THE-MARINE RECORD. (Qhe Marine (Record* ,_ KSTAniiiNiiEit in isrs. ' sJSafend according* to the lawaof the Unttid Mates artho Post orftoo at riorolaml ss sec-ond-i-lyis ins'tor. Published wecily at No 2 South Water street, OloTeland, Olili A, A. POMEROT, Editor and Pronrielor. ilRAK^II OFFICE, 344 SOUTH WATER STREET, t'HM'AfsO. TERMS OF SIIIlSCnirTloNl Ono j«ar, postaso paid , Sir months, putaiio paid Invariably In advance. 92.00 . 1.00 ADVERTISING RATES. Ten cebta per line nonpareil measurement, or 91 20 -per Inch,each tniicrtlon, lour v/cols %4 00, with a libera -discount on ordirs amounting to 940 00 or over Articles, letters aifd queries on all subjects are solici¬ ted. _ •VTao Editor asauincs no responsibility for the opinions of correspondents , To Insure notice, contributor! must give name snd address, and wrlto on ono sltljr^f the paper onlj, THEMAItlNERECSRPllAs en Agent In every port an the Lakes and Itlvcrs, and will coaicqiientlr clrcu lste more or lese In all of thdm 'A* a rantlum for advertising It has no supcrlor^aiUt'clrculntcs among a class of people that can be ranched in, no otlior wnv_ EDITORIAL NOTES'. The public debt Wflffreduecd during Aug¬ ust $6,671,851. President Ahthub has not yet been cap¬ tured by the .cowboys. In the professional contest at Newnrk, Saturday, Hosmer won; Leo second, Ten. eyck third, and Ross fourth. Galse! won the corsolntlon purse, McKay second. Elliot and Riley fouled and withdrew. The Detroit Art Loan exhibition wag opened on the 1st Inst and was attended by » large number of people, all of whom were well entertained. Till* promises to be a greater success than any^ similar exhibition '-~~ol the kind ever held In the west The build¬ ing, of which we give a short sketch some time ago, occupies a centta], location, afford- r 'ng opportunity for the most convenient arrangement to furthor the objects of the enterprise. There ate alieady collected four thousand choice flillcles, Including iniinv beautiful anil rare paintings. James E. Deacon ol Port Buruell has placed a ncW blight light on his dock, made hv Fulthouseu A Buisel which he sajs, Is Just what he wants. Me shld it works like a chain) and that ho is better pleased with II than any light he has overseen The Jamp icfeied to Is two and one half feet high and out! and ono hull feet wide and Is piovlded with an cxtin large and powerful lens. Wo - take pi idc in noting the lact that the Fol- th,<ftuwm & lftissel ( ompanj, besides supply¬ ing signal lamps, to the more prominent ocean anil lake vesscli", lij Raining n very In stationary lights, nSj -.lliej haro manufactured that in use by (lib signal service at Iliillalo, a Jamp nearlj eight feet high and which Is provided tilth two tiers ol lens, and the ono at Iho titj water noiks inlet pier, In Niagara rlvei, both of ii lilcli give entire satisfaction, show¬ ing that these lump* ate not without honor in tiieli onn country. Dispatches fTotn Now Yoik report tcilflc cyclones in the ocean which resulted In much llamago to shipping and vessels on passage front Europe,*not one of the tiaiiBatlantic fleet havlrijfvcsoapcd their ravages. The Oeimaln, tho Spain, the llapsburg tho Jtottordam and tho Furnossia, all of whicli liave recently arrived, at New York bearing testimony of the extraordinary violence of the mldoeean cyelono, some ol them having ■uitalned serious damages. They also re¬ port having sighted sovoral dismantled ihlpi. The story of the hurrlcare.'when fully told, ■will have many traglo chapters. The Fuldo, of the North German Lloyd, tt hich arrived in the let Inst, reports having had the stormeat passage which she has yet experienced, terlflc ■winds and high westerly seas having pro- Tilled during the greater part of the time. The engine skylight was smashed In and two boats wore swept overboard. Lifeline! had to be stretched along the decks for the safety of the seamen. i BOlLEIt 'HfuPECPION. \ The explosion of the" holler ol the ato'aracr Illverdalo line brought out considerable (lis- cnsslon on the above matlor, a lid It resolves Itself, an do a good many other life and dualh duties, w here It haa Iclist fight to be connect¬ ed, Into the rcwaids unci emoluments of local politico, Let the motive which prompts Mils urtlclu bo lully understood at the begin- ning. Duties which Involio tho destitution ot human life and pioperty should be placed In the hat d* If competent men. If tliesot'an not be louliil among tho poli'lca' uoikera they should bo taken fiom other places. It may be that political and honest hollei iu-^ specters nrli to bo loiiiul among politician-, but thoso it ho have looked closest into the tatter's tanks, uhero of late so little of hard woik and honesty have been discovered, are someuiiat loth to believe- that cither are to be founfTtherc. One ~of~tho fundamental wiongs In tho business Ik that Congress has delegated to what Is called the Board of Su¬ pervising Inspectors the ponci lo prescribe all the regulations by which the nervloo Is to