THE MARINE RECORD THE LIFE SAVING SERVICE, An Interesting session of-the board of United-Strifes Life Saving Sorvice superln- . tcndcltt's'was hold at Buffalo on the ,'ld In¬ stant Mdlsciiss plans for improvement.In the , service m(d.promotliig safer navigation. The following gentlemen assembled: S.L'I(iin- . ball,,general superintendent; Frank It. Bil- by, President of the. Board; Captain James H. Morrlmiin. United States revenue marine, i Inspector of life-saving sti|iluns:Capta|n D. A. Lylc. ordinance department UnlteiLBtiilc,. army; Lieutenant Thq'miis D.1' Walker, United States, marine, assistant, inspector llfo saving stations,, recordor oraocrctary; Benjamin C. Sparrow, superintendent nee- odd district llfo saving service; David P. Dobbins, superintendent ninth district life- saving service, nnd John C. Pnttorson, kvop or station No. 1, fourth district llle-savlng, -sorvice. Three reports were received, the ' most interesting of which, was that of Cup- tain Sparrow, an old Capo Cod life-saver, on the subject of using oil to calm the angry waters". He ltilds the average force of At¬ lantic Ocean, during tho summer months, 011 pounds per square foot, and'for the win¬ ter morths 2,080 pounds. During a heavy-] giilo a force of 0,083 pounds have been ob¬ served. This amount of force Is now sought to be rendered harmless by the use of oil. Ho flnCi, as a result of Interviews with fish¬ ermen and whalers, that vessels lying under "ranging sail" no benefit Is derived from the use of lubricants. Wheii_a .vessel makes a dead; drift directly bofore tho wind, 611 is an vfleotlvo means of safety. Plans for using It hitherto consisted of knocking In the heuiii- - of barrels and permitting thoall to drip from ■ the decks. Superintendent Richardson, ot the- life service? presented a dovlco In oil - tanks, witli faucets carried ahead In boatr. , Captain Baker proposes shells tilled with o(l 'and throwjLfrniu a gun or mortar.* Othei • plali's/W'fll bo~cBnsldjjred. The oxpcrlmerii, ■ of the committee, headed by Captain Spar. roy/,-ivere mainly devoted to the use of oil . - upon the Bfea, whei e ft breaks upo.n the shore The Nickel Plate! Known to Ken or Hue ihd Science for Reuovino ALL IMPURITIES OF-THE BU10D. leuavMitf • Oru], Fliuu!, ul loditt Dm for cow8TiPATiow,3,„'artiili;:'.tr"'h DYSPEP3IA,li!