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Marine Record, August 16, 1883, p. 5

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THE MARINE RECORD I finds ho got* out ol pocket by kooplng her running. % Mr. Thomas Miller, of tho firm of Mlllor Brothots, shipbuilders, has gone on an ex¬ cursion to San Frnnolsco with tho Knights Templar. > Tho cabin and pilot-house of tho tug Chftrmor, whloh sunk Sunday, hits washed ashore nt South Chicago, If thd cast wind continues she wl\l llkoly go to pjeccs. Tho fine sohoonor Chas. E, Wyman, of Grand Haven, Captain Alex Smith, which has been engaged In tho lumber trade, wont to Sarnta with a load of corn on Frldny last. The propeller Now York collided with thq *tea,mbarge Aborcorn whilst tho lnttor wiib on tho market last week, doing a considera¬ ble amount of damngo to hor planking, plank shear and bulwarks nmldsnlpB, Grain freights aro rising 8tcadNy and wo hopo soon to record them at 5c and upwards from this port to Buffalo. Lumber freights remain unchanged, and It 1b a hard job to triake vossols pay tholr way at presont rates. On Supday, about noon, tho rtcnmbnrgo Nollle Tot rout capsized and waterlogged near tho mouth of the harbor. Too heavy a dcckload of shingles was no doubt the cnuso of tho trouble. Divers tiro engaged upon her getting hor roady to bo pumped out and set afloat again. General Superintendent Klmbnll, of the Llfo-Savtng Service, accompanied by Scnn- torCongci,of Michigan, came here on Frl- elny lust and Inspected the life saving station. The Chicago crew wont through a thorough drill and were very highly commended for . tholr efficiency. \ Tho life-saving station at this port Is to have ono of tho Biggins & GIBdrd Cape Cod" aurfboats sent on for experiment, nnd If It proves a success others will be sent to tho various stations comprising this district. ' These boats are pronounced tho best In use, and have been adopted at all of tho stations ■on Lake Huron. They aro constructed of cedar with an air tight compartment In bow and stern and are pointed at both ends. They aro doublo banked and carry eight oars. Grain freights were again firm yesterday at 334@4e corn to Buffalo. On corn to Mid¬ land and Sartila, the rate was 2}^@2^o. In ono Instance a small vessel got in on wheat toSarnla—the schooner Adventurer. Tho nominal rato on wheat to Kingston was 7)4o. The demand for vessels to Kingston (as to ' all ports) was good, but tho vobsoIs In port . had not discharged their up cargoes and I wero not yet ready to go to tho elevatorB. Ou wheat to Mantcoal, tho propollor Prus¬ sia ohtalRtSoflOc, the lilghOBt flguro paid this season. The sohoonor A. G. Moroy Is In Miller Brothers' drydock receiving a new keel, new bottom and some general ropnhs. Schooner William Jones Is receiving some new frames and part now bottom. The barge Berrien of Benton Harbor Is being calked. Sehooner Ebenezer (late the Watts Sherman) has had a^thorough rebuild at a cost of $5,000. Tho tug Tarrant has had a new Wheel. Schooner North Star had a leak stopped and some -calking. The schooner Mary B. Hale had a leak stopped. Tho tug Boscobel got some jiejy braBSjM In her "tern bearing. Stcum- ba'rge Tempest Tiad her wheel tightened. Tho stcamor John B. Lyon Is having her topsldes calked and some repairs to hoi etorn. A new windlass is being made for the schooner Evening Star. bBTltOIT. bptclal to the Marine Record The tug Mocking Bird wns towed horo •with a brokon shaft, Tho tug Sweepstakes took her tow of five schooners to Lake Erlo. The steamer Mary running between this port and Toledo, broke her shaft near Am- iherstburg on tho 13th. She will bo re¬ paired hero. • Tho tugs Champion and Sweopstakcs re¬ leased tho schooner Wayne Sunday, aground on tho head of Harson's Island. Tho cause of her grounding was tho parting of tho tow- line'. Grain freights remain firm at 2^o to Buf¬ falo. Steatnbargo Fortuno was chartered for cedar ties from Lyon's Head to Court-i -wrlghl at 10c; Schooner Bonodlct, cedar ties, Bauble Boaoh to Clovoland, luo; scow Bosobud, paving codar, Fishing Islands to Detroit, $2.25 por cord. Last wook wo gave a