THE- MARINE RECOftD. ;. ' cTtie Veversinlc Twenty per ccnt.v.moro bitoyntioy thar.ii j other Life-Preserver, In the,market. Is the SAFEST nhd only RELIABLE LIFE PRESERVER In EXISTENCE, no proved oft'io lato\vreck nu tlio I'ncillc Const, of the Paolilc Miilf Steamship, "City of Sua JTruhclsoo.." Rl^G BUOYS AND LENDERS. • K >■ W W H Approved and adopted by the ITiiltml States Board of.HupervlsIng Inspectors ;also by'thc principal Ocean, Lake and River Stcunier Lines, us the only Reliable Life Preserver. VESSELS AND TRADE SUPPLIED. Send Tor Circulars. , D. KAHNWEII.ER Ufl, 148 & 150 Worth ST. ________Near (fitter St.. New York. KATZENSTEIK'S ! SELF-ACl'INO METAL TICKING. 1 Vox Pistox Robs, Valvs Stkmh, ic. , Adopted nnd In ubo by' the principal Iron Works and Stcamnh'tp Compa¬ nies within the last eight years In this and Foreign. countries For full par¬ ticulars and references address I. KATZENSTKIBT 4 CO., . 180 Christopher Street, near West Street, N. Y. LORD BOWLER A CO. AOEKT8 FOR CLEVELAND/ ROBERT RAE, Admiralty and Insurance Law Office, Boom 87, Merottt&u' building, ______________CHICAGO, ILL._______________ WILLIAM FORDE, SHIP BROKER, Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. N.'E. Cor. Columbus Aro. A Wutor St., . — SANDUSKY, OHIO.' _________ PALMER & BENHAW, SuraeflBora to . J. H. PALM EH A $bN, Vessel Owners & Agents, No. MO Water Street. Rooms 0 A 7. CLEVELAND. . OHIO, BECKER & KELLY, Vessel Agents, VYeuels cliBTlerril, purchased and sold: contracts tunilo for coamu and lifcavy freights. Lake Superior tun! Ewntiabii Iron ore coulters for iln- a\v trip or neasoil u spticlDlty. nffloD 130 Witur fet. Room 14. m01 UIDCD, CohIA Iron Ex. Build's. I fclephon* No. Pfltt^ MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers and Agents, No. Kl St. Clair Street, Rimni 27. CLEVELAND. ■ Olllll.__________ THOS. WILSON MANAGING OWNK11 Wilson's Transit Line. Gen. forwarder. .*— Freight and Vpascl Agent. ' CL.BVKI.AN1>. <1.___________. .n HIBBARD & VANCE, l . Vessel Agents OH and 1168 Broadway MILWAUKEE, WIS 1H La Halle Slrn.'l. ■ CHICAUO. ILL DAVISON and HOLMES, Vessel Owners & Agents, 240 So. Water Street, ' CHICA«>>. ■ ILLINOIS. —- ATKINS & BECKWITH,'1 Vessel Owners & Agents, 127 LsBalle Street. ,___ : CUICACIO. ■ ILL. H.M.WNUMr~ Vessel Agent and Broker, IC Exchange St. ' Juffalo, N/^ftv OTW YOU DO NOT B3ME1VB MY MONTHLY LI3T OP^VEsfefilA •vFOBSAI.E, SEND FOR IT. ^ THE PROVIDENCE CAPSTAN. -■■•■.,•■ ------MANUFACTURED BY------- AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS CO, STEAM CAPSTAN.; ■ ratentetFeb.l7,mulO<>t.lS,I874;Oct:SGa,ulNo».W,mr,;lJcc.lS,lS76,anilDcc.S,lSlJI.. To keep pace' with the march of improvement in labor-saving machinery on shipboard, the company have deslgnea.a steam capstan. It is driven by a pair of steam cylinders, which nre hung under the deck on- which the capstan stands, thb wem of the steam valve projecting up through the deck so.that one man can give the' capstan steam and attend to the hnwjer nt the same time, ntul exert aforce on the rope equal to hundreds of men. The-engine. drlve'a worm which in turn dri«3TsTorm-Ke'ar on the capstan shaft, the arrangement being covered by pa . enti of the company. Unlike spur or bevel gears.this arrangement {ant noiselessly and without jar. TBe« capstans iraoil mad.iwitMouole • engines, with single or double barrels as required, and are designed io go aft on stesmships for docking the.same when backing into th«iwh.ur, or for turning round in a narrow channel; also for Elevator Barges, Steam Tugs, and for handling .fearacrs in raptd currents, foe drydoek., fa. ,v Tliey are highly appreciated by all who have used and tested them. \ SELLING AGENTS ON THE LAKES D. S. AUSTIN * CO. - - - - ' - • ' UPSON, WALTON & CO. - - - - - - - M. 1/ WILCOX. - - - - •. " "___-JL- JAJIES. P. DONALDSON & CO. - -, - - * - • G. D. NOBRIS A CO. - - - . - - - - DUNIIAM& HOIT, - * -' - - - .- BUFFALO, N. Y. CLEVELAND. 0. TOLEDO, JST 1 DETRQm?%IICII, .MKwfCKEE, WIS. CHICAGO, ILL. SMITH'S PATENT METALLIC LIFE BOATS, qpynn bbut .a-nx) ioBmAJPSscrv. .■■■• SEND FOR PRICES TO SMITH'S BOAT WORKS, 159 South. Street, New York. lmpmved . Snatch, Hlock Clasp rlosecfc STAR BRAND TACKLE BLOCKS, ■BAGNALL & LOtJD, Boston, Mass. Aole Mamifoctureri In U. S. A. of our Celebrated Metaline & Sleeve Roller Bush Tackle Blocks, Improved.Snatch Blocks, Gaff TopsaT* CLEATS. tTC, Improved Snatch Block Clasp Opened UPSON,, WALTON & 00. Ship Chandlers, Sail Makeru , and Riggers. HTOiio of ttio largest stocks ol Wire Rope in tlio United Suites. . CLEVELAND. - - - ..-. t HIO. V; D. NICKERSO^, MARJN.E ARTIST Rear of Central Tug Office, Main St. Bridge, Cleveland, 0. METALLIC LIFE IT, H.0.&J.E Calkin, Coppersmiths and Plumbers Stcunia'nd GiuTFltting, 0A1LET STOVES. • 850* 1)51 West St., Cor, Lalght NEWYOBE Olrculait sent upon application. PENFIELD BLOCK CO, Lookport, N, Y. SOLE IIANllVACTIlltKltS Of THE CKLKIUIATED "ANCHOR BRAND" Tackfe Blocks. ALL STEEL "Anchor" Snatch Blocks. LalsatlmproTiBSit. ROLLER BUSHED on WITH OUB SELF-LUBRICATING PHOBPHOBBHONZE BUSHINGS. The metal in these.Bush¬ ings is the celebrated r?hos- Ehor Bronie, the bestb^sr- ig metal in market'and ' being perfect self-lubrica- -tors they are. fast supersed¬ ing all other styles. -. For sale by"bhip Chand¬ lers everywhere. ASK FOB"ANCHOR BKAND" BLOCKS. Illustrated Catalogue! and Price Lists mailed free -upon application. Bsraolt onltrs aolloltcd k^ • 140 54 42