THE MARINE RECORD fehe (Marine Record, BaTAIILIHlIRD I\ IH7H. Gniorcd noo inling to tliu luWBof tho United Htatos Rt tho Pojtt omrt allloTetiiiid an iHitHtr* Publlabed weo'itlv nt No 2 .BoiHH Wntor iin»t, OlcTol»mJ. 0!ilf» A.--A. POIPOT, Editor ami Proprietor. RttANCii office, a«4 bovxii water ,, STHEET, CHICAGO.' TKHMS OF SlIIlHCIUITIONl Ono year, postage paid ,. Six niuntlii, postage paid .Invariably In advnu™. 12.00 1.00 ADVERTISING KATES. Ten cents per lino nonpRreil measurement, or to 20 per Inch,finch Insortlonrlour weelsfMQO with a IHtenv discount on orders amounting to 140 00 or ovet Articles, It tiers and queries on all subjects are solid- to*. aWTbe Editor aMMines no responsibility tor the opinions of correspondents To Insuro notice, contributors must give name and address, and wrlto on ouo side oj tho papor only. lr}E MARINE RCCOBD baa an Agent In every port on the bakes and Rivers, and will conaeqwully ctrott late mora or loss In all ol them Asa modlum for advertising it bns no superior, as Itclrculates among a class of people that can be ronohed in no other way* lipiLEll IXSPEC110 V. Ill the hint Issue tho Recohd pointed nqt soiiiu of iliu dfefeots III the nyntcni of laws Kovornltifc the Inspection of stoitm vessels. It wits shown thitt tho system la not only Inadequate tothethoioiigli, pmuiluul Inspoc- tton of stenrn boilers, but thitt It) iiiiinv re* spools It Is radically wrong. On tho ofjloloncy of this service depends both life nnd pi operty. Those nro Intoi osta which can not with aitfoty bo lelt to political inti l«nq or fiivorltisrn. They belong to practical, capable mid re- \ sponsible experts.w ho should be selected by cotDpolent Judges fioni callings whoio they uru most likely to be found) without l cforonco to political Javor. Last neck, moved fay tho dlsastor to the steamer Bhordido, the boiler of which ex¬ ploded alter sb recent Inspection its Itict June, the Tiensury Dopartment issued ii-drculnr to supui vising Inspectors, whldh will bo EDUOHIAL NOTES. Iiakota will applv toCongres« al^tliocom- lug session for admission Into the slsieihood of States. 1hk lowest stage of the Ohio river nt Cin¬ cinnati was reached on Saturday night, tho depth being only tour feet four Inches. Captain J. N. Van Buskiuk, formerly of the navy and one of Commodore Farragut's officers, died at New York lust Saturday. Shipbuilders on the Delaware Intend to make tlieir aggregate construction for 188,1 in steel, Iron and woodou vesBels full) 150,- 000 tons. [gnoil men may bo found Vn that business— I at least It In a consummation dovnutly to bo ululled. Tho moil who jnako tlio Inspection should bo experts in that branch of mechan¬ ics.^ Tho Board of Supervising Inspectors, whoso main business, uuder the prcaont law, appears to bo tho making of Imposulblo and Inoporatlva rogtilaltons, could not be belter employed than In hunting up good, practical men to do tho Inspecting. Or It may bo under a uow law", that must snonoi or later bo en¬ acted, that the supervisors can bo dispensed with altogether, and tlio Supervising In¬ spector tieneral, who at piesont has no voice In ilia selection of deputies, maybe nrvisled with tlin appointing power. The uordltlon of attalrs demands a chungp ot somo kind. The public must have bona lido Inspection of boilers, for now the main machinery ol tliosoivicelsongilgcd In hunt¬ ing up the blamo after aecldonts occur Instead / It is repotted thnt corn was somewhat In- >i jured thrQUgllouttbe west by Sunday night's frost, and all vegetables, vines and fruits greatly damaged. Henry Viy ard, president of the North¬ ern PaclflO railroad intends building a steam yacht at ono of the' D'hlladolphia shipyards He 6avs the yacht will excel In speed and grandenr anything ever built in this coun¬ try or Europe. Tho cost wllAiot be less ' than $800,000. Tnr telephone has been successfully used in Fiance to communicate between a vi ssel being towed und ono towing. The wire was carried along one of the haw¬ sers, and thochcutt was completed through the copper on the bottom of the ships and tho