description of tbo new steamer City of Maklnac, to bo run on 4he Detroit and Cleveland Steam Naviga¬ tion Line. Sho has proved, to bo a porteot sucocss In regard to snood, as sho made tho ruh from Port Huron to Detroit In three hours and thirty-eight minutes. She loft Detroit on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, as announced, and has rriado tho round trip to Macklnao and return,_gottlng back to De¬ troit on Tuesday, as 'stated, at 10:30 when tho regular tlmo sot down.for hor to get In was 2 p. m. She was tliroo and a half hours ahead of hor regular schedule time. As to eomfort nnd Bnfety tho reputation of tho De¬ troit and Cleveland lino Is sufficient assur¬ ance Tho City of Macklnno will altornate with tho City of Clovoland In running be¬ tween Dotrolt and Macklnnc, this now ves¬ sel leaving Dotrolt on Wednesdays and Sat¬ urdays, and hor companion leaving on Mon¬ days and Fridays. .SANDUSKY. Special to Ihe Marine Record *- Tho barge propeller City of Rome, nearly equal In size and carrying capacity ;o tho mnnstci Onoko, arrived at this port on the 10th with 1,800 tons ot ore from Marquette. She came In drawing lourtcen leot lorward and aft, and had no difficulty In onterlng tho dock or gottlno up to tho dock. It is a fact worthy of ndte in this Connection that moro large, dcep-drnfrvesselB havoatrlvod at this port this ycat tlutu heretofore. The largest craft on the hikes, the Onoko, hnd no troublo in getting Into this harbor with 2,370 tons of ore. Schooner Thomas P. Sheldon arrived from Marquette with ore. Schooner Foster arrived with hard coal from Buffalo and cleared light for Toledo. Schooncrticlklrk orrlved from Escanaba with ore. boliooner Teutonla arrived with ore. Scow H. Hlno arrived light and clenred with coal foi" Windsor. Scow Bella Eliza arrived light and cleared with coal for Detroit. Scow John Leone arrived light and cleared with stone. Stenmbnrge Hattio arilvcd with 50,000 barrel hoops for Hudson. Steam barge City of Romo arrived with 1,809 tons ore from Marquette. Cargo Coloiado ar Lino Co. It Is not known what tbo now owndr will do with tho ornft. The Groan Bay Docking Co, has beon awarded tho contract for taking < aro of tho buoys In the wafers of Grodn Bay and tribu¬ taries for tho year ending Juno,) 884. Tho -tug Grogory will bo trai stcrred to her now ownOrs, Rand &' Burge vMaulto". woc^oJUIiellitti of this month. Tho faot DUtUTII. Capt. MoDodgnl has forty mon at work on the south fllioro picking up logs. > The Pacific has been laid up and the crew discharged. A number of men are engaged In building a ono hundred foot orlb at elevator A dook. ft will bo ready for sinking In about one week. 4\ thatthobont'had been purchased by thU firm was published ,ln these columns somo weeks ago. Tho consideration Ib said to havo bcerr $0,000. At the. chattel mortgage snlo of tho tug Thomas Spear, which camo off at Green Buy hist Monday, the bout wns bid In by Geo. O. Spcm, of this city, for $0,000. It Is understood tlint Capt. Bnrnhnm will bring tho tug here this week, and she will take tho plaeo of the Grogory In canal towing. The schooner C. II. Burton, which has been ashoro on Fisherman's reef, Washing¬ ton Island, bus flnnlly been rclenBeu> after near)y two months' work by an expedition fitted out for that purpose. Tho vessel was taken Into Washington Haibor, whore tem¬ poral y repnliB wero mnde, after which she was taken to Manitowoc for gencinl repairs. OSWEOO. Tho tug iiBsoclntlOn complain of bad busi¬ ness this season. Tho barge Michigan has gono on Uoble & MncFnrlnn's dry dock for minor repairs. Tho stcambargo Saxon hits gono on Mitchell & Gallagher's dry dock for a now1 wheel. Tho stenm'bargo Reliance, towing tho schooner Clata White, was forced to put back on account of heavy weather. Charters—Tho Flora Emma takes coal for Oshawa from tho D. L. SI W. trestles, and tho Mary Taylor for Belleville and tho Flor¬ ence Howard from Kingston from Ontario and Western trestlos. Tho sohoonor George Steele takes coal for Chicago, tho E. Fltzgorald for Toledo, the Annie Mulvoy lor Toronto, tho•B, W. Fol- oro irom m„rqu»v». —B- -......