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Marine Record, August 30, 1883, p. 5

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~J THE MARINE RECORD 5 Schooner Ellen Spry, John Spry to II. it. Gardner, the whole, $15,000. Tho Spry meaaurorSlO tons,'was built In 1878, rates A2, and Is valued J In llio> Inland Lloyd's Register (for Inauranoo purposes; at $310,. 000. Thoro may be some mistake at tho custom house about the whole vessel being transferred tor i)1d,000. / ABOUND THE LAKES. nLKVEtAND. ' Thoro were no arrivals at Marquette on tho atlth. Tho tug 8. S. Stono has gone to Smith's drydook for a now shoe. Tho yacht Camilla parted her chain Inside 'the breakwater yesterday and drifted hard ashore. Tho propeller Edwjrd" #inlth, rocoritly aground on Racine reef,-has gono Into Mil- -waukoo drydook. It Is reported, that the yacht Rambler, Captain A, O. Sinclair, went ashore at Wau- kegan on Sunday afternoon. She Is valued a( $1,800. J - Tho storfmbnrge R. P.Rnnnoy was obliged to lay to yesterday for the Vladtiot draw to swing, as no appuront attention wob paid to her slgna'. Tho tug Fetor Smith has resumed active dutv, aftor having been rebuilt at Smith's drydock. She was first sot afloat twonty-ono years ago at Albany, N. Y. The schooners Cormortat and Egyptian, owned by R/Pr-MUrrsIow7each lost a mast, in a squall, one off Detour on Lako Huron, and tho other on Lako Superior."" Captain John Thompson has boen 'sworn In as master of Valentine Fries Golden Age, temporarily, on account of sickness In Cap¬ tain Hubbard's family. A newboy has been placed. Captain Burge, of tho sohoonor W. T. Em- «ry, reports that ono of his men was drowned while bathing near Glbby's dock at Romnoy, Ont. Ho was known as Frank and hailed from Look port. The schooner C. B. Jones, oro laden for .Ashtabula, was obliged to put back yester¬ day on account of stress of weather. She was found to be leaking badly and now lies .at Day's dock, Thtfsohooncr 8. H. Foster, whloh collideJ -with the Sunnysldo 011 Lake Michigan, has gone to Ashtabula, where she «.lll discharge her cargo of ore, alter which she will urobn- bly proceed to Buflalo for repairs. Secretary Folger, while rusticating on the shores of Seuooa Lake, clad in flannel shirt and slouch hot, was approaohod bv two young chaps who mistook the Judge tor a 'fisherman, had him fetch them boats and tackle, and ofl'orod him a quinter before fludlng out who they were talking to. The stcambarge MnsBachussetts, Captain TVilllnm T. Sponcor, called here for her con¬ sort, the Merrlmao, on tho way to" Esouimbu for ore,'whloh she Is to land tit Chicago. Tho Massachusetts was built at Detroit, u« was her consort, tho Merrimnc, by the Detroit Drydook Company. This was hpr first np- pearance at this port. All tho acqunlntulut os of Captain E. A. Shepherd, wll) be pleased to lenrh that he, after having desortod tho water, has found success on tho land, lu realizing from IiIb purchases and sales In Texas tho handsome sum of $300,000. Captain Shepherd is an old timer anil was for some yeais mastei of the Mary Jarocol, Fred Kelloy, and other equally good vosbcIb. Captain Kof r, of the sunken BChoonor Sun¬ nysldo, arrived on Saturday, and made his Tcport to Captain W. B. Scott, marlno Insur¬ ance agent, who at onco made out and for warded tho neoessary pupors to tho Union Company at Philadelphia, and tho Exohungo of New York and tho Mersey and Thames, which were honorod yesterday and Captain Kprr paid In full for the loss of tho Stiniiy- " Ore freights still remain firm and vossels scarce Brokers aro of the opinion that ll they had vessels to offer they could obtain still higher rates than thoso quoted, tho char¬ ters avallnblo on Tuesday Including but two vossols, tho schooner Delaware, coal, from Black river to Green Bay at 70c; anikJ/red A. Morse, coal, from Black River to Milwau¬ kee, p. t. Tho following ohartera woto mado on Monday: Propeller Frod Kolloy, ore, Escanaba to Clevoland, $1.30; schooner M. R. Warner, ore, Escanaba to Detroit, $1.30. Yosterday ficlghu were still firm at $1.25@ $1.30 to Ohio ports, and It l> rumored that $1.50 has boon offered from Mnrquotto to Lako Erie ports. Grain rates