PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND, Original and only builders of the." Providence" Steam and Hand Windlasses, Steam Capstans, Crank Capstans, and Power Capstans for Steam and Sailing Vessels, Yachts. Tug Boats, Wrecking Boats, Elevators, Dry Docks, Etc. V The Providence Patent Steam Capstan Windlass New Style. The Providence Patent Capstan Windlass, The Providenoe Patent Steam Capstan. The Providence Patent Power Capstan. The Providwoe Patent Pump Brake windlass. The Providence Patent Crank Capstan. SELLING AGENTS ON THE LAKES. [) S. AUSTIN & CO. i'Pson, Walton & co. M I. WILCOX BUFFALO, N. Y. I JAMES P. DONALDSON & CO. CLEVELAND, O. DUNHAM * HOIT. TOLEDO, 0. | G. D. N0RRI8 & 00. DETROIT, MICH nilCAGO,.lLI. MILWAUKEE, Wis" THE GLOBE IRON WORKS. GENERAL FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS, BLACKSMITHS, BOILER MAKERS, AND IRON SHIPBUILDERS. Office and Works, Corner of Elm and Spruce Sts., Cleveland, O. nc/m.mK ms-met owM^es- \\« an i>rc|iiuri<l to (niiiUli mi ulioii nutUe Mntioiiury or Murine iltlier Hlglf 1'iesnirc Ixiw Preimure, Con d iiBina oi Lci)ii|M.iind 1 luintB, Horizontal o \ertlcnl, with or without t,railiititlii(, i lit ofl Vertical Engines Keppn Stock. M AilONAU'i )M |M (V( In L|) Jill hi7CH if W rill III eflL.llICH 111 Mf)< ' vvt itru iirapared towllul nsintithu rirlcii u\ Liitflm Incliulm Urn* riitir rhmttlu, ( mid Oiler 4)11 Cup* nml HuntL ( olJ-h Milrl Unlinks I Ink mid Ketone Million Uimlui Ivlliidii OiltHjtHl (.ujis uml Vusli lmkn Minimum —l|o (jovi nior or llt\ w In-i I No-. - in hm i nliif(li eruiiU witlist|)iimui jouru il» uhli Mull nii>\ tnglhtii IIh)hil )ir..viiUil wllli f.oi.1 tinw, l*ix<- iwhtii u uml irmliuul wlili l. Ill |il(i\lnliili lilliilO fill lilkllJL, 11]■ III) WV ' Hitler hi. urn t lu-M tutl l«i».r lit nl an rlfi |ikti nml tin friiini, (-11 kit ami journuMii M Hit nliv Itt^eiiinu liulillin I U ranfeumtii and tuti liiMirlnp u ilumlili in ililm I In; ( Win iiuillj uivi nil with cuM tun la^liik Sllili 1 Ur - |»»rls I'U'on Mini wllh m>imI imUillle M id rial ami qurkiitunnlil]) Miuratiiui-d t-Q L, nlikli SUltluil jlllldi r I iikln. Iluutlli taint ii. tl i mill 111 bolll .1 imwl llii '->l l In urn IM> |,i,.m In.l i .1 ilir. >n iihi null I uklik TUBULAR BOILERS OF ALL SIZES. M\IIIM 1 SOlNI-H Having prowdec! our new boiln uorks with the most approved tools for riveting by steam, plan nig ihc edges, insleid of chipping, drilling, punching, shearing and bending by sic-im power, we feel warranted in saying we can furnish the best work for the least money nl'lhe following kinds of boilers*, which we can build of cither Iron 01 Steel Keium flue Marine Hollers., I ubular Hollers, eithe. hor i/ontal or verticnl 1 oconiotive lioilerb, ( ylinder Hollers, Hue Boilers., Smoke Sticks and general plate Iron wotk hii i\ iik nun i it u , VERTICAL BOILERS. Fur t-innll power, where 8ua,iuid weight nre { oIijktiiintililc, we letommcml tlust sules, wlmli we (an hiiniih, made of C II No 1 lion in Steel, with or without (.'list lion Hiw tuitl bmoke Stinks and Ti miming iimi until Tl up TUBULAR OILERS OF ALL SIZES. noludo8 the Cele bratedChainSheave Windlass, with Am- azeen Beam, and Wrought Iron shaft and boises, and Iron Winch Heads and Brakes. Ship Chrndler's List. The Common Pat¬ ent Windlass, includ¬ ing all castings, wel- ding butt i shackles. j-