— - ,ger lor Kingston ,and tho Herbert Dudloy rlvod from Bay City with lumber, cleared for St, Catherines from D. & W. trestles. light In tow of steam barge Dickinson. Barge<£athrop arrived with ldmber and cleared for Chicago light. Schooner Cous- uello ai rived with lumber, cleared light. Schooner India arrived light and loaded coal for an upper lake ppit. SchoorierJ£ll-1 derhouso arrived with grain from Chicago)*' cleared light for Alpena. Schooner H. F. Merry arrived with ooal from Buffalo, cleared with grain for Erlo. Schooners, C. G. King, Wabash, Monitor* nnd Johnson cleared for Prince Arthur's landing In tow of tug SnuiBon. Barge Shad well arrived w'th ore from Marquette. Barge Wolver¬ ine arrived from Bay City with lurubor. Propeller Annie Young, Anchor Lino ar¬ rived and cleared with mixed fielght foi Chicago. Barge Fulton arrived with lum¬ ber from ManlstlquC- DUFFALO. It Is said that the contractors who were to dredge the channel In the BlnckweU^Cnnnl to a dc|fth of 17 feet below low wator mark have completed their work—that Ib, have ceased doing further dredging. And yet it Is Impossible for a vessel to go through the eannrthnt Is drawing-over 14 feet 5 inches, oven when the wutei Is at a good stage Tho ( ourier snj t Captain Thomas May- them's new tug, J. L Williams came out Ihursday She Is one of the hugest, best built, and moot powerful of our harbor tugs. She wns built by O'Grndy & Mhher, who have lately been doing somo excellent work In this line. Hor length Ib savonty-thrco and one-half fcot, beam sixteen leot, hold nine feet four Inches. Her engine has a cyl¬ inder 10x22 Inches, and was built by Sutton Brothors; it Ib a well finished specimon of marine machinery and' cannot but do good work. Her boiler measures thirteen teot In length by seven feet In shell, and was for¬ merly in tho steamyaclit Tllanla, it Is prac tlcally as good as now, and makes steam steadily and economically. Tho whool Is six feet ten Inches In diameter. It will bo seen that In engine, boiler, and wheel tho Will¬ iams has the advantage of other tugs. Sho Is of handiomo model, Is woll finished and arranged, nnd consequently makes a very fine appearance. Captain Ed. Maythom will run her for tho present. X STUitCiKON HAY. Capt. Dan Sinclair has purchased tho barge E. Tyson from tho Marinette Barge | MILWAUKEE. Georgo C. Cnlwcll, of HarrisonVllle, Mich., has purchased the propeller Acouto ot the Goodrich Company, for $17,500. Three steam pumps wero placed on the steambarge Potomac, on the beach at Alma- pee-Falls, to lower tho water In the holt1, and her cargo will bo removed Only 2,000 bushelH of hor cargo of 38,000 bushels wero saved dry. Her timbers arc sprung, and It Is doubtful If she can be released. Tho Lender snjs tho propeller Polo mac, of Cleveland, valued at $45,000, Insured for $35,000, nnd loaded with rye worth $20,- 000, Ib on the bench near Ahuapee, Wis,, with 12 feet of wntor in hor hold, having stove her bottom on ii rock. She has been abandoned to the underwriters Tho wreck¬ ing tug, Levinnthnn has gone to her relief. Grain carriers were In good demand j es- terday, but no vcbboIs weio on tho market nnd no engagements were reported. Rates are very firm, and vcbsoIs could have pro- uured 4 cents on wheat to Buffalo. It was reported hole yesterday that shlppois were paying .'!;'.(• and 4 cents on corn to Uiillalo. Ore freights arc firm with, a good jdernand for vessels, and rules nt $115 from Escanaba to Ohio poi ts. PUTrlN-llAY. Wille tho little jaeht Utile, of Middle Bass Island was giving a pleasure sail \es tordav, and when about mldwny between Middle Bass and Put-ln-Buy Islands, a sud¬ den squall struck the boat, capsizing it nnd tliiowlng the occupimts, Mr Capper nnd Matt Morgan and family, all of Cincinnati, into the water. The wntor wns rising nt tho time, but sovernl row boats and tho stcamyauhts Inn and Ida May hastened to tho spot. The first to reach tflo jpot wns a small row boat containing Will Molyneux and Hnrry Robbius, two Cleveland youths, who are at tho bay to attend tho Seventh Regiment encampment, lids party, togeth¬ er With a small boat which was fastened