TEST - IPR records

Marine Record, August 8, 1883, p. 3

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(.. / THE MARINE'-RECORD LOSS BY LACK OF SYSTEM. >Vom Ihe Silnllfii Amirkau. Tho manufacturer can usually, by re' ferenceto his bonks, ascertain the cost of any article of hls'prodiiotlon, and the amount of his regular daily expenses. He can dis¬ cover how much materia) linn been lost bv wnnte, and posslbty-hoT&i'n make approxi¬ mate allowance for los« by Incompetence of his workmen. But thero Is 'ono source of loss that ciinnot be readily estimated, ntid yet exists and has its effect on the result ol' tho year's production. This |8 the lo»s~from _ tho lack of rigid system In the using of tools - And from the habitual carelessness this want of system cnenuragOB." f In every shop there niuat be tools Hint nro for general use and are not indlildtial possessions. If each successive user n.lsjays -a tool that Islntendeil lor general shop use. ' the nggregiitepf tlmo loBt In seeking for It may amount to a sorlous waste. Drill*. - taps, reamers, boring baw, arbors milling , tools wrenches, mid other Implements may bo Intended for general use nil about the shop, but when not In use they should have a home—nn abiding place—so that no tlmo vould be lost In searching for them. And. theyjhould bo left In proper condition lor Immediate use, either by the last user, or by some person w hose business it Ib td keep them In a condition. In every large shop provision should bu made for this purpose, a reparlror oi sharpener being designated to perform this duty. Attention to these llttlo details Is fully as Important in smalls shops as in larger oi.es; tor"Bomeilmee the loss of small sums oc¬ casioned by carelessness will seriously affect the balance sheet. A good practice, which Is a l ulo In many largo establishments, could be followed by the smaller ones with saving results. This la to have n series of shelves or pigeon holes to contain the drills, reamers arbors, and etc., each numbered mid each provided with a marked tag of sheet metal designating the mo). Every workman has n hook convenient to the pigeon holes, with a curd hearing his name. When the work¬ man takes a tool hum Its rack, or pigeon hole, he linngs Its col responding tug on his honk, A single glaiicu shows where the missing tool is, and when it is returned to its place Its tag la replaced oier the correi- pondlug pigeon hole. In elleet, the woik- man charges himself with the tap, dilll, or other tool when he takes it. and ciedits himself wlib it when he retmns it. " Tho rruetleo of tills system has a good general effect on the woikmeu. Thev can¬ not fall to see tl o advantages to theim elves In the saving of vexntiou In an iiIiiiIcsb search •for a missing tool ;_und the hublt of cure for general shop tools w ill extend to a similar i care for their own bench and machine ap¬ pliance. A saving of time could also be mado 111 many shops by a moie generous provision of general Mllcll "hupllanceB. A single block for the'UBo of a do/.eu viae men la not enough; It would be well If (every vl<e muu had a bench block, a cuWtrig say eight or ten inchos long, by fqtirdr five Inches high nnd wide, planed on one face nnd Bide. lis cost Ib tillUng and its uses many. It saves the liuminerti g on the vise, and the defacing of tho bench when used for straightening" rods nnd «mall lorginga. Encouragement to order In the care ot lathe nnd pinner tools would be given by provid¬ ing for each lathe a handy tray, or slid lug shelf of wood, to lie ncross the ways; lathe tools should never bo laid on the ways of a ----------lUthoTthe-fllcely trued surface of the Vs of a lathe cannot stand the batter of steel tools as they are dropped from the hand. Such a tray Is useful, also, on ihe platen of a planer, which tattoo commonly used us a generui receptacle for anything that Bhould be laid* op a bench. Every shop-should be provided with boxes or other conveniences for holding bolts, huw, washors, angle IroiiB. and blocks, for lathe and pinner use, and boxes for receiving odda and ends not ol present apparent value. These boxes should be destlnct from tlie scrap heap, which ought to receive nothing "* of real possible shop use. They not only conduce to hnblts ol order, but nro valuable magazines to draw from In cases of ^emer¬ gency. Swaps Photo Paint Co MANUFACTURERS OF ELASTIC I! The Nickel Plate! NEW YOBK, PURIFYTHEBLOOD ACT AS A EARTCOMCTOR and by delating, Ngiiltllng.and stnngttisnlng (lit stains ol dkuftlon, Monition and abHtpllsn, Nsurslgfi, S^SS^Jf' StoMcMtiddtf indtuwtls. -Jaair Wi¬ the StUM* tmuti ttirij Dr.aWATItB * ROT, HllUiltUi, h, ASK Ml R DHP00I8T »Oft TBlUT^ rriu.licu.ri'albia.ll. SHIbrlulliuirlMiM, MIXED PAINTS. OFFICE AND'FACTOnY 36 Miciii&aii ^.CLEVELAND, OHIO. ______________i______it tnicACo * RAILWAY. •T. LOtlft Tim pMiflnger equipment of thU Now TVtinltLinu li nil new nnri U inppiled with tho Inteit kppllancei nowMary to ufe ipooay nnd comforlablo tr.ivol,' ' At Chicngo, pMMnRiH4tr»lrii anlro at and letr» (rqm tho Union IXopr* " (romtho Union 1 •M. V. B0BGMAN. Proprietor. The Madison, (yoitMiyiLV nKVKnK UIH1L1 OeVi noUBK) Detroit, Mich. Moat Centmlljr Located. Street; cars pass the door every fow minutes to Depots and all'parts of the City. Three minute's walk to I, S & 11 S, D & M, and Wabash Depots. - Sates (160, to tt.OO Par day. FOR SALE. ISMt............