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Marine Record, October 25, 1883, p. 5

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•the marine-,Record'. sctlvc'nnd proved that they wantod none of tho talents, of the most expert sailors In the most dangerous-moments. To them all-at w.pll as the Captain tho undersigned pas¬ sengers tender their niohn slncero thanks'. The boat was nt the mercy of the waves until 5:30 o'clock Thursday morning-when she beached a short distance; abovo the light' house, when the passengers and crew began to debo,rk, which was effected without tho Iob8 of fives or any material' Injury. Somo idea ruuy be foripoil of the storm when it Is icnown that the boat, bcliio. laden as she was, was thrown entirely on the boiioh; '• Alanson W. Welton, Jededlah Hunt, Thomafl Palmer, Oshuido Cutter, Wirt. Borezy, Silas Mcrlun, Mary A. W. Palmer, Rhoda Latthnore, Cathnrlno Palmer, . Martha Bearoy, CTinunoy Barker, Geo. Williams, Thomas Gay," Ellsha N. Bergo,' John S. Hudson; Kdson Hart, -lumcs Glatk, GeorgeThroop." „ .1. W. H. ----------- H^ — -------M IRON MARKET REPORT. .Clkvklano, Oct. 25. The market has boon exceedingly dull, no , transactions of Importance having been made. ' The opinion is expressed that no material change will be made In demand or price until after January. The sales during the week were of small lots for Immediate consumption. We quoto: Noil. 1*2 charcoal....!,..............,.............82-1 OOfiM 00 Not. 3, 4, and 5 charcool.......................T 25 00(.*27 00 No 1 alt Lake Sccpcirllf ore, colcei laundry 21 0OK22 00 No. 2, all tJiko Hunnrioc oro, coko foundry 20 00(i4'll 00 .Mllllrom..................-.............................. 17 00(1018 50 No. 1 Amcrlcaif Scitclc.............1..........22 50 No. 1 Soft slUrry........................... 20 B0@21 50 }>porttd by /•:.'/.. lltirpefk Co.t Cincinnati. Notwithstanding the llnariclal misfortunes that have overtaken some of the furiiuces, and the mufh talked of "dullnose," the inar^ ket is well sustahTetl, and prices rule quite firm. There Is no superfluity of standard grades of coke, foundry and mill Irons, and the trade is Beginning to realize It. We quote as prices current: roiiNintr. llaoiilug Book Charcoal No. 1....',........,...$28 25 to 12125 IliiicglnB ltoclt Charcoal No. 2.......v. -2223 '• 25 25 ftronlf Soutral Coke No.l................... I9 60 •• 20 50 » " •• No. 8..................... 18 l»" I0OO Amerjcan Scotch, No. 1...........................IB 60 to 10 60. OKJIV FOICOB, Neutral Coka.................„....'................,-tl7 00 fo »17 50 ■cold Short..................._............:....... 1060" I7D0 CAK WHKKL AND MA1J.KAUI.V.. ' HemginiT Itnck, slrlclly cold lilaat......... t27 75to23 2,r) " " cfaren Waal...................21 Oct," 2-1 50 IjiIci Superior "Vulcan" all nradon.........2'1 Oil " 27 00 southern Car Wheel, strictly cold Musi.. 27 00'" 28 5U ,l ------- ■> m.------------------— A lifeboat lias rceiitly been Invented, the hull of which is preferably made of sheet :con. The hori/oiitiil sections me circular, with the exception of a segment, which is ■in away Irmn each of tho two sides to ad¬ mit llie paddle wheels. The "sides of the boat next to the wheel uro'vertlriil, and the "loor over each wheel serves as n sent or stor¬ age room inside. A cut-water. 