be controlled. This board meets but once a year, In Washington, and the rules It there lays down cannot bo changed until the next mcntrng-(-iior can the Jurisdiction of n super- ylslng Inspector bo restricted or extended In the intcilin Consequently, In the event of sickness, disability, absence or any other causi',tlie Treasury Department la absolutely u Ithntit authority to make provisions for tile pcrlorinanco ol tho duties of such an officer. Lei It be observed here that Congress dele¬ gates all power in this nay to a board of in¬ spectors not composed of Inspectors, for we shall shortly glance at the fitness of this board for the performance of its important duties. Ucneial Dumont, the supervising Inspector general of steam vessels, says that the condition of the steamboat law is biicIi that the board makes Its own laws. It also executes Its own Jaws or repeals thorn; then sits In Judgment upon charges of maladmin¬ istration or the utter failure of its laws. In fact the I o .rd Is everything, and It stands to reason that In cases of deillection It would take itsell to task right soundly. Absurd as this seems, there la a point of 6[.111 greater weakness. Tho board has construed section 44,061, Revised Statutes, to mean that It Is op¬ tional with It (the board) whether or not it shall visit or personally supervise the work of Its subordinates, regardless of the Inten. tlnu of the limners of this statute, that visits of this kind should be made. So it Is likely that In the case ot an egteglous blunder, in¬ stead of taklng-ltBelf to task, the board would discreetly stay away and hold im subordi¬ nates tespouslble. Now, it may be that the IioiikI Is composed of capable men; its an thutltj is such that it ought to be; but noth¬ ing would be gnlued,by '-Ills unless It Is also thnioughly conscietrtious—a supposition In which the law has no right lo Indulge. Ucn¬ eial Durnont says the lact is that the assist¬ ant inspectors and deputies iiro the men who make the inspection!-, and the custom seems to he lor the supervising Inspectors to icly upon them and formally attach their signa¬ tures to tlie inspection tin [ideates. As the ofllec of supervising inspector Is a part of local political patronage, and there Is no" pro¬ vision In the existing law it hich re«ltMrcs-| that they shall be appointed from the li¬ censed ofliceis of the seivleo, Such as mas¬ ters, pilots, cngriiepis or pcrsoiiB who, by vlituo of their positions, poBsoss-thc high qualifications necessary for such duties-, It (s but natutal to conclude that appointees so selected aie not going to to over partlcupii about taking theli assistants and deputies from arafong tllelr political fiiends and will choose thorn without reference to their ca¬ pability. If-General Dumont is light, the whole syatoD) ol boiler inspection Ib rotten. The public would bo safer If Inspection were left with the makers. They have something at stake, professional honor and reputation, while the Inspector has nothing, There wai, In fact, a great outcry made when Mi Stsrbuok, to' taklngoharge of the New York Inspection districts, proposed that the depu¬ ties should be requited to make oatli to tho reports ol their inspection, and a good many ol them thought boat to throw up their posi¬ tions. The Government now lias the satis¬ faction of knowing, by reference to oaths died in the local office at New York, that boilers have been Inspected. It learns of the Incompetence of the deputy after an explo¬ sion and some scores of litres have been lost. It Is time these (acta unco nmdo known to tho public that It may urge, through Its rep. rosontallvos, an onllro change In tho Inspec¬ tion laws. / '-------r-r—- POSTAL NfiTES. The new postal notes camo Into use on lasfMondnj, tho 3d Instant, mid eati beob- ialned at the money order olllcc of tho post olllee. They mo not intended to take thej place of the money order, but are an addi¬ tional convenience for the public, and will enable people to transmit by mall at a less expense sums less than llvo dollars, the ohiirge fjir tho now notes being uniform at tin ee cents. They are a government prom¬ ise lo pay the amount for' which they arc purchased. If this order palls Cor three dol¬ lars and sovonty-ilvo cents the "mius In the respective columns are punched as the an¬ nexed form shows: 3 < 4 Stt O .