*c / THE MARINE RECORD $he Marine gecord, EgtVtnMNHKD 1ST IH7H. l.ntcred nrumllnij to Ilia laws at the Uiitt'<1 nuton nt tho Pout Oilier nt (levt Iniut ih Hm>nd-< 1 *hh utaM or. JMUInlioil Wtculy at So 2 SquIIi Wator_ilratt, Olcrclaoil, Otilo, tiy thi RECORD PRINTING COMPANY, URAMII OFFICE, 341 NOVTII WATHl " HTnEKT, C1II4 A<JO. TE11MS OF SU«HCKirTl(»Nt One \ car, postnKft paid • Ms month*, poatniw yVHci IiiTnrliWj hi ndvniicf. U00 1.00 ADVERTININft 11ATKH. Tmcontgpir llnt», nnnpnro'l tiioimtinnuni, or91 20 per Inch,m li Inntrtlon lour wp«Ih£| (K) pith a libera dlneount on ordi rs amount ln« t« ?N» 00 or o\0r Artioki, letters nnil queries on all Mibjctts aiu solici¬ ted. . ^WTho L(Ulor nspmiiPi no ri.»ponsil>lllt\ for the j opinions or cnrrcupoudi nti i To Insure nolke, contributor* miint Kl\u name mill' ndtlrcM, and u rite on onottlilonf tlie paper onlj Tnn MARINE KECOItD tmx on Agent In ever) port on the JjiIcis and IlhLra, nnd will consequent!) elrcn Into more or Ifs In nil of them Asa medium for ndYortlvlng It litia no superior, ai It clrctilattti iuuodr a cla.ii or people tliat enn be rcnclud In no other War.. wire xope towage. \ It hnsbcondlsuovcrcd fhnlxvtrc rope haul¬ age tuts paeved Itself much more economical than any other formvof mailno propulsion. Sli co 1870 a largo pi opoi tlnn of tho low ago upon I In; Khlne has been effected by wire' hipo haulago, and moicr particularly at points Whore the stream Is most rapid. In fact It has been quite open lo question xxhetlici the tiafflc eould have been dealt "Ithlntho moro rapid portions of the stream In any ofhor way Hum bv the method of wire ropo haulage. Tho wire lope lies in the bed ol the stream und tho rope Is passed over 11 geared drum and u scries of guide wheels at each sldeef tho toning steamer. 1.TI10 poxxui of the engine, the Mailne Engineer says,In¬ stead of being applied by means ot the screw or paddle, Is applied dlieet and .lOtates the winding drum, and this hauls the boat along by its tractivefoiee ou the wire rope. Thine I Is thus a total absence of the mdlnarj' slip high. On lhl< iiecoiint tlur'oanal would save an llisniaiiee'of from one toono and a hall pet cent, width would alone pay a handsome rcxeniu\ Then tho Increased safoty and iho lower cost tlio ship canal xxoTiTd glye in xe«-el«, would greatly Increase Unfile linn making use nf tho gulf, for the icnson thai In 11 \ny short time after the completion 111 iln' 1 anal a groat pioportlun of the giiiln nml fDiton of the went and noithxxcjt which now goes oast by rail, would tlnd lit wax doxxtl the Mississippi and ilnoiigh ihe i mini. It has been goner- enillj tiiidfiHimiil iU,at the high elevation ot the wiitcr-'lii'il w is the principal nbstaelo to the eonsmii Hun hi i ship canal, but whli.h Goncnd Sloun -in-. Is u mistaken one, as It can be uroi-seil »i 11 considerably lower elo-i vatloii than tin highest on tlie Suez Camd. Another linpni i mi point ho siiya Is that the biitkboiie nt ihe peninsula rises nnd de¬ scends shniplx ■ misequonlly, tlio culling, EDI 10111AL .VOy'A'S, Tiif Toledo sailois intend making nn ef¬ fort to get a poiUonof the higher fi eight rates. essential to all tonus of propellers. The though dtep, w,m|,I bo «hort, and as avail- pi iiiclpnl dimensions lire 140 to 150 foot along ubleeiilninic. limn lecpxvatcier.il be fomfil, ovu all, xvllh a beam ol Horn 2.1 to 24 tect.. hnrbms enn lie ni.lo that *lll accomuio- The braitsiire fltteilxxlth txxln aciexxs, which llllt<-' u-wwla m the 5"witeat draught, can lie used when leqniied in giving exwi "" xVay to the boat, to aid the steeling tit nvxk- xxnid plines during the |ournc} up -tic.