11 keel, si iterii-post and 11 nuliler uru formed outside of the circular contour. The hull of the bunt is provided with sides lormliig a verll- ■ al cylinder, and with 11 nearly spherical root loiiilng llie up|ier edge of the cylinder. Around llie roof arc sealed lights, and in the center Is a cupola perforated for veiitilaliug thy interior. At one side ol the root Is a •jlldli.gdoor, for entrance or exit, which Is .made water tight by parking. 'The Interior U provided ylth seals,-and straps and buck¬ les are secured to the wall to draw over the 'indies of occiipunlb to sustain then! in vety .-neigh weather, and loops'iire placed below tin- seats.for the passengers 10 thrust their leetliito The paddle wheels uru attached 10 short shafts provided wlih pinions into which engage spur gears ununited 01111 ciunk shall (evolving In lu'iiriugt. secured to llie hunt, the crank extending,across the hull In •1 locailon to be conveniently worlteil by the occupants. I'hls boat may lie carried by ships mid used to escape, from llieui lu ease of accident. . A large number ol persons w Itli tho necensai V pfovlsions may he cur- licel. it Is claimed, lu the roughest water without danger. The new tug W. L. Vrootor.Captain Will¬ iam Leonard, is 1111 unusually Hue looking craft, and her appearance elicited iiiiiny fa¬ vorable comments from vessel men. She was,hlillt by George Hall & Co., ol Ogden8- btirg, mid lier complete cobi is I'i.'i.OOO. Her length is Uf> lent; beam 20 Icet, and hold 10 feet. Her engine Is 2UxTO Inches, built by Donaldson & Whitman; her boilor Is 11-10 Inch steel, 17 feet long by 8}^ feet sliell, and was made by Bitter t Iwr wheel (a 8)^ foot III diameter with 10^ feet pitch. She Is built In Notter's best style, and more could not be .said In hor favor. She will bo used for tow¬ ing between Ogdonshurg and Montreal, tak¬ ing the plnco of the burned Gardner.—liuf- v fulo Courier1, Oct. IS. The llrst bridge pier on the chain of lakes was built by 11 Mr. Gaboon at Kohdshu in 1W0. [Concluded from HI ji«f/«.}.,.i Hour to. Its standard of five biiBhols, gives tho nggreguto landed at that port ditrfug'the year 18-13 at G,4U,820 buslioli. Tho stcainuout Wulk-ln-tlic-Wator nuiilo the round trip, between Detroit ami Green Buy Jujy,.1821, In thirteen days. The dis¬ tance was considered to be 1,200 mljes. A^ corporal of tho linltcd States Infantry, who wns a passenger 011 the boat, was drowned 'in attempting to swim the Fox rlvor at Green Buy. . ' ' ' 1 Arrivals at Potrolt October, 1810: Schoon¬ ers'Franklin, Ti tons, Captain .lotui F, Wight; Geo, Washington, B0 tons, Captain Daniel Dobbins; Tiger, 40 tons, Captain Wiu. Kolth; American Eagle, 48 torts, Cap¬ tain Wm. Gnylord; Aurora, 00 tons,'Captain Chns. Fitch; Black Snako, 21 tons, Captain' J. VVIlkesoh; Boxer, 10 tons, Captain i). WUkeson-, United States Cutter Split Log, Captain Gilbert Knapp; Elizabeth, 27 tons, Captain Morris Tyler; Friendship, 50 tons. Captain C1IIV Belden; Dove, 111 tons, Cap¬ tain H. G. Coolpy. KINGSTON, The second steam pump belonging to the Dominion Wrecking Company lelt to-day 'for the Sam Cook. The company has ono at work there at present, but it Is liiBulllclcnt to raise her. The schooner Annie Sherwood arrived at Erie, Ph., 011 Friday with her foremast car- lied away and her mainmast broken oft from the effect of the south-east blow 011 Wednes¬ day night. Since the month of May lastyiHly-two ships have in rived at Port Colborne for lighterage carrying 1.818,330 bushels of grain. Ol this iimoAut there was lightered tit tho Wellandj railway elevator, carried over the road, and Teshippod at Port Dnl- housiu SH.OOOJjushels. The