water. Conversation was carried on distinctly. Ov Tuesday afternoon, at blast fumnce Nol ofthcCleioland Rolling Mill Company two boilers, In a battery of tour, exploded with terrific violence, demolishing the boiler iiml casting houses, one of the boilers being thrown a distance of ovet live hundred feet. Neirly twenty men wore at woik In find aumml tlio furnace at the time and foui of them Injured, one eotlously. Tho furnace i was not i nulling at the time of the explosion, ha\lng been blown out, but was used to generate steam for tuinacc No i 1 hi electric light system is calling Into ubo a good deal of copper, and at low prices It Is being used lor a variety of fancy manufac¬ tures. It is said that It pure toppor could he spld nt ten cents per pound with profit to the pioducei, there Is no doubt that the con- edinptlqii In the United States could bo doubled very soon. There wns much more consumed In 1883 In this country than was produced In 1878, the available supply for that jcarbolng 5-1,000,000 pounds, and the stock nt the close of the year 7,000,000 pounds. Itospcctlng tho future production it is bcllc\ed by enthusiastic Californium that the gieatost proportionate lucreaso, as In tho past, w 111 bo on tho Pacific coast. It Is possible for tho Pacific coast states and territories to produce 100,OQQ,000 pounds of copper alone within a few years If a market can be found for It. post inortcurtnquosts. One objection pointed out to the exiting hew was that It loft It optional with supervising Inspectors whether they should supervise'tho noik 01 subordi¬ nates or not. Tills dvlcot was caused by a mlsconstiuctlon by tho board, of a certain Section of the Revised Statutes. The matter having been laid before the department, It Issued the order rofeied to, correcting this , tlilsnilsappiehonslon. Construed plainly the nrdei Blinply diiects supervising Inspectors topetsonally investigate the work of local inspectors, wlieuovci accidents occur, and not allow them to do It themselves, bo, alter an accldeut, the public Is at least to have the satlstaotlon of knowing Hint Its cjitise must ho inspected by tho supervising inspectors. Possibly tho incompetent sub¬ ordinates who did the bogus Inspecting wills under this rule, be removed, but It will only bo to make room for other political favoiltes as Incompetent as the old was, when all v, ill go smoothly untll.iiiiothor explosion occurs. This patch but serves to show the Inadequacy of the whole. It Is thorough Inspection: that Is wanted at flraC Tho retnovnlof a lew,, subordinates Is poor recompense fpi loss of life and monoy. Tho second and tbird clauses of tho recent circular are also makeshifts whloh have but little curative Effect and do not meddle at all with causes. If neglect or failuto to peiform duty Is found tho supervising Inspectoi Is ordered to report to'tire department, and supervising Inspectors can assume oiiglual jmisdlctlon In investigating licensed olllceis of steam vessels and revoke their licenses It necessary. Tills Is tho entire giouud covcied by the order. Its directions clearly relate to action aftoi tho disaster has occurred. It must bo apparant to every ono that an entire reversion ol this order of things must be accomplished bofore tho public can have anv security In the maltoi of boiler Inspec¬ tion The present law delegates authority 40 the board of supervisors, which meets oucu a jcur In Washington, and Is composed of dlsliict inspectors, to make its dwu laws governing the service which they them¬ selves execute. Hero, at tho louiidatlou ol the system, Is where the trouble lies It I1 Is deemed wrotmg fur local inspectors, the appointees ot Hiipervislng Inspectors, to In¬ vestigate their own blunders, why is It not wroung to give the supervisors the same authority over themselves The next enormous mistake Is found in tho nuleclion of subordinates They do tho Initial and all Important work ol Inspecting Itself and.should be maslcis of the In¬ tricacies of mechanism, Heroin lies safety. Now what is the state of thing's? Instead tff the law making It