-ini. The hunts arc piovlded xvltb water ballast sane person, and would bo ticntcd nccordr Ingly. If Rhodes wants notoriety ho bus gained enough by announcing his Intention. He can always fall satisfactorily buck on tho assertion that he was prevented from carry- ' Ing out his dcslgiiB by the Canadian author¬ ities. All breakneck a1 tempts like theso are •o bo discouraged, ' They do no credit to t|iosc xvhoget them up, and still less credit i to tho thousands xvjio asscipblu to witness thorn. Thcquletsllll cfliirngoyif a man who always does his duty Is Inllnltcly preferable to these glaring louts xx hfelrdnzrlo tho eyes of sensationalists. ' The Mllxx iiiki'i. -'ilpjuid Company will this week I iiiiii h ii vory handsome bargo which thev liine built lor tho Marinette Tni! Buffulo Express says that tho pro¬ peller Oregon has arrived from Marquette with a cargo ol Iron ore Her scorched nf- torwork", hastily patched with rough boards, do not give her' a handsome appearance, As soon as she Is unloaded she will go Into dry- dock for cxtenslvo repairs, which will amount to fiom $11,000 to $5,000. She leaves her con80its Bruce nnd Crostlmalle at Ash¬ tabula. The three brought down 8,$00 tons ofoic. » Till- Chicago tug oxx ners riij tin re has been no summons served on tlieili uildei the smoke oidlnanee. Tiik ladles of Mackinac haxe picsented the nexv steamer Cltv of MiiLkluac xvltli a nexx set of colors. Tn» ofltrlng rale on ore from Escanaba' to Lake Erie is 11.25, but vessel oxx ncis are demanding (1 ll'i and %\ 10 Other freights nro-tlrni all along the Hue. Clin ado lias had the novelty of a Chinese excursion, Including about two hundred of the celestial gentlemen. The lepoitci Is In «1 >ubt a» to the pieseme of anj ladies nS the txholc partv xiore Mother Hubbaid dicsses taukF, so that in ordinary liiiiiinsfiines ., , , . , , , . ,,, . ,, . Hinge Line C ninpiii j to be used in the lum- thex liiive a draught ol 4 feet 4 IiioIh's, xxhich , ** , , ' ,,, , , , „ , _ "- ' ""- " ■■'" o... „ in |M. iHimpil iho Fred Cur- A dim'aici from Chicago saxs tlint Sw-I retarv I'olger aeeoinpaiiic'd by Collutoi Spalding left that city fur an cxcuiMoii to Lake sii|H'iloi on board the I lilted i-tiitc* eulter Andy Johnson. Tilt, bcerilaix will go to the rictuied Rocks and letuni to IJu trolt, tlience go to fienexn, X, V. Tni Biirvcyor goncnd ol the murine lies pltal service at Washington has lecch'cd a dispatch Tioiii John li. Guttmaii, |ncsident of theboaiilof liciilih at I'ensacolii, flu., saying that yclloxxjlcxer Is ou the xxaueat tho navy yard there and that all possible landings aic guaided so that it cannot be In¬ troduced in othei quintets cViMxixAtuih gioxx In fin'orluGieat Brlt- -liu. In 18UJ there xxcitTonTj tlilrty steam Xadits of D|9,V2 tons, there me noxx (00, nnd Ihe aggregate loniiago Is- 51,801) One-third -of these aieof 4QOtous and upwind, mid an¬ other third of 30O to 400 tons. Theli aggre- gntp value is over $11,000,000 and the i.ust of nialutcnaiii.c Is proportlonatel.x heavy , A iiisi'atcii dated at Syracuse on tl.e iOth Is iieies-iny togivcpiopei immeixion