TEST - IPR records

Marine Record, August 16, 1883, p. 3

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THE MARINE RECORD THE LUMBER INTERESTS. Bradstreots In, a recent Issue discourses thus on tho lumber trade. The lumber In; torost of the country,* necqnd only, It say's, • in Importance to that oflroii, represents nn annual 0 itput exceeding eight billion feet, of which amount Chicago, the leading mar¬ ket for tho vast pineries that crowd tho northern slopes ot Michigan and Wisconsin, distributes one-fourth. Tho consumption of lumber tends to Increase in tho eastern, * Jnlddlo, western mid southwestern stale-, and following on this progressive demand and augmenting cost of securing supplies Is a genoral adviinCo In pVlcc. Tho- Chicago dealers testified beforetlio tariff' cliuimlssion that the averaga has risen from . fO.0,'1 per thousand feet for the three years 1877, 1878 - nnd 1870 to (11.03 .In 1880, *13 02 ami over (14 In 1882. It Is difficult to Imagine a great Industry like that of lumber suddenly nrrosted for want of supplies, but the most reliable authorities place the period of com. paratlvo oxhaustlon at fifteen years. The oatlmiito of Ion years formerly entertained was based qn the amount of timber-, which would yield not less than 20 por cent In grades common to fine, when govdrnniont Bolootlons were noglocted ovon at prices of $1.25 to |2.50 per acre; and no pine timber was considered worth cutting whloh meas¬ ured Igbb than sixteen to eighteen inches diameter at tho butt; when the logging district of Michigan and northern Wisconsin was almost unknown, dnd-the merchantable - timber of the south, now extensively mado available by railway connection, was un¬ derrated. -The encroachments, however, on the pineries of the west and southwest, can¬ not bo made good, the land being too service¬ able for agriculture, whllo In.tho south crops of cottoji sugar, tobacco, corn and oats ftrove far more profitable than timber grow- ng. Each year timber has to be sought further buck. After damming up every nvallable creek by which the log could reach the rivers, logging railroads have been con¬ structed to the water. The process of deuud- lng lumber lands is hastened by the "butcher¬ ing" going on to supply tho quantity de¬ manded by tho voracious mills. Did lumbor command n lar higher price much of the timber brought to market would be reserved for further growth. It Is a common saying that not one tree in four, owing to inherent defects, Is suitable lor logs. Anticipatory of future requirements, and with tile prospect of heavy advances In price, largo sections of land containing choice descriptions of whllo and yellow pluu are, with a limited extent of hard woods, being bought up to hold by eastern and New York capitalists. Of the profitableness of such Investments thero can, of course, be no question. The forthcoming failure of supplies exercises no Immediate effect on the market; tho probable and actual supply of each successive lumber season Is the main concern of the trade, tho future being loft to take care of ItBolf. Tho gonerld policy of the lumber trade Is to buy for tho