obllgatoiy upon super¬ vising Inspectors to make appointments of suboidlualcsfioui licensed officers of slonni- erB. musters, pilot", mechanics or engineers', persons having qualifications for the dim, as it should do, there is no such provision hi It, and probably no such Intention. Judging from custom, the local inspectors are coin sldered n part of the political patronage of tho district. It may bo that cpinWent holler Inspectors aio to bo found among ward polttlcaiiH, but tu our opinion, the probability Is so slight that a 'provision cutting them oil would be about as sonslblu as 0110 permitting their selection. But In point of fact no man should bo held I lnoliglblo on tho sole giound that ho is a I politician. There may como a day when louml In aiiothor coluinu oMhla paper. It4-of-taklng tho surest moans -ef preventing covers, but ono of tho rotten -spots ln,tlie| thorn, whole weiik fabric, anil rdlateB "chiSllj to The regatta Monday" ol the yacul club was asuciessftil one, and last time was made. Tho warei was smooth and the w|nd right for yachting, the coulee being ton miles, which was sailed with sluieta stretched The judges wore tendered the stoaniyacht Wlnnlfred by Mr. Eells, for which courtesy the association return their sincere tlvunks. The special prize will be awarded at the next monthly meeting of the association. The entries woro tho Circe, Lulu,"Streii, KOCH 1)11 Y llunglng Rook Glinrconl No. 1 Hanging limit Charcoal No 3 Strong Neutral Coke No 1. " « No 2 . „ tin n to tu 2. 2J5I1 " J3 20 1060 ' 20 BO 18 00'" 10 00 oinev wimp. ti; 0010117 so 10 60" H00 VoutralCoke . ... (old Short , CAIt WI1URC AMD UAI l,KAIIt.K. Itonglng Rock, sirictly told blast (28 00 loft 711 '" " warm blast 24 00 " U 60 Lake Superior " Vuloan" all [Trades , 2'l 60 Southdrn Car Wheel, sirictly cold blast S8 00 " » 00 Aniorloiia Hootch ' ..... J^, I860 " WOO SIGNALS ON SMALIv CRAFT. There appears to bo a commendable dealro on the part ol United States nlllclals to en¬ force the laws 1 elating to mtylgalioii of wa¬ ters In this vicinity, especially In tho mattor ol canylng proper lights between snnsotutid, sumise. Masters ot tho lar'goi cinfta are supposed to know what the law7 requires, but among the many people who take an - evening row or a twjllght sail, few, jf any, iindeuiitiid tlio requirements tho law makes on them, 01 tho ponnlty they are liable to If tlioy do not comply with tho law. Tho rtirSs require that all water craft navigating any bay, liaiboi, or river, by hand-power, sail, or the river, or which shall bo anchored or moored In or neai tho ohaiinol or'falrway of «ny bay, harbor or river, slinll carry ono or more good white lights between sunset and sunrise. F01 a neglect to comply with this provision the penalty is* a fine' of $200, one- hall of which goes to the Infouoer. It may at first eight appoar absurd to require such small craft as rowboatx and canoes to cany lights at ulglu, but Judge Bond, of the course rirco In I ulu In Siren In Pnisy in Rover In hlu In ill 10 2 J2 5 2 n 4(1 m • 48 2" , , IJ31S Lulu was awarded the Hist prize, $35 and the champion flag; Ida, second inize, <c!5, Rover, third prize, $15; and Daisy fouith prize, tl'2. The judges weie A. M. Van Duser, H. O.S^Iielps, Captaln'Qoodwin and Captain Peckam.S FROM I HE Ul'L'IiR MISSISSIPPI. Sftectat Correijtonilrnct ttf the Mai hie Jieconl Trade In the upper Mississippi river has been iinusiuilly good and continues to be so, though the extrenm low v, aier at present is so great a hindranco that vorj many of tho bouts are thinking of lay liigtip. TI13 Saints Line of packets are not limning their side wheel boats any further up than Hustings, though the Diamond Jo Line continue to go clear tluough. The rafting steamers are (enabled to work only by lUnnlug their jalts in two pieces and eveij then some of the points are difficult to make. The mills In Lako -it Croix, have great difficulty In launching thoii cribs of lumboi after build¬ ing them in the rafting shod, though the supply of logs Is greater than has evei been known at this time ot the year. Woik hi "Beef Slough" has been entirely suspended 0T1 account of the luck of wuter, though fioni <tho present prospect we will have a rise, for the weather is eery cold and, a continuous rain has fallen for twemv-four hours. Should wo have water Ibis will prove one ol the best steamboat seasons for many years lor the crops are splendid all tho way Irom St. Louis to St Paul. Daisy, Rover and Ida, the following score. ..