TEST - IPR records

Marine Record, August 16, 1883, p. 7

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THE MARINE RECORD. Captain John Ericsson, tho. noted Invon- tor, has Just colobrntod his eightieth - birth¬ day. It Is remarkable that ho la yot halo nnd hearty and notlvo, pursuing hist studies nnd making his experiments with scarcely any abatement of the old-tlmo ardor and en¬ ergy, devoting twelve hoiiy a day to prao- tloal inventions. Hla resldenco Is nt SO Bcnoh street, New York, and has undergonu no ohnngo in appearanoo since 1804, and In¬ side thortyls tho greatest multiplicity of mod¬ els of tho Inventor's skill. Captain 'Ericsson was born In Sweden, and at the ago of thirteen was put In chargo of a section of ship canal then bclryt constructed. He soon after became an officer In the Swedish army, whoro ho got hts tltlo. In 1820 he wont to England, and there entered his locomotive novolty Into tho competition that made .Ueorgo Stephenson's Rockot-the winner. In 1837 he constructed tho first practical pro- polling vessel, tlio Francis B. Ogdon, and beoauso of the disfavor shown it by tho Brit¬ ish Admiralty he camo to this country In 1830. His first .work was the building of the war ship Princeton, though his greatest AOhlovement was tho Monitor. His tptpedo boat, tho Destroyer, Ib the result of l/lfl latest study, though his last Invention is a sun mo¬ tor. Captnln ErlcBson takes plenty of oxor- cIbo nnd is very tompornto In all things.— inter Ocean. THE INNER HISTORY OF A REMARK- ' ABLE EVENT. Tho recent prize fight between Ryan and Sullivan, while It should receivo tlio om- fihatlc denunciation ol overy law-loving clt- zen, was In many respects n most remarka¬ ble encounter. Although n mero boy, Sulli- van is probably tho most formldnblo pugilist over known Ryan, is also a powerful man but ho eutorod tlio ring suffering terribly from plies and was therefore in no condltjon to fight. Hnd ho used Swnyne's Ointment the result might hnvo been reversed. Wo confess we aro astonished at tho way this remedy removes nil Itching pnln nnd sore¬ ness. G s RAND 11 u nunGEK RAND & BURGER SHIP-BUILDERS. CONTRACTORS l LESSEES OF PRY DOCK. ALSO PREPARED TO DO WEEOEING AND TOWING ^VIT^ the Tug John Gregory. — \) Vessels Docked and Re¬ paired on Short Notice. MANITOWOC,WIS. FooCboo's Balsam of Shark's OH. Poaltlvel; It«nU>ro« the Hearing-, nnd It the On¬ ly Absolute Cure for DoufnoM Knuwn. Thli oil ts abstracted from peculiar upocles ot small White Sharif, cilight In llio \.llow Sea known a) CiltcilAltonoN Roiijbi ITII bTorjr tlilno o IMiermun knows U/Ila \ trtiiea aa a rfatoratno of hearing wcro imcoTOod by a Uudlilal prion! about i)>a four llio Il« curen wore ho numorous, and ninny au tteemlngly uilrnenlona, that tho romedy was olnclnll) pro¬ claimed over tho ontlro Kmptro In uao bocainu bo tinlvoraal Hut lor over 300 yenra no denrhoan haa existed among- the Ohtnoae people Sent, charges prepaid, to liny addreasnttl 00 per bottle Heal' What thTDoaf Bay1 It haa portormol a miracle til my cast I Iioto no unearthly nolsos In uiy hoad and hoar much bettor I havo beon greatly lwnonttc.1 My doatnoas holped a groat deal—think anothor hot- , tlo will euro mo My hearing Ib much lionoflttcd I havo received untold benefit My hearing U Improving ItliKlvlnggood satisfaction t HaTo*b«on greatly bonenttod, and am rejoiced that 1 saw the notice ol h "Its virtues are u»o,i>isTiofiAU!.it ami lta cuniTiva ruiiuoTSR innoLOTie, »b tii« wnmm can rinaov- Ai i YTK«rnrv, UOTH moil KxrKUiitNt.it and oubbkva tioh Write lit once to Haviock A Jbknky, J Do) Street, Now York, enclosing 81 00, and you will rcoaiyo hv rotirn a rcraody that will cnnblo you to hear flko nnvbody olse, and wlioao curallvo elloota will bd por- , niSie.it You wilt never regret doing ao."-EuiTOK ov MBBCANTIUI^ K\ 1KB ^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^ "^------BKOIHTllBBl) IiKlTKIl „.