-°^l,l'>;Jm!,'l",.a- LIVER j Mii-m n»fi.i-»; IHHbtjihmi, «»l»rl». Chilli ■ail .. ,-— farar, outline aonneu'ln bank ilm .bottom ofrlbti; ...... .TsTT- ELASTIC MIXED PAltfTS; OFFICE ANIHMCrolJY 3fi Michigan St., CLEVELAND, OHIO, _____ nf rib*; w^ftriitpw,, Irrldiblllty, tonffiio ennted, iikln yc.Imv, lint mid cold m-ii* cd feollnir. Irregular pulw, bml colored ftonk APflPLFVY ^■■•iwv.PawiyniMifo HrUrUUA 1 hlrrhr^ml In nah, ^.l.llti^-c Utar* itw, Irtti of miraorj*. DIhsim nf nilddar and IfiniirVfi iirlnBilarkDrllglit.rediltMMiJI; mun6Tq' liurnlti(r.MlnRtnir,U*arhiir<liiwu ■ Mnmllonit frer|n*nt dcilr* in nrlnaln, nn*tilnr>i*. Inflnmed •jtt, dark clrclfi, thint nitrMWii'or IIFADt • J*r"« palm, flutlfrinjr or »«lglit nmr wlion l>Inaron laftifdef nut nf breath ni\ oxcrthri, nEtnunynimf trn or head; falpinm, limit'*. Dropair ii fltiiMt) by witerr (InId. Rhrnm*> llaiflf *eM by nrlo told In l>lrml. Ilowrl Dll* nrtlitt4* lijoftmtpt matter. Worm* l>v tlio roita ■wltliin.___Colds hr ehoklnf of ths »cnttianiL MWATNK'N PIMM, by K*>At\t aotirm, ramovei tho curiae, maklnrj a narmanent cum. Root by mult fat PhlUdelplUm Pa. Sold by DruHin«;, M. V. B0H0KAN, Proprietor, The Madison, J(KOHSIKKf.V IlKVKIIf! HOUHK) Detroit, Mich.. • Mom Ontrnllj- IrfKniml. " Street ears pass the, ilooi-i every low liiiniires to Depots and all - parts of tho CitV. Three minute's walk tn I. S & ,M S, '!> & M, and WaViish Hepnts. Bates »1«0, to tS.OO per day. NKW YORK, <IIII;A(I0 RAILWAY. A St. LOCH (In t"«o«» B,» »IO»,- . H ItAKI), II. II. RAND & BURGER SHIP-BUILDERS, .' ' • >VITIL AXTA4KEO TO T1IK U'OItKX. ALSO l'KEI'AKED- TO DO WREOKIN&'AND TOWING . WITH TUB Tug John Gregory.. Vessels Docked and Re¬ paired on Short Notice. MANITOWOCWIS. Vessel me HrtOUlM HAVE OUR MARINE UW BOOR ContaitiiiTg nil poinm of MAHINIC LAW toriflined by tlio United titiitesroiuts (is ri<>- Senmeti, FriiljjIitK, Townfffl, .» CoUUNiiim, . Onnornl Avernirn, Dutlni «f Hrninrn, Owiiftru, Chnrt«m,' Knrollineiitii, •Cninmon pjirrlcm, MnMtem Si Owner*, X^lillof Ludli'iir, AVnffeN, Ac, Thi» voluulit In handnomely iiound 'In stiff Bomd coM>rB,.iiud iii(o«KiiKll8li cluth binding. Huottsof tbia kind gontiinlly cant 9^-OU, hut #o will tteud it lo any odtlrt'Hs, jiostngo pnid for $1.2o, or with thoMAltlNK RECORD tax ono year, both i"or only SII.OO. Adilrewi Marink HkcoRP. ClevDlmid O. WIELD Wrecking & Towing Line, MECHANICAL NEWS. ., [il.Liis'iHATi:iii : $l.p|LPER YEAR With 'Premium. Sample Copies Free. "• ' JAMES LEFFEL 4. CO. J,Nn. 110 Lllwrtj- St.. >^w VoVk. N. Y. The, pimcnacr oqulpnlfnt of Dili No» TnulkLlirt In nil now an>r li,ili|>p||n| with tho latut ■pplltncM ' necwBnry lo tnfn jpicody and conitorlnlilo inUl thttrTioMc.'.- ""• ",",'00, "" "' ™ »"".'"" GOING EA8T.V Lv. Caltngo ....."'.'S.I6 n in................... Arr. Vol, iiiulw., 111.09 ■■.............. ............ " Kort Wsyuo, l.'lo ,,. in.........,„.,................. " Now IJnvon,. 1M " „ ............•"' " West Lolpilo. •1.00 " -,.„."";"".............."" . " Armdlj.........11,10 '• ,. .. .............. " Fmlorln......... Mb " ■ .....'.".,..................... " Greon Springs a 12 '« ....................... " BoltuTiiu........ l)Aft Ly. Ilollovun........ Arr t'lovoliuni.,,... Lv, CloToIanil...... Arr I'alntlivtllu.... " Aflhuibnla...... " ConiioDut...;,., " Erlc.J.......... " Dunkirk..;__., " BlllTnlo........... BEE LINE Cleveland, Columbus, 'Cincinnati and Indian- apolts Railway/ The Great Central Trunk Route to the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. .. U.K. ■ " 8110 II • 111. . u.yj " 10.99 „ 111. 't I. .1 II " flOIM, 1 WKht. .10.1,1 u. ...11.IW ' ,. 1.39 |i. . SRI • . 1129 •' . I.lil '• "* . •■ 7.U (l. 759 •• (i nil " .... ii.iii ■• ....'10 07 •' III. .......f..... ....;........, Aceoiu. 4ai p. m 9-3(1 « ii m " .0 95 •■ I>*!ive. 0.V, ii. m. ;n •• H 11 " If.i") '• Tugs, Hawsers, lighters, Steam Pumps, Lifting Screws, To \w Inul mi show F. «c H. BORN, PLUMBERS. Mannfactnrersof Hotel Ranges & Laoudry muM Dealer in ■ A. O. WIIKKLKIt, MllllBKIT. , 4i> inullur li'liKnipli. \) CHAM. G\KWICII. WmicIi1iiK MiiiuT. THREE TRAINS WEEK DAYS, TWO TRAINS SUNDAYS,' Loitve Clovclniul. with Tlirougli Pnlnee Conulios inul Ele^U'iit Sleuplii|rCurs, for, COLUMBUS. CINCINNATI, INDJANAPOLIS TERRE HAUTE —AND — ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CIIANGK. ThiH in tho only iiiiunmkiuK Dfreot Connection with'all the principal Trunk Llutin of tlio' K»nt for all Houtliorn.'Southwcntcrn utnl Western pipniw, tillhcr by wn)' of Cincinnati, liullnnnpolia or Si. LouliauU ul' UnUwiiy Town* . .»1ISS0UJU, ARKANSAS, ' TEXAS, KANSAS, NEHRASKA, COLORADO NEW MEXICO, OLD MEXICO ANDTilK rACIFIC COAST. Lv Uiifliilo.......... AJr Ifunklrk....... " Krlc,.(........... " Cotinenuf...... " Afllitabtilit...... " rainunville.,,. " Clovvlaml..... Lv Clovi'lnmt...... ArrBelluviie......... i Lv Bolloviie.......... " (ireen SprliiK". ' Fottorln...... 11 Arcmlln........... " Went Lrlpile.. " New Iluvt'ii... " Finj W.tyuo;. ............. .... •• VnlpmiMt....................... liyj *• chl«»K» •••..-................... H-V0 "f TrahiH ruifby Cohiiiiliiis time, which la tvuuty .... iitonfnstur ilimr CIiiciiku tlin<>, tlvu minutes flower than Cltvolnnd. mxl sixtuim uilnttiesHlowvr than Buf- fulotimo. Furiumriiintio noiiy. or ndilrt'iw B. F. HOnNLH, (ivn'l 1'iihMtnger Agent, LEVIS WII.MAMU. « Orueral'Mannftcr. Cleveland, O, Itucky.Hlvor Acioiniuotlatlon <l'T"irt*nt 7.60 a in, Idailvji 'J. [dnllvJ:.lUJ5 a.m. |><>iiil»y only J; \:m ]i. hi. {ilnilyl: 4:'J5 pT in (.Smuliiy «iil> j; 7.00 \i. hi. [Sumliiy only), rjididumizumodiiiiofiili-ijiiriffat 1; p. m; lilutlyf, 5 45 p. '" '•1"n- ■■-■ " p. in. [HnmJiiv only j ' milt- call on'aenrenl u^eiit uf the Cum- [dully cxcujil SuihIii 16 New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio R. R. (1'onuMly A. ,1 (I. IV. lUilkoliil.) NEW YOIIK. HONTOX AMU Tilt