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Marine Record, November 4, 1883, p. 5

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■4." THE MARINE RECORD. 5- "Dr. Sovior." Judging from tho beginning, in the November number, It promises to pe his most humorous ami artistic novol. Rcnljtv nnd Ideality in it blended with pootlo art. In tho fourth part of the "Broad-win- nors" tho Unknown author gives fresh ovl- ._ donee of a bold, firm hand and n grasp on voal lllo. In "Open Letters" Edward J. Shrlvor dissents from the view of tho trades- tmloliB and their niembors, given In tho novol, anil tho author disavows any Inten¬ tion of IdontilylngOflltt and his friends with the trades-unionists, A two-part novcletto, by Honry James, "Tlio Impressions of a Cousin,"-Is begun j alao the first part of skotohos from a Calllornlan mountain, entitled "Tho Silverado Squatters," liy Rob- ■crt Louis Stevenson, nutlior of "Tho Now Arabian Nlghta." "Mrs. Knollys," by tho author of "Guorndale," Is tho short story or tho number. Tho poetry of tlio number Is contributed by Emma Lnmrus, John Vimco Cheney, Rlohnrd Watson Gilder, Juliet C. MorBh, H. H., Helen Gray Cone, Robert Underwood Johnson, George A. Hlbbartl; and In "Brlo- :|.Brac," byvamcB A. Macon, Bossio Chan- •dlor, Frank Dompstor Sherman, and others. In "Topics ol tho.Time," "Open Con- • -.tltuoftcleB" and "Is tho Old Faith Dying?" are dlsciissod edlufrlally. profpssoT^Honry A. Beers writes in "Opon Letters" of Matthew ' Arnold In' America," G. Federlein of tho _jjutlook for "Opera In Now York.'* IRON MARKET REPORT, Jlrportcd by K. h. Ilarjrr Si '"<»« C'lnclntiw/I. There is no change in the market wort by of note. There continues a feeling of tim¬ idity, on tlie' part-of largo buyerB, as to tho eiirly JTuturo in prices, and many-look for still lower figures. Tills feeling Is not shared by the trade In gencrnl, some being content¬ ed 'with the' low figures prevailing, order liberally. It Ir useless to attempt to forecast tho future.' There Ib no reason to cxpeol a deeldcd Improvement and buoyancy until tho general Industi lee of the country are en¬ livened with n healthy and Increased de¬ mand for the manufactured and finished products, and tlie heralUIng of the approacli of that happy era |s not deafening in Its tone at this writing. We quote tho current figures of the market as below, at which a very oxcollent business has been done dur¬ ing tlie past wock. _____________v.tusniiv. Hanging Rock Charcoal N".j1.........T...ZK,^o5"toT2rB0' Hanging Hook Charcoal No. 2 ........ 21 00 " a 7S Strong Neutral Coko No. 1................... 10MI " 20WI ......No. 2................... 18 00" 111 in American Scotch, No. 1..:.......................18 00.to 10 00 OIlKT KOUOK. Neutral Cok«.........................................»17 00 to 117 M <'old Short....................................... 11160" 17 011 CAIt WIIKKI. AND UAI.I.KA1ILB. Hanging Book, ulrujtly cold lilaat.......827 75 to 28 i"i n " warm Mast............... 21 00 " 84 60 lake Superior " Viilcflii" all tfra<l."t........ 28 00 ".27110 •wiuhern Car. Wl.uel, Htrlctly cold lilaat 20 611 " 27,'iS \ Candutlt'il /rom hi \nujti. \ Kscanaba and oTeen Buy, when oil'Menom¬ inee on her way to Green" Bay, broke her shaft, hut reached place of destination safely, with winking only ono wheel. Dopurturs during tlie week, ore laden: October 20,—Steamers Onoko, Alcona. Schooners Reindeer, S. L. Watson, Selkirk, C. A. King, B. ColWns, A. B. Ncrtls,JJ.'B. Kitchen, San Diego, F. N. Gilford. October 23.—Steamers Mlnnosotn, 1). W. 'Rust, II. Chlsholm. Schooners M. S. llncon, Massusolt-, I). K. Clint, L. C. BiiHs, City of Cleveland, A. Cobb. October 24.—Steamers W, L. Brown, Massachusetts, Wocoken, Schooners Min¬ eral State, DoiuiliUou, Humllow, Mcrlmnc, R. Wlpslow. J. B. Kitchen. . October 2!>.—steamers K. M. Forbes, M. L. Rronn. SchoonersH. A. Kent,S, II. Foster, Kingllslier, Frank Perow. October 'Jtl.-'Steanier Moiiohnnsott. Sehoonora P. Wlnslow Metacomet, J-ucy Ellsworth, Nelson Bloom, C. P. Miiich. Ootobor 271—Propeller It, P. Raiiney; schooners J. B. Kltchifii, Thomas Qutiyle, Marongo, Columbian, Golden West, Mar¬ garet Mulr. October 20.