- showing the time in which they sailed irnrfU1'1"*" StateB Cliciilt Court, In tlio case ol I the United States vs. one raft of tlmher^aiul which caso holds thatthls rule implies to ail water craft, says " 1,'Jio importance 0) these rules Is Inestimable and undisputed. Upon thelr-tlgid enforcement depends the^reser- vatlon of both life and property." Any per¬ son taking a boat to row alter the hours ot sunset, and who does not carry a white light as providod by this rule, offers an excellent chance to any one to make $100 by com¬ plaining to the United States Commissioners. AROUND THE LAKES. IRON MAKKET REPORT. E L Haipur it: Co., of Cincinnati, furnish l tho following 1 cport of the tone of the Iron' market and the ruling prices The market continues In a comparatively lethargic condition. Some huge eiders and numerous small ones have boon booked the past week at fall prices, but the business lacks spirit In tho main bujofs aio hold¬ ing off till the latest moment for supplies, buying tie'queiitly In small Installments. The demand, however, Is up to tho output ol the lurniiu'B, fully J50, or about half, being out of blaBt, prices are lu consequence pietly -well sustained and further reductions are not reasonably expected, Choice • silver gVeys command figures about equal to No. 1 strong foundry irons und are scarce. Con¬ sumers using Its product will bo gratified to leain that Licking furnace "blew In again to¬ day. Old mils havo advanced 10 $22.50 cash at Cincinnati, and 3,600 tons havo boon placed' hero t|io past teiulaya. Theukk a healthy domond for maiiufacture/lroiytlftPTlilJIs bolng fairly actlvo. We qiuho-es prices cur¬ rent four months' tlnjo. flKM'LAND. The Wallula will take a cargo of railroad iron for Dnluth. The Minnehaha will go into .Globe dry-„, dock to-d ly. Grovei & Sou furnished a now set of sails to schooner John Martin. I he tugs Helcne and AniadeuS received repnhs at Smith drydock. Much complaining Is made by vessel men of the shallow water1 atPoit Arthur. Tho steamer Fred Kelloy and J. S. Tuy will next winter ri>celve compound engines, to build by the Globe Iron Works. It is said Captain Thomas Wilson has con¬ tracted with Messrs. Qiiayle & Son for a boat, to bo built after the model of the Wallula. The steamer Agnes has been purchased from tho Marine Cltv Steam Companv by lid J. Dnnaghuo and others lor $8,000. She will be placed 011 the loute between Dnluth and Islo Royale. It la said that while Captain Murphy of Dctiolt was lu Cleveland on Tuesday he made a contract with the owners of the lilehard Wlnslow for her release, she being ashore oil Point Edward Iho Glolfclron Works Is building a lug, scvci} part of which Is to consist ol lion She-wUMie 08 feet keel, 17 Icot beein and ten feet dVr> and will havo a 20x20 engine and a 7'j>)foot hollei, and will Luuuiu 8 ftet 8 Inch wheel. 'Iho frames ate uji and she Ik well uudci way Robert Wallace has presented to Captain Trinter a tine pastile painting of the Ouoco The picture was made by D. V Nlckoison and pleased the captain voiy much. Mt NlekorsQu has also Just finished aud-lor- w 111 (led a pastile painting ot the stcamei Massachusetts, which was so much admired that 11 duplicate has been ordorcd. No cimiteia weie loported yesterday, but rates are 111 in at previous quotations, $f50 from Lscanaba to Lake Lrle poits and about $1.75 frouit-MniqiioUta., T he rates on coal to Dnluth are steady at %\ 00 and to Chicago at 75c, and on corn 2%o havo been mode. The schooner Polton wheat, Clove- land to Unllulo, Jo. At Die Globo drytlock the schooner C 11. Johnson had some calking done. The tug Mary Vlrginlu Is lu drydock to lnvo u leak