__„_„ _. llr»,,Jl.-v Only imported by "**lorK* JEWy- boLB Atnmis von AMKinot. " «ey Bt, H. v, I JOHN COON. -«-<y _&1WIl Gaioiwftrs.SaltRffis Smote Sfito. MaJMsofHi^HitocVaottWnWc Office & Works, M4.246.248.2S0.2S2.Aiii.254. Pony St, OIL STILLS.* ; AGOTATOfta. ' Eepairmg BrompflyAttondoita *fo r0.ooOO»"*' .'Wt ESTABLISHED 1830, -MAKUfACTUIUmB OK- CORDAGE * OAKUM. u^Si^^S^SSg^^^Vi^i °"h0 "ry be" ,,u,,"y m"ao t0 onl0"AT 0SD Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y, SIGNAL LAMPS, -WITH- Patent Fluted Lens And Perfect Colors. GET THE BEST & AVOID COLLISIONS. Theao Lamps glvo a more brlllnnt light than any Blgnal Lamp now In uso Thoy havo bocn adoptod bj tlio principal Ocoan and Lnko Steamers nnd Vessels, and aro for sale In tho prtoclpat ports on the Atlantic coast anitlakcs Wrought Iron Ranges for Steamers And Hotels. Send for calaloguo Manutacturcd by FELTHOU8UN * RUSSELL, 130 at 141 MAIN ST., BUFFALO, N. V. MARINE ENGINE WORKS 0 UANQFACTUBKB OP Marine and Stationary Engines, FBOmLEK WHEEL**, VESSEL PUHP8 A GEHEBAL MA0HINEEY ConnuaroKDENCK SouciTKD, 55, 07 A 80 Mlohlgnn St. CHICAGO ILL. NO ENGINEER Should be Content to run a Boiler, stationary or Marine, without ~ HOUGHTON'S BOILER AND TUBE COMPOUND, Which keeps it free from Scale, Mud or Sediment, Prevents' foiunltig and lessens the liability of Explosion. It saves HJEL, LAUOR and RE- FAIRS. It is PURELY VEGETABLE nnd v Absolutely Safe. Send Tor Circular giving ruUlnformatlon to HOUGHTON & CO, Sole Proprietors and Momiftioturen 130 Reade St., cor. Hudson, NEW YORK. THE NEW PULSOMETER CHEAPEST, STRONGEST, MOST SIMPLE, COMPACT, DURABLE, EFFECTIVE & ECONOMICAL STEAM PUMP IN THE MARKET, for raising llqnlds under nnd up to 100 feet. No Machinery, No Oil, No Special Oare. Can be worked suspondttd by n chain. Will push grit, mud, •and, pulp, etc, without Injury to its ptirts Needs only a steam pipe from boiler to run It. Price, (100 gallons per hour, *B0| 1,800 tfi •75l 3,fl0() do. •lOOi 0,000 do. aiilOj 10,000 do. •Uffl 18,tOO do •MS I 85,000 do. smSl 40,000 do. •<00| 00,000 do. >SOO| 130,000 do. VI,000. Compare this with any other Pump List. \\ rlto for itlustratod doscrlpllvo book u Ith testimonials, &c Mailed frit PULSOSIETEK STEAM PC91T CO., 83 John St., Now York City, U.S.A. ht. Mnrv'8, Ohio Moiitpoiler, Ohio. OAII FACTORIES. i Breckonrlilgo, Midi Ciurollton, Mich GLOBrfflflrWORKS, Iron Shipbuilders, Hacllinists, Fonnierni Boiler'Makers, Corner Elm and Spruoe Sts., Cleveland, $ CANFIELD Wrecking & Towing Line, Tugs, Haw8era, Lighters, Steam Pumps, Lifting Screws, To bo hid on short notice, by mall or lologrnph. A. O. WHEELER, CHAS. ONEWtJOH Mansner. Wracking Mister. NOTICE TO STEAMBOAT AND VESSEL OWNERS. DEAN * COHPARVN DIAGONAL LIFE BOAT CAN BF. MED IN PLACE OP THE METALLIC LIFE BOAT IF PBEFERED, JIAK BEEN ADOPTED AT WASH¬ INGTON BT THE BOARD OF Ml. PER VISING INSPEC¬ TORS. Yawl & Pleasure Boats on hand SEND FOB FBIOB LIST. DEAN AND CO., DETROIT, MICH. DULUTH, A! INN. F. * H. BORN, PLUMBERS. Mannfactnrers of Hotel Rauges & Lanndry Stores, anil Dealer id ishii 128 SUPERIORS! , CLEVELAND, 0. "! MANUFACTUIlKltS AND IMrOUTHIlB i, OAKUM j niivuuitu, Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks? Buntings, RUSSIA BOLT-ROPE, FLAGS, COTTON & FLAX DUCKS, MARINE HABDWABK AND SHIP CHANDLERS' GOODS GENERALLY Hoi 34 A 85 BOOTH BT„ MBW Y0BK- THE MARINE LAW BOOK ------IS NOW READY_____ , . SEND YOUR ORDERS TO THE MARINE RECORD. Capt. D. S. Webster, \I.SMI IMl IWIHANC1 AlitNl Wood, Fence Posts, Bark, I LTC lKJUdUT AMI SOLHON CIlMMI^KlN Ghartennn and Freighting of Canadian Coarse Freights a Specialty. OffloM Room 32, Seoond Floor, Moffat Blook, v IHTIUlIT MICII1(,\N | MECHANICAL NEWS. [ILLUSTRATED] $1.00 PER YEAR With Premium. Sample Copies Free. . JAMES LEFFEL & CO. No. 110 Libert) St., New York . N. Y. A 944 01�7 0915

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