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Marine Record, September 6, 1883, p. 7

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w •-C THE-MARINE RECORD. ENOlNKKWNG'ANl) MKOH/f-NlOAb. Mr. J. A. Whcnlcr, pf Vnntltiltn, Jlo„' lllia rceunlly initiililiu] M Inbricator for t!ii(jlii« cylliultTB, thu nlpjuct. ol'. wliicli U to- iinivkli! '- for irtvl.HK n ri>Kiilm> mid ^inilnm.ic) "iipply of oll.lo oinrlno ('.mIIihIoih iii'iiI v»Ive» Iivhii- tomntlu irtfni.a npl-riitvtMiy ili« cnirjiii;. It COIISlrltH III (111! <«lllllillllt|llil,Wllll IH> l|||.IMI|l, of ii |ilini|i(>r feed roil, .HGlhiK lo suinily u. qiiiiiulty ofoll to l1i(!'Hiinin pipe; Mr. M..W. \('«uoinb,of JlmyHvllli!, Km-v In tlioiinteiiloe of a liBW'tiiipiovniiiunt In 'liliotojjfiiplilc plalii liolilciii, liy whliili nirii- . nicy of fouus nnil mplilliy of work U nmnn- pll'liod. Tim" pliiliV holder U ruvuralble to - rocclvn dlflerpnt t\m\ nlatiw on oppoxlii! sides of llie liohloiv 'J'iiln lovuniloii IrJluii porthnt to plintogmiiliers ,who Imvo Several liersons lo phuuigrnpli nn tttll'eient • flzuil phitcs about Ijhe sniiie lime. ' • Mr. LehbeiiR Slmkliii'/of ^liirnlillidil,' Ore- . Ron, U.tho piitenteu of mi iippuriitiiii Intend- od to prevent bollercxpli)«li)r,i. T|i« liivchlor provides li brond lliint iittnehi'd lo ii Kiisplpe, thohitle'r Of w'lileh hn's pei'l'oi-.iildiis nciir the llout for enrryliig n|>' ijie-(juseii which ihe In. venlor ehdnm lo he'the eause oflmllei' ex- ]ilosloii»,',l|iiiK lenderlii); bolleiv «ife wllh ii . very Bintph; vonirivaiicu. A latent for prolu-lliig widiili'ii piles ol l»'ld|;er, (locks, cie., Inun worms'mid iiireeK - or fro.ni l1iu elleci tif iihcrniltii wi'tiln^niiil drying, hiisheen pntenieil by .Mr. I). II. Val¬ entine, of linioklyii, ^,". V. A 111<111111 \h jihiced round Ihr pile which Is In he Itemed, nVtcr It h»f .Iwen driven iimi llie grinuiil, l'orlliind or utlifr eeinent is iben poured in¬ to the mould.' after the water has been puntped out.; Aflt-r llie eeuieut (leennies liaril llie shield Is removed, when a canvas shield Is siiiehcd iiniiinil tliu^lle lo iirotvut the eeinent.. Mr. John S. tirltlln, of Xewlmrg, Cleve¬ land, O., hiispiilenied an huprnveu rolling 'mill, (or rolllnc s|(rini»s ami sleigh shoes, mid tapering the samcou ihullat sides ami edges. On a shafl above the rolls double emus are uioiinied directly above tile hear¬ ing blocks, so that when the shall is rotated the double cams will piefson Uni bearing blocks, and will thus depress the journal boxes of the upper roller and move llie roll¬ er, so as to Impart the proper form ,to the sprliij! or sleigh shoe. Au Improvement in ore and sione crush¬ ers bus recently been patented by Mr. Dan¬ iel lireuiinn, dr., of tirarigc, N..(. The In ventor provides a movable Jaw the lower part ol'whicli is adjustable Independently of. tbo inovoinentoi thu upper portion, and lias a simple contrivance for regulating the movement. The movable jaw Is hinged to the ridged jaw at its upper portion by a U- j-hapud boll, wliicli enables the movable law to be readily taken from ihe main, •jnw and reversed end for end, or side for side, so that Paper Mill Bleachers StRolories. Gasomtilcrs,Salt Pans Smote Slacks. hi dli kinds of Heavy RjIc & Sheet IronVbrk. OFFICE SctVbRKS, «t4.246'. 