the; marine record. . land on contract; ateamer Warner anil oon HTtrtlTB-schooner Kelly, ore, Irom Xtoanaba to Cleveland, on oon tract; schooner It. B. Hayos, odal, from Cleveland to Chicago, OS. The fourteenth and' last crib of Messrs. Sherwood, Strloblngor and Company's con¬ tract for tho breakwater was placed yostor- day, making 1000 feet In tho last two yoara under this oontraot. Tho crib will be ready for tho last timbers In a tow days, as Messra. ___Kolley AY Joloo are at work clearing away stones In the break made by tho storm last May. The ateambarge Colonial was, ohartcd to carry wheat from Toledo to Buffalo at '1% cents. Other charters were as follows; schooner Emma O. Hutohlnson, coal from Cleveland to Chicago, 05 cents: steamer Jesse Fsrwoll and consorts Itutter and'God- froy, ooal from Toledo to Duluth, p. t.; stoatqbarge Iron Chief, with consort James Couoh, ore from Marquette to Ohio ports 11.15 The union sailors of this port have entered oil an nctivo campaign against the non union men. No demonstrations of a violent nature have yet occurred, but tho, crows of the schooner Oliver Butts and J. M* -Wnrnor, wliloh aro now lying In the river, have de¬ serted their vessels by reason or Iho "Inter- •views" which have been Irold with them by the union sailors. The Captains of the Butts aud Warner have asked for police protection. —Leader. Tho W. L. Baker, built this season and launched July 20 by Captain W. L. Baker and his two sonp, at Ashtabula, entorod this port, yesterday. She will rcoelvc her official papers hero after havltig her measurement taken, and will go Into the wood carrying trade at Sandusky. Her length over all la 35 feet, length of keol 46 foot G inches, beam 15 teet 5 Inches and depth of hold 4 feet. She has two masts 44 feet each, rigged as a four and after. She Is schooner and scow -combined In her build, and cost about $1,- 000. CRICAOO. Sficlot <• CU Jtfiriiu Start Captain David Dall purchased tho tug D. L. Babcock for $1,350. Captain Daniel Sinclair has purchased tho barge Tyson, of tho Menominee Barge Co. Harman's amoke consumer will be ap¬ plied to all the tugs ot the Union Line. It has been pronounced a sucoess. Com to Buffalo, 8Jio; wheat, 3)ic. Corn to Kingston, 6&o; wheat, 6!^c. On corn tp_ Midland the schooner City of Chicago ob¬ tained l&o. None of the unfortunato persons who lost tholr livos on tho scow Sea Bird have as yet been picked np, although several bodies have been Been In the lake not far from Chi¬ cago. The proiiellor Pcorless collided with the schooner ieo, wliloh "as lying at tho Rock Island deck, on Monday lust, nnd can led away several stanchions and the starboard rail of the schooner. Tho PecrlcsB did not sustain any Injury. The steambargo East Saginaw went Into tho Chicago drydock for a new stem and storn bearing. The schooner Lorn Ells¬ worth had a leak stopped aud some calkfug. A new windlass Is being made lor the .schooner Mary E. Gregory. Tho steambargo R. A. Soymour, Jr., of ManlBtee,XJaptalu John Wcxstafl, atrived on the 4th, this being her first tilp to Chi¬ cago this season. She has boon Hading bo- twoon Manistee and Milwaukee and has made 35 trips to the latter port Blnco tho 24th of April. Captain George Robertson, who has sailed the schooner Willie Loutltt, of Grand Haven, lor six seasons is about to take command of tho Bteamer L. A. CummlngB, which has been rccontly built at Grand Haven by Dun¬ can Robertson. Captain Jamqs Houston will take command ol the Willie Loutltt. The now barge Golden Age, of Milan, ar¬ rived horn pn her first trip laden with 2,500 tons of coal and was towed to the Chicago Gis Company's Works, at the north branch to unload. She attraoted a vast amount or attention amongst vessel inon as she passed hd th? river, and very many favorable com- menu were passed upon her. Cuptaln Thomas Dougherty, who was found doad lu his berth on board tho steanl- barge Annie Laura on Friday morning, when coming into this port, was burled on Sunday at the Calvary Cemetery. Ho