—Prqpellors Rube Richards, Business, W. L. Browli, schooner May Rich¬ ards F. M. Kuapp. Wind, southwest, light. October 30,—Propellers Mlnnosotn, Massachusetts, Depurc, schooners J. 11: .Mer¬ rill, David Vance, James D. Sawyer, fi. C. Trumpir, • E.. Coming, - Moonlight, II. SIT Scove, Maasaaolt, Pcwiinkco, E. C. Hutchin¬ son', I. N. Foster, Itasca, City of Oroen Bay, Thomas Ilowlttiid, Merrhnac. Wind west; fresh, cloully. Iron ore shipments from Upper Peninsula, Michigan, for the season of 1883 up to Octo¬ ber 24th, ipst, are us follows: Kscanaba, 1,281,885'tops; Marquette, 028,101; L'Anse, 59,305; St. Ignnco 10,470; shipments of pig | Iron from all'ports, 8083; total, 1,007,MO; tons. Iron ore shlpmon'ts for tho wodk ending Ootobor 21, from Escnnaba amount 07,0,3d. I-DDINOTON.. 8peatatto tht MarlM JlKord, Tho weather here on Lake Michigan has been very windy nnd In our trips from Mil¬ waukee to Ludlngton wo .have had vory rough passages,,tho wind being mostly from tho northeast. On the 27th tho wind Veered to southeast fresh, accompanied with show¬ ers, but Sunday It wns light from southwest snd.vory thick. We are having.till tlie cast bound freight we can carry, tho two boats nro alike nnd their names are F. & P. M. No, 1. and F. & P. M. No. 2. Tholr proBont roglRtor (ls No 1. 023,41; No'2. 032,30. Wo curry about fifty car loads ut a trip east, nnd .west principally freight. The marine news nt Ludlngton In bo- glnlng to,bo n little scarce. The Ward fleet conlsltlng of tlie steam tug •Brockwny nnd the three barges; is being laid up. There will undoubtedly be considerable lumber slilppod from Ludlngton by lake beliirc the close of navigation. Butters, Peters & Co, will run tlrclr steamer Marshall.V. Butteis all winter lu the lumber .trade; During the gajo from Ihe south last Tues¬ day tho schooner .Helen Pratt alt.-inpted to make Ludlngton with the assistance of the 'tug Sport, Tlie .tow lino parted and tlie vessel hnd to proceed on down tho lake, but succeed in getting back to Ludlngton tlie next afternoon. BUFFALO, Simtal lo the Murine Record. The blaze in the tug Arrow caused a dam- ago of $100. Tlio stoambargo Fred McBrler and consort Galatla were placed for railroad Iron to Ppjl Arthur. The propeller Fountain City has arrived in port. Hor mishap consists majnly in the breaking ol tho pillar-blocks to the main shaft, which amounted to (300 damages. She wtll lay up at once and will repair damages at Iter leisure.* A cut ol 15a was made In coal rates on Tuesday, owing to>tho fact that, an Immense jTimounrtMonnnge—wus~atrtlfo~dlspOBa1 of shippers. Several charters ,wcre made at $1.10, .with a few placed at «,1.25, Buffalo to Chicago. Oro $ 1.05, Escnnaba to Buffalo. The tug Bruce brought to Buffalo on Thursday a lighter Haying on board 120 tons of oro taken out ol the schooner John Wes¬ ley. The weather thus far has-been favor¬ able for Working at her, but should the wind haul around to west or southwest the eon- tractor would have trouble. It Is Ills Intention to secure the vessel at once by means of anchors and prevent her from going further on. Tlie Western Elevating Company iin- nources the following rates of elevating and winter Btornge to go Into effect on mid after November'20: Elevating, including five days' storage,;).,c per bushel; storage each succeeding ten days or parts thereof, J-^c per bushel; tho vessel to pay la addition to the above 'uc. On all grain In store on that date or after, the charge for winter storage will bo 'n'c per bushel for each ten days or parts thereof, until such charge (accumulated efter November 20,1883) shall amount to 2c per bushel; then the grain shall be free ol storage until live days after the opening of canal navlgntlonjn 1884. MII.WAUKKK. Sixvml to the Mmint llrcoiil. Six vessels have already gouo Into winter quarters, and a number of others will strip tills week. The wrecking tug Leviathan, of this port was ordered from Mackinaw to the steamer Keweenaw, ashore on Pipe Island Hear the mouth ol thcSiiult. Heavy shipments of barley arc being made Ironi this port, thestcnintiurgu C.J. Kerslinw taking 04,000 hu(Shols, the propeller Slarucca 110,000 bushels niiH^Ihe propeller Philadelphia 15,000 bushels. In one day, Ihe largest ship¬ ments lor u number of years. ' The stnilmbnrgc Stark was released from tho rocks ntt,cr part of her deck load had boon thrown overboard, and she was placed hi the drydock; Her bottom wns but little dninageil. Considerable of the lumber wits recovered, but there will be considerable loss on tho lumber. There was no Insurance on the vessel. SANIUtShV. 