VOL. V. NO. -44: ■ CLEVELAND .0., NOVEMBER 4,1883. S'joo Pub. Aknum Mnolb Copiiu 6 CuitTl. -AROUNDTHE LAKES. | CI.LVKI.AND. ' | The bco x Rosa Ann and barge Danube| were solved at Detroit and ordered sold. Tho funeral of Nell McCullom, diowncd on F ' urday, took ph\ce Monday under the I tiUBpiccs of I ho Sailors' Union. A new ciibln has been built on the S. Gard- ] lie he old oi c having been torn oil' by the . .ncrMaiy Lyon,on Saturday. Captain Ed. Norton, master of the steam- i ship Raleigh, Is having a fine pastel paint- ' Ing mado by y. D. Nlekcraoii, the marine urtiat. . -J Tho Bteamers Johnson and John A. AIc- Donald have gone to the assistance of tho schooner Augusta, ashore at Four Mile Point, 1 akc Ontario, Mr. May, who Is In the city, will make no further effort to stop »hc aale of tho propel¬ ler Isaac Mnv, a decree for which has been 'Issued by the court. "TTitTelcctrtc light in Lincoln, Park, near North avenue Chicago, Is about abreast of tho light In the water «oiks cilb, Xiivlga- tors should bo careful in thick weather and make no mistake. In the United Slates district court, at Chi¬ cago, Juilgo Elodgett overruled n motion to dlsmlSB tho petition of the Goodrich Trans¬ portation Company to limit its liability for losses on the Alpena. Tuo unfavorable- weather and flying of ' the storm flag detained unite a Meet ol vea- sels hero on the 30th, and the number of ar¬ rivals and depaiaires was the smallest dui- o- any clay this season. ' The bollors ol tho Hidelgh wore Inspected and tested yesterday. She inn sllghth agiouud at Ashtabula harbor last week In ' trying toavoid iliosleainbarge Progress,am! was in Globe drydock three days for repalia. Messrs. Upson & Walton havo turnished a new foresail for thesteambarge Coimoiaut at Sandui'ky and a new staysail for the bargu HhawiVeo. Grovcr & Son have also forward¬ ed new foiesalls for the bargee J. T. John- Bon and C. N. Ryan: The captain ol the'piopelliT Ohio repoits a Bhoal spot, Bcvenleen feet of water, about four mllea S. E. b> K. halt K. fioin Point an Pelee duminj light. Masteis ol vessels i drawing sixteen 01 seventeen toel ol wiitei are caulioned to look out foi I;. , At Globe drydoi'k since our last repot i the sleamelilp Raleigh lecelved a new shoe and I had her butts calked; the scow Italley ail some calking done; tin- Yosemlie iccclvcil a now forefoot find sonic rcpaliM to htr shoe^ and sternp'isl. The piopeller Ohio will go 111 to-day for recalklng. / The rftanard Rock liglitlwis.) is now com¬ plete and the protection around the base ol it has been removed. A matter that Cap-1 tain G. W. Jones is inierested in, as he and I C. C. Sltinard were the diBcoveiers of the 1 Rook. Captain Jones Is still living In Cleve¬ land and doing well, but ( . C. Stiinajd died soino years ago. Tho rock was discovered hy these gentlemen during tho maiden trip of the John Jacob Aator, tho ilrat merchant vessel In those waters. Thomas Murpliv, of 150 Harbor street, Cleveland, and II. 1> Hoot, "f Lorain-, ha\e formed a partnership In a shipbuilding en¬ terprise. The linn runic will be Root & Murphy,, and the yard will be located at Illack River. Tho yard will have a lake front ol about one thousand feet, which will enclose room enough to build three large vessels at the same time, The) "111 also run a anw mill in connection with their ship¬ building work), thus enabling tlicui to pre¬ pare the timbers as speedily iib tlrorcquiie- ments demand. Both of these gentlemen ha\c hail long experience In the shipbuilding business, Mr. Murphy at one time being 111 partnership with Mr. Quayle as Quayle & Mirphy. This new pailnerslilp is another evidence of the growing demand lor tbn- nnge'and we prophecy a full measure of prospeilty foi the gentlemen interested. They have all eat y "eo contracts under con. sldeiatlon and will probably begin vvoik In a very short lime. Freights have been quiet for'the laBt few days, rates remaining nom'iially unchanged, with a limited number of dinners, Including achouuci .Maria Martin, coal, liomToledo to Milwaukee ^11.15, and schooner S. L. Wat- sou, coal, from S.indusky to Milwaukee |1.10. The binge Sjlvln Morton, coal Iroin, Lorain to Kaat Saginaw liOc; barge Seminole coal, Lorain to Bay t Ity 00c. " ' Proof of the value of the Cleveland bieak- water was demonstiiited yesterday, as it be¬ came a lefuge for quite a number ol vessels that endeavored to depart as it was also lor a number of incoming ships, among the lattel being the steamers Colorado and R. P. Raiiucy and the sclioouei K. G. Benedict Speculai, N. C. West and Thomas Quayle. The Noitjiwest sailed this morning. Yes¬ terday llicschoonei John O'N'eil bleanib.ugc Spingue and sclioouei a S. L. Wiitson .