havo advanced a'fraotloiLto l%c from Clovolnnd to Buffnlo. Coal rotes are stoady at 70o to 75c from Clovolnnd to Chicago or Mil vaukee, with tbo following chat tors on grain: Schooner J. E. Gllmpre, corn, Toledo to Buffalo, 2%o; schooners Annio M. Peterson, Bacon add Foatorla, grnln, Cleveland to Buffalo ,nt l%u, ~~ ' CHICAGO. ' • Bpntel 19 the Marine Record Grain freights still continue to Improve, which tmikos vessel men ■happier. A serious explosion occurred on board tho tug Chicago on Friday night, but happily no lives were sacrificed At a meeting on tho 28th, ot the Chicago Seamen's Union, wages were advanced, to $2.60 por diem to go into cuect ntroncc. . Tho bnrgo Etnplro State wont Into the, Chicago drydock to got a leak 'slopped, tl 0 steamer Hun tress 10 get 11 new wheel, and tho stcambarge Snook lo have a leak stopped. The new tug built for Captain Thomas Teed and named for Bob Teed, Ills son, who will run her, will uriivo at Chicago this week fiom Saugatuck, where she has been built by J. Mttrtol. R. Tarrant wjll sup¬ ply her engine, which will be 18x22. A number of tug owners were lined last week lor not using smoke consumers. They are now vory busy getting smoke consum¬ ers placed on their tugs nnd they are also Instructing their firemen und engineers to bo as careful as possible and try to abate the smoke nuisance. The stcambarge J. R. WlUtlng, Captain O. B. Green, arrived here on Monday even¬ ing. She broke her crank pin on Whitcflsh Buy, Lake Superior, on the 15th and was towed, to Cheboygan, Mich., and wns de¬ layed there eight days, having repairs done to hci machinery. The Biillnlo rate on corn was firm yester¬ day at 4>gC, when Captain A.'1. Spencer stepped In ulid threw the steamship Whiting nnd the barge Guiding Star on the market st 4c. This not on Captain Spencer's part brofto tho market and made the rale for the day 4c, Toother ports rates woro firm nl •i)iu on corn to Midland and Sarnia, and 4%c on corn to Sandusky. At the Vessel Owners' Drydock tho barge Florence Lester had her bottom recalked; tho tug Van Scliatck had some calking; the BChoonor Hnttlo Ear! had iiewrtiils, stanch Ions, plnnkshenr, bulwarks and calking; the steambarge Clyde had some lepalrs; the schooner Colonel Ellsworth had a new 1 udder, two of Miinson and Burdick's sand scows were le-calked all over; tho piopoller Armenia loeelved some repairs to her stern, rail, bulwarks and qulckwork; the schooner Mary A. Lyons had some general repahs; tho tug Crawford received a new wheel; the tug Frank Crane hud some repulis to her shoe und stern beatings, and the tug J. V. Taylor was recalked and had some repairs. At Millet Brothers'drydock the schooner A. G. Mo'oy, which went ashore at Bailey's Harbor In May last, has had extensive re¬ pairs amounting te nearly $5,000, and came out of divdock on Tuesday, the tug J II Httckley lias'iecelveil a new wheel and some repltlis, Iho schoouei Evening Star Was re¬ calked r the schooner baidlllla hud a leak stopped; the tug Waters, of Michigan Clt), received new(8hori!l'B) wheel, the schooner Danloith got a new loiejjall, the schoouei Hoboken loeelved a new Jlbboom, schooner 1,umbei man got a new mlzzeiiiiuist mid mlr. /en topmast at the tleriick, and the schoontr AdMtnce had aleak stopped nnd some re- cnlking. Tho schooner Lumberman, Captain Rich arc) Williams, was struck.by lightning on Monday night about 8 JO p. 111., about ten miles trom Chicago, wjiich poit she had left at 7 p 111 The lightning sti tick the ml/zen topmast and proceeded down the fnk/en mast, literally breaking both into huudieds ot plccos which were scattered all over the dock. The hoops mound tho must, which held tho sail, were all biokeu, and a large lion ling |tist utiilei the suddlo was burst open mid tell on the deck, the binnacle box wns paitlallv shntteied, nnd one of Hie com- passos hud the glass broken, nnd wti6 othei- wIbo damaged, the box in which tho binna¬ cle lump w ns placed was also broken to at¬ oms. John Wind, who was at the wheel, says ho telt paralyzed by the shock and said to tho mate, "I guess 1 am done'for." Hut ho soon recoverod. The oaptatn was stand¬ ing on the poop dook and says ho felt as though