to the Llllle when sho capsized, took up tho parly ot nine persons, nono of whom, ox- ouptMrs, Morgan, wusjuiy^the woise for tho ducking. Mr Mnrg&p lust it valuable watch and $200 Irr-inoney which wore In the yatlit when she tiipsl/i'd. Mrs Morgan was tnken to the home ol Mrs. Dr Webster, on Put In-Bny Island, and promptly restorcil from the, Insensible condition into which sho had fallen fiomthc excitement. The work of fllllngjn tho second section .of tho Ohio Central Barge and Coal dock Is going forward rapidly. Tho frame for the large oat1 elevator on tho tHko share, hear elevator A, will bo raised about the first of tho week. 1 EAST TAWA8. Tho tug Relief left Aug. 11 w Ith a largo raft of logs, containing one million feet, for Evans and Killtnaster, Tonawanda. The sehoonor'Gianger, londed -with salt, leaves for Milwaukee. >— The barge Dan Rogers, which left yester¬ day for Cleveland, put bnck nnd lies at an¬ chor. The tug Bnlizo is hero w'ultlng for weather to tako a raft of logs for Charletton, Buffalo. TOLEDO, The Bi itlsh schooner Emerald, it ship tim¬ ber curiei, has gone Into the grain trade. She Is putting in bulkhends[prepnmtoiy to loading wheat tor Kingston. Tho schooners Rlveisldc .and Mineral State, nnd tho piopoller Chnuncoy Hurlbut, take wheat to bullalo at 2>^c. Schooner Wllllnm Slitipe, wheat, to Bullalo, 2#c, barges Aicturus, conl, to Detroit, 35c, nnd Icsman, conl to Saginaw, 10c; schooners Erlo and G. \V. Davles, and propeller J. M. Osbom, wheat to Buffalo, 234c roBT uunos Tho steambarge R. \^aiTTrcflr towing the schooners, 11. A Kent, ThomiiB Gawn and Joseph Paigo, did serious damage August 13 to the Grand Trunk railroad wharf, and tho former lost her bowspiir andjlbboon. The Paige lost her headgear. During the trouble the Wallace got the Kent's tow line In her wheel and was dolayed some hours before It was taken out. Tho cause of tho collision was that botli vessels took n sheer while the stcambargo was trying to clear a small schooner that was at anchor nbreaBt of tho elevator at Sarnln. GRAND UAVKN. , The Bchoonor Allegham of the Anchor lino, when about tho middlo of Lake Michi¬ gan to-day was seen to hoist a signal of dis¬ tress The stcamor City of Milwaukee on her regular trip, saw nnd went to her assis¬ tance and found on arrival that her foremast head and also pait ol her ligglng was gone. Ihe City of Milwaukee triid to tow her in, but the hawser pnrted and she wns forced to abandon her When last Been sho was headed toward Uncago. rSCASAllA The steamship Chlsholm took quite n licet, having in tow w hen she left, the City of Cleveland, the Ahlra Cobb, and the Scotia. Tho City ot Cleveland took out 2,500 toi a of ore on fourteen foot six. bhe's n currier Propeller II. C Akelv, schooners, City ot Gieon Bay, Beitie Cnlklns, Frank Porew, nnd Golden Fleece, tonl Inden, nnived on the 11th Propellers, D Vt. Rust, Minne¬ sota, schooners, Francis Palms, Kingfisher, Mirssasslt, D. K Clint, Green Bay, Frank Poro\v, departed IIAOINE The schooner Alleghaii), grain loaded, lies out In the lake nearly opposite Ruclno, dismnsled The fishing tug ut Kenosha brought In n dispatch from the muster of the Alleghany for a Milwaukee tug HA^ cliv Clonrantes—For Cleveland, on tho 13th, stcumbaigoB Sanilac, 1,1100,000 shingles, Oakland, 310,000 feet Ininbei, 200,000 lath, barge W R. Clinton, 300,000 feet lumber, for Tonawanda, barge J?asset, 700,000 fee lumbar, stcnuibmge Curtlss, 676,000 foet lumber Cleared on the 15th, for Tonawanda, steumbnrgus Caldwell, 475,000 feet of lum¬ ber, George King, 185,000 feet lumber, Ma\!lower, 335,000 fcot ot lumber, Nelson Mill 412,000 feot of lumber i Mineral Bock, 500,000 feet of lumber; Robert Holland, 375,-000 foet of lumber; barges Levi Raw- son, 475,000 feet of lumber; Buokhout 405,- 000 feet of lumber; tor Buffalo, barges Hol¬ land, 750,000 feet of lumber; Bahama, 300,- 000 leot ot lumber, Dobbins, 000,000 fcot of lumber, for Cleveland, barges Lester, 359,- 000 feet of lumber, for Fremont, baige Ailmnn, 185,000 feet of lumber, for Macki¬ naw, stenmjacht David buttou, light.

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