TEST - IPR records

Marine Record, September 20, 1883, p. 3

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r ^ ■ "'.I THE MARINE "RECORD which tho Inventor proposes to shoot a man out ton wreck. WHAT MKUTKNAN1' NKWCOHU IS nOINd. Lieutenant Newenmh.. In-qiecioi- of this lift- saving district, returned yesterday lrom a tour iiniong tho stations. On Tuesday lie .wiib-at'Mllwankec, on Wednesday at Sheboygan, and on Tlitiiwlny at Two Rivers. The crews woro examined and drilled and exercised In the boat. He was at Racine on Friday,~tuiil took tho crow out on, the lake during tho\ stqrm. flo was at Kenosha Saturday, mid tho storm continued, and lie . took tjho crow there out In. the boat. This drilling and cxercllilng during storms Is . regarded a» ol great benefit in tho crows. 'Therewere people atJRaclne and Kenosha, howevtr^ who said "It was positively dangerous," and iln-y '-.thought tho boat would ho swamped " Inspector Xoweomb speaks In terms of nralso of tho service ofUiiptn|d St. Peter and h'« crow Itere In Chicago In going tn the schooner Lavlnda on Saturday last.-They did good wot k. . The Inspector leaves Chicago for tho shore to-day vlsitlng_8t. Jbsppli llrst. iHq,hfjeuda rtll M Swaynes to take in the Nortll ph llrst, aultnu.—/utei'-tJcean. STEAMER BURNED. '. Chatham, Out., Sept. 13.—The sldewheel steamer Queen' Victoria, was discovered,to ' he on fire about 4 o'clock this morning. When the iiiarm was given the flames had inadesuch lioadway that tho crew barely es¬ caped with tl.elfllycs. The llreman was se¬ verely burned. Tlio steamer' was about six miles down the river and IhuI been loading wood. Tho onglneor, who lives near the wood dock, went home about 0 o'clock last •evening. No tiro was in the turuaco and there were tin lights on board at the time ot the alarm. Tho crew sutler much personal loss. Captain Stainour looses $200 in cash, his gold watch and chain, and o ily escaped Ifi.hlsnight clothing. His horoUm in arous¬ ing the crew, and^throwlng open the win¬ dows of tint state rooms, .In the subject of grateful remark. The vessel «»• Insured In tho National ot Ireland and Caledonia com¬ panies lor $10,000. The origin of the lire Is unknown. Various theories have been ad vnnced, the moat probable ot which U Hint jt spark from the passing barge Manitoba caused the disaster.—Intar-OctMii, Sept. li. <J. 8. UA.ND. II. 11. M'lltlClt. RAND & BURGER SHIP-BUILDERS, WITH ZDIS-ST DQOK. ATTACHED TO THK W4IKKS. ALSp PREPARED TO DO WRECKING AND TOWING WITH THE x - x r Tug John Gregory. Vessels Docked and Re¬ paired on Short Notice. MANITOWOC,WIS. F. » H. BORN, PLUMBERS. Mannfactorers of Hotel Ranges & Laundry Store, and Dealer in' PhcBnix Paint Co T28 SUPERIORST., CLEVELAND. O- Capt. D. S. Webster, VESSEL AND INSURANCE AGUNT. Wood, Fence Posts, Bark, ETC., nOUUUT AN11 SOLI)ON COMMISSION. Chartering and Freighting of Canadian Coarse Freights Specialty. No. 64Woodbriage Street Detroit, Mlohlgin. ACT AS A HEART COORRECTpR «nd by etatailng, nguUIIng, ind ttrstglhiatng • orgsni at dlgsilloa, Mcnlloa tnd absorption. cars «popt«»y,„ fB}.. WnMi, .Jtorttaipsiii Dliilnen, OtbttIh, Billouineit, Bad Breath, Jaua- diet, liver ind KldntVCohiplalat, Ltek of Apptlts, Low Spirits, ladigeiflon orDyipapiU. Htidacho, Coaitlpatlon IT<vVa,MiilarliMidCoaligloa,Faier and «gua, Dtarrhoa, Dropsy, Colds, Rheumatism,, Neuralgia, Gout. Female Waahaeai, Urinary Dis¬ order*, and all IfTonularlllee ol the Spleea, Stomach, Bladder lad Boveli. , Prrorrt on!Tbrnr.H\VATNB'*«ON;Fillidil[W«,ra. - ABKVolBmuiOOIBTJOBTBBU. Pril..