BohoonePjuliu, which was consigned by Richardson & Son to Oswego with 7,500 bushels of barley went down at the pier's at that place In fony-llvo feet of water on Saturday night ut nine o'clock. The vessel ami cargo are Insured lu the Continental. The former Is valued at $4,500, hut she is only insured for.f3,500 and the.latter is insured.for 70c per bushel. She Is owned, by Captain Courson and Timothy Hartnett. Sho struck the piers while entering the har¬ bor, and went down. BUFFALO. The dismasted schooner Annie Sherwood wns brought In eurly on Saturday morning by the tug J. L. Williams. She was taken to the Union shipyard to receive new lore and mainmast. eluhn QiiIimi, n diver frond Detroit, Is in port, getting ready to rescue the srhoonei'i John Wesley, which lies oil the beach opposlto Buffalo. He has tho Canadian per¬ mit to wreck in foreign waters, and, was looking for 11 lighter ut lust accounts. Grain receipts by lake for last week amounted to 2.258,080 bushels, and ship¬ ments of coal by lake footed up 38,080 tons. KHCANAHA. Siwclttl to the Mtiruie /.'ce-yiil The James lhiv-ldspit "went to pieces cu i'hiin.ler Bay I'sIiiihI, a toial loss. So fur as I can leal 11 no building ol ves¬ sels In going 011 urouuil hereabout. Tho Qiiluby inaile the passage from Cieve-- laud to lCscanaba In 17 hours. Good lime. The new wrecking tug Delta, belonging to llie Towing and Wrecking Company, ar¬ rived hero this iVeek to stay. r United States revenue steamer Johnson Is stationed at Escaunbii, and will cruise at this end of tin- lake until navigation closes. iiie powerlul wrecking tug Leviathiin is now ut home lu this port, doing very tittle; hut 011 account ol luenvy gales prevailing during the present week, there w ill pijpbu- bly ho work for iho Leviathan. Shipments of,Iron ore, pig iron, and quart/, from Ebcnnaba Irmn the opening of naviga¬ tion, for the season of 1883 to and Including October 17th Inst., were 1,227,722 Iples, ol which 337,070 tons came from the Marquette mines, ami 880,743 tons from the Monominoo 'mines. Forty-three tlioiiBiind tour hundred and seventy-one tons were shipped uuriilg the week ending October 17th. There Is a great deal of lumber shipped from tile different saw-mills within a radius of several miles from this place, amounting to many millions of feet and 1111 Im¬ mense amount of shipment of cedar posts, railroad ties, and telegraph poles, yet It Is Impossible to gain the name of vessels ami amijunt curried, ns they do not report In I5s- caiiabii custom office. No departures of vessels on Wednesday October 17th, on account of heavy gales from the southeast, with the following arrivals In port: Stpiunors Raleigh, John Otis, T. W. •Pulmor, W. Ii, Brown. Schooners Lucerne,' Fllzhugh, Constitution, J. Paige, B. B. Hayes, Golden' West, Reindeer, S. L. Wiit- soh.Ognrlth, Throo Brothers, E. L. Coypo, Solklrk, T. Howlan'd, C. A. King. Departures October 18tli: Steamers Mania- chiisetis, Progress, Raleigh, John Otls.T. S. Palmer, W, I,. Brown, M,onohansett. Schoon¬ ers City lil'Green Buy, Morrlmac,Metucomot, B. Ilaiucnm, J. S. Richards, Constitution. ■!