■mil Mm la Mat tin tiled to definil but »eie glad to seek the shelter ot the breukwntei. The Sophia Mlnch, < aptain Bates, wci ashore here at foil! o'cloik this morn! Shcisljing bquaiely oi< sand bottom just oil tho freight docks., .she leftMaiquelte last Kildny with 1,15-1 toiisol ore consigned to tho Cleveland Rolling Mill Company. The Sophia Mlnch lay to on the Inside of the breakwatei plei in compaiative secuilty but slightly blockading the channel lor incom¬ ing vessels. The tug Peter SmlHi went to her rescue with the assistance of the Ainail- eus, bearing the lile-savnig ciew, width hoanled her. Tiie tug moved hn soiiiewliat Iron) her shclteied position, and in attempt' ing to gain the harbor again the line pin led The captain and Clew, consisting ol nil u men, weie safely landed. The owuei I'hillp Mll$)i, values the Sophia Mini li at fJl,(iOil. I'liere is no instil mice on the hull. We ale iiiiable to say w ht-lhci the cargojs Insured oi not. Ill moil. VunOftfAr Vimiif /.'nun/ 1)1 I HOI I, Ol'llllll'l .III The types made us say last wei k tli it ihe receipts ot Hour at Hullalo for the season ol 1843 were 017.517 pounds. It should me! 017,517 bin lelsol lloin. The steauihargc I). W. Rust, which got disable 1 on Luke Union, Is expected beie lot icpalra. Murphy llios. have sent the tug Kate Will- lama to Lake Supeiloi for the bclioonei llai- vy Illssell, taking with her a steam pump. The steamship II. J, Jewett passed up on Sntiii'diiy for Chicago, having in tow the* schooner G. S. Iliuard. This, I believe, is the lirat of hei toeing In either 'direction. Shipments to Luke Supci lot, now that the Benson li approaching Its close, Is hugely on the liieiense. -At the Lake"Supeilor Tiauslt dock there Is dally landed supplies ol all kinds, rthilc the same may said at Want's landing. The tug Alanson Sumner, Captain Rich¬ ard Daniels, which tins becn,cngaged In tow¬ ing rafts on the upper lakcB.Xlds season, has eft tor her winter quarters at Oswego. White & Frlant, lumber dealers at Grand Haven, Mich., have sold their stennibaige White & Frlant to Ben Burdsall and C. A. Kunijif, of Bay Clty7alid C, J. Blown, of Muski'gon, for $28,000. Shclacoinpaiatlve- ly new. Robert Claik was drowned on Friday Inst at Grosa Isle, Detroit river, by falling from the C. S. R. R. bildge. He had been em¬ ployed as section hand and leslded near by. His age was forty-three. James Mornu was diowncd at St. Igrtnoo on Saturday by falling In between the dock nml a vesssl Ho leaves u family in Canada. It is stated that several persons were present and saw the poor fellow drown without of¬ fering any nsslitnncei The steamer City of Cleveland, bound up, was compelled to seek icfuge at Sand Bcacli on Friday, op account of adeleit in her starboard boiler, leaking badly; Therequt- alte repairs were made and the steamei pio- ceeded oh, returning hcic to leave on usual time. —> The propeller FonntH'.n City, which be- Cttmo.dlaa'>led4u (b? Straits.!! low days since, was (nought dov/ii here on Satuiday en route to Bull'alo, wbcio she will he repalied. Her •^411 of ltem*Avlll ainoiiut to no small sum. The pLifpeller Ontario, of Beatty's-llne, which v/ia docked here for repairs, was got In rundjucsh for sea In short time, and.is n on her prospective voynge. Her re- s will not vary far from $1,500, orpoasi- blj , $3,000 total damages. Captain John Van Alatine, an old veteran of the lakes and acquainted witli much of theeaily history theieol, has been In .port tiie past lew days with Ida vessel, the W. I. Pj-eston, of which he Is pint owner. ( apl tain John, notwithstanding he is on the shady side of seventy, la as lively as ol }nte, and can spin as good a yarn iu evei. Ills home is fit Oswego. lCdwiiid ,Whiting, a sailor on boaid Ihe sclioouei Fllllicis Palms, alllved beie badh injured and was taken to the hospital loi tientineiit. It appcais thai while on Lake - I^i it* nhcav i sea (nine on boa id ami w u-hi d Id in iH , o-,s ihe decks again sin dunnage box, ih»|<iniling his shoulder besides otliei seilous hiul-fs. Ills