THE MARINE RECORD. V A now patont, to provent tho foundorlng of leaking vomoIi, called tho "ship suction Valve," was recently recorded at tho patont -office at Washington, D. C, as well as In tho -countries of Europe. A stock company for "ttto purpose o»*siipplylirg vessels—sail ns well as steam with tills ronlly novel produc¬ tion was formed and titled tho "Ship Sue- 'Hon Valvo Manufacturing Company," with Mr. Thomas Keating as President, Mr. Ed. Voogc, Vloo-Presldont, nnd Mr. William Sdott, Gonoral Agent of tho Now Huvon Steamboat Co,, Treasurer. Tho patont con¬ sists of a vulvo fastened to tho bottom of a vessel, about a foot from the keol, enabllnjr <tho captain or any other officer, lu-cnso dta- lonkuge, to lower a small plate, which, while it makes a hole In the vejsol, forms a vacu¬ um nnd forces tho onoronching water out. To Illustrate the workings of tho new pntent n stenmbont-Wns chartered, nnd on Thurs¬ day Inst n numbor of scientists nnd members of the press were Invited to accompany tho vessel down to Newark Bay; N. J,, where u very small scow (Intended to bo used toVep» ' resent a sinking vessel, though ontlroly too small for -oxpoUmenting purposes), with a 4-Inch apparatus attached to her bottom, was allowed to fill with wnter. A tug then made fast to it and dragged It through the water on n straight couise nt a very" fast rate, and in an Incredible short space o| tlmo the scow wns completely emptied of wnter. Another trial wns attempted to sho v thnt a Jerking vessol could bo emptied just ns fust rffi a turn, but It wns not successful. In Ing rouiid"a'galnst a strong tide, the which wns apparently a very old one, b< to crumble to pieces, tho boards broul from the sides allowing the water to pi Into her fiom overv quarter, entirely meigingthe lemalnlng poitlotiBof tho e On this account the experiments made wcri only partially successful. In conducting any future trial of this suction valvo the company would do well to select n much lnrger and stronger vessel than tho ono that was used, that they mny be ublo to demon¬ strate more fully tho usefulness of that in¬ vention. The office of tho company Is at 80 Dunne St., New York. ■o 8 HAND II. B DURGEIt RAND & BURGER SHIP-BUILDERS, CONTRACTORS 5 LESSEES OF DRY DOCK. ALSO PREPARED TO DO WRECKING AND TOWING WITH THE Tug John Gregory. Vessels Docked and Re¬ paired n Short Notice. MANITOWOC.WIS. FOR THE , -^FooCIioo's Balsam of Shark's Oil. Foaltlvely Hestored the Hearing-, and le the On- lv Abiohlte Cure fur Ueurnem Knuwn. Thi« oil Is abstractiil from norullar spucica of small Whlto^hitrk, laughl In tim Yplliw Sea, known a> CincllilioDON KoaoaLlTll t»orr Chlno'O Alhernmn knowalt Iia virtue* aa a rtwloratlvo of hearlns were discovorcd liy » Duclhlal prloal aliout tho yoar 1410 Its cures wore bo nunioroiu, and many ao Meinlnaly nilrnciiloui, tlmt Iho romedy m olnclnlly pror claimed over tho entiro Kiuplrc Its uao became so universal lliat for over 300 yean no ileathesa Ima eilitediMnoiig'the Chlneae people Seal, clionjca prepaid, to any address at SI 00 per boltlc 3«*t What ths Deaf Say' It has performed a miracle In my can I have no unearthly nolaoa In my head and hear much better" I havo been greaUy bonontlod ... My deafneaf helped a great deal-rthink another bot¬ tle will euro mo \ My bearing la much Danoflttod. \ I have received untold benefit. jfla •Ulng'goo'1 "tWajfioj. , ,,,,,.,, Have MeaV"»'lr benelttod, and am rejoiced that I eaw the notice of It__________________ "Its virtues aro uhquwmohaui b and Its CUIUTIVH ciiAiucTmi Auaoi utk, as Tin wuiTun oak raonos- AiirTUtivv. hotii ruou bxtkiuhnch and oiwubva- tion Write at onco to Haylock .1 Jkhiikv, 7 Doy Street. New York, enclosing »1 00, and you will reco yo bv return a remedy that will enable you to hear like anvbodvetao, anil wboae curative enTeOla will be per¬ manent You will never regret doing «o."-Editou ov Mkscaiitii.ii ItKVIIW ttivlo avoid loai In tho Malls, please send monej by Onfy Imported by HATIOOK. * JEWWEY. botie Aoiikts «>« Amksioa. 