THE MARINE-'RECORD! ' A NEW LEVIATHAN. 86mo'weeks ngo we pi-luted a detaflcd ac¬ count of Captain Davidson's new stonmshlp, Goorgo T. Hope.. We' find tho following ' paragraph relating to her In the Chicago ■ t Inter Oooan, September 20: The now steamship George T. Hnpo ar¬ rived In Chtongo yeatordny, on her nmldon trip, In command of Captain James Davidson, t who Is alto not only tlio owner but the builder. [It Is not ofton thntirdlittngulUhod shipbuilder Is also a distinguished navigator, but such Is tho case with Captain Davidson.] Tho new craft is cirnl hidfjfft The officers re. port that sho behnvud excellently on tho pnssuge, notwithstanding the fact that her new machinery la stiff yet. Tlio Hope re. sembles tho Siberia In appearance, bnt is ' superior even to that oraft. Great Improve¬ ments havo b»en made In the Hope over tho Slborlni As she pns«cd Into the hnrboi yester¬ day sho ,wns gnzml 111 by hundreds. The one opinion of all was that she Is a magnificent craft. Tho experts wcro especially euthusl- nstie over her.___________________ ' THAT'S SO! Ordinarily he who buys second linnd goods realizes,-when It Is too late, that ho has made a bnd mlstnke—but ho who Invests fifty cents In Swayne.s ointment, does a wis thing, and the people of tho world, (who ought to know everything) will say of him: "Ah! tlmt man han a level head—next win¬ ter we will plnco I1I111 in Congrcse." Itching . piles, barber's Itch, pnilrlo Itch, totter, pim¬ ples and blotches., ringworm, sal', rheum, erysipelas nnd other eruptions all flee Its path. Ask your druggist fur it. A. ANDREWS, HARDWARE, Ranges, Stoves & Tinware, No. 259 Detroit St., OLEVKLANf), OlIIO. F. * HdBORN, PLUMBERS. #■ — Mannfactnrers of Hotel Ranges & Laanflry Stores, anil Dealer In 128 8UPERIOR ST., CLEVELAND. O. M. V, B0BOMAJT, Proprietor. The Madison, (FOJ1MKRLY nUVKltK 110UBE) Detroit, Mich. Moat Centrally Located. Street cars pass the door every few minutes to Depots and all parts of the City. Three minute's walk to L S & M S, D & M, and Wabash Depot*. . Estti 11-50, to tS.OO par day. MECHANICAL NEWS. [ILLUSTRATEDJ' $1.00 PER YEAR With Premium. Sample Copies Free. JAMES LEFFEL & CO. No. 110 Lttxiity St.. Nan York. N. V. Capt. D. S. Webster, VESSIiL AND INSURANCE AQENT. Wood, Pence Posts, Bark, ETC., BOUGHT AND SOLI) ON COMMISSION. Heriae and Freieatiog of Ganadiaa Coarse Freights Specialty. .No. 64 Woodbrldge Street Detroit,' Miohlgan. KNEIP & MORRISON, IR0CT0R8 IN ADMIRALTY, UfcMonrM at Room <H Clilcigo. IEAN&C0., BOAT BUILDERS DETROIT......MICH. COAL. DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. 0OMEMTICJ * N-TKAM COAL, Cleveland, Ohio m JfMK Fills Known to Mm or hut a'ho Soimuii ran Riuovmei ALL IMPURITIES DFTHE BLOOD. Aito!