one sldo of, his faco was burned by the lightning. Arthur* Fowlor, tho mato, was standing about eight feet from tho ml*- zen mast on the Stnrboard>flldo. Ho says he felt a kind ot stunning sensation, und that when tho lightning burst on the deck It seemed an though thoro wero thousands of sparks flying about representing ino burst¬ ing of. a hand gronado. Tho rcmaindor of the crew wero forward at their posts. It seems marvelous thut all should have es¬ caped Injury. Tho captain put tho vossol about and tnade for Chicago, und was taken in tow by tho tug McClellan,'and arrived at this port about 1:30 a. m. Tho \ksbo1 trades to Black Creek, and .tho captain," who has oomrkandad her foftjjh&pust eighteen'years, says this Is berflrt^tifnldcnt. 8ANDU8KV. Special te Ihe Marine Rem* Propeller S. C. Hall called hero for fuel. She-was bound for Alpena to load lumber lor Chicago. Tho Geo. A. Marsh nmved light nnd cleared with Stone for Toledo. Propeller Forest City called hoio foi the schooner II. n. Blown, bound for Maiquette light. Philadelphia airived and'loaded Irelght from B. &, O. warehouse Cofilnber- ry arrived to tow Bchoonor Nowcomb. Captain Dobson, United-States Life-Sav¬ ing Inspectors fot this District, Inspected the station nt Marblehetld on Thursday und ^jujid everything In good order, and tie men well drilled mid disciplined. We un¬ derstand that he will*-recommend hi his an¬ nual report that tho station bo enlarged, •that it receive additional equipment ol life- saving apparatus, and that It bo mado a reg¬ ular pay Btatlon. With tho exeoption ol the captain the force at the station ie«eive pay at piosoutonly when engaged In actual ser¬ vice. Captain Dobbins says that It Is quite likely that stations will soon bo established at Pelee Island nnd Dummy, the one ut Pelee to be located on the south side of the Island near Clilcanola reef, u very dangerous place. Schooner W. H. Oudes nrrlved from Os¬ wego with hard coal. L. 8. Hammond ar¬ rived with hard coal, and cleared light for Lontlo to load coal. Wm. Scliupo arrived with hard coal from Buflalo. A. J. RogerB cleared witli grain for Bullnlo. Wngstntr cleared w ith-coal. Barbarian arrived with cargo of lye antl cleared light for Toledo to load grain for Buffalo. Rose Sonsmith ar¬ rived frtfm Marquette with 1,000 wiib of ore Kate Wlnalow cleared light for Toledo to load coal. Hurriaon denied with coal. The steambArge E, B. Hall will tow her and the WagBtnll and A. Bradley np the lakes. City of bheboygan atriied with grain from Chi¬ cago and denied with 500 tons coal for Poll Hilton. Benson arrived with cnigo of corn Irom Chicago cleared light loi Toledo to load grain for Bullnlo. Fred A. Moiso arrived with ore from Marquette In tow of the tug Crawfprd, Leadville 111 rived with a cargo of hind coal. Polly M. Rogeis arrived with haul coal Willlo White imivcd wit li hard coal. Scow Belle Eliza arrived light and cleared with coal lor Detroit. DETItOl r. SpcLlut lo the Mm tne He on/ ^ S. A. Mtiiphy has taken a contract to rccovci the machinery ot the steambarge Mary Jareccl Captain John O'Nell, late master ot the tug Coleman, died ut his lesldeucc In llutroit I'liuisday inoinliig ot enlargement ol tho liver. The steamer Mai), which has allbncsholl Coyle bollci, bmst her bollei while laving at "ftho foot ol Wayne street. The llioinan, E. Cuiininghum, was badly byiieil. So slight wita the shock that the passengers knew nothing of the accident. The boat was not Injuied. I HUr-rALO. ^ The steamer Oregon, with the schoouei B. F. Bruce, both coal laden, left for Duliill. Work on the Oicgon's cabin will continue on the trip, Tho barge Allcu Rlcliaids, in coming into port run Into the lighthouse pier, null biokc six tlmbciB In the plci. No dumngc to the vessel, howevei Mr. b. A. Mtiiphy, owuei ol the wiecked schooner J. W. Doau, states that he Is not positive that ho will over attempt again to get her off the breakwatei. Coal fi eights dull at 7Ue. EugagciiiLiitB were. Foi Chicago lliec piopelloi Jniuiitis. Tho F, J. King was taken for Racine, cargo of Blossburg coal at 80 cents. Tllo propollor Lincoln and consorts tuko railroad Iron to. Algoma mills nt $15 por ton, (10.V. Of the schooner