• PulgivB.'B. Hayes, Lucorne, Guidon West, Ognrltn,.TIiri'e Brothers and E. L. Coyne. -Departures Friday, OetoboiMO: Stenmors Kscaiuibn,Ohio, Argonaut. Schooners Flt»- Tmghi T. Ilowiuiid C. N.Ryi'm,Sunrise, d; S. Austin nml M. Martin. CHICAGO. ) Special to the Murine /tacani. ( /~\^ Tiie Eeigune Vests wns piiot'hiiscd hy Al¬ exander Quliiu, for f'J.oeO, Rates ruled ut 3c on corn and ll'.i'con wheat to Buffalo. The schooner Ralph Campbell was run Into by the tug Brothers near Madianh street bridge on Saturday Inst. The schooner hud her bow stove lu down to tho waia*line und the tug sustained considerable damage. Tho schooner Grace M. Flier, which-went nshoro at Cedar river, Green Bay, last woelf, arrived In Chicago on Monday morning, having experienced very little damage. The biirgo Sonoru arrived here on Fridny last partially waterlogged with u steam pump on board whicli she obtained at Mil¬ waukee. She wns placed In drydock and had tho leak stopped. Thcsteaiiier Grace Griiinmoud was towed here 011 Friday hiBt from Michigan City by the tug Wolf. She was laden with fruit, anil was obliged to put Into Michigan City disabled through the breaking of her cross heads. Captain Nels Peterson, of the schooner Nortli Cape, has been compelled to relin¬ quish his'command ofThe vessel In conse¬ quence of the severe Illness of his little sou, who Is suffering from rheumatism and drop¬ sy, Irom whjcli. complication of diseases he Is mil expectetl to recover. Tho schooner I'en'saukee, J. S. Dunham, of lids port, owner, which was ashore a short tlipe ago at Chebovguu, bus been thoroughly repaired at Hand & Burger's, Manitowoc, und arrived here fioin Cheboygan, lumber laden, on Tuesday, the 23d Inst. On Monday, the 17lh, llie old schooner Petrel, formerly of Chicago, but more re¬ cently of Milwaukee, sank near the nortli pier at Sheboygan. She struck the bur out¬ side the harbor ami then run ngaiiist llie nuithpler, uud hailcmy got a short distance therefrom when she sunk and became 11 to- Lal wreck. She was laden with wood for Hu c 111 ut 111 & Sons, Milwaukee. At Mlllei- Brothers' drydock llie schooner Ralph Campbell got a new bow; schooner I'nnneaut was reealked ; stcaiubnrgc George' Diinbnr got 11 new wheel; steumbinge A. It. ColboniHilso got anew wheel; stcaiubargc M. F. Butters iei-elveil a new slme, and the schooner Fleetwuig had her stern repaired. At the Chicago Drycdiek the barge 11, L. Filer had her bottom calked nil over ami a new rudder stock; steainbarge Intci'-Oceuu received a new stern hearing; the propiilrr 11. E. Pucker had her celling calked; binge Sonora hud a leak slopped; schooner lllga got 11 new jlhhoom; schooner Capo Ilniu had 11 leak slopped; schooner Delosde Wolf got 11 now lorcbooin ; schooners Ellen Wllllnins and Rou<e Simmons got leaks stopped. At tiie Vs!B»V| Owners' drydock the barge Windsor got u new ceuluiioaid ; the steaiu- biuge Mary (iroli got a new stein, toielont, new Iron plnics, repairs to her rudder anil some calking; the barge May Richards got some repairs to iter bulwarks; the schooner J. B. Penllolil hud her bottom searched and some calking; burge General llurhsldo got some'new plunk lu hor bow; propeller Cuba got part new stemi unci foreloot unci some calking; slcambnrgo City of New York bud her deck calked, ami the scow S. P. Wilson Had her bottom calked.' llOClllHIF.lt, A special to the Inter Ocean, Octqber 22, snys (Ids morning ut 5 o'clock; the captain of tho lug liarnnft.sighted a signal ofdistross nbout live miles from Clmrlotte, on Lake Ontario, ' She put nut and found- tho barge Pucfllo drifting helplessly about tho lalte,' having Instrheii rudder and rccoivod a bad hole In the sldcr. The captain of tho Pacific sntil the fug Ciirlhcen left Montreal on Satun day tor Fair Haven., tnwicg the Puclflc, the John Marsh, the Eugene, and another bulge. They wore struck by a heavy gule, und the ' tow