to the seiexxs, xxlicn tlie xxalei falls ^Ciy loxx Ihe xvuter liallasttcan be pumped but, nnd the tugs can be inn xilth ailiiuight of 3 feet 3 Inches and It l» thus i>oUlble to keep them at xxoik when nit othei towing steamers haxe to be stppped. Tin; tugs haul on the average from 2,200 to 2,000 tons, contained in loin xxooden barges, at an axrrage speed of 2 8 miles per hour, against ()ie stream miming nt tho late of 4.5'miles per hour. In iron binges one and a hair times tho quanlily of useful load can be ilinwn. Tho average consumption of coal por bom Is Irom Ave to six exxt. The best puddle-tugs cmplo] cd ou the Rhine burn three and one- half times as much fuel, even xx hen com¬ pound engines and patent wheels and all tlie latest Improvements arc used. The old paddle horns, xvitii loxx pressure and nou compound engines hum loin and a half limes ns pinch' The l.itc^Uciew tugs bum txio mid one hull tlme« :is miieh eoal as the. xxlrc rope tugs doing tho same work under the 1.111110 ciiciuiistuiiLcs, und at the same time the draught n! iho sciexx tugs rs 8 feet "J Inches. The hor>o poxxer required by the hauling eiiginc of Ihe xxlie iope tugs does not exceed Horn 150 to 180 Indieiitcdi xxlill her li.nle. She w III J»e named Ihe Fred Car- iio), llei illim'ii-1 is are 155 feet over all, .10 feet beam, Ml1. In t depth ol hold, and her caii)ii,g cnptii in ,ili»nt 450,000 'cct of luni- bei. She Is iliuinii.hly xxell built of the xeix best mtrti'il il- mil us strong as xvood and iron can ninki h. , nnd will class Al In cxei) respei i —I ■• ins a vory heavy keel and keeUoni- H<i > "tims aie lOxlOand 10 \12, .11 Inch. > Irnm , ■ it res, resting on very heavy shell pi.....- kn hanging knee-, -In fiom the gallium! »n is sqnnre larui in il, from bcldw the lill„' ■ ed off xx ith tamarack has four Inch plank aks to the rail, which id khc Is cdgr-bollcd ol lie rail.. Captain J. Captain Wilton, «l tire burgo Alleghany, has tiled npiotcst". The duniage. Including txxo bills, etc., mis placed at $ 1,200. Her steering gear was lepnlrcd yesterday nnd sho was leady last evening to leave for Erlit in toxv of Hie propeller Philadelphia. Five tugs, the Arctic Irom Grand Haven, Alntm and Admiral from Chicago, SHI from Ka- cino and Welcome from this port, all xvent in search of the Alleghany after sho was reported in distress, but the Welcome was the successful one. The tug Alpha arrived hero from Chicago and reported that alio was unable to tlnd hei. and returned to Chi¬ cago . Tho Arctic, xvhlcb left Grand Haven, has not been heard from. The tug Sill got to tho Alleghany tlrst, hct parted her line. — Vilwaidee Sentinel, 2 )d. AROUND THE LAKES. C Penett, ibe »ii|n ii licndcnt ol the Mari¬ nette Burge I Jm i o , is looking after the company's iiiterm, m 1 Mr. Lewis 1'nhlow, ol the Milwaukee -hliiyurd Company, Is de¬ termined th.it iiiuliiii!; shall be wanting In Uiei construi lion, mi I that sho shall prove a great success Imth I > ler builders and own¬ ers. Itiioh \ 1 he lepieiiiln i x kciinl Morle< ' X Km Ciuw tout, anil '\# x* p. bo Ii dK.xvhlt Ii Inn in .......