EAftT. Tile NtlorffHl nml Unlckrot Ronle lo l*tUn burv, Wnahluiiton nml llnlUihorc fillil <hd Nonffirniif. Equipment New and Comprising all Improvements. Modern 12fl SUI'KIUOR S'l'.. CLEVELAND. O.' Grain. Comdoo, *■■ ~S~~r ~ AND Vessel Brokers, . ' ^ DULUTH, MINN, : ' Capt. D. S. Webster, 1 VE.V1IX AND INSUI1ANCU AdKNT. Wood, Fence Posts, Bark, KTC, BOUOHT AND (IN t'llMMIwKIN. Cbarterini anil Freighting of Canadian Coarse Freights Specialty. ~W 64 Woodbrldtje Street Detroit, Michigan. GLOBE IRON WORKS, Iron Shipbuilders, Machinists, Fonnders and Boiler Makers, Corner ElmandSpruoe Sis., Cleveland, 0, en a I,. DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. liaHtl'lfiri HTUAJI 4'U.tI.. MARINE LAWYER. KNEIPI& MORRISON. rttOtTOUMK ADMHIAI.TY, llfi Monriiii SI lloom M Clil.-ni.-i. The Best Roadbed and the Safest Road in the West. E2PTIcket& at nil rugulnr ' E. B. THOMAS, Generul Minilgor. A bj' tliliuii TukolTOIll anlo J. lupulnr i-gnto for llluei. 0. B. SKINNER, 'Inilllo Mmniuur. SMITH, (Jfiu-rul I'BvViengur Agtut. OLKVKLAND. OHIO. CLm'KLANI), COMtttlltJH. I'lNUNNXTI A 1N1;I- ANAI'OLlh. Coiuuiuncliiii 8iilld|y, .luuu 'J^tli, trulnaof thffKuu Mia>-t-ClitTelutid, raliimhun^'liu'lnuatt \ ludiuuapulls Idillway will li'uveund arrUu ufrUividuiid na (ullown No i, Clni'Inniiil \ rtiliiiiibui Lxiiroan...... No. U, IndlttiMnolin A rV hrrllnff hxprrw „ Mo. 17,fjpoclnltVlHuilma,t OmlinmU Ex. No. II, HpociiUnU A8U lxiuw Lxpreaa . No, fi. Col, Cln., Ind. Jt St. LonJn bxpreu., Nfl'iflL_* w- * Q«Uto»jA«.......^...... Dnjiurt LA UN I IKY. Boat washing-and aeneral laun¬ dry in a few hours. CLEVELAND STEAM LAUNDRY, 33 St. Clair Street. Telephone 118. Xii. 1, Col. * tin. £ Iml.'Kipreii.......-...... No. ». C.USW. Aco.............................. Nil 12, tit, Luuln & fmlUnniKilla Kxpreu... Nn, ti, Col. Clii. ,t Iiiillunnpuun Kx]iruim..„ Nu, i. ('oliiinluis.1- llii^liiiintl Kipri'iu...... Nn. 10, Wlwi-'lliiw UxpruM......,................ No. H, (lliiflliliall ,> N Y. n»t l.ln TiiiIiih iiiurknl fionilm .U.l.y.'«ll.,.!.,. «mm a M 7.-I0 A M I..10 I' M °2iW V M •7.10 P M _M0 P M Arrive.' •7:10-A M 10-tfS A M »3.JU H Jl 111.1m |- M <-3 ,VI 1' M 71,', I'M I 1(1 V M llillim ililly 1 m-i].! WV^TtilB 1, thnonly loiite t)jr which paswDj IDROn Yorli ( in c«n City No chuogt ranch Corry Kliuln, llliiKtinmpuiii, No* -^d Intenuwllnlii potllta without rhmgo. to llotiloo tuil N'uw KnKliml Citlos. BaK8anu choikoil tliroliKh to all potuu Rant Through tickela ami Information rflardlng tha routs can he obtained at the btllce 11)1 flank alree,, anil at now Dcpo' 0' N- V., P A O.K. II.,South Wateralnot and VUduet, Clercland, O. Gen'l PaSB<r A^t.Clevelaud, O. „ ., J. Jl KE)tRlS, ■ Oop1!. M»*'*r. Clmeland. O, .....,\.tX"?