THE MARINE RECORD A WAY TO BENEFIT THE SAILOR. Jfom Ma Km York Maritime ReoMer. ' Thero Is no doubt thnt a very groat doal could bo done to Improve the present oondl- i If " - -'- _____the right steps were taken. It "would seem to be of Ihe llrst Im tlon of tho sailors BIOHARD HAMMOND. tfOHN COON* taaeii. u, «-«.»,« o--...-----------_________ iportunco that the sailor should In some way be removed from under the influence of the boarding house master. To accomplish this Is a muttorof some dfllciilty at prosont. Tho sailor Is a most Improvident person. Ho lands on these shores very of:eji with little If any money due him. Ho genorally docs not care immediately to ship again and" while on shore ho wants to have aSjood time. It is right hero that hls^o-cnlfod fi lend, the boarding house master comes lir. Tho latter furnishes him witli a place in which to Bleep, glvos him plenty to cat and dilnk, and il necessary money to spend, knowing that he will bo fully reimbursed out of the advance wages or the sniloi. These are matteis not easllv pombnttcd i),o long its tiie piesont ud- value note system remains In force. It would thereforo appear to be nccessaiy that this system should be nbolUhcd If any great bonellt to the sailor Ib to be expected from the ellorts of ihose who Inboi In behalf ol his welfnre. In face pf this, however, much good might be accomplished by nulled mid uorslsteut notion on tho pint of the latter. The establishment at convenient points throughout our cltv of bom ding houses, wheio a good bed nnd wholesome toorl could bo obtained nt u lensoiiable cost to'tho sailor would seem to bo a very necesBiny step In that direction. There would be this advnn- tirgoin it, tliauho. siillor would then have the opportunity of 'choosing whether he would go to these places, wheio he, would receive honest tieatnieut, or with the board¬ ing Jiouse muster, who In one way or another would bo sine to fleece him. This In con¬ nection with Hio opening of shipping bu¬ reaus wpero no charge would be made lot piocuring him employment, would go u great way towiud ol'-settlng the evils result¬ ing Irom exaction of "blood-money." Ono of these buicaus has iccently been opened here, and If rightly conducted it will no doubt meet with success in Its undertaking. But there is one thing that should be bomo in mind by those who would benefit the sailor, that Is, he will not take the trouble to seek out these places. They must be pel- Bonally brought to his notice nnd he must '"be Influenced to go to them, otherwise they would be likely to fall or theli purpose. Noi must the fact be lost sight ot that those who work to benefit the sallo- have in the board¬ ing tioiiBO master an active and unceasing cnoinv, and they must display an equal ac¬ tivity wjth him if they would hope to op¬ pose him suciessfully. The sailor has man} sympathizers and his ical fi lends will not want loi moral suppoit In their efloits to be¬ friend him. The work before them Is long and arduous, but if they will persevere in It there is no doubt that through tlicii efforts the sailor can be rescued from the bondage that ho now Is under. The question ot low- priced boarding houses fer the sailor should be git on serious thought, as it would no doubt prove an impoitant tnctoi in reilalm lug him from Ills piesont degraded condition. The vast men of virgin pine toicsts Injhe south*Is atliacting couoideiahle comment, and Is pointed to as the source ot ihe l.utuie lumber supply when the west anil Canada shall have become stripped of building ma¬ terials. The southern forests however seem to defy the woodman. The great and im¬ penetrated lumber tiacts me swamps ol miasma which a northern man cannot stand one soa6on, and southerners will cut and market tho lumber for a hundred dollnrds a thousand. Tlmre is never any snow to make roads, and the frost never burdens the swamps so that thej inn be tinvelcd with wagons. The southci n torests arc, tlierofoio guarded agnlnst the approach or ihe de¬ structive woodman as It with a limning sword — OitMqti /nuts KNEW HElt FAIUNU. "So Mary, you are going to Iciivo me lo take service with Mis l)e VeieV" "Yes, ina'iHiu, but jou sec she pays me moio wages." "I suppose so, and 1 suppose youi mind is mnde up to go Mmy, 1 want to make jou anlue picseutbofoie vou go." "Please don't ma'am " "Why, what do you uieiin*" "I mean, ina'niu, that Mrs. l)e Vero will want to know tho cost of jour parlor cut- _ tains, the number ol your seivwitB and the *~ name or your dressmaker, anil I'll have to toll hoi, and as much more as I can think of It's my fulling, and If jou give me youi old . lilack silk not to tell, and she gives mo a now / $7 hat to pump out all I know, I fool that I shall lean towaids the hat." Mary is allowed to go, and Mrs. Erastus thanks borstals Unit the girl novoi know that her diamonds woro paste or the furni¬ ture mortgaged.