-- lion, aituaie ilki ly '- • lie sciexx tugs just refcrreil to, are Hucil I j„„inteiut t. wl Ii engine* of 500 Indicated horse ptwor. ncliaiiicti 'Ihe Hist ropo, laid In 1870, was laid in lengths of about a mile, -spliced logethei and xx us not galvanl/ul, and siillered nine fiactuies, dining tlie llr«t three )ears ol its use, I cull/lug HI pel cent, ol Its original val- u as old material xxhen lencixul. A uexx lope, hid In 18«0, had a length ol 71 '„ inllct. and ^u6 galxiinl/ed. It has now btcn - 'i icurs In use, in xxhltli time tbeie haxe been but thne fiiatuie*. It is supplied In long lengths ol 7'u miles eaib, to tbnt the number of spikes is greatlx iciliued. This certainly marks a new depaituie In river. haulage, and may be the pioneer ol a con-] siileialdeNnunib|>f' of sfinihu enterprises. HJUUA HUH' (.ASM.. 11.....i I Uil pomn one of tin! nlile-l ol I dnterlMfk n> nnd Im x Is—ffie church xxhli Ii vein* attend*d <""i a llmelv art i h on ' chines," xxlihli h I those « ho ino n llllii/ llllcal mall) u »i» - niiMiagcd, noil who a haiiil tn relorni tin xx rites her linpn »-i" article entitled i.llu • Heiny James milium. ou Fiuiuh iniinii v -. i —this time ip-niiu \ugltrs, und Nniil'is tnstnut, says the water Is to he draw n nil the Krle canal in that city on Thursday morn¬ ing, (to-da)) as lock 18, fuat xvest of the rail- toad tunnel, Is In a dangerous condition, and should It give xxay, the city would be llood- «d. Supeilnlcndent btanahiin will supe)in¬ tend tlio repairs. Navigation xvill be stopped for several dai s.' Tut Inter Ocean sii)s Ithasbccn published In a number of papers that hereafter, there would bo no lighti nt tlio Llmokllns crossing, owing to work having been impended. This Is not the case, as the eastern light has been left for the present. If permission can be ol. talned the light will bo left here permanent¬ ly. At present only the westcrnliglit has been rcmovod. Captains are warned not to hug tlio light too closoly, ns tho channel, 1E0 feet feet wide, It on the eastern side. Sev¬ ern! deep draught vessels art said to have struok recently by keeping too oloec to tlie light. under the Dili m Mo enterprise ot cutting ,i ship iiiiial I W,|,CB eonc.-riiiiif Ink ■ -•..... ~. ft..«i.i.. i. i.,u, 11(1,t i. , , , . , Ing six In xx hit li h.i- ii tbiougli the Istliiiius ol Florida l> just now attracting considerable attention, and its piactlcxiblllty and xaluc to the commerce of the xvoild is iiuiiiicstionnble. It iseslimat- ed by Gencinl btone, its chief cnglneei, that the construction of such a canal would save from three to suxen davs time tor all the steamcis and sailing vesesls going Into and out of tho Gull of Mexico, one fact alone, which is very sleniflennt, as the sal¬ ary unci running expense account of tlio lnrge, ocean steitmer averages about 15,000 per month, or about (170 per day and the cost of coal between $300 and MOO per day additional, making a saving In expense, nt the lowest estimate, of $1,500 In the mere matter of time. But this Is tint the most Important fonturo In favor of the enter¬ prise. The navigation through the straits of Florida Is tho most dangerous known, the average loss ot vessels and cargoes being enormous, which1 makes Insurance on ves¬ sels bound to tho Gulf of Mexico rate very vorlte with I In inn O her notexxoiiln inn the Twii," b) W illliiin and Birds." u irhl.i-a Mr. Phil Rohliiomi In poets, by 11mm lei I W Irrhls Lotteis, li) Hi "Character jhi heailii is. rey; and poems In l>i A. 1'., tlie Initial- ol VI Seveial important new nnd tho nuoihei emu hi.1 ally diversified Coutrlln ciistomniy riiiiiiln„r aim mouth. THE » AS V.DI \V3 RIGHT. The