248.250.252.Ai;i.254. ';-■ •i-"Per'ry.'.St. OIL STILLS & AGITATORS. Repairing ftomptly ittendodta ' T0 ^OiOOO.Bb15- TAHKS. -MANCl-'AITCKKItS OI-- iif AMEItlCA^, nt'SSIA and ITAI, BAY'S SlVi'lCE. MANILA mill SISAl. Ill ns the jaw becomes worn it may be rovorsed, thus rendering the entire machine more en- - during. The inventor is a piactlcal road maker, nnd Ills experience In crushing stones for iiiacailiuni/Ing purposes has led to this improved machine, which It Is believed is .destined to supersede many of the stone crushing mncliiues in uses.—Scientific Amer¬ ican. ... _______ BUFFALO BREAKWATER The engineer in charge of the Improve¬ ments nt Buffalo harbor roports as follows: I n rebuilding the superstructure of tho break¬ water, now that there Is no settlement of the superstructure, It would bo well to modify the plan by building the superstructure for two-thirds its width on the land side to the liiglit of only 50 feet above thu water level, nnd the outer thi.d on the Lake side to tho lilght of 12 leet above that level, as has been done with good cfleet In tho East breakwater nt Oswego, N.Y. The lower plat wmlil then be high enough for all ordi unry weather, vyhlle the upper one would shut out tho 'sea. Tills method would not Increase thu cost of eons ruction, and the stability where a 111 in foundation exists, as In this case, would not unaffected.-To rebuild the superstruc¬ ture lu this way. would cost about JH0 per lineal foou A construction of tho breakwater ex¬ tension and repairs Is a work cuiitoiilphitcd during the fiscal year ending June 3Qth, 1885. The following monoy statement accom¬ panies tho report; On July 1st, 1882, the amount available was |03,fl'i3; the amount appropriated lu 1882, »1.25,OO0; total, »188,- 023; amount oxpended ,Tor the fiscal year «ndcd June 30th, 1883, exclusive of out¬ standing liabilities July 1st, 1882, $51,-1(11; -July, 1st, 1883, outstanding liabilities, $10,- 000; total, |67,527; July,1st, 1883, amount available, (121,300; amount (estimated! re¬ quired for the completion of the existing project, $1,330,000. The amount that he can nrontnbly expended for the fiscal jfearerid- [ ,1 una 30th, 1885, In 1300,000. very hCHt niin'ifcy neitlc lo onlet AT ONE CORDAGE * OAKUM. PAtJjO; IIKMI ii3.wallv1treet, new Factory,Brooklyn, N. Y. YORK. SIGNAL LAMPS, " .' ; "/ :"..' -with- • ' . Patent'ffed Lens And Perfect Colors. . GET THE BEST & AVOID COLLISIONS. • Three I.Uiiipn pive it; more hrillam lljrlit lliuii tiny Sl'ntml Ijimp now In use. They Imvcheeii minuted by tho princlptil Ocean tm<l Luke Stenmers and Vowels ami areftir gale in the jirfncipal jioriH on the Atlutitlc count and lakes. Wrought Iron Ranges for Steamers and Hotels. Seiiil (»r i-a'alii^no. KKLTHOISKN * JMISHEI.L, Miilltifiirliiri-il l,y lat) * Ml MAIN ST., IlI'I'rAl.O, N. V. MAKING ENOINK WORKS T ROOT. 