«it1..n,.H.«w.QI. IU.lbya.llLai?AdifiM. ' Vessel men ^ SHOULD HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK, Containing "all' poinm of MA KINK LAW ab do- tormina! by tho unitwl Ktatot Com la SeAineit. Fre lull t«, Townirfl. ' ColliIt.OIKt, General Average, Owner*, Charter *, ItejfUtry, ~ Enrollment*, Common Carrier*, Duties «T Benmen, Mnatem & Owners, Hill or Lhdlntf, ff«Be», &e. Tlin vohtiun la handsomely iiomul In ailiT Board covers, and <uiu Etinllsli Uoth binding. Hooks of thin kind utnoratly oo»t $.1.1)1), hut wo will send it to anv addrcM. i«wIuko pnld Tor II.Hi, or with tho MARINE RECORD for unti year, both lor only W.OO- Address Makink Khronn. Cleveland <» CANPIELD Wrecking & Ming Line, Tugs, Hawsers, Lighters; Steam Pumps, Lifting Screws, To bo hail <m phurl untie,- tiy mull or h-legruph. A. O. WIIICHLKH, CIIAS. ONKWUCII. Mdii.Qer. Wrockluu Mentor. DULUTIl. MINN. COM,, DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. IIOMKNTK' A NTKAJI COAL, t'lvvrlimil, Ohio i! MASUFABTI'IIKIIS OK ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS. OFFICE ANDKACrOBY ,, 36 Hichiiat X CLEVELAND, OHIO. ' ' M. V.BOBOHAH, Proprietor. The Madison, (roHMKIU'Y lIKVKKh IIUUHK) ' Detroit, Mich. MOKf On'roly lawnlwl. Strnut ultra pa«» tlio ilooi' every few' inlmitca to Depots and all parts of iliu City. Throe minute's walk to L S &.W 8, D &'11,1111(1 Wnliarii f)i'poth. Batea 81-80. to (8,00 per day. MECHANICAL NEWS, [ILl.U8IRATi:nj $1.00 PER YEAR With Premium. Sample Copies Free. JAMES LEFFEL 4 CO. No. UO Mlmrty St., N#w Vorlt, N. Y. MAKINK LAWYEKS, KNEIP & MORRISON, , PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY, tlfi Monroo St Room M Chloeifo. LAUNUKY. 6oat washing and general laun- dry in a few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUD DRY, 33 St. Clair Street. Telephone 118. ■' BEE LINE Cleveland, Columbus, Cincianati and Iadian- apolis Railway. • The Great CSntral Trunk Route to the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers,' THREE TRAINS WEEK DAYS, TWO TRAINS SUNDAY'S, . Leave Cleveland with Through Palace Coaches and Elo«ant Sleeping Car*, for COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS TERRE liAUTE —AHD— ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CHANOK. Tiitn is tlio only lino mukinic Direct Conneotlon *llli nil Hip, principal Trunk Unci ot tlio Eut tor all aoi'llieru, ttoiuhwestcrn anil Wratrrn points, olthor by »ny ot Cincinnati, lndlmmpolls or St. Loutaand at' Katlway'lowui JllSSOUlU, ARKANSAS, TKXAS, , KANSAS, NEBRASKA, COLORADO NEW MEXICO, OLD MEXICO. . ANDTHK PACIFIC COAST. Equipment New and Comprising all Modern Improvements. The Best Roadbed and the Safest Road in the West. tSTTIckets by thin popular-route lor sale at all regular Tcket Olllcer. • E. B. THOMAS, 0. B. SKINNER, Ueuural MamiKor 1 nlt"c Munugur. A. J. SMITH, (li'iierul Pimi'ngor Agent. OLKVKLANI), OHIO. CLL\ hl.AMI, t'OLIIMHUH, (INU.SNAT.I i IN DI¬ ANA I'OUS. Cuniinuni'lnK Burnley, Juno ill li, Iriiluaof tlio lloo Um»—Uevctiiml, Coliimpunt( Inoiiuiuti A Imiliiiiupoltji Uiillwu] will loin« unit arrlvo nt Clu,rlnu'ljm follom. llopiirt No 1. (imlOballA I iiluiulillM KxiirIM No 11, luillnuiipulli A tt luvllii|(l.ipri'» No. 17 t>|iottalOoltiiiiliunA: Clnilnuiitl Kx No :i, hpodil 1ml A SL 1.0UIH HxproM No. 6, Col. (In , Inil il HI liiula bipriw N'i, 7 C I. A W I Oillliiii Aic........... Np. 2, Col. ,t Ctn. & Ind. Uxprcai.......... No. 8, C. U A )V. Ace............................ No 13,8t. Louie It ImllannpolU Kxprrn No, t), Got. Clu. & IiKlluoapului Expruu, No„4, ColumniM & Cincinnati Expri'iu,. No 111, WhoolliiK Kxprow................ Mn. H.HIarlmialt* N Y Punt I.lnn 'H llll A M 7 III A M I SO I' H -.' irs I' M "7 10 1' M f, <«>■ 1' M Arrivo. «T 10 A H 10-iS A M «H.!0 P M 10.00 1' U ■1160 Pit .7-1.1 I' M 140 A'M TraliirinuraiHl ° dully, nil otliur train* iliilly cxiciit himitay ' - ____-_____________^ DEAN & CO., The Nickel Plate! xtiw Yonit, riiuAuo a htj:' rovm RAILWAY. Tin' iiflmciittiT ci|iii nii'iil of lliln Now Trunk Una [n.ll ihiv -Ml lit Hti|i|il wl wiili ti.t' I it Ht in |itliuire* iai"iHiiu yio-nJd n ctil> i ml lo'iiftn'ttlilu' tr' vi-l ^1 i |m n«», | ii** n lt tr i'H iniivf nt nixl U'iito fnim tin- If Inn lie <> , Von lliirpn »l itit.f rulluuliiK iniliutimc luullccl .Mvy 1-1 Ir'K.'l, mid un¬ til furtlh-r miLleej' I , • \ mnsb ka**t. . Lve Cnknajt .X.. H.lft u im......-***•..................... Arr. Vnl njiKn.. UHJ& f ............................... • " rortTvnyne. l.iln p. n................................... " Nmv iiuvon« 'im "* '• Wont U'lpnlo 4 00 " ............ ,;.............. • " AruidU........ Mil" "• ......r — ...,. " Fo.tniln .. . . ,1.,'it " ...t....... 1............... " lirion Hprlng " Boll, vtii-...... a la " ............ Il.-Kl " ,1.......... .„,. £...:......i f.v. tiollcvim.;..... n.nn <" 8 so a. m. Arr Clovi laiiil..... O-'JO " 10.SS ' Accom. I.v, Clovolnnil..,.,, ..............- iroo 4 20 p m, Arr Piilu, Hvlllo.... ............. 12 Oil p. m. n-an •• " AHlitiiliulu, .. .............. ia as " o an " 11 Colino-lit..... ............... 1.2s u 0R5-" " Kilo............ .......!...... 2 28 *' '■ Dllillllrk....... .*............... -t.ai " iiiiiriiio......... ......„...... 0.00 flOINO «'EHT. i.v niitt'iiio. ..',„ „ .10.1,1 0. Ill............. Air liiinutrk........ ..11 IM " ...... ^............. " Ki to.........,. , l.HS p. in..........., I^itve. " OlMHPUIll ..... , 2.111 " ........... (1.41 a. m. ' Anhtnhulu..... a 23 •' ........... 7 14 " " I'llllll'«lll0 .... 1.10 " .......... Sll " " CJoVOlllUll .... . B.25." ............ ;..., tl.2,1 " - I,r Clcvi'luiufr.. .rao " 7.111 0. m. AijT llcllovuo......;. 763 " 'OHO ' ..........,... 0.-10 " " Oroon Sprlnun ............. 10.07 " .......,....... 4 Fo-titrlu.....„. ..............10 40 " " Arcndln......... -Trnrr.......1100 " .............. " West Lolpik- ...............ti.tm " 11 Now Itnvcu ..... .......;. 2 iw p. nt. " 1'. rt W yno . .......,.. 2 20 " " Vulpmlin/...... ............... 0 1>5 " '■ ChfciiKu......... ............... B.20 " ........—" Trnliw "in Hy Colunilma Hino, wlUch Is twenty inln- unj+fiimur tliHii cliicunii time, flvo mliluteH Alower tluitr Cle-volaiul. and sixteen mlitutoa slower than Buf¬ falo time . For Infill-motion, call on nenreat agent of tboCom- liany, or add rum - B. F. HORNER, ' (ien't Pnucnger Agent, wm wiJXTaAfS, General Mniinger, Cleveland, O. Rock) Rivur Accummndallon UcpurLH «t 7 50 n 111 [ilaih]; !) Illii 111 (dully],'HI-15 a. 111 [Sunday mil) 1, 1 :!Sp. m. [dully]: 4iip. 111 |Sundny onlyl; 7 (Ml p. m [bundiiy only) Euclid ii«<t:«inodatLondupart» at '2j15 p. ni, tilatly], 5 43 11 m. [daily except Hundu 8 35 p. in. [.Huitdii) only J New York, Pennsylvania & Olio R. R. (Formed) A. .V: O. W. lUiilroad.) NEW YORK, HONTON AND TllK KA'ftT/ Tho NhnrtMt nnd QulcUw«t