was 55 years of ago and has sailed out of Chicago for tho past twenty year's." Many flags wore flying at half mast out ot respeot to his momory. o Tho note below Is an answer to a letter from Captain Keith, of tho firm of Keith St, Carr, of Chicago, asking the superintendent of the Wclland Canal to put oak stringers along tho odgo of tho locks to aavo hawsers and lines from being cut by tho rough ma¬ sonry. Sur'T'K OfFioit, Wrlumo Canal, 1 ST. CATHARINKH, AtlgUSt, 1. f Messrs. Keith & Carr, Chicago: Yours of July 80th lirbeforo mo. I will glvo Instruc¬ tions to have our locks dtessed off. Tho affixing an oak plank to stone woik would be too unsightly and unnccessnrv, I will Issue Instructions that 7%mr 8-Inch havt sers or lines may be used, prov Ideil thev aro nlvvays In good order and reliable,, but not othorw lso. Wiixiam Eixib, • .Propeller Lowoll arrived with lumber for Ryan, Johnson & Co,, and olearod light lor Alpona. Barge Colorado arrived with lum- (per lor tho Plummor t Lumber Co., nnd Suporlntoiulent. Vessel owners should thank Captain Keith and should rottirn a '-vote of confluence" to superintendent Ellis.—Chicago Jntei Ocean, 7th. UANDl'SKl. SjiebM lo tin Jlrcord Propellci Sclmll cleared Irom Chicago for tills port with 22,000 bushels ot grain.- Tug Myrtle was liaulcd^out at Monk's yard and had lierjjjrn healings fixed. Propeller Gfpvcgatchle camo 'n liere for fuel, her towing being nt Maiblehead. .StcambargeSaklo Shepherd has concluded to run excursions this summer out of Huron. Steamer Chlor Justice Wolte brought a large excursion from Toledo here, Sunday. Tho American Eagle took nn excursion to Cleveland. = tfropol'ler Lehigh, of the Anolior line, ai- rlvod and discharged 0,000 sacks of flour at tho B. * O. dock for shipment by rail to Bal¬ timore and thence to Europe. She took on the flour at Milwaukee. Stoamcr Stelnhoff which, for a while inn between Lore and Canada Is now running between Windsor and Pelee Island. She will return to the Sandusky and Windsor route about September 10th. An aotion to recover damages for breacli of contract has been commenced la tho Uni¬ ted Staici CoUrt at Cleveland, by the Cap¬ tain or the sohooner A. J. Rogers against tho Dalllba Iron Mining Company. The schoon- er is owned hare. The tug Relief arrived with barges Fos- torla and Dolphin, lumber laden. Schooners India loaded coal at tho B. & O. Docks, Irene cleared with 2,000 barrels for Poi t Hu- fbn from Hodgeman & Co., Cousuello ar¬ rived with lumbei for Lee, Iiubert A Co. Steamyncht Olive which has been undei- golng h complete rebuilding at Captain Monk's yard, in this city, was launched hist week. She is now in first-class Bhape. While she was leaving this port tor Toledo a young boy, a relative of the oiigineer, caught his foot in the forward crank ot the engine and had two of his tops cut off. Propeller White and Friant airlvcd with corn and cleaicd light for Alpena to load lumber foi Chicago. Steauiei Keweenaw anived with 811(11x108 101* Hubbard & Son, and cleared fir Mackinaw and Sniilt sic. Maile. Suhonnc\8 X. C West and I. X. Foster nro expected here with liaid'coal Irom Buffalo Bnrgo Lntlnop nrilved with lumber foi Hnbbard A hon. Steiuibiuge Don M. Dickinson camelu altei her commit, the ( olorado. Propeller Onoko ai lived with 3,^170 tonsot ore from Marquette. She enme In drawing 14 feet J Indies or water fort and aft and had no trouble whnlevei, the wntoi being very low. Sho attracted a great deal ot at¬ tention, numboiB of people going aboard of her, tills being horlltst ttlpheie. Xow we havo had the largest vessel alloat in fresh water In hoie, with nearlv her lull load, wo don't want to hear any more giow ling about the nater In this hni bur fioni chionlc kickers. Stcambaigc S. C. Hall an Ived from Chi¬ cago with a caigo orgialu. hioivs Hello Eliza ai rived lioin Detroit light to load coal, N. Wilcox cleared with stone for Detio't, Adaln Is engaged lor the season to carry stone Irom Miiitlehead toToledo. Schooners H. Richards cleared