«W(tl4 drillfliuut, ul Xldut Otn far fiflllftTIPATIflll ■"•■«» "«>i. <*4 *"** nVRPFPRIA knovn by Irrcenlir ipi •smm^^^'mhii nuiir uciuiiitlfTi Wolght nnd tflndomonatpItoritomftOli»dcftponiIonoy. LIVER Pfl"rl'lB*- Pm««B»H. Miltrlfl, Chilli ind also bottom of ribi; wenrinew. Irritability, . flonmio coated, xltln yellow, hot nnd cold ncn- utfoni.oyaduli.dryconshtHtlflcdandaUtract* Od fecllni. Irrofnilftr Ttul», bad colored ntooli. ,ur . . "!fi* soundlncan.BlddlncML oonfiulon tn haul, norvoumou, flmhen of light Man tyu. )«■ er irtimnrr, OImihi or DUddir »4 KinNrVfi urlnoriarkorlight.roddepoult; " \ ' Iwrnlnff.iUnalnVl'carlnBdowri MUHUoni, frtqntnt doiln to nrlinU, nneulDtit, laflunMt mi, dark elrclei, thlnt. DI««|UM of UPADT mw* W'ni, UiitUrin* or wilght noir .. . . * *1Mrt* mor* ,0 <m m"'nt qnlakljr«n4 *htnlylnionUft*ldai (ratof fcmtlimeinrUcm. IfpAflAntlF dnI1 or *b*n> r*lni In lemplii, n&fWHun&nni or had I Wnlniii, ntuuk firapvr li e&nMd by wK|ry (laid. Rh to ma¬ ll tm, fee* by nrio uld In blood. Bowel Dli* ortfarn by corrupt miuor. Worm* by tho miU within., CoMi by ehoklaf of tho Mcnaoni. ftWAYHn'ft PlhlMt bygtntl* tatlqn, romoni tho etuio, m*klnf t ntrmuonl son Bint by mill fa 25 MnLi bni of 5U Pllli I 5 boioi, $1 00 (In pmUffr lUmrM), DR. BWATNE A BOM, rhUad«lpblm Pa, Bold by Dnmliu. G. 8. RAND. n, b. nunoEit. RAND & BURGER SHIP-BUILDERS, >WITII JD35, "ST DOCK ATTA4 HED TO THE WORKS. ALSO PREPARED TO Dp _ WEE0KING AND TOWING WITH THE Tug John iGregory. Vessels Docked and Re¬ paired on Short Notice: MANITOWOCWIS. OUUjUUU era wautml to rcpre»ciit niiU rmd tho Girls' National Reformer, nn llluitrutod Tomperninu, l^ttcrnry, nnd Aprlcultura journnl duvaloil to rodiriunttoa to cducatiun, society nnd govenimont Ciaillation guaranteed to exceed 200,000 In twelve luoutbo. 'J he only Tempo mice paper in Texas. ThoUmu' Natiovai. Ithcomuit la the outgrowth of tue UlrVo Own Paper And tno National Kolorincr, nnd in inude up nnil luiuBomuiy Illustrated by new nrtlHla and niipiillod with ml il It tonal writer*, thus mnk- hui It altogether the in mt auperb |M rloilionl or t|io kind iwned. It apiMjaiN now as a 0t>toliinrti quarto, panted and cat, rendu In*; it eailly actcmllilo to tho rticQtita Ench number la uctumpauled bv a four-pnuo Mimic ul Supplement (fllli-d with choice votal nnd lnatruui<.ntul mil fie) given no n upeciul premium taiiil>eoriber9 Valuable premiums to (lub rulSf.™! Hhoral paying comtnlsalons lo iiRentB TlioQini-H' National lUKonsJKn admirably cn^unl ttochooen fluid, ludnDonn lntcrc»tud In It u^.eruiice, Literature, Agriculture und Art (either pii umil or di>c- orutlve) tan ullord lo inlu» Its vlau I'rku $1 W per an¬ num, In advance All regular mlnlHtem, Tempenuico Nrnnntnatlona and and (.irnnifo* where the paper ix Wupt on tile In thu lodge room, will receivea ropyfofuiie year at Fifty Centn per annum i JOsLl'IlIN7!; OUUIOHU rUblhhor, tlo Travis Stroit, Iliinnloii, Texni Vesselmen arlOUI.D HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK, Containing nil poinia of MA It INK LAW tocminwl by the United SUtcn Court* -ON- Etaninan, FrtilBhU, Towiifje, OoUlnloiu, Ownerf, Ohnrtori. Rerlitry, oum