Pathfinder Captain Cal- beck says thnt In clghty.throo days ending lust Thurotlay Sho brought, down four car¬ goes of grnln from Chicago and Milwaukee to Buffalo, ono from Mllwaukco to Sandtu.' ky, and~ono frbm Toledo to Buffalo, ami carried up five cargoes of coal fiom Buffalo to Milwaukee. Each of these was 11 full onr- 00 of-1,200 tons. ^—■ - The Buffalo Courier says the skipper of the rovenue steamer Peiry continues, in his troublesorne manner, to Indicate to mastors whore Is located the mulnbenm of their ves¬ sels. It seems very queer that vessels whloh have been sailing these lakes for ton, fifteen or twenty yenrs, should at this lunTdny bo put to dolny nnd trouble on account Of the location of their official murks. Didn't this sklppoi's' predecessors know anything, or didn't they attend to their duties, or have Uiq treasury regulations been alteied ? Are the local Inspectors, whose duty It Is to ex¬ amine new vessels before they enter into commission nnd see that everything about them Is all right, nothing more than block¬ heads? To a sensible mnn ibis matter looks a good de'nl like n nuisance." rORTIIlllON. Since Cnptmnlloflnt lind to fish a fair but frail damsel out bf Blaekrlver a railed gang¬ way ball been placed on the Conger toensnro greater snfety, The captain is n clilvnlrlc gentleman, but he had itithci not get wet.— Comma cial. CIIEBOIQAI.. f The captain of the steamer Stiult Ste. Marie leports that the bcIiooiici Dot, In tow of tho steambarge M. M. Drake, ore-ladcp, from Marquette, spuing a leak off Grand Mnrlnl, Luke Supeilor, unci was abandoned by the crew, who went abcaid the Drake. Her bulwarks and somo of her spars wero gone. She went down shortly after In deep water. The Dot was built ut St. Cntherlnes, Canada, In 1805, rueasured^OO tons, und wns owned by A. C. Smith of Deti olt mid her muster Captain Jones. She rated Bl and wns valued at $7,000. TOLEDO. Captain J. Wood, during the absenco of Cnptalu Glllord, will sail the E. R. Williams to Buflalo and return. In the last twenty-four hours 218,500 bushels of wheat Iwve clcuied Irom this port, and 1,1)011,000 shingles .11 rlvcd MAHIM OI1Y. -^ Captain H. J. mid E. J. Kendall have puicliiised the hull of the piopellci Olenn which la l)lng ut this port, they will spend sumo $0,000 lebuilding her during the com¬ ing winter. We take pletisuie in noting thnt foreign shipbuilders und owners are ordering large¬ ly fiom Ameiieiin uiaiiulactuiers, among which we find the follow lug list of vessels' which have during the past two months adoptctl the metallic packing of I* KaUen- steln A Co., 01) Chilstopher stieet, Now Yoik ill ot the steamers ot the Hamburg \111e1 lean Packet Co , Hamburg, Ger, in- Lliiillqgiiewstcamc" Rliatla, llatuinonlaaud Kugli, \pi Ih German Lloyd, Hi emeu, Ger, new steamers Wen 11 and Fulda, also some 01 tlic ohlei ones E\ci)oue of these steam¬ ers !t> supplied with this packing I'hliigrallu Line, Copenhagen, steaiinhlp Tliliigrallu, Gclsu's Island steamship hat'e of Stettin, del Cle Geneialc I'lanMttlantlquc du llavie, France, new stuimc'is Noiinaudlc and St Germain White l loss Line, Anl- neip, Belgium, steamships lleirmuii ami Ilelvoltla, Red Star Line, Antwerp, Belgium, steamships Pcuuhuul, llelgetiland, Rhyn- latitl and Wulshtnd, Ctinatd Line steamers Set via and l'avoina, fiom I.lvtipuol; Mon arch Line, London, suanis-dps Egyptian Mouaicli, Ass\ rlait Momitch and Grecian iilonaicli, Vnclioi Line, Glasgow, steam¬ ship City ol Rome, and others John Roach & sou, Moiguii lion Woiks, N. Y., new Brazilian bouts Advance. Flnnnco und Re- liance, also two)nchts Viking and Usonan- 10 mid albO two new Mullory steamships LampasMis and Allium; Qtllntard Iron Wmks V. Y , uewGieeupoInt fonryboala, lViintlvunlii Hallioad Co 's new loityboatt* llttlthnineand Chicago and two now tug¬ boats hcluwaicandGalnobbiiig, steamboats ol the Union Mcamboat Co , llulliilo, anil otheis on the hikes, several new tugboats, aa the Bee, tot the Atlantic Di edging Co. v the foul ts (m Wuth'jurn tugboat company, the Ciooby and Hail loi the Cormll steam¬ boat Cumpuii), the lighthouse boat Rudgera and man) moie r

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