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Marine Record, September 27, 1883, p. 8

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/ .- <^ . 8 THE MARINE RECORD.' ;i , tiicMcrsiEWJatt < . Twenty por ecnt. mbro hiioyn'noy thin* i'7 . other Life- frcnorvur. In tlib innr.kot. In the Is SAFEST anil bnly RELIABLE ..LIFE FRKSKRVER In EXISTENCE, ns proved of i'io Into wreck mi the Piicllle Const, 01 - thi Pnclflc Mull Steamship, "City of Siln Frunclsco." \ RING BUOYS AND FENDERS. > -Approved nnd adopted by the United StutCB Bonrd of Supervising Inspectors ;ulso by thp principal Ocean,'Lirttp and River Steamer Lln'es, ns tho only Kciliiblo Life Preserver. VESSELS AND TRADE SUPPLIED. Send for Circulars. ■'• D. KAHNWEILER HO, 148 & 150 Worth St. . JJenr Ceificr St.. New York. THE PROVIDENCE CAPSTAN. — MANUFACTURED BY— "_._j, k ■'.'< AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS CO. -.#.«-; rjEMEi:Ew«3MS, N. C. PETERSON, Boat Builder, ri.lJAMUllE IIOATH AMI NAIL1XO -YACHT*," VAWI. HOATS, M'OOi* OAltH, 8TKKIUM1 WlIKKUt,* KTC, 385 Atwater st^ Near Riopelle, DEritoiT, Mitn. UPSON", WALTON & 00. Ship Chandlers, Sail Makert; ; and Riggers HJ"Ono of the largest stocks ol Wire Rope In tho United States.' CLEVELAND. - -■ . - • t .HIO. POWER CAPSTAN. ' Patented February. 11. 1874, awl December 3,187S, ' These capstans are made of heavy castings, with a large shaft, and very strong gears of the best material and workmanship. Unlike the cheap styles ol capstans that are put together with a view to sell cheaply, the main object has been with this company to make them as per¬ fect as possible in every detail. Notwithstanding the fact that the quantity and quality of stock" nnd workmanship in these capstans make them a much more serviceable capstan, nnd would naturally command a higher prlcei the universal demand for them has enabled the Company to ar¬ range special tools for their manufacture, and to keep the same men at work year after year, until they have become expert, po that the cost is onfyobout the same .as the lighter styles in the market, By thus reducing the manufacture to a perfect system, they are enabled to offer to the publico first class article at n moderate price, and the npprovnl of the nautical public is shown beyond question by the large number in use on nearly all of the first-class steam and sailing vessels built during the past few years. In addition to the superiority of workmanship and material of this capstan over other styles in the market, it has been one feature which no other capstan has, and it is very important, viz: when using the capstan under a severe strain on the power side, both the outside and insidfefiawls take the strain, thus furnishing double security against break¬ age nnd relieving the men at the. bars from danger. It is estimated that during the past year seven-eighths of all the capstans sold in this coun¬ try were of this company's make. SELLING AOKNTS ON THE LAKES " D. S. AUSTIN & CO. I - - - .... UPSON, WALTON & CO. -.'.,.- . . M. I. WILCOX. - -« ■- - • ■- ' - .TAMES. P. DONALDSON & CO. ' - - - ' - G. D. NORRI8' & CO. - - - '■ - ' - • - ■ DUNHAM&HOIT, - ' - .. ,-••'-; - - - BUFFALO, N. Y. CLEVELANP, 0. TOLEDO, .0. DETROIT, MICH. MILWAUKEE, WIS. CHICAGO, ILL. GENERAL FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS, BLACKSMITHS, BOILER MAKERS, AND. IROti. SHIPBUILDERS. Office and Works, Corner of Elm and Spruce Sts., Cleveland, O. \9a aro prepared to funiLuli on nhort notice ISititlonnry or Murine, cltlior High I'rrMii-e, Low PraiBurc, Cori- diuminiL ur ComjHmml Engines, Horlxontal'or Vorlloul, wltliur without graduating cut oil. Vertical Engines Kept in Stock. WATIONAUY KNU1M-:, MAK1NK KNOINE We keep all kIics of vertical engines jn stock, which wo nro prepared ttfwlliit rtapectlvu prions. Station¬ ary engine includes Guvornoiy Throttle, Cylinder, and Oiler, Oil Cups and Waste Cocks. Marl no Engine includes Utile aufl Ke^erne Motion, Circular Throttle, Cylinder, Oiler Oil Cups mid .Wasto Cocks, Same a» HUitloniiry,—mi governor or ily wbi-ol. Nos. 7. H, 9 am Ki, tiavuHlngU' crunks, with separmo journal wlieu used with KtntlonUry ciigilxu. Tln-y arc pr'ovidyd iflth good linuw IhiXcs in l>otli i-ndHof cuuJiwttu^ rod and cros^ head, with bent poturt- hre provision rouilu lor Liking up the wuur. Thu Cyl¬ inder,'Mlenin ^lit-wt and lower hund lire cast in one pluci! nnd tliu frame, Hlldcs, an(l iDuruuls In uno piece, lliemliy leSM-uliig liability of ik'niiujimiuiit and iirnt com and Insuring u duruhlc lunchlnc. The Cylinders nro neatly cuverotl with caul Iron lading. Hlbfb viilvowllh lurgo pnrU. l'ls'on lilted vrlth good luetnlltc jiuckliiK- Muterlal and workmanship guiirantet'il. Having provided our new boiler works with the most approved .tools for rivtting by steam, plan* ing the edges, instead of chipping, drilling, punching, shearing and bending by steam powv, we feel warranted in saying we can furnish the besfr^brk for the least money in the following kinds q[ boilers, which we can build of either Iron or Steel: Return fluc Marine Boilers, Tubular lioilers,~eilhe; hor¬ izontal or vertical, Locomotive Uoilcrs, Cylinder boilers, Flue lkfllemj Smoke Stacks and general plate Iron work. VERTICAL BOILERS. "JJ^Sl For smull power, where sizo and weighfare I (... i I objectionable,, wo recommend these styloc, | III IIIIIII I whiph we win furnish, miido of C/H. No: 1 I Ittttlljl 1 Iron or Steel, with or without Cunt Iron liiufc LHHJjlljllLI ami Snioke Stacks and'Trimming. ' " l|^i " \M\ TUBULAR BOILERS OF ALL SIZES; TUBULAR BOILERS OF ALL SIZES. Ship Chandler's List. jnoludp the Cele- ' ' bratedChainSheave Windlass, with Am- Szeen Beam, and Wrought Iron shaft and boxes, and Iron Winoh Heads and Brakes. ;.'.'.' -'• ,—Prices Furnished on Application. • .TheCommon Pat¬ ent Windlissjnqjfi^ j ing allxasting|. yirel-c y ding butt isiackles. ^ 5994

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