Knroumenti, General Avernire, Common Carrlert, Duties of Seninen, Mnitern & Owuern, Dill or Lading. Waves, Ac. Tin* voluran li handaoiuenf^aluund In stiff Bnnnl covern, aud lino Knullali Uotu binding Hooka of Una kind geperally coat $3 00, but we will aond It to any nddrens, itottige paid for 11,00, or with theMAlUNU ItEGOHD for one year, both for only Id 00 ,, Address MaeihkiUcokd.Cleveland O. / MANUFACTUnEllS OP ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS. OFFICE AND FACronY-------• ( 36 Hichip' St, CLEVELAND, OHIO. RAPID TRANSIT. DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Steam NuvlKotliin Company. The S2.25 Route FOR DKTROIT Stmrs City of Detroit & Northwest WottkiU^ nt 0 p. ra. from '« Hlvcr at. ('onimti with 8loniiKTH CITY OF MACKINAC, ClTV OF CI/EVhLAND.' From Detroit, Monday! nnd fiotunlajn lit 4 4 O |U| Wcdnoadaya A Frlilaya atQ 4 R A |U| -• ^ FOR MACKINAC, St. Tgnaw, ClicluyRnn, Alpooa, Oncoda, Sani) Boooli, l'orUInroi, 8,. i lair, Murine City, innklng four do- pnrtuna each wetik. . . , T. F. NEWMAN. A«l, 2:1 Illver at., Cleveland, C. D. WlllICOMB, (. P. A T. Agt., Detroit. BEE LINE Cleveland, Columbcs, Cincinnati and Indian¬ apolis Railway, ,. The Great Central Trunk Route to the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. THREE TRAINS WEEK DAYS, TWO TRAIN? SUNDAYS, Leave Cleveland' with Through Palace - Conches and Elegant SJeeplnjr Care, for COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI. INDIANAPOLIS TERRE HAUTE —AND— ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CHANGE. , Thla la tho only line making Direct Conneotlon with all the principal Trunk Uncaot tho Uat fpr all Southern, Southwestern and Weatorn pointa, either by way of Cincinnati, Indlanapolla or St. Louiiam! all Rallwuy Town* JllSSOUUI, ARKANSAS, TEXAS, KANSAS, NEBRASKA, COLORADO NEW JTEXICO, OLD MEXICO AND THE PACIFIC COAST. Equipment New and' Comprising all Modern Improvements. The Best Roadbed and the Safest Road in the West. lyrickela by this popular louto for talo at all regular Tcket Olllcef. E. B. THOMAS, 0. B. SKINNER, GuiorftfAlnnagor Traffic Mnnngor. A. J. SMITH, lit ntml Passenger Agent CLKVKLANIl, OHIO. CLEVULAND.'-'COI.UMIIUS, LINLINNATI i IM>f- ANAI'OLIM Commenilng Sunday, Juno 24th, trains of tin Boo I.lniv-Cleveland, Columbus, lintlnnatl ,1 Inilluuapolls llallwar will leave und arrlvo ut Cluvelujid as follows No 1, (inclnnull A Columbus i:x|irosa . , No II, Indianapolis A W hetliiig l.xpnu No. 17, Special Columbus ,V Clmiiim.ll Kk. No .1, Special Ind ASU I^uls Lxpress . No, Ft Col Hn Iud !a SI I»uls Lxpress , No 7 CL A W 1 Uallloii Aio ......... No. 1, Ool A Cln A Ind bxpriss .. No 8, C I, A W Act ... . No lASt.LoulsA Indlunnpolls t-xprtss No, I), Col. Cln. A Indianapolis nxpren„ No, 4, Calumbua 1c Cincinnati Expreu......