. MANITOWOC.WIS. F. * H. BORN, PLUMBERS. Manufacturei'p of Hotel Ranges & Launflry Stoves, and Dealer in 12HMJPEKIOR ST , ( I.HVKi.AN'b. <* Boat washing and general laun¬ dry in a few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, 33 St. Clair Street. Telephone 118. D-$B