firesont demand, based on a largo supply and u this it 1b pursuing the buuio course as last year. As to outside resources;-Canada odors Im- luenae supplies. Nova Scotia and New Brunswick will long coiitinuo their exports of spruce; Mexico, with her rich timber lands of qualities of wood suited to this mar¬ ket, Including walnut, ebony, mahogany, oak, hard cedar, hickory and sycamore, promlao In no long time to bo nn Important source of supply, of railroads', cutting through her'forest reserves, nro now being rapidly built under tho lufluonco of State Government concosaions. Among the influences operating on tho course of trade, and slightly affecting prices, are tho rates of freight botwenii competitive ' points. The opening ot navigation on the lakes is always tile signal for material re¬ duction of tho trunk lines between tho west and east. Freights on the lakes this season aro somewhat lower while canal transporta¬ tion has risen, owing to the successful de¬ mands of the boatmen for higher wages. Railroads aro potting moro Into tho lumber trade than formerly through trunk linos reaching wooded belts previously untouched, the building of now lines depending as a course ot revenue on lumber traffic both for neighboring consumption and distant ship¬ ment, and tho extension of tributary lines to the ever receding sources of supply. Knows to Mm or Fjiue «m> Soienoe ron Riuonsa ALL IMPURITIES OFTHE BL000. AttawWjU I anil, rUiuat, ul tfltlut Otn ftf C0N8TIPATI0H,sa-,ftS.a,^.b",1>' DYSPEPSIA, ^^..^CTl^TO nnd tendern Mint pit ot atomnch, dcirondcncy. LIVER o°m"'alp^ Biiiow* Mtl.>rt*. p111"1 ""* hlWMfl jtnr, oinilng em nut In bftok ibi I , i IITir, MUIID alto bottom of ribs tonj - - - ---------ud ■13^ wcsrlniw, frrltnblllty, tongue coated, skin yollow, bat and cold ion- satfoni.eyuduu,drywni{b,itlflodandab>truct- od nwllnir Jmgalar polio, bod colored itoola. APOPibr" "E----------- oonfUilonlnbi btfon cm, lou e KIDNEYS, od fMllngMmjralw mt ___________ confuiion In beadLnervouincM, fliuhef of light btfon ctii. lou of taiBot?. DImuh of DluHir u4 _., urinofiftrkorllgKroddciw, Mnutloni, fn<jti*nt diilrt b> arintti, untul-uu, Influnid ini, dirk elnUi, thlrtt. DlMaMt* or LUTADT MT«r« ptlni, flaU«rlog or valfht Bur mi ii H "* tout, mow M" ob moTlnf quickly tod whin lrlnfon lift aid! t out of bmlh on mrtloB. nCmmOnt,•,•< or UtAi hl&tntu, mwZ Drapir u Maud by wiUry Hold. Rbenm**. tltm( *•*» by nris uld la blood. Baw«I I>l»* o-NUn by tempi niiUr. warms by tho pmU d»M« by auUBf of tho Mertuonj, *■*• PIItlJL by patio uilon, romoni —!.•—-=?-'-— siBibymi-llM DratfUU. wlUiln. ____ uimm mrtlai»j>»nuni«n. r — ■ ■- " » Mali b»l of 90 Hllii s bom, 11.00 Optt-K **ttf«. JJh. ■WiVji nuituKIpMa, Pa, SoUbjDra Vesselmen SHOULD HAVJ1 OUR MARINE LAW BOOK, Contiluing all Horn of MARINE LAW m de¬ termined by tho United Btntca CouiU Senmon, FroljihtH, Towflire, Collin Ion ■, General Averntfe, Owners, Chnrt«ri, IterUtry, UnroQinenU, Common Cnrrleri, Outlet of Seamen, Mnnteri A Ownen, Dill or Liullntr, Wnfrei, &o. Tho vqliiinn Id handsomely iiound In allff Ilnard coven, and line Enitllah chftn binding. Bookaofthyi kind generally cmt 