«>?Wu .1 U. L..POUT ramnpir A(t«nl, ISl Bunk St. Clevelana, DEAN & CO., 1IDA1' iiuii.iii:ils /Rtff SALE. 111.ynrtll 35 feet lonK l) f,.,.t Wan,, :i loi'l . v tim.iiiul arllfiiitiid, Kniiulrnor Ii. I'. \JihKliMi\. Cucllil AieiiueSliiliiin JOR SALE. An Iriiiiyaeht IIMiul limn very flnelly nni,lied una. rtirnUlied. llrull 3 l-l*. kvt ruin, very fiui •|.i"liilio,i[Il. I'. Nlctrnuiir UmUeB. lllock Uuclld AveSlallon. r Until liirllier n.illre trolna will len»e from tho new Central Deput, s.luih Water aireotand Vludiiet us lol- 7 0(1 0 m- ATLANTIC KXI'HIi.S-(Dall,) Pull. I.ill d, 111, man Bleeping u,„l i,„t,f coiuhe, from U-avmahiirgh 11 IB a. m. lo Now York, Alliany mid lloiton »ithoul Uiange. llirlor < ur front Clot eln.,1 and .Suhininni 11 Arriio ut Meadville at 11-20 0.111 (dliinerl Kriuik.....•>:& p. 11, , oil City loo p ni On'. ry 1.1M p. in., .hiiueBtown' (Luke Chaulnuqiiu) "'lM u ",',! B.u?»l»»'l"i,P- »> IhicheBler b.-.-lo p. ni.; HorniS^ Tllle 1,10 |i 1.1 [Biipiierl; ComlnK 8:25 p. m. Elrmm 8:57 p 111. Illnglmiitoii 10.58 p. in., Albany f,ftOa lu Boitou 2:46 p. ni.; New York 0:fi0 a.m. 9 •Afl T1 m UMlTp KXI'IllXS-lliraunl, p„||. g iJU Ui HI, lliilil slociiiiig much from Clerolanil to Nuw\ork. Arrne8ut.Meail»llleatil-.Mn. in ,Jui„,,. limn 11-13 p. in., Suhnniiuca 10:10 p! m. New York 10:25 a. 111. ll'IK II 111 ^I(i,"T,uKXI,'"-SS-tI»aIly except 11 ,UJ 11, 111, Minilii)) Seeping conch from Cleveland llornclhAlllo Arrive at YouugBtowu m 1:55 a „. MeadvUjM.NI1». in., Curry 6-20 n. ,u. Jnmintown o'ls a! "Ili "JPS-""* "' ."'•' ,ltoch»""'r 110 11, m , IIoriieIN, Tfllf,/1.20a 111 , Corning 1253 1,in. hlmiru 1:21 *. m. 2 50 p Ul„ New York 11.26 p 111. Arrho ot HlKhiirgh «I5 a m,»ltliont .limig,..' "" Wfl II IU •I'TTSBliltOll i:XPUE,ss - Ifally - AiJU U.J11. Ilirongh without clmiigo, Parlor curjil- laehod. ArrIvoaot Voungalown S.-rf p in., Pltl»hure 7:.8 Ji, in., Wmhlnglon 7.1W a. 111 , Baltimore 8:1U u in ■lM H III AJAlToNINH ACCOMMODATION - 4,|JJ Vi 111. Slopping 01 nil wirr-B'auonB, nrrivineat 1 ouiigBlown 7 2-1 p 111 , Shaioji 8 30p. ni , Shurrwvlllo SI4?1'-.'!'- ,C<-onm-cl» nl U-nvlIuhurgh Altti train No 20 for Mimdvllle und liilcriiiedlirre~JiolnU Airlvusat Mcu.lvlllc 11:20 p. iii_ 7 'Ofl 0 m I'ln'SBTlJlllll KXI'IILSS- liully- I 16U d. 111. Ibroilgh wllhoiit clinugo. ArrlieB at YoungilownlooO u 111, Sharon llOJu in., Hhnrna- illlell.lO a.ui.J'ltlBbiirgh 1245,, „, netur-nlii,, - Jl-uvcb lltj-ihul^b at 4 48 n m,8;>l3a. tn 1-80 11 111 and 4:20 p, m ' " ' Ufl/i a til voiiMiKi'owN anii m-rsiniui,n ,„ UO d. 1, ArCOMtlOllA-noN-sloupIng at all Way •Inlloos, arriving at YoungBtowu 1:45 burgh.d.lO p. m. 'Trains arrive' bi, Cleveland, 6 40 n. 111. 7-05 i, m IO.06 a. mi 1 00 p. ol , nnd 111:15 p. in,- 514