Canadian nutlioil es have done per¬ fectly i Ight In win iiIiik i xptaln Rhodes that any attempt made by lilui or any ono olio to swim tho whirlpool iapii s at Niagara Falls would bo looked upon »s oming from nnln-: ■ IT1CES. intlc continues the mi Singer," by Mr. -t," by Mi. IiHthrop, -acted marked attcn- 11 11 ml ulth lucrcas- )r Holmes liirnlshcs- • •i ■ King's Chapel," ston cluircliespx hlcli id iho revolution; It ~)r. Holmes has for ." Walton Green has ir Nominating Ma- • tructlvc reading for > know Just how po- iiiellnies frequently e willing to lend iiinagement. II. II. - il Edinbiirg In an In Anld Rceklo." lis series of articles "ry und experience, Bourges, Lo Mans, Kdlth M. Thomas, _ an Inland Beach," Kilo In the eliarm- le her so great ala- • -s ol the Ulantlc •s uie "Annexed by ■ i. Stoddard; "Poets in somo articles by • 'g.ird to birds and Stanton; "Merlmce in Louise Henry, by Bradford Tor- t*. W, Parsons and '. J nines T. Fields, noks are reviewed, "9 with nn'nniisu- •ors' Club, and the nt of books of the , CLFVfLAND. Tho schooner Havana fs 'n the Globe dry- dock lor cnlkldg. Everything is dull except freight rates, which arc aclivc and firm".------- The I. II. Qnlnby vxent Into Smith's dry- dock for a calking and a thorough overhaul¬ ing. The Fronting Bethel mVs n great fnany vis¬ itors these hot days, and entertains them In good style. Tho tug S. S. Stone ran on a enag in tho old river bod a fow days ago, breaking u shoe. Sho went IWo Smith's drydock. Tho Paragon, xvltli coal from th s pori, T.n aground at Camp Meeting Covo, Bay of Quinle, ami will ho lightered before sho can bo released The lug Belle King, which sunk oft' Gib¬ raltar Island six years ago, has been found. She Is owned by~M7~A7T.'utchcn, of S6uth Toledo. Captain Lohincycr's steiunjncht Cyclone is lying In tho river xvaltlngfor an excursion party. She is registered to enrrv 1!15 passen¬ gers, can speed sixteen miles nn hour nnd will make it pleasant for those who go with her. The tug Mary Virginia mil steainllgliler Robert Grcenhalgh, Jr. wont to rhe assist¬ ance of the schooner John J. Hill, which Bprang a leak mid xvas benched oil Dover bay on the 21st. Sho was released and ac- rived heic with a (Wrgo of stone which sho discharged at Epson's lime kiln Shi will be repaired nt tlio Globo drydock. Freight rates still remain Arm, ulth the exception, probably, ol those on grain, which nro a trltic weakci, although Vessels arc still scarce, brokers having but small tonnage to ofter. The lollowing charters xx ore made on tho 21st Schooner Southwest, coal, Lpraln to Orcen Bay, 70c; schooner A. Boody, coal, from Cleveland to Milwaukee, 70c, am) re¬ turning, ore from Escanaba to Cleveland, $1.25; schooner Sxvallow, conl from Cleve¬ land to Mllxxaukee, 70c, and returning, ore from Escanabu to Cleveland, $1 25, nnd on the 22d ore ivn» tirin nt $1.25, xvltli chances. The ichooner Ji.ra carries stone from Kel- loy's Island to Mnrquotte, 00c per ton free; same vesiei, ore on return trip from Mnr¬ quotte to Cleveland, p. t.; steambarge Queen of tho West, coal, Cleveland to Chicago, 70c; schooner Cook, coal,.Toledo to Sheboygan, Wis., $1.00. During Tuesday afternoon tho following dispatch was received at the marino insur¬ ance agoney of Mr. W. B. Scott In the Iron Exchange building, on Water street: "Sun- nysldo collided with schooner S. II. Foster