Hue purled leaving tho barges to drift oft'. Tho Piielllc wiib thrown brnuilBldo or. one of the others, the collision knocking-n lio|e lu both hniits, The crew on tho Puclflc siiy that live minutes subsequent to the collision-the light nf.the John Marsh ills-} appeared and the vessel was never seen aftor- ■ ward. She was running light and had a' crew of three men and one woman, who must-have jierhlied. Their names were not ascertainable. The Eugene hoisted sail and reached port In safety, the Carlbeon put" Into Oswego ami ren'cheil Charlotte to-night to pick up the Piielllc. Old seamen Bay that'- Luke Ontario was never .rougher than OTT" Sntm-dny and Sunday. MILWAUKF.K. Tho schooner Reed Case, which Is reported ashore on North Bubs Island, left' this port a week ago lust night with 21.500 bushels of whi'nt shipped by C. J, Kershaw & Co. and insured In the Big Four ofCliicago. The schooner Buenii Vista has been plnced In winter quarters, her owners fearing that she might go to sea once too often should sue bp permitted to run the remainder of/the season. The steambarge Monitor c'nmo Ui light- rrom Chicago and went into drydn^- There isnn advanceoT^e In grupi freights shippers offering-3^c on whTSnt to -BTTiTnlo. The engagement was the schooner Path¬ finder, rnr -lOjOsJr biulieU or wheat to Buf¬ falo, at 3i4c. The schoouer Moonlight anil H. M. Seovo were chartered for ore, Escanaba to Cleveland, at $1.40. The Woeoken Is disabled hy. a. broken crank pin nml will luive to bo towed to her destlnutlon on I.uke Erie, or to Milwaukee or Chicago for repairs. FAim-onr. The atonmbnrge D. V. Calvin, light) and schooner J. S. Richards, ore for Ashtabula, wind bound heie on.the 23u. HANIH'ShY Sjxclnl to tlte Murine lievtird. The schoouer Reed Case arrived here on the 22d froln Milwaukee with wheat. She went aground cm Sunday night off Middle Boris Island but was icicuscil alter lightering a purilon ul her cargo. She sustained no damage. nri.t'iij. The storm on Lake Superior Friday eccn- Ing Is pronounced hy vessel men to have been llie woistof the sensoii. President Vlllurd,'ol the Northern Piiel¬ llc rouil, denies that be Is contemplating the building of steamers to run between Dulutli and Bull'alo in connection with his road. MI'SKi\U(>M. The schooner Elbe, with hardwood lumber, for Two Rivers, collided with tho schooner Capclla oil' Muskegon In the storm of Friday night, 'tiie Elbe lost her topmast and jib- boom, and had her foreboom broken, unci tier Ctipclhe's dolphin stiiLcr crushed into hei cabin. She drifted helplessly in the northeaster till oUTwet RUers, where sl'ir aliempteil tp anchor uud was -picked iqi by the life having crew. loi.Klici. t'hplulu MoNelly, nt the steamer Wnlte, reports having seen tile schoouer Reed I use, wheat liiclen tiiuu Chicago, ashore on Norlti Bass Island, lust evening, on his up trip 'ruin the Islands. The lug American Eagle hud gnlie 10 her ussistnuco The schooner L. C. Crocker, reported as having lost lier deck loud ol lumber on Lake Union dining the recent storm, arrived hero Ibis morning lu gnoil shape, ami with cargo all light. CIIF.110YOAN. The tug Bob Anderson picked up the barge Lilly May 011 Luke Huron, whore she broke nwuy from her tow, and towed her Into Snnd I leach. 'ihc propeller Fountain City was picked up by llie propeller Avon on Lake Michigan, d'sabled In her machinery, and towed her Into this port, where she Id awaiting orders from her owners,

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