8:1.ihi, Imt wo will oend.lt to any addresn. postage paid Tor S1,25, or with the MARINE RECORD for one your, butti lor only 53.00. Add ron Marine Record. Cleveland <>. POSITIVELY CURED All Bufforow from tliU dlioiwo that areanxlouito be cured Rhould try DB KISSNErVS CELEBRATED CONSUMPTION POWDEBS. Thooit i'ow.loraare tlio onlv preparation linown tlmt will cure connuniptlon id all lUietuetiof tho THROAT and LUNGS-indeed, so strong ia our fnilh In ilium, nn I ul-o lo lonvloce you that thor are no humbug, *u will forward to every ■uOorer, by in nil, porft paid, a Free Trial Box- Wo do iU want your money until you are perfectly oat- lifled of tholr curative powers. If your life la worth saving, donn delay In giving these POWDERS a trial aa they will surely cure you. I-Ttcc, for largo Box. Slot) or 4 Boxes for 810 00. Sent to any part of tho United Sluics or Canada, by mall, on receipt of price. Address. • ASH & ROBBINS. 3fi0 Fulton St.. Brooklln.' N. Y. FALLING SICKNESS PERMANENTLY 0UBED-N0 HUMBUG-by oneMonttfiuiageofDR- GOULARD'S Celebrated Inn lllble Pit PpWdere- Xoconvlncu sunurer» that Ihete Powders will do all we claim for them wo will send them by mall, post paid* a Free Trial Box- As Dr. Qoulard is thoouly I'nyblclan that bus over made this disease a special study, and as to our knowledge thousands have been permtnentl^cured by-tbeuoe-of these Powders, wo will guarantee a permanent oure'no«ry ease or refohd your all money ex¬ pended* All sufforers should give theno Powders an early tnal, and be convinced, of thoir curative power I'rlce. for large Box. 83 00 or 4 Boxes for 810 00. »t by mall to any pirt of tho United States or Cm nod on recolptof price, or by oxpress C O, I>. Addres ASH & ROBBINS, 360 Fulton St., Brooklln, N. Y. A NEW APPLICATION FOK AN OLD "" QUOTATION. "O wild some power the glftio gle us In eco otirseU ns IiIiltb suu us," quoth the Scotch bnrtl, Kobert Burns. This would iipply welt to persons who me nfllleted with the tetter or other (.lUfliiuriiiK external iilhueuts mid who nro too menu t-j buy Swityne's ointment foreskin discuses. Although simple In Its composition mid .application, it is by fur tlitr mon ofllcnclous.remedy In tlio market, but there are some people upon whose mluds you can't Impress the plainest facta. Tho following wo take Ironi tho Portneo Lake Mlnlnj; Qnzotto: "Mlniionpolls thinks tlmt Dulutli assumes altogether too much when It undertakes to put Itself \forwnrd as a whent market, nnd a probnblo'slt\fbr man¬ ufacturing flour on nn oxtenslvo scale, nnd tho result Is Minneapolis and Dulutli arc not- on 'speaking terms Just now. Each pnstos the other with its noso pointed to¬ wards tlio clouds." COAL. Dnvitt Uunihliul.A|ft, nOMEMTIV A NTEAM COAL. f)l«velninl, Ohio MARINE LAWYEHH. Knclp St Mori-Lou HtOTTOJUi IN ADMIRALTY, U.'» Mmiron St Hootn M Chlruint. lOAT lll'ILDIOHS. Dmui & Co. 1IOAT 11UI1.DKKS DETROIT . XIICH. LAUNDKY. BOAT WASHING nnd general Latftdry in few 'llOllrb. C1.KVKMND Sl'KAM Laun- uiiy. 33 St. Clair St. Telephone iiU. A FINE YACHT FOR SALE. A very fine yacht for salu. Length, 100 foot; beatu, .10 feel; double eiigluus: two splendid uodiir