'TJLRRJUtT. MANUKACIUKKU OF Marine and Stationary Engines, ritOPELLEE WHEKI.S, V,EBSEL PUMPS & GENEHAI MACHINERY. ConpKHPOMmsrK Soucitbd, ., 00, S7 *AO Mlchlifiin SU C1IICACO ILL. NO ENGINEER Should be Content to run a Boiler, stationary Marine, without HOUGHTON'S BOILER AND TUBE COMPOUND, Which keeps ii free from Scale, Mud or Sediment, Prevents fnarriing nnd lessens the liability of Explosion. It saves FUEL, LAHOR and RE- - PAIRS. It is PURELY VEGETABLE and - Absolutely Safe. Semi for Circular pjvlitir full Information to HOUGHTON & CO, Sole Proprietor* ami MauufUcturert s. 130 Reade St., cor. Hudson, NEW YORK. or GLOBE IRON WORKS, |ron,$liipbuilders, Machinists, Fonnflcrs aiifl Boiler Makers, Corner Elm and Spruce Sts., Cleveland, (r. L CANFIELD Wrecking- & Towing Line, Tugs, Hawsers, Lighters, '. Steam Pumps, Lifting Screws, To Ik-liii-l <m fliort ii"tir.-, Im- until or tclc^rijili. , . A.O. WIIEELKK, Maiiai,'i CHAS. 'osEwrcn. Wri-ckliii; MiiMiir. II. II. Itl'ltllKH. RAND& BURGER SHIP-BUILDERS. CONTRACTORS 1 LESSEES OF DRY DOCK. If You Want the Best STEAM PUMP Taitntrr, Brcwerror ■nnirRennei7,Dr«liun|tt|iiiirrAeii,Cellar*or Planta- Honn, Irrliatlnir or Hydrmillc nlnlnc, Mlnklnc Foundatlom tnfTer Dam, sewer, Well Sinking and other Conn-attorn' Work, or naUInx nroll lug. SII ,#Klt Sl'OONS. ft \t not expcctcj'tlint I'vory ninn'wun born wllh ii "silver spoon in 1)1* month," but It Is cxiicutad that every mimslble. mini tlil» ulile of kliigdom come will piirclmiie a box of Sway'no's pllla—compoHCil of vnliinblc eon- ""•■uiilrated julucs of pliintu, witrrnntotl to euro the ifrcut vnfloty of illnouses wlileh begin In ileriiiigcmcnt of tbe utoiiint'li, liver nnil bow- ••ls. "j'ry ilicm once itiKl you will nlwny* u»e lliem.' 1'iiroly vi'j;el«b)c. Water for any Ulna of Nanuhtetarln* or Fire Purnoie, wHto for an illm- trnlcil .Iccrtiitlre book on tho MEW PULMOMETER, cnntalnlng greatly rnluccd .prlcoi, humlredi Qf tMtlmonlali. etc. Mailed free. Frtoca 100 per cent, lowor than ollior. Xverr pump tailed before sblptnent and guaranteed aa repreeehted. ECONOMY AND EFFICIENCY UNEQUALED. Pulsometcr Steam Pump Co., 83 John St,, New York City, TJ. 8. A. aj- See Prlcoa next laauo of thla Taper.-^m St. Mary's, Ohio. Montpellcr, Ohio. OAK FiCTOlllKa. I nreukeiirlilgc, Jlloli Ciirrollton, Mleli. I) ALSO PREPARER TO DO WRECKING AND TOWING WITH THE Tug John Gregory. Vessels Docked and Re¬ paired on Short Notice. MANITOWOCWIS. k CO.. i i ii ip 1111! »P Vessel Brokers, nt'LT'l'lI. MINX., ~r-"' MlNPFACTUBKHS AND IMrORTKRS OF CORDAGE, OAKUM, ANCHORS, ' Wire Rope; Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA BOLT-ROPE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, MARINK HARDWAKT- AND 18HIP OH.WDLEnS' GOODS OENERAI-LY Not 34 ft 39 SOUTH ST., HEW YORK- THE MARINE LAW BOOK _IS NOW ItKADY____ SEND YOUR ORDERS TO THE MARINE'RECORD. F.* H. BORN, PLUMMRS. Manufacturers of Hotel Raugcs & Laundry Stoves, and Dealer in laa.srpKRioR st,.'ci.evet,ani'). o. Capt. D. S. Webster, V1WKI. ANIi INSI^IiANCi; AUKNT. Wood, Fence Posts, Bark, r.TC, lli.il'iiHT AMi SOI.IniN Oimmissiun, GtaarterinE and Freiglitiig of Canadian Coaxsc Freights Specialty. No.£4V?odbrldje Street Detroit, Mlohigan. 40 291813

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