8[>eclii1 to the Murine Revord. During a pale Sunday the scow Dawn owned liy Captain L-nrncd, of this, port, draggod hor nnchors and wenthnrd nground nt Poloo Island, to which plane sho had gone from here to get n enrgo of wood. -Sho Is.not much dnmnged. Tho tug Mystic expects to go over and pull her oft', CoHcotor Mc" Cormlck, of tlmt port, having glvon hls/on- sent to allow nn American tug to ""roloaso hpr. MANITOWOC. The tug Whltbock, Captain Ramngo, re¬ ceived n ndw wheel' nnd "other ropalrs nt Rnnd A Burger's drydock. The Uulted States atoamor Andy Johnson, will romovo tho wreck of tlio schooner Petrel. Tho old hulljles about 000 foet Inside of tlie piers, nnd Is considered nn exceedingly dangerous obstruction to vessels.. The schooner Dart, of Manistee, Mloli., bound to Manitowoc, enme to nnchor off Two Rivera at 3 o.clock Sunday morning, one-half mile north of the'harbor plcra, and at a quartor nftor 4 In tho morning' parted her chains. Her canvas was Immediately set, and all ellurtB were made to keep her oil" but to no avail mi account of the strong east wind iindjieiivyjiurf. The life saving crow wore on hand with their boats within live inlnulo-, but mot tho two men,on tho beach as they had waded ashore. The *ess'el ,1s wlthlii llfty feet from dry bench. The cap¬ tain come to Manitowoc to secure a tug. 'Ilie vcasol Ib fruit laden, and she lies quiet. No water In her yet.' . '" CIIF.110YQAN. . Tlie steamer Keweenaw ran ashore on Pipe Island, Sault River, Thursday night, bound down. A tug and diver from Sault Ste. Mario are working at her. Tho WlnBlow has gone to her assistance from Detroit. She |"fcot oft' however before the tug arrlvod. The barge Rutter under consort of steam- barge Farwell, «oal laden Is also reported ashore near Detour. Sho sunk to the decks and will prove a total wreck If tho wind blows hard from tho cast. Tho schooner II, A, Kent lctgo her anchor near the beach at Point au Pines, Bols Blanc Island, Monday morning, and poinded on crtiCAUO. ' . ftpeotal to the Murine Record , — ' « ' Yjsterdaymornlng tlio passongor propel¬ ler Onoldn, of the Chicago and Ogdonsbiirg lino, which lelttlils port on the 21st of Oc¬ tober' for OgdeiiBburg, struiik a rock lu tho St. Lawrence rlvor and Bank In twenly-aovon. ' foot of water. There woro no passengers on - • board, the crew making their escape In the propeller's yawl boats. Tho acoldelit oo- ' currcd about four miles from Clayton, N. Y., and about twcnly-tvo miles this side of her port of destination. Tho hows; wtf telegraphed hero several hours lator, and creatod a sensation In miirlno circles. Tho Oneida was bjillt at Buffalo In 1802, nnd. re¬ built last spring at a coat of $10,000, her cab¬ in 'iind upper work9 having boon destroyed by tiro while In winter qunrtors at Colling- wood. Tho oW'ner, Captain Molnnos, wns also master of the Oneida and had nn insur¬ ance of 1)2(5,000. Her cargo, Which consisted of com and merchandise, was Insured for $10,000 The steamship Wetmoro, towing the large barge Brunette, has been making some re¬ markable time. She nlwnys gets around In good time, .nnd "goes right along" In any kind of weather, but her Inst round trip to Point St. Ignnco and back to Chicago was nn extraordinary one. The Wetmore carrhs 1,240 tons of iron ore and tlio Brunette aboi.t tlie same quantity. They left Chicago at 0 o'clock Sunday morning, londed Iron ore at St. IginsRiind arrived back In Chicago" at 1 o'elockjjiyl'hursday afternoon, thus mak¬ ing the round trip In' four days-and four hours. While coming to thls'port Oharles John¬ son, one of the crew of the schooner Traw- bridge fell overboard nnd wns drowned. Freights are still llrm and tending up¬ ward. Tho,rates In com 3J.