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Marine Record, August 8, 1883, p. 8

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8 THE MARINE RECORD. The ImnittiM Jacket Twenty porcerit. morobuoynncythnn tmy otlior Iiflo-PrcBcrvor In tho imiikct. Is the 8APEST and only RELIABLE LIFE PRESERVER In EXISTENCE, ns proved of the Into wrack on tliu Pudllc Const, ol the Pacific Mall Steamship, "City of Sin Frunclsco." •. -------RINO-BtiOYS AND FENDERS. 7J > w en Approved and adopted by the United States Board of Supervising Inspectors ,also by the principal Ocean, Lake and River Steamer Lines, ua tho only Rellablo Life Preserver. VESSELS AND TRADE SUPPLIED. Send for Circulars. .„_. u o. D. KAflNWBILER 140,148 A160 Worth St. Near < enter St.. New York. KATXENUTEIN'fl ImELk-aciimo metajj TACKING I lo» Piston Bods, Vaivb Stkms. Ac. Adopted and In use by the principal Iron Works and SUtmship Compo- nlos within the last tight years in this sad Foreign j ronntrici For full par- 1 titulars and references _ address L. KATZBNSTEIN A CO., 109 Christopher Strcei, neir Wert Street, N Y LORD HOWLER * CO AOENT8 FOR CI BVLLAND ROBERT RAE, Admiralty and Insurance Law Office, Room 37, MerchanV building;, ______________CBICAUO, ILL WILLIAM FORDE, SHIP BROKER, Vessel & Marine Ins. Agent. N E Cor Columbus At" A Water St, SANDUSKY OHIO_____________ PALMER & BENHAM, iiiccttworfl lo J U 1 \I MElt A HON Vessel Owners & Agents, No 130 Water 8treet. Rooms 0 A 7 CI EVFI.AND ■ OHIO________ BECKER & KELLY, Vessel Agents, Y««els clinrterod, jiiirclianed and suld. contracts, mado for Conine nnU litj. y (reJgfita, Like Superior find hacuiiubn iron ore chatters for sin¬ gle trip or maaou % spetlbHy Office, afttt.XX Cleveland,n ' fnlmlHint No, M3 "I MOORE and BARTOW, Brokers and Agents, No 121 Si flslr 8treol_Rooo 27 CI fev I LAN II OHIO___________ THOS. WILSON MANA(11*NQ ownkb Wilson's Transit Line. Gen. Forwarder. Freight and Vessel Ageat CI *\ HI AN_I>_ o_________________________ HIBBARD& VANCE, Vessel Agents THE PROVIDENCE CAPSTAN -----MANUPACTUBED BY------ AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS CO, -^7-i;]BKIIVC?n:, ___ (Annual * STEAM CAPSTAN. Patcntud Feb% 17, and Oct. IS, 1874, Oct, S6 ami Nov. SO, 1875, Dec. 18,1876, and Dec. S,\1878. To keep pace with the march of improvement in labor saving machinery on shipboard, the company have designed a steam capstan. It is driven by a pair of steam cylinders, which lire hung under the deck on which the capstan stands, tho wem of the steam valve projecting up through the deck so that one man can give the capstan steam an! attend to the hawser nt the same time, and exert a force on the rope equal to hundreds of men'. The engines drive a worm which in turn drives a storm.gear on the capstan shaft, the arrangement being covered by pat- ent» ot the company. Unlike spur or bevel gears, this arrangemenut runs noiselessly and without jar. These capstans are all made with double engines, with single or double barrels as required, and are designed to go lift on steamships for docking the same when backing into the wharf, or for turning round in a narrow channel, also for Elevator Barges, Steam Tugs, and for handling steamirs in rapid currents, for drydocks, &c. They are highly appreciated by all who have usedjind letted them. SELLING AGENTS ON THE LAKES D. S. AUSTIN A CO........BUFFALO. N. Y. UPSON, WALTON & CO.......CLEVELAND, 0. M I WILCOX .... ... 10LLDO. 0. JAMES. P. DONALDSON & CO.......DEfBOlT, MICH. G. D. NORMS & CO........MILWAUKEE, WIS. DUNHAM& H01T, - tfc"......CHICAGO, ILL. SMITH'S PATENT METALLIC LIFE BOATS THU BUST -AKTD CE SEND FOB PBICE8 TO SMITH'S BOAT WORKS, 169 South Street, New York; Improved Snatch 3lOck Clasp i logctl. DAVISON and HOLMES, Vessel Owners & Agents, 240 so Wulur Stroot CW(,AHJ ILLINOIS________ ATKINS & BECKWITH, Vessel Owners & Agents, 127 La8alle Street Cll 1< A(10 ■ ILL. ,___________ A.M. BARNUM, Vessel Agent and Broker, I ( Exchange St. -' Buffalo, N. Y. |*-1P YOU DO NOT RECEIVE MY MONTHLY LI3T OF VESSELS. JOB 8 ALE. SEND FOR IT. STAR BRAND TACKLE BLOCKS, liAGNALL & LOUD, Boston, Mass. Hole Manufacturers In IT. S. A. of our Celebrated Metaline & Sleeve Roller Bush Tackle Blocks, Improved Snatch Blocks, Gaff Topsail CLKATH, K*C Improved Snatch Block Clasp Opened CALKIN'S PATENT METALLIC UFE RAFT, H. C,& J. H. Calkin, Coppersmiths and Plnmber?, Stonm and Gns Fitting, GALLEY STOVES. »50 * H»7 West «t., Cor, IsJght NEWYOBK Olreulau sort upon application * ' UPSON, WALTON & 00/ Ship Chandlers, Sail Makers and Riggers. HTOne of tho largest stocks of Wlro Rone In the United StnteB, CLEVELAND. - - - OHIO. J. W. Crover & Son, Ship Chandlers -------'AND SAIL MAKEBS_____ Cleveland,O 1174110 IUyot street mam Dock "Anchor" bnatch lllncks PENFIELD BLOCK CO. Lookpoi-t, N, Y. SOLE JUhfuKACTURKlW Of THK OKLKBRATEO "ANCHOR BRAND" Tackle Blocks. ALL STEEL ROLLER BUSHED on with oun SELF-LUBRICATING. PHOSPHOEBEONZE BUSHINGS. The metal in these Bush¬ ings is the celebrated Phos phor Itronse, Ihe best bear me metal in market and being perfect self lubrica¬ tors they are fast supersed¬ ing all other styles. For sole by Ship Chand¬ lers everywhere. ASK JOB"ANCHOR BRAND'1 BLOCKS. Illustrated Catalogue* and Price Lists mailed frta upon application. Staple Oldest solltisaj. Ui*tlm|>roT«L.tDt, 114 4

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