light for Toledo to load coal' for Milwaukee, John Kelderhouse cleared for this poitwlth 3,1,000 bushels of corn from Chicago. Daige Mlnnehaiia ai¬ rlvcd w itli oro from Marquette. Steambargo Wcsttord arrived with lumber from Alpena and oleaied light. cleared with 200 tons of coal for Bay City, Schooner Pathfinder arrived with corn from Milwaukee, Rnd clearod light for Toledo to load grain for Buffald. Schooner Shupo ar- rlvod with hard onal from Buffalo A Macltey, and oleaied with grain for Erie. Sehoonora Mcart,Btelndcorand Godfrey .ar¬ rived with iron ore fr0m Marquette. Schooji or Fltzgorald arrived with grain from Chi¬ cago and cleared light. Stoambarge Goo. A. Marsh anived' from Lnlott Island and clearod with stonedpr Cleveland. * I1BTI10IT. Speelnl U Hit Marine Record The lion Age Is having repairs done here. The schooner Montmorency Is in dock for repairs. The damage was caused by strik¬ ing the bottom nt Ashtabula on hor last trip. On Motidav the steamer Manitoba oaMcd at Dotrolt and Windsor. Shy takos il cargo or general moichandlso ror Lake Superior ports. Bargo Crooker takes telegraph poles from Lyon's Head to Monroe at 27c 2% cents were offered spot vessels on wheat to Buf¬ falo1, Mdnday. ' The steiimbaige II. E. Packer struck at tho Lime Kiln Crossing and broko two buckets off her wheel. She will be towed to Chicago by one of tho Lehigh Valley Lino boats. Tho steamer Evening Slur, running be¬ tween Detroit and Port Huron, which broke her shaft at St.Clalr Monday, was towed hnrc by a tug, tho steamer Fortune takes her plnce until upnirod. Gralr) Uelghts last week struck "bed rock." They aro now on the rise again. Steambargo Roanoke chartered Snturday nt 2'4 centB to Buffalo. There is a hotter Inquiry for lum¬ ber capacity. Freights remain firm at last week's advance. The now steamer City of Mackinac is very near completion and roady foi sea. She la to bo used on tho Lako Huron division or tho Detroit and Cleveland 8team Navigation Company's route.' She is of composlt build. Hor Irou hull was turned out at the Wyan¬ dotte yard. Her"trpper and Joiner woiks were finished here. Her dimensions are: Length over all, 215 rcet; beam, 32, over nil, 50 feet; hold I2.G foot. The build¬ ers think she will be able to make her 17 knots w Itli ease. Her holiors will not de¬ velop quite the horse power ol iho City of Cleveland, aud-her engines are a trifle light- ei in build, but it Is thought they will besu- perloi In somo respects. She I" furnished with the Improved leather buckets, which will nllnw hor to (urn up a wheel ol very small dhimetei, hers being only 20 feet. 1 ho advantage gained by a small wheel Is, as one might »ny. to glvo the engine the long end of the level. Ill I fALO - Theschoonei I'eteisoniiulvedon Monday with a cargo ot now wheat lipin Cleveland, the tlrst of the syutaon. The propeller Russell bage.anotlier ptopel- let ol the H abash Line, has been chnrtciod bv the ( omineiclal Line to take tho place of sotneol the boats now held at Bufhlo The schooiiei llannet, which elt Mill's drydook, Buffalo, lor ( hluigo on Siitmday, has been tlioioughly lopalrod, lecelviiig new deck (lames, main deck cabin, aud qunitei deok, nud some outside planking. Tho scow Finch was sunk Tuesday Inst Jn Like Kile, about six miles up the Canadian shore from Buffalo, tjhe was In tow of a tug, when wind freshened up nnd the seas washed Into her, aud she went don u hi about fllty feetol water, Hei crew neie lescued by the tug which had hor In tow. Tho iepulis on the sohoouoi Golden WcBt have been completed at the Mills yard. They amounted ttwibout $2,500. She Is taking on a caigo of pig-lion irom the Flctchei furnace at Black Rock to deliver at booth Chicago Tho ore ot which this Iron was made came fiom Lako Supeiioi This Is a strange load to cai ry up the lakes,—Bujalo Coin hi, li. - TOLKDO. Tho tug Vulcan, wrecked at Milwaukee, has-bteirbought hy TqJodo pai ties for (11,600. She will be raised and her machinery tukon out. Captain Warden, of the little