boata; ulco nwnlng; a splendid double kitchen, pan try and two dtatorooms; romiis wull furnlnhedio tiloopltf pontons; forecastle: upright pluno, and, In fact, all I hut can be desired. Tills vucliL tan bo pun-hnscd ut a bargain. Addrcta MiulMC ItEwau, Cluu-htud, O. ' ' . ' MANUFACTURERS OF ELASTIC MIXED PAINTS. OFFICE AND FACTORY , 36 Micbigan St., CLEVELAND, OHIO. The Nickel Plate! NEW YORK, CniCAOo! A ST. LOUIS RAILWAY.' M- V. B0EOHAH, Proprietor. The Madison, (KORUEliLY HKVKKK nOUSK) Detroit, Mich. Moat Conlrallj Located. * Sjtroct cars pnsa the door overy fow minutes to Depots and nil pnrtg of tho City. Three mlnute'B walk to L' 8 & M S, D & U,'nnd Wnlmsli Depots. Situ 1180. to 18.00 por day. J FOR SALE. An Iron lUmm ynclit M foet long, 0 foot beam, 8 foot deep; runs Tory fast, and well fan nd. Enquire of 1X1'. Nickkiiaon. Eucliil Avonuu Ballon. Tlio pnuongdr^orjulnment of. this Now Trunk lino b ntl now nnd Is fltippliod-. with tho Intcit appllnncoi noctunry to flnfo upootly nnd cqnifortnldo trAVol, At Clucngo, pautniRer trnini nnlvo nt and Ioavo from tlip Union Depot, \nn Huron street. Following Ih iho flmo In olToct May 14,1663, and un¬ til further notice: aOINQ EAST, Lv. Chicago.........B.Ifi a. m. ,................................ Arr. Vnli'lllol.0.... 10.08 " .............'......,............ " Fort Wayno, 1.110 p. ni.................................. " Now Hnvon.. 2.05 '* ................................. '• Wc»l Lolpjlo. 4.00 " .................................. " AraidU.........IU0 " ................................. '• Foatorln.......-..'MIB " ,t............................... " Oreon Hpilngs 0 12 " ................................. . " MIotiio........0.40 " J.v. Ilollovuo......... 0.6B . " Arr Clovrlimd.......0.20 " I.v. Cleveland.................. Arr Palni'STlllo..............., " Aehliibnla................... •* Connoaut.................... "' Erlo....................:..... " Dunkirk..................-., " Buimlo...................... \:a 2.28 4.21 0.00 OOINO WEST. Lt Bulfclo...........10.15 a. m......... Aar Dunkirk...........lf.M " " Erlo.........,.....„ 1.06 p. jn......... " Conneaut........ 2.63 " ........ Aihlabula........3 26 •' ........ .. 4.10 " .. 6.26 " ......... ..6. 8.10 a. in. lb.66 • " . 11.00 ". 12 00 p. in. 1268 " Accoru. 4 20pln1n, 6-30 0. 038 " ifl.65' •' An lurnl^hed FOR SALE. Iron, yacht SSfee't long very Anolty flalihed ana Blbed. Drafts 1-2. feet runs very fait, f Enquire of D. V. Kiotterson Htirknea-> Block Kuclld Ato Station. FOR SALE Slcam barge. Keel 144 feet, Benin 80 foe), depth of hold 11 feoljcrpaclty 400 M feel luuihor, 050 tons coal besides hor fuel. Built In 1882- Addrciv M>kinu Kboord Office. BEE LINE Cleveland, Columbus, 'Cincinnati and Indian¬ apolis Railway. The Great Central Trunk Route to the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. THREE TRAINS WEEK DAYS, • TWO TRAINS SUNDAYS, Leave Cleveland with Through Palnco Conches nnd Elcgnnt'Slei'piiigCnr?, for COLUMBUS. CINCINNATI. INDIANAPOLIS TERRE HAUTE —AND~- ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CHANGE. ThiB is the only lino making fjlreot Connection with all tho principal Trunk Lines ot tho East tor all Southern, Southwestern and Western points, elthor by *ay of Cincinnati, Indianapolis or St. Loulsiud all Hallway Towel MISSOURI, TEXAS, NEBRASKA, ARKANSAS,. KANSAS, COLORADO 7.16 a. m. 9.S0 " 0.10 " Lcavo. 