__________" LIVE AND LEARN. Yes, It w|ll do very well to talk about such things, but you cannot tench an Englishman to say "horse" without discarding tho lettei "h"—but you«nn loam by exporlonco that Swaynes' pills beat everything for the cine ol liver complaint, biliousness, dyspepsia, fovors, sipk headache, Jaundice, dropsy, con¬ stipation, cpilopBy and female lrrcglarltles. Keep a box ot tlietu lu tho ha,use at all times. Paper Mill Bloithors & "Marios. Guomoto,Salt Pans Smote Stacks And ill kmdsof HesvyHate & Short WWo*. Office & Works, W4.246.248. £50 252 Ani.254. Periy St. OIL STTELS 8c AOITATORS. Repairing ftomptly Attended ta GLOBE IRON WORKS, Iron Shipbuilders, j* Machinists, Founders and Boiler Mabrs, Corner Elm and Spruce Sts., Cleveland, 0. ESTABLISHED 1830. ------MAN U PACT URKIIB OP------ CORDAGE * OAKUM. ._.,«■ of AME11ICAN, RUSSIA ami ITAUAV HFMP ottlio very liest qinllty nmiio tu Dnlor AT ONE DAY'H NOTICE. MANILA sail M8AL BINDER TWINE Office No. 113 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Factory, Brooklyn, N. Y._________ SIGNAL LAMPS, -WIl'll- Patent Fluted Lens And Perfect Colors. GET THE BEST & AVOID COLLISIONS, Thwe I amps pivo a moro lirlllunt light than any Signal Ump now in use The} havoboen adapted lij tho principal Ocean ami LiikwBtuiraerB and Vessels, nnd arc forealc in the principal ports outh« \tlnntkcoast and lakes Wrought Iron Ranges for Steamers and Hotels. Send f»r i a^alogiiB Manufactured by FI- LTllOUHfcN * ItUSHKLL, 1 JO * 141 MAIN ST., BUFFALO, N. Y. CANPIELD Wrecking & Towing Line, Tugs, Hawsers, Lighters, Steam Pumps, v--^ Lifting Screws, Ac., To hi linil on short notice, bj niail or telegraph A1AICINE ENGINE WORKS ROBT. TARBANT. MAfUPACTUHUKOP Marine and Stationary" Engines,. PEOPELLEE WHEELN, VEBSEt PUMPS & OEKEEAI MACHIJfEEY CORRKSrONDbNCL SOLICITED AS, 57 &BO Mlolilgnn St. CHICAGO ILL. A, O. WHEELER, CHAS. ONEWUCH Munacer. Wrecking MlBter NO ENGINEER Should be Content to run a Boiler,, stationary Marine, without HOUGHTON'S BOILER AND TUBE COMPOUND, Which keeps, it free from Scale, Mud or bedimem, Prevents fi imlng intl lessens the liability of Explosion. It sives 1 ULL, LVIIOR nnd RE PAIRb. It is PURELY VEGETABLE ami Absolutely Safe Send for Clrculnr git luff full liifm-iiintlon to HOUGHTON & CO, Soto Proprietors itml Manufrcturero 130 Reade St., cor. Hudson, NEW YORK. or NOTICE TO STEAMBOAT AND VESSEL OWNERS. DEAN * COMPANY'S 1IIAUONAI. LIFE BOAT CAN BE BRED IV PLACE OF THE METALLIC LIFE BOAT IF PREFEItED. HAM BEEN ADOPTED AT WASH. INUTON BY THE BOARD OF Nil. PERVIHINCI INHPF.< ■ TORS. Yawl & Pleasure Boats on hand SEND FOB PEICE LIST. DEAN AND CO., DETROIT, MICH. Hooker, Crittenden & Co., k Commission. AM) Vessel Brokers, If You Want the Best STEAM PUMP For MlnliiK. Railroad or Steamboat line. Paper Mill, Chemlrnl or «in» \» ork« Tannery, Brcweryor aiitrnr Refinery, DratnlnK Qiiarrlen, Cellnni or Plant a- tlnnn, Irrigating or Hydraulic Mining-, Nlnklna Foundntlona. toirer Dam, Hewer, Well sinking and otber Contractor*' Work, or Ral>lnir Water for any kind of Mnnulaclurlnic or Fire Purpone, wito tor »n niu» tnvlod diacrlntlvo book on too NEW IMiLHOMETEIl, umulnlng greatly tvdnc I .prices. tiuntlrcilR of ICHllmonlAU file Mulled froo Prlt-OH 100 ptr cunt lower than othLr nuiuiii. iiiw. rtcci, hundreds of tCHtlmonlAU etc Mulled rroo ith-cu iuvjih vuu. .u„.... Every pump telted before ehlptaent end aueranteed ee repreeented. ECONOMY AND EFFICIENCY UNEQUALED. Pulsomoter Steam Pump Co., 88 John St., Now York City, XJ. AT- Boe Prices next Isbuo of tlilB Piper *-£* S.A. bt Mmj'MNi1" Moiupeller, Ohio. OAlt 1 AC'lOlill'S & But kt iiiUIki Lniiolllo . Midi , Midi MlMUACIURMia AM> IMI'OIUHIS Oh RDA6E, OAKUM, ANG Wire Rope, Chains, Oars, Blocks, buntings, RUSSIA B0LT-R0PE, FLAGS, COTTON MARINE HARDWARE AND SHIP CHANDLERS' SlARlNfc |M«v ,MMtMMWTHiT»MWT«» & FLAX DUCKS, GOODS GENERALLY THE MARINE LAW BOOK ____IS NOW READY.------ SEND YOUR ORDERS.TO THE MARINE RECORD. F. * H. BORN, PLUMPERS. Manufacturers of Hotel Raoges & Laundry Stoves, aud Dealer in Us M l'I HlOH si ( I 1 \ 1.1.W1) 0 Capt. D. S. Webster, M s-| I V M) ISM llWtl \( I SI Wood, Fence Posts, Bark, ITl IIOlliIll \SI> WItlMIS CtlMMIsslllS Cuarterau and Freighting of Canadian Coarse Froignts a Specialty. Office Room 32, Second Floor, Moffat Block, HllKuy MUIIK.IS MECHANICAL NEWS. (ILLUsrilATI.DJ ! $1.00 PER YEAR With Premium. Sample Copies Fre< JAMES LEFFEL & CO. No. UO Libert.) St.. New Vurk. N, X- 8263 5654 2984 D8C 5915