„ No. 10, Whoollng Expreu....................... r*- Tto. 14. Olnclnnatl A N. Y. Fast Line....... Depart Trains murked^ dully, all othor trains 4ully except Snpday LAUNDRY. Boat washing and general laun¬ dry ina few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, 93 St. Clair Street. Telephone 118. The Nickel Viatel NEW TORUt 1'IIICAOO * ST. LOCI* " RA1TWAY. -, ' _— ' Tho paMCnner cqnlnniont'of thla New Tmnk Lint la nil new itntl la supplied with tho Uipii appliancei neriaaary to aalo apoedy i,nd eoiufortabla tnvel, \ aaary to aalo anoedy h At I liicngo, paiatnvi'r IrHiha anivo at and leare fmiii tlio Union Dei ol, Vim Illlren atioeU Followlnn Is Hie time In effect May 14. Ml, and un¬ til furlher notice' GOING EAST. Lt. Cbieaflo /.......B.lft a m-. ........ Arr. Val, aial«n„ loon " ......... " Fort Wuyno 1.30 p. in.......... " Now KhVcn.. 2 011 " .....„., " Weal lelpiic. 4.1ft «' ......... " Aratdl4____H.I2 " ........ " Fostorla .. .. S.V6 " Green Hpilnffs fl 12 " BoIVtuc I.v, llollevno... ArrCloviliind.. Lv. Clerclnnd... Arr I'niii^avllle " Astihibnla. *' (omieatit... " Die ....... '•■ luinklrk...... " Blllllllo...... 40 ONI 0.110 8 no n. m. 1100 " .11.01 » 17.11 p. III. '118 " I .Ml 'I 2M " 4 iS " 0110 " Accom. 4 20 p, ra,- B'S2 " n wb " 0 06 " GOINO WEST .111.IS ». ni........, 11BU " l.flOp. in........ 5 flll " ...... Lv Bllflaln AJr Diuikirk . " KHe......... l.flOp. in................:.. Leave. " Conneaiii .. 2M •' ................. 0.4ft a m, " Ashtahnla.. . . IH7 •'.............. 714 " " Palncavlllo .... 4 11 " ................. 8 11 " " CJovelund ... 5 20 " ................ 0 25 «. Lv Cleieland_......ft aft " 7.1ft a. m.............. AirBellovuc.........7 65 •' 1180 •" .......... Lv Biltoviie ............. 0.40 " ............ " Green Springs.......10 07 " ............... ■ Fo«torlo.................... 11140 " ............... -" Arcadia.............. 11 (X) " ............ " Wci|t Lelpslc............ 11.55 " ............ " Now HaVen.......... 2M p., m............... " Fnrt Wiync ......... 2 20 " .......... " Valpralso................... 0 28 " ............. '•Chicago............„...... 8 20 " ........... Trains run by Columbus tlmo, which la twcntibmin. utes faater than Chicago time, five minutes Blower tbtin Cleveland and sixteen minutes alowor than Buf¬ falo time. For Information, call on nearest agent of thoNOoin- pany, or address B. F. HOnNEIt, Gen'l Passenger Agent, . LE' 'Ig WILLIAM", , General Manager Cleveland, O. BockvKIver Accnmnlodatlon doparta at 7 50 a m; [daily], 0.2ft a m [dally], 10 55 a. m* |8unday only]. 1 43 p nr I'lnllyl, 4 i5 p in [Sunday only); 7.«l p in. [Sundav ouly], Euclid acio^iinodiftlon doparta at 12*20 p'm. Filailyj; 6 4ft p m [daily] oxcept bunda., 8 85 p. ni. [Sunday only [ " New Yorny FennsylTania & Ohio R. R. (rorraorly A. A O. W Railroad ) NEW YORK, BOHTOM AND tHE EAST. The NhortMit nnd QnlckMt Ronte to Pitt«- bnrg, Wnahlngton nnd B»Uluor« and the ftontheiut. Until further noifre traini will lente from the new Central Depot, Bouih Water ntroet and Vlnductu fol¬ lows qi)Afl m ATLANTIC EXritn8S-(DniIy) Pull- JiZU