steamer ht. John which i uns between Toledo nud the Islands, died at his homo in Toledo' on 1 il- day. " M1I.WAUKBK, Grain freights advanced % cont although no charters woro reported. Tho solioonor Edith 8cwoll sank off the head of Wolfe Island, Lake Ontario. No Ilves'lost. The tug Thomas Sponr was sold atnuotlon at-Groen Bay to-day to Thomas Spear, cf Sturgeon Bay, for $0,000. ' The schooner Burton, which was ashore on Flshorman's Slionls, arrived nt Man¬ itowoc to-day, where she Is to bo repaired. The, schooner Flying Mist, which wna ashore on Peshtlgo reof, was docked to-dny A piece of nevv keel and recalklug'will re¬ pair the damage. Lumber freights ate firmer, thero being an Increased demand for can lei s. Rates from Alpena to Chicago have advanced 25 cents, shippers having offered!" between these ports yesterday. The demand for grain oarrlors to-day nits heavy, while but one vessel it as here to load. Schooner Typo took wheat lo Kingston at 6*tfc'. a Tho government lighthouse supply Bteam¬ er Dahlia airlvcd,at Milwaukee Sunday morning with supplies for the lighthouse, and remained In port all ihty to give (he offlceis a chance to seo Iho city. Since she left Dolioli, which Is her heailqtiaiters, she has visited all the lighthouses on Lako Supe¬ rior and along the wost shore of Lake Michigan to Milwaukee. She goes hack to Detroit lor additional supplies. K(NasroN. The new stohmharge, holng built at Deseronto, will be launched about the middle of this mouth. , The propellor Anna Smith tvaa ytjleased from tho shoal near Thousand Island Park, by the Iliiiim Calvin, Captiiin Allen, after the united efforts of a United States revenue ditto and the John Thorn had lulled to float her. The Captain of the cutter got per¬ mission from Washington lorn Canadian tug to do the work. Orw i-oo. Tho Bteaniburge Saxon arrived Monday with lumber Irom Trenton with two of the buckets of her wheel bioken. She went to Mitchell A Gallagher's drydock ror repairs. The stoambarge Smith wljlle entering the harbor during the storm Sunday afternoon - with the consort King, attempted to go into the new luuboraTid struck the lighthouse plei, bienklng sevcialof her frames and plank above the vvaterlinc on her forward quartet "she went mi Gohle A Mnclarlanc's diydock tills nioinlng foi inpalts. After the incident tho tug Dana took hei consoit tojhc I) L A W. trestles The Oivvegn Palladium snys the east hrcakwatei nt Oswego is becoming the tenor ot vjssel minuets tindtiig at that port. Il is almost impossible to keep clear of It In entering the harbor In a noi* nestei. lu a recent- blow three of loin vessels have thumped It, bill fortunately', owing to the prompt action ot the tugs, all hnve escaped with slight Injuries. Theic Is abundant depth ot natei at the etiliauceoi the harbor, nnd it Is thought II scliooueis would carry a little moie sill and keep down a little more board, they could enlei snlely. I1IIAMI tuv l-N KcpaiiB neie completed, vesterdny^n the stcamei Cll\ ol Milwaukee, which broke one ol hei wheels hv striking the south piersne lie (wis leaving loi Milwaukee on the Uth 'I he following note le the InterOcenn piohably accounts toi the fale ol the Nellie and Annie. "There was found on the heath, about lluei utiles iioith of the piers, this n mnlng, by the llle-Miving clew ol this sta¬ tion n honid with the miine Nellie nud An¬ nie p tinted on It, and iu\lnchul to what was evidently a p, vessel, also n/lor doubt eumi a vesi Haven. Mi. was nilssin that was loi/1 twickol a small sljlnglesj which no nc ci aft. There was Hun belonged to South c not heard tjiat she ol the young man en miles south a few days ago, and boiled on llic beach without Iden- lillcalioii, may have comu luom the same wreck." EABl 1AWA8. East Tawab, Mich., Aug. 8 —Theuohoon- crNntlc, which hns during the past spring received il thoioiigll lebiilld at 'lawns City, was successfully launched this morning with a change ot ownets. A change ot her name Is to bo made, but none has yet been selected.—Lemltsi.