* Ol OU g g St ■ ■ •sH 2* I o{f gal* |SsJ o-JSSJ mil I I C a a UI hi ill « S-5 ■aas m Iff responding Seorotary, Henry Pnpe care of Welllamoth Iron Works; Worthy conductor, W. J, Mahcr, 111 North Seventh Stroot;. Worthy doorkeeper William Lewis, stoamor Orient, care oro. Railway & Navigation Company W. Chaplin, Joromo Pnlmatodr, euro ol Oregon Railway & Navigation Com¬ pany. Brother Richards is a Member of No. 35, San Franclsco,!Cal. J. H. ReedvH. W. P. * CO CO IN 4Captaln Jolin O'Dt.....ell and tho orew of " the lost -schooner Yankeo Blade roportod yesterday at tho ofllco of Atkins & Bcckwlth,' In this city, Captain Bcckwlth being ono of the owners of tho vessel. The disaster oc>, curreil eight mllos south of Sklllagalce and six miles from tho main land. Tho wind iVaa fresh nt the time, and there Was a heavy sea running. Tho vessel sprung a sudden leak—opeufd up all at once—tint! went to the bottom quick. Tho cargo was Iron ore. Tho crew had been In the yawl about'ten minutes and Captain O'Donncil had Just leaped in, when the vessel went down by the head. There was A terrific shock—com- pjesBed. air—and a moment afterward the masts and sections of tho* hull came to tbo surface. The crow thank their lucky stars that the catastrophe occurred Just after day¬ light, as it did. Had It been darjc at the iline tho men say they never could have got the boat down, and that all hands must have perished. As It was, tho steward and two of the crew who were at breakfast, would have gone down In tho wreck if tbey had not been almost dragged out of the cabin. Whore the disaster occurred the depth of water Is fifteen fathoms.— Inter Ocean. Thfiie linB been no material change In the .Iron trade since last week. Although the demand Is not so active prices have remained nominally unchanged. AROUND THE LAKES. HOOh NOTICE. ' Tiik "had boy" Almoin.—We have Just rece'ved from the publishers a book w Ith the abotlc title, giving tho huinmotis ex¬ periences of a Bud Hoy hi Europe.. Wo have read hiimoious books before, but never have wo had a book which contained so much humor in every page. It has made us laugh 'til our sides ached and the tea is came, and while ivc do not iisinilh lucoinineud anyone to do anything that will make them en, we should foci that we neie neglecting the interests of out renders did we not recom¬ mend all of them to buy this book and lead It, even at the .expense ol some teats anil broked buttons it will drive the "blues" miles away, and is wan anted touente laughter in the heaits of those who never laughed before. It Js haudsomoljLlllustratcd and bound. Pilce, paper Cover, 25 cents; bound in cloth, 60 cents, and it will be sent to any address, post-paid, upon receipt of tho price, by J. S. Ogllvle & Co., Publishers, JI Rose Street, Now York. MARINE ENGINEERS BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION. Editor Marine Jiea»d. Cleveland Sept. 1,1883. received a letter from J. 8. Richards stating that he had organized lodge No, forty-one of Portland, Oregon, with forty- one members, all first class marine engineers. Tho officers are W. P., Frank M. G Dermoid 210 Aldor Street; W. V. P., A. II. Fost, near Not thwest corner Fourteenth and F. Streets; Worthy Treasurer, W. H, Marcholl 108 B. Street; Worthy Recording Secretary Joseph Colyor, steamer Toledo, eare of Cap¬ tain Kellogg; Worthy Financial Socretaryl Lewis Burt care of W. B. Scott; Worthy Cor-1 CLEVELAND. ' The schooner Thomas Gawn will havo an entire set of now salts. The loss hy the Potomac disaster will probably be settled without controversy. The Runny went Into the Globe drydock Ai Saturday morning aifd resulved a new w'heel. *' .\ TJic propeller Lake Michigan, bound/or Toledo, was obllgod to soek shelter here ou Moniluy. 'The Cumberland wont Into the Globe dry- dock ou Sunday morning and tlepat ted Tues- da) with a new wheel. Captain '1 hnuiiis Wilson is slowly recor¬ ding fiom his lute mishap, now being able to tlcvote a little attention to business. A dispatch from Escanaba says the echoon- ei Countess is ashoie at Giavelly Gull. We will probably lea in who she Is when the tug Bruce succeeds In getting her otl Captain Peek, ol the Northern Transpor¬ tation Company, who has recently returned liom Europo, w'as in poiton Tuesday. To see Itlm you would think he had fully en¬ joyed his vileatlou. J. L. Upson, of the fit in of Upson & Wal¬ ton, shlpchandicrs, who are doing a golden Utadc in their business on Itlver street, has gone toTalmailge.Ohlo, toYntend the golden wedding ol hispaictits. The steamers Budget btate and St. Louis, of tho Lake Superlot Ttauslt Line, were compelled to run hy this pott without stop- plug on account ot ioukIi wcathei, leavingji large amount of freight for the China. R Mills A Co. aie lajlnj{ the keel for a steambarge which' will be first-class In every waj. The keel will be 220 feot long, with a beam of ,15 feot, and depth of hold of 15' feet. Thej intend to put tho best kind of machln- ory-rnto her> The high winds, recently blowing on the ocean and which hate been doing consider¬ able damage-to vessels on passage from "Europe, seem to like fresh water also, as white caps have been running high In the last three or four days. ' Freights are still firm and tonnage scarce rates on ore being ten cents higher, as the schooner J. C. Harrison has been chartered for ore from Maiquotto to Cleveland at f 1.60, and several other charters made on private terms, which piobably means l^fels In¬ stance, higher rates than have' blrrf ruling tho past few days. Commander Bolton, of the Royal Navy, employed on the survoy of Gporglan Bay, reports the existence of a dangerous rock