<c and 4c. The gchooner American Union was taken nt 3?,c on ryo. At the Vessel Owners' ilrydock tlio pro¬ peller Armenia received a new stem and forefoot, Borne new.plank In tier bottom and had her bottom calked; the schooner Flo- thc bottom jind sprung a leak, She Is now ntl rcUu hnd some calking on deck; the stoam DnncnirGltyr~"A diver' will patch hor up. The Robert Wlnslow ran ashore at tlio same' 'place, but was released by a diver and tug, and passed down. Both are laden. They ran on in a dense fog. BAnUATUCK. The schooner Experiment, ashore hero, hails from Racine, Wis. The boat Is Owned by D. M. Norton and Is insured for $1,200. She is commanded by a Captain Rcfl'el, who has used her ns n wrecker In the Lnke Sup¬ erior region, and wns returning home, hav¬ ing on 4>onrd a cargo oflron ore, which he wanted to sell nt St. Joseph. There Is no change In hor condition up to this time neither tug nor steam pumps having arrived. Her deck load of oro was thrown overboard and this afternoon a portion of what Is In Ihe hold was brought ashore on a scow. She Is In no Immediate danger, but should the wind shift to the westward she \vlll fare bujly and will become a wreck? She was stripped this afternoon, but couJi| not learn whether the captain Intends to abandon her or not. llibbard & Vance's agency hold the policy of Insurance on tlie hull, there being no Insurance on the cargo. Sho measures 40 and 91 ;106,tot|8, nnd Is said to be quite old. JIACINI',. The schooner S.J, Holly has gone into winter quarters. The large schooner F. M. Ku'apu. will make one more trip to the Iron mines, then to Erie, and return with cdnl for Hucliie. She will then gu'Into winter quarters. I11IANI) 11AVKN, Tlie lumber laden schooner. Mary Nan, bound from Whitehall for this port, went ashore at Grand Haven ut 0 d'clock this morning. She is benched high up and full of wutcr. She will no doubt goto pieces. The life saving crew rescued her crew. The school.ei°ls owned at this port by Mt£~| Knccdsoti, nnd is Uninsured. minimi. Agnes Is to he remodeled this winter, nnd a now engine is to ho put in her. The Stewart has arrived and has been' placed on the north shore route. She bus been entirely renin.lolod at a cost of between $5,0011 and 0.000 and is\now a boat capable of service In henvy IceNJ ; "' HAY CIIY. " Tho schooner Sylvester Nelson of St. Catherines, has been stripped nnd will le- nialn here during the winter.' barge City of New York got somo ropalrs and calking. Dojialilson Bros., thesh'psmltbs at Miller Brothers' shipbuilding yard, have found it necessary, In consequence of the great In- creuse In ttolr business, to double the size ol tl elr wofkshojjj und to add greater facilities to enable them to do their work, comprising n new engine nnd boiler, fnn, bolt-cutter, drilling uuii'bliie nnd one of Bell's newlv Improved steuin huuiinei>, striking a oue- wn blow, whereby the grent strain upon} tiibm', which has grown io such a huge ex¬ tent, may be carried put with the least pos¬ sible delay. At Miller Brothers drydock the schooner Ralph Campbell, having hud the repairs to her bow completed, which wero rendered necessary In consequence of a collision with tlio tug Brother, left the yard on Tuesday last. The sclrooner Grace M. Filer, which was nahoie at' Cular river, Green Buy, a short dine ngo, Is gelling a new keel, rudder and sternpost, refusleiilng and calking,"and new biilwurks; (lie schooner Eiiimu I . Hutchinson,'which got some holes punched In her bottom when ut the south pier on tlie 25lh, hud some new planks put lu her bot¬ tom; the steaiubarge Annie Laurie got a new wheel nnd i udder; the stenmbnrge Snook got her stcrnpipe repnlred; schooner llnrrlet Ross was reealked and had sundry repnlrs. The mate of the schooner Harriet Boss when going on board that vessel, in Miller Brothers drydock on Mondny, fell Iroiu the plank Into the dock n distance of Bi^me 20 feet, Ills bend striking against one of the bulge blocks. He was picked up and curried Into Mlllur Brothers olllcci quite unconscious nnd those uroiiml him thought be was dead, A palrol wagon was sent toi hfil before its arrival lie had regained consciousness, and the police officers conveyed hihilo a surgeon and had the scar on his head agme three Inches in length dressed and ciircd for and lie la progressing very favorably. A very provlileuclul escape Irani death. ' MAU.jl 1.11 . Murphy, of I>etioil,succeeded In rasing tlie schooner BeniLU'hi, which lias been Ijiug under water near Ginlid Lslund lor the past eleven years, lie towed her Into Muxraj 's Hay when the chains slipped and she sank in four fathoms ot water.

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