0.45 a. m. 7.14 " 8 11 " 0.25 " 11 Palnosvillo. " Cioroland... Lv CloTOland...... ArrllelleTuo.........756 Lv BoIIotuo........................... " Green Springs................10.07 ' Fostorla..........................10 40 •• ............... " Arcadia.......................... 11 00 "............. " West Lelpslc.................. 11.68 " .............. " Now Haven.................. 2 06 p. m................ " Ki.rt W.iyuo.................. 2 20 " .............. " Valpralso....,................... 0 25 " ............... '• Chicago.......................... 8.20 " • ........._... Trains run by Columbus time, which Is twenty mln- utos fnitor ihHn Chicago time, flvo minutes slower than Cleveland, and aixteou minutes slower thin llul- fulo time. For Information, call on nearest agent ot tho Com¬ pany, ur address B. F. HOIINEIi, Oen'l Passenger AgonL LEVIS WILLIAMS, General Manager. Clovoland, O. Rocky lilver Accommodation deports at 7.50 a lu. [dally]; 0.-10 n. m [dally]; 10.-45 a. m. [Sunday only]; 1:38 p. in. [dully]; 4-25 p.'in [8undny only]; 7.00 p.jn. [Sunday only], hucllilucioa.uiodallon departs at 12.-15 ji. m, [dully]; 6:46 p. m. [dolly except Sumlii H.36 p. m. [buudiiy only J ], New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio R. R. (Formerly A. A O. W. Rallrond.) NEW YOHU, UOrSTON AND THE KAfiT. The NhorteHt nnd (|nlckci>t l|«nto Co Vlttu- bnrff* Wnaliliifffon nnd nnlllmoro nnd the Southcn»t. 7.20 a. m. NEW MEXICO, OLD MEXICO AND THE PACIFIC'COAST. Equipment New and Comprising all Modern Improvements. The Best Roadbed and the Safest Road in the West. HTTlckots by thin populnr route for mtlo nt till rogiilnr Tckut Olllect. E. B. THOMAS, 0. B. SKINNER, Ocneml Mmnger, 'Intllk- Muiiiiklt. A. J. SMITH, (iciicrul IiiihMi-nKcr Ajjent. CI.i:VKLAM>, OHIO. CLHVELANI), COLUMUUtf. ( INC1XNAT1 A 1NUI- ANAl-OUS Until further nollro traim will leave from tlio new Curunil Depot, bouih Wutei; ^ireul and Vuiducl as fol¬ low-*.: — .ATLANTIC EXPKESS-(Dally) Pull- ,,_w „. .__mm) tile'-plng and lintel com lien from Leav.Us'.iirail U {\r, a. m. to Now York, Altiany and . Itoiton wiVliout clinii^'1. I'ltrlor (ur from Cle\ eland nnd yalnmancu. Arrlvo at Mead\llle ut U:'.'0 a. m. (iltiiii-T) Frunklln 12 33 p m , Oil City 1 00 p m ,-Cor- ry 1.00 p. ui., JumofllowH (Luke Clinutiiuqiui') 2.00 p. m. BuffaloOif) p. in Kochenter h.^0 p m.; Hornell - vlllu 6-40 p. in [siipjm'rl; Coniliig bi'Jfi p m. Elmlra 8*57 i) in. IUiigliiiiitt)ii 10.58 p. in., Alb.my (j.^a m. Boston 2.4,r» p. in.} arriving at New York 0 BO " in. 6 *0U (ji lilt muo'HlecniiiK e«ucli from Cleveland to New York. Arrives al Meadvtllu at ti-ifl p. in , Jtimus- tonn 0.13 p. mu Huliimituca 10:10 J), m., New York, 10 25 n. m. n.nf n m NIfiHT EXI'UhS3-(I>aily excopt iUO pi 111i Humluy) Beeping coach from Clevelond UornellsvlIIo Arrive at Ymmgfitown nt 1:M a. m.. Jloadvlllu ;i:ft0 a m., Corry &.