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Marine Record, September 13, 1883, p. 8

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8 THE.MARINE RECORD. m TieMersinkCorkJafcKet- jJfViyj?! oent- mor0 b"oyniiey thnn any ¥1 Ski!.83"' \LWI v?r '" ,ho ""«"or. '» the 8AFEHT and only RELIABLE LIFE PRESERVER In EXISTENCE, as proved of tho Into wreck on the Pacific Const, m thr Pacific Hall Steamship, "city ot San Ffunulsco." RING BUOYS AND FENDERS. ■ -£ THE PROVIDENCE CAPSTAN -----M ANUFACTURE D BY— AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS CO, c^-mrx EMTCB, Apprcned and adopted by the United States Board of Supervising Inspectors,also by the 'p.il Ocean, Lake and Rlvei Steumei Lines, ng the only Rellublo Life Preserver. VESSELS AND TRADE SUPPLIED. Send for Circulars. D.KAHNWEILER14G, T48 Jfc 150 Worth St. Near* ohipi si ^).\\ Y"ik_________ r-p] KATMAHTEIV8 nBll-ACIINC. MCTAI PAt kIM) I on Piston Hods, Val\ t 6n mm Ac Adopted lind In nun by Ihe principal Iron Wnrks and Sliuiwdilp Cmn|ia- nlCR mlhlii the lust eight v>- Jen™ lu tills anil Ionian J& < ountrlBi i-oi full pur- --~l~i ticnlan nil I rtfuienuH address 1. KATZENSTEllv & CO., JflO ( hriatophi r btn-el, near Weil Street, N ^ LORD BOWLER A CO At.I.NTSrORCI I Vfcl \M) ROBERT RAE, Admiralty and Insurance Law Office, Room 87, Morolmntu' buMditur. CHICAGO, ILL. ____ WILLIAM FORDE, ' SHIP BROKER, Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. N E Cor ColmnhiiH Ato A Water si . SANDUHKY OIIIOt PALMER & BENHAM, succerfwrs to w J fr PALM Kit A SOV, Vessel Owners & Agents, No 130 Water Street. Ita,m» IL.t 7 _______Cleveland . mill) BECKER & KELLY, Vessel Agents. \i«%ehchnrlLrul, purchased mid mi!,,, eontnulB made for com ml und hut. \ frcIgiitH, 1 like Superior iuk) I ttmiiilm iron on (linttcis for sin- atb trip or huimiu a b|>ik lully Office. ^teF,K=d% ciflTel'M 0, 1 ______roleiilionf No HS3_________' CRANK CAPSTAN. -' . patomi d smiMiirit 7,1880. „ Asonh atcw men can opomto noinnk enpstnn, It Is seen at once that itmiist be veij poueiful to ansHcr Hie purpose The lo.npnny had this f.iu |i.itif.il„ilj In vlrif when designing tin* t ipstnn, and a compailson with any style m tho niaiket will show It-. superiority In this icapi'it. 'loiniki the g.nilng equal to the great strain often put on It, tho gea^sare all made ol the South Boston Iron Company's celebiatcd gun lion. Tho samo'caie Is taken In its' manufacture.us "with the po«ei capstan to make eveiy part a- perfeot as possible.- It Is made to «oik Power 01 Speed, according to the drrectlon In which the cranks letolve, without any othc change. D. h AUSTIN A CO. UPSON, WALTON & CO M. I WILCOX JAMES P. DONALDSON ,t CO G. D. VORRI* & DUNHAM* HOI SELLWG ARf:\TS O.V THE LAKES lQXAtDSO> * A CO. oit; BUFFALO, N. Y. CLEVELAND, 0. TOLEDO, O. DETROIT, MICH. MILWAUKEE. WIS. CHICAGO, ILL. SMITH'S PATENT METALLIC LIFE BOATS, THE BXUST AJSTX3 OKSjAFXIST1. MOORE and BARTOW, Ship Brokers and Agents, No Ul 81 Hair Street, Itnnm :7 _____ CI.EVbLAND, " oiiiii THOS. WILSON , ^-MANAOrNO OWNKB Wilson's Transit Line. Gen. Forwurder. Freight dnd Vessel Agent ___________ CI FVM.AN1) O UPSON, WA.LT0N & 00. Ship Chandlers, Sail Ma ken; and Riggers W'Oneirt the laigest stocks of Wlie t HIO. Hope In the United States CLEVELAND . - v. sevd pon Pit ices to SMITH'S BOAT WOTRKS, 159 South Street, New York. ^Improved Snaioh ISlock Clasp c losed HIBBARD & VANCE, . Vessel Agents (W and SS8 Broadway MILWAUKEE, WIS 1H La Halle Htrcel._______CHIPAHO. ILL. DAVISON and HOLMES, Vessel Owners & Agents, 240 80 Water Strut ________CWCAOO, ILLINOIS ATKINS &BECKWITH, Vessel Owners & Agents, * 127 Liballe Street .____________CllltAHO ■ II I» A.M. BARNUM, Vessel Agent and Broker, 15 Exohtuige bt. Buffalo, N. Y. WIF-YOU DO NOT RECEIVE MY MONTHLY LIoT OF VESSELb Jt*OB8AU:, SEND FOR IT. STAR BRAND TACKLE BLOCKS, BAGN&LL & LAUD, Boston, Mass. Nule Mmiufunturerii In v. H. A. of our Celebrated Metaline & Sleeve Roller Bush Tackle Blocks, Improved Snatch "'Blocks, Gaff Topsail • CLEATS, ETC Improvt d Snatch Bio<jk Clasp Opened PATENT METALLIC LIFE RAFT, H.0.&J.H. Calkin, Copptr?raitiis and Plnmbers, M11111 and Gas Fitting, GALLEY STOVES. 430 Si Ml Mint St., Cor, Lulffllt NEWtOEK CLiuIiutseri upoi t| pi ctirn. D. V. NIGKERSON, MARINE ARTIST Rear of Central Tug Office, Main St. Bridge, Cleveland, 0. 601 K MAM'r-ACIlllll'llH OF 1 Hit CKLKHKATI'I) PENFIELD BLOCK CO, Lookpoi-t, N, Y, MAMlr'ACimil'llH ( eKLKIIHATI'I) "ANCHOR BRAND" Tackle Blocks. "Anchor" fanatch III prfpi mock.. ALL STEEL ROLLER BUSHED t>n wmi oun -' SELF-LUBRICATING PHOBPHOE BBONZE BUSHINGS. The/ifiital in theae llubh ^ J»pii the celebrated Phos phor Bronie, the best bear¬ ing metal, in market and being perfect ulflubricn tbrs they are fast supersed¬ ing all other styles ' I or silc by Slnp Chand lerScvcrj where , ASIC lOJf'VNCIIOR BRAM)" JllUCh^ Illustrated Catalogues and Price I ists mailed trie upon application. LnlcfitlmprOTeu.ouu ' SqiuuIl outtrb aollci a >' •y r^ 4 56

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