7DeySt.,N. Y fllCIHAAD HAMMOND, JOHN COON. ' Pap crMUBoachcTsfc Marios. Gasotrotow,Salt Pans Smote Stacks, OIL STILLS'* ■AGITATOR9. office & Works. M4.248,248.E50 252.And.254. Perry St. *0 70.000 'XANKS. 'E8TADU8IDHD 1830. -MAHUPAOTURBRS OF— CORDAGE * OAKUM. Ganoa of AMERICAN, BU88IA anil ITALIA* HEMP of tne very beat quality mndo to ordor AT ONE DAY'S NOTICE. MANILA and SISAL BINPbK TWINL Office No. 113-WALL STREET,, NEW YORK. Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y, SIGNAL LAMPS, -WITH- Patent Fluted Lens And Perfect Colors. mmsut^mmoo&mm__^o^*. Three Lamps glvo p more brlllnnt light tlinn any Slgnnl Lftrap now In use They haroboen adopted by the principal Ocean ami Lake Steamers and Veisela, and are for tale In the prlnclpnl ports on tho Atlantic coast and lakes ' Wrought Iron Ranges for Steamers and Hotels. Send for catalogue Manufactured by FELTI10U8EN * RUSSELL, 130 eV 141 MAIN ST., BUFFALO, N. Y. •Si 0 HAIUNE ENGINE WORKS [4 MANUFACTUKKU OF murine and Stationary Engines, PEOPELLEB WHEELS, VESSEL PUMPS ft OBHEEAL HACHIKESY CouMtflPONDKNCB SoUclTKD. Sfi, 67 St fiO Mlehlffnit St. CHICAGO ILL. NO ENGINEER Should be Content to run a Boiler, stationary or Marine, without HOUGHTON'S BOILER AND TUBE COMPOUND, Which keeps it free from Scale, Mud or Sediment, Prevents foaming and lessens the liability of Explosion. It saves FUEL, LABOR and RE PAIRS. It is PURELY VEGETABLE and Absolutely Safe. Send for Circular giving full Information to HOUGHTON & CO, Sole Proprietors and Manufltcturera 130 Reade St., cor. Hudson, NEW YORK. If You Want the Best STEAM PUMP For Mlnlni, Railroad or Steamboat nie. Paper Mill, Chemjtfal or OtWTVormr Tannery, Brewerr or aiurar lUnnerjr.Dralnlnp Quairl«, Cellnri or Planta¬ tion*, Irrigating or Hydraulic Alnlng, MinWIng Foundatloni, rofTer Dam. sewer, Well ainUln* and other Contractore- Work, or RaMmr aTTwater for any Hind* of IHanufaeturlnir or Fire Purpoae. write for an ulna. "* t»to«l doaorlptlro book on tho NEW PUIXOMOTEB, containing greatly ronuci-a ,nricea,hona>odaoftesltmonlala oto Mallwlfroo lTlcoa lOOporcont lo» or than other Every pumo tested before ehlpment end sruaranteed ea repreaented. ECONOMY AND EFFICIENCY UNEQUALED. Fulsometor Steam Pomp Co., 88 John St, New York City, U. S. A. $f Bee Pricoi next laaue of this Peper.ft* St. Mnn's, Ohio Jlontpeller, Ohio. OAH K.1CI011IKB. 4 Itretkuurlilj;e, Ciinolllo.,, Mloli. II UANUFACTUBEIIS AND IMrORTKIlS OF i, OAKUM Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, Buntings, RUSSIA BOLT-ROPE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, MARINE' HARDWABE AND SHIP CHANDLERS' GOODS GENERALLY Soi 34 ft 38 SOUTH ST., NBW YOEK- THE MARINE LAW BOOK -----IS NOW READY.----- SEND YOUR ORDERS TO THE MARINE RECORD. Machinists, Fonnders ai Boiler Makers, Corw Elm and Spruoe Sts., Cleveland, 0. CANF1ELD Wrecking & Towing Line, -0— Tugs, Hawsers, Lighters, Steam Pumps, Lifting Screws, . &c, To bo liml on abort notice, bj mail or telegraph. EIvLKIt,---------CHA9.GVEVPUC11 ~" Mani(tcr. Wrecking Mtater, NOTICE TO STEAMBOAT AND VESSEL OWNERS. BEAN * COMPANY'S DIAGONAL LIFE BOAT CAN BE USED IN PLACE OF THE METALLIC LIFE BOAT IF PREFEBEIt. If Aft BEEN ADOPTED AT WANII. INOTOW BY THE HO 12S OF av> PERVIDI.Va Ali«a~ iia.- TORB. Yawl & Pleasure Boats on hand 8E1CD FOB PHICE LIST- DEAN AND CO., DETROIT, MICH. Vessel Brokers, DULUTII, MINN. F. * H. BORN, PLUMBERS. Manufacturers of Hotel Ranges & Laundry Stoves, and Dealer in EODSB FDRNISHING 600DS< liS hUI'KKlORsr. ( I.LVEI.AND, O Capt. D. S. Webster, \LoolL \\U l^oUUANU. AULNT Wood, Fence Posts, Bark, TiTC., HOUUI1T AND S01I>0N COMMlb.SION\ Cnarterine* and Freighting of Canadian Coarse Freights a Specialty. Office. Room 32, Seoond Floor, Moffat Blook, W-TI1UIT, MIU1IUAN . MECHANICAL NEWS. [ILLUSTRATED) $1.00 PER YEAR With Premium. Sample Copies Free. JAMES LEFFEL & CO. No. 110 Liberty St., New York. N. Y. 27 C�/+A 0395 3346 B�-A 2974 0915