-20 n. m. Jamestown 018 a. m. HulTnlo y,-l5 a. in., Itocliester 1:10 p, in , HunieJlu. vlllo,U:20u ni , Coming 12:53 pin, Umlra 1:21 p. ni„ UliiKlian-pton 2-50 p m.,New Wk 025 p m. Arrlvo at l-TittibtiTvh tl 1ft u m , without chiitiKC. 0'Afl'H HI I'lTTSBUlUiH KXPItESS -.Dally- ZiOU lii 111. Through without change, l'orlor cur M- laclied. Arrives at YouiiKBtowo fi-00 p ui., I'Htaburg 7:4H p. m., Washington 7-0'Ja. m .BaltlmoreS 10 a. in. 4,Of r) Tri MAHONING ACCOMMODATION - »dj jli illi Slopping al all way s'auous, urrlvlnuat You uptown 7 Ii-*) p. in , Sliaron H 30 p id , Bhnrpejvlllo 4:40 p. in. Cconueclfl at LeaVlttflhurgli with trail) No 20 for Muiulvillu and intermediate points Atrlves-at MctulTtlle 11*20 ii. in. T'Ofln m l'lTTSBUBtm lOci-itiaa - i>aiiy- I iiU Ui HI. Through without cliange Arrives at Yoiingslown 1000 n m, Sliaron 11.02u m., Sharps- vlllu 11.10 n. in., l'ltlfllmrgli 12-15 p in , Ki'tiirnliig, IcuvL-fl I'lltiburgh at 4 48 a tit , 8; ill a in , 1.U0 p. ni, and -1 20 n m -- *- YimStihTOWN AND IMTTSBUHOII 11 05 a, id. Coiiunufii'iiiff Huiulay, Jum* 24lh, I ruin a of the Hop lnu— Cleveland, Culuiu Ball Way will leave and trrlvi LIn-.-—Cleveland, Columbus,(_iiiciiimiti A. Iii(||uinipi>lls 'vu ut Cleveland an follows; No. 1, ClnclnnullA Columbus K&tiroiR..... No, II, Indlauoiwllu A Wheelln-r hxprusa,, No, 17, rfpoclal Columbus 4 Clm-lunutl Ex. No. !1, Hpuclnl lud A Hi, 1-ouin Kxprenti No, 6. Col. Clu,, lud. X Ml. bulla Lxpa-sa .. Nn. 7 C L A W. 4 (Jallluii A.c.................. No, '2, Col. A Clu, Sl Ind. Express............... No. 8, C. 1* A W. Ace...............?............... No 12, St, Louis A Indlann]K)lis Exiireiu..... No. (i, Col. Chi. A IndiuanHls Express...... No, 4, Columbus A Ciucliiiiutl Expretu........ No. 10, Wheeling Express.......................... No. 14, Cincinnati A N Y. Knst Un« i iH'part "*8 00 A M 7.10 A M 1 ->U V M <"2 Ifi I' M »7 10 V M 5 IN) 1> M Arrive, "^7Tfo~A~M 10 2o A M •>3:10 P M 10.00 P M <3W) P M 7;1S T M HO A M f ruins marked ^ dully, uU other Iruiiib'ttuIIy except Sunday. _______. __, AlCOMMOUATION-Stumilug at all Way stiillous, arrlvliid al Youiigdlown 1 111 p. tn ,Pitts¬ burgh, ti 10 l>. iu. Trains arrive nt Olevoland, fi 40 n. m , 7 05 p in., 10.65 a. ui; 1 00 p. m , ami 10-15 p. tu, WTTliia Is the only i o Jte by which pu-menuont can • reach Corry Elmlra, l'lngtmmptoii, Now York City and informed Into points without ijiatigu. No cliango to Boston nnd Now England CiUutt. BagKUgo*'hL'cki-d through to nil points I-iiHt Through tirkou ami information regarding tlio route can heobinlned ut tlifi olllco I'M Itnuk street, and at nov Depot of N. Y , P A O It. It, buulh Wulerstroot utid Viuduct, Clevelund, O, A. E. CLAItk. Qen'l Pnas-r Ag't ClovL-huul, O. J. M FEKBIS, Gcn'I Mw'gr, Clt-veland, O, ^, , U. L, FOUTS, P,issongor Agont,, 131 Bank St. Cleveland, O II. D. OOULDEU. JOHN F. WEU GOULDER^ WEH, Attorneys and Counsellors, AND PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY. U A 10 ATWATKH Bl)II.DINO, CLEVELAND, O Our Culluctluu Dcpiirtmunt lain ohargo ui AD £x- lierlcucod Cutluctor. 7931

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