di ill* man sleeping and hotel conches from LcavlUstnirgh fr-05 a. ra. to Nov York, Albany nnd ttoston without chang". Parlor Cnr from Clevelnnd and Salamanca. Arrire at MeadUlle nt 11 20 a. ni. (dinner) Frnnklln 12.88 p ui , Oil Tlty 100pm, Cor- ry^lrOOn ni., Jamestown ^nke Chautauqua) 2 00 p. m , Buffalo 6,]A p ni Itocliost«r 6 .10 p 'in ; llornell*- Tllle fi 40 p m [supper], Corning 8 '26 p m. Dmlra 8 57 Jm Dlnghanton 10 M p. m., Altwny 6Ji0a m. Boston 45 p rtL.arrKiniiatNbwd'nrkOSOaDi 0 'ATI TI m LIMITED CXPRDIS-Xhrougb Pull- '•0 iU U £1 • illi iuan sloopltiK cnach from Cleveland to New York. Arrives at Meftimlle at 6 5ft p in , Jaraes- to»n 91J p m., SulnuutDca 10 ll) p m., New York JO 25 a in. . n'OS n m NI(JIIT KXpBisft-miUy e«opt tW lit llli Huiiduy) Beeping couch from Cleveland Ifornellivillo. Arrlvo at YoungutoKii nt lt£5 a. m.. Memhllle3fi0a m , Corry 6-26 n iu Jnmcntown 6 IB a. pi. Buffalo 0 45 a. m., Boehesirr 1 10 p, m , Uornella. villo. 11 20 a m ,*Corning I2JW phi, Klmiral.21 p. ra„ BingbniupMni 2 oO p m,,Nvw Turk 0 2ft p m. Arrive at I'lltsburgu tl II a m , without chun^e n.f A n m UXPKIXS _ Daily - tuiull Ut Uli -Tlirouuh wltlumt cliange, Parlor car at¬ tached Arrives nt Youngitown 5~00 p m , Pltuburg 7:48 p tn , Wanhlngiou 71)1) a. ni, Baltimore 8 19 a. tu i,Qf « pi MA1IOMNU A* COSIMODATION - 4ii)j |li llii Sioiiping nt all way n'aLiom. urrlvlnuat YoungHtown 7 2^ p m , Sharon 8 30 p m , Shnrpoavillo 840p ni. CcotiiHdii at LcavltluburKh with train No, 20 for MtTiHhlllu uud inU'niicdltito pointa Airlvoa at Mm. villell 20p'm n .nn n m PITTflBUROII LXPJthSS - Dall> -, 1 >ZU di 111i Tljroiigt. without Arrives nt Youngitown 10 00 n in, Sha-on 11 02 u m , bhtrp»* vlllu 11 10 H in , Pittsburgh VI 45 ]> iu , Boturnlng, leuvcB lltbhurgh at 4 J8 u iu ,8:i»n m , 1 30 p m, an (I 4 20 p m Un£ n m \OUN<it»10ttfN ANlU'ITTSBUItUU UO d 'III. AtCOMUODATION-Stoppiug at nil Way stations, rirrlvlug at \oQngstoTrn 1 45 p m .Pitts¬ burgh, fl 10 p m Trains arrive at Cleveland, (1 40 a, m , 7 05 p ni, 10 66 o. m, 1 00 p m , und~|o lft p w, frTb|i Is the only iouio<by which pasHengert can reftch Corry Elmira, Ulngliampuin, New York City and Intern)edtaie pointa 'without thango. No change to Boutoa and ^ew England Cltlts Baggage cheikul through to all polhts Kattt . Through ticket8 and Information regarding tho muUi can be obtained at tho otUco V>1 ^nk street, and nt uuw Depot of N. Y , P .10 It. It, South Waterntreet and Viaduct, Cleveland, o, A. E CLARK. Gen'l l'nttt'r Ag't Ch vtlund, O. J M FUUUS, Goii'l ManV. Uitvclan'I.O.* M h KlUTb, Pstancngur Agoiit, U\ Bunk &t. tln«hmd. O, FOR SALE. Ait Iron sUinm yacht ,!5 feit long, I) fict henm, 3 feet diop, runs veiv fust, uud well finiild Kn<iulre of D, P. M.Kfltv.N huclhl Avenue Station. FOR SALE. An Iron yacla 35 feet long very flnclly finished nnd furnlihcU. Drattjl 1-2 ftwt runs very fuitt, , LiiuulroofD 1', Nicktnton flHrkiicaa Blook Luclid AveblaUon 637