lesiileuie is at Aslitalinla, () i lelglits liave diopped and then- is no nti'spiTi ol' a levlval Ibis season. '1 he eliiu- it is weie stliooiiri O. M. Bond, wheat in Moiil-town, I.. O . at Oi This is ihe Hist i.iigool ginlii cum slilpi ed to that port fiom Di'liolt. The vessel will lie lowed illlecllj ilnoiigli li} tin lug Siininei. The Thoinns' I'iisons, \V. I. Picslou nud K. P. Beulstake v heat to Biilfnlo at 2'ji. Stave shipments 'ne at an end lor the season. Yesleiday the nealhei was dechleilli squally, ami to-day a sou'wester lias i Inn ge ot the programme, and lu consequent e, se\ end large steaineis ine beie, weallu-i lioiuul, I the water nt the Unie Klin crossing being i at a very low Ftage. Tho propellers Van-1 derbllt and Huston, both lying here, iltaw I over 15 feet. , ' ' The casualties to the hike shipping dining I I lie past week have tun been iiiicm i Mid. In I lOniitTtion ulih the loiegoing the following | have lust come to band : The steamer 1'loia, ol tiriiiiiiiiond's Hue, bloke hei ciossheiul on Lake Huron ami was lowed into Alpeuiou Friday lij the steajiuM I ity ol Mackinac. As »oon as the weatbei will permit she will be brought beie for further.disposition. Tho schooner Richard W'hiBlowBtranded on Bois Jllanc Island, op|ioslte Cheboygan, on Sun¬ day, but was leleased after a biief delay without Injury. The schooner II. ^A. Kent, 911 the same date, anchored lu shoal miter in the sumo locality and iim'on her anchor, making a hole In hqr bottom. She was towed Into Duncan City for repairs. She has on bonrirn cargo of ore. The tug Wlnslow with a force of men and pumps, has gone to the relief of the steam- barge Ruttcr, nshore at the Detour. The Rutter has been unfortunate bIiico alio hut been In commission. In October, 1878, dur¬ ing a severe storm on Lake Michigan, she waa w recked w Itb 411,000 bushels of corn 011 board, all of which was damaged and tho gi cuter part a total loss. This occurred near Ludlngton. The enilie loss on bull and cargo, in ibis instance, was not far from $50,000, She was bMHJn 1873, is 1,22-1 tons burden, and has a vuIttntio"iror$40,<K)0.-llet ownermrc J. H-fWrwell A, Co., of Petrolt. The tug George 11. Pinker Is In trouble and was yesterday BoUcd by the custom house olllecr of Windsor, Out., for violation of the Canadian revenue laws. 'J'liatolllcer, learning that the'Parker was coming up tho river with 11 veaael ill tow, chartered ono of the terry steamers to meet her ero alio ar¬ rived, and 011 reaching near Sandwich Point, was_pounced upon lu the name of Her Maj¬ esty, the Queen. The Paikei was formerly owned in Detroit, but subsiqiiently sold to Canadian parties. In due course of time she was purchased hy Smith A ( 0., of Algonac, Mluh.«uud heic comes the stick¬ ing point. No icgister was made of her sale and she has no papers. Yesterday was obsencd passing up the liver a long, low, piiatlciil. black looking craft laden with coal, plaukshcii too, hav¬ ing two sails up.v.shi> altnuicd the atten¬ tion ol iiumbfi-i along the dm ks, but none were able to an-wei the inquli_\, she being wi llovei on the I aiinilii side. It proved, however, to lie Hie binge Ken.dcei, which, not many J cms since,was one of the swiftest and most beiiiltllul sldewllecl slenuieis on Ihe rivers, •and foi a time ihe pet ul the Ward lauiih . Though nothing In leltot hor foiuiei semblance, she ha- mulled them all. The Hie ol Ili.it bull waslakeu out In 1S7I and ti.tiisleircd to the sleamei I hid J list lee Waile. '1 lie sclioouei .Inliics Wade whlili loaded wheat hole u few dajs slim and departed, collided witli b.ncc Genua on Lake Krle, has letuincil, not li aklug, "but foi repalrb. Hei owner awaits peiiuibsioii fioin the Iu- siiinincto tow through to Bull.do. l-sl AN UIA. .SjM-u.,1/0 Iht Mmlur Lr<w,l I he wrecking tug Leviathan left tills port last riiiiisilaj lor Sheboygan. Nothing to do In hei llneol business foi overloui weeks made hei leave In disgust. I lie Wucokeii enilie Into poit Octobei 23d - with 11 biukei plu and had to lay here until a new phi arrived for her from Cleveland. Oiuiccount of some repairing to tho tog Owen, she waa compelled to lay Idle a few' days this week. The big Onoko was sllghlly damaged Inst Monday^ loosing some ol hei stcam'stceilng geiii lu (1 j lug 10 shift from one ore dock 10 another. The nteamir Wnleonie plying between \ *J ' 'uiittnttnl <>n • h l«t<t> r