Ropte to IMtt»- . nnil the Nonthena*. Until further mitiru tralna will leave from (lie new Ciinirul Dtiput, bouih Wutor airuut and Viaduct lis fuL- lown . l Jinn.Q « ATLANTIC KXI'iri>iS—(Daily) null- 'lull Ui llli man tdfcplng a >d hotel com lies from A'avttln'iuigli t) 05 ft. m. to Nuw Vor)c, Albany and tloiton witnout chang". I*nrlnt Car from Cl<-\eltind and SalUmaiiio, Arrive at Mead(1 lie at 11:20 a. m (dinn.T) Franklin 12 U3 P m , Oil City 1.00 p m , Cor- ryl.OOp In., Julnestown (Liiko Chautauquu) 'J.OOp. m , BuflaloO 1ft p. 111 Rochcater b;tW> p. m.', Horoell - vllio 6 40 p m [Biipperlj Corning MM y\ n, Elm Ira 8.57 p tn. BlnghttnUm 10:58 p. 111., Al&tny fi,50 » ui. Button 2'45 p m.; arrivlna at Nttw York 6:60 a.iii. n tt f| n m LIMITED EXPREHaV-llirouRli I'ull- /ttjU Ui ill* man Bleeping coach from Cleveland to Now York, Arm en at Meauvllle at 6 5ft p. m , Juniea- lown 0 111 p. in., Sulamiinoa 10:10 p.< 111., New York 10 25 » m. U.nf n m NIGHT UXPIUSS-{Dally except lUO lli llli Sunday) Seeping loacli from Cleveland llorneltsvllle Arrive at Youngdtowti at i:55 a. m . Moad\ Hie :t SO a m., Corry 6.20 a. u>. Jamcatown 01H a. m. Uuflato U 45 u in., Rochester 1 10 p, m , lloriielln. vlilu, 11.20 a 111 , Corning 12dW pnu'Elmira 1:21 n. m., Hiiigliainptim2«l p in,, New lork U.25 p.m. Arrive atl'Tit...... at I'TlttibiirgliOila a m , without chnn«o. fl.cn n m I'ITTSBUWiJI £X1*UE>S - Dally - uiUU Ui llli Ttirough without change, I'arlor carat* tallied* '-'...... • ^.......--------- *^--. o.„„v...... 7.48 i). 1 4:351 BOAT BU1LDKRS. 0 DETROIT MICH. Airlve» at YuuiigHtown 6.-00 p m., Pittsburg WiMhliigioii 7-0D a. m , Baltimore 8 l'J a. m n MAl?OMN(J ACCOMMODATION - .... ,. Jli flopping nt all way B'auouB, arriving a YoungHion 117 25 p m , Slim on 8 30 p. in , Bharpoetvlll a 8'40p in. OtoimectKat Leavlttaburgli with train No 20 for Mi'iidvlllu w id Intermediate points Airlvosal MtuiWllU'll'<!Un.m. T »on n m i*n"ranin«m exi'hiss - Daily - I -ZU Oi llli Through without changO Arrives at YoiuigsiowulOOO a.m. Sharon 11 02 a. m., aharps- vlllu II 10 a in , l'lttibnrgti U'4ft p m , RcUiruIng, leaven i'lttiburgh at 4 4H a. m , fi;l3 a m , 1.30 p. m , and 4 20 p m nn£ n m YorM.MOWN ANU ITHhllUUfall UO rj* 111. ACCOM UOlMTION-hlopplug at aU Wa> atatlous, arriving at Youngatown 1 43 p. m ,1'lttB- burgh, ti 10 p m. Trains nrrlv» at Cleveland, (1 40 11. in , 7 1)5 p ui , 10 b5 a. m, 1 00 p m , and 10 15 p m, ■WTIiIb li tho only mute by which uiuishnacre can reach Corry Elmira, Hlughnnipum, New York City and liiturineill(ilu {Hilntn without changf No Lhapgb . idTioaion ttiiin^flw^Engtanrt^tttMr'^-—■ —- — RuKHUlJOdliiKktil thrCugb to A\\ points Last , Through tickets aud infornratloi) regarding ttie route can heobtaiuod atthootlleo 1<>1 Hank street, and at new Depot of N. Y , P A O H. It, South Watorslroet and Viaduct, Cluvclami, O. CLARK. liK-^ ?, E.CL t Cl«w Oeu'l I'asa'r Ag't Cli'veland M FEUUtHi- Ciuu'l Man'gr. i Ifvclun'I.O, M l. FOUTh, PdHsengor Agent, 131 Bank hl.Ctevelund, O FOR SALE. An Iron aUtam yac|it HA feut long, ll fout Iwam. S feot dooprJ'UUN vfi¥v taat.mi^LwL'll found. EiMiuirv of H * 1>. P, NliKKliiov, Eucllil Avenue Stuliou. FOR SALE. An Iron yacht 3fl feet long very fluelly nulnlied^na furniihod. Unit » 1-2. fort runs very fast, » ■ Enquire of 1>. P. ,N leaf nop Uuikuesi Block Euclld^A^obtaUvu^ <y^ j^.^ J^k^.-i^. •»ac»i«i ,srm'*mk*iT&*rrr D8C

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