_ ______ipot, Vffli Duron ttreflt. Following l> tho tlmo In otToot May K, ltM, tnd un¬ til furthur notlco; OOINQ HAST. Lr. Chtmffo........8.16 A ni.........'...........'.....-...... Am ValiiSialw. 10.09 " ,............................... " Fort Wny:ie. 1.30 p, m.................................. " Now Hnvon. 2.05 " ..............-................. '■ Wont Lelpilo. 4 09 " ................................ " AreildU ....... 5.10 " ............................... " Tontorln.......B.28 " .................._.............. " Oreon Sprlnp 0 ia " ......................>.......... " Bolloiuu. ... 0 40 " ................. * T.T. Ucltovuo.........0 M Arr Uort'liind... . 0.20 ........ I.T. CloYoUnd ................. 11 00 " Arr Pulnrivllie.......... 12 00 p. m. " Aintnlmlii.................... 12 68 '• " C'oanoiut..................... 1.25 " " Erlo............. .-..............' S28 " " Dunkirk........................ 4.81 " " Buffillo.......................... 0.00 " • OOINO WEST. . ..10.16 s. m................... ......U'.B0 " ......... .... 1.S5 p. m................_, .....3 5.1 " .,................ ...:. 8 25 ■• ................. 8 JO n. m. 10.55 " Aceom. 420 p. m, 6'3H " 0 88 " 8 56 " Vessel men SHOULD HAVE OUR MARINE LAW BOOK. Containing nil points of MARINE LAW terminal by tho United Statu Courts ,--------------ON--------------, Senmen, FrtBlKlita*^ Townire, Coltlalona. General Avernire, Dutlea or Seitmen, bi tie Ownera, Chnrt«r«f ItoirUtry. '- ollu EnroilmenU, Common Cnrrlera, Mnatcra & Ownera, Dill or Lh til nit, Wnffea, «to, ' Thn volumn la hnndsonuly irnrund iu BlllT Ilnard covora, and "lne Knullsli ulotn hliullng. Hooknofthin kind gent'rally cost SAW ' 'it #e will send It to any addrcHs. (tostaga nuld for Si 2i, or with the MARINE RECORD for one yeur, built tor only JJ.T 00 AddressMauink Itb.LORD,Clevolarnl (» An iron it*am yacht JW (oot long, 9 font beam* S feet deep; runs Terr faat, and wall found. Enquire of D.V. NiCKkmox. Euollil ATenue Station. FOR SALE. An Iron yacht 85 foot long very finelly flnltheil 404 fllruiihwl. Urifl81-2. twlruinTuryt.il. Cnqulro of I). 1*. Nldlrnon Hurknw Blnck liielld A>e31aUon, FOR SALE Stlm burf o. Krcl 144 foot, uonm 80 fool, dopth of hold 11 fool; oipwlty 400 M foot ltiinlwr, G50ton*coal boitdei horfuol. Built In 1882 AddroK M>nlNR IluonllD UOlce. BEE LINE Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indian¬ apolis Railway, The Great Central Trunk Route to the- Ohio and Mississippi Rivera. POSITIVELY CURED Alt mifforun* from tills* dineino tlmt nre anxious to bu cum! Mtould try DR KIBSNER'S CELEBBATED CONBtTMPTIOK P0WD2R8, Thc«« l'owdoraaro tlio only nrtparatiuii known tlmt will ciiru i-oiiHiiiuntloii and all uiueamiatif the THROAT and LTJHG8—i»«loc l, no strong U our fatlh In (hum nn I tiUo to i uiivtnm you thattliov are no humbutt, *o will forward 10 every suttcrer, by mull, post paid, i. Jrefl Trial Box Wo do i'l waul your money anill you nro purfuctly sat- liflod of tholr curative powors If your life la worth sai Ing, dou'ldtluy In giving thcao POWDERS a trial as thuy wtllsiiroly cuio ynu Price, for lnrjti> Box. f I 00 or 4 Boxen for 510 00 8t'ut to any paitof tho Unit d States or (J-umda, by mrjU,ou rtcolptof price Address ASH&ROBBINS. 3B0 Fulton St.. Brooklln. N. Y. FALLING SICKNESS rontb'iaiaiaofDB OODLAaiVBColobratod lliMantHvdan Toconvlnco .nflorora thai Powder* will do all wo claim for thorn wo will these t'owtiers winuu un -«v ......... ._. ------ send them by mail, poit"pild. ft Tn* TrUl Box- M Dr Goulard Istheouly l'Tiyalcian tnot haa ever made THREE TRAINS WEEK DAYS, | TWO TRAINS SUNDAYS, Lcnve Cloelnntl with Throup;li Pnlnce Cnnobos unil GIckuiic Slei'pliiR Cure, for COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS TERRE HAUTE —AKD — ST. LOUIS ^ WITHOUT CHANGE. 7.15 a. m. , U-40 . 10 07 Uivo. 0.45 a. m. 714 " 811 " . 0.25 " Lt Bufliilo..... Air Dunkirk.., " Erlo.......... " Connoaul. " Afhttbula........— " Falneivlll.......4.10 " CloTolind.......5 25 Lt Cloteliud........ 5 SO ArrBolloTUO.........755 Lt BeltoTlie........'...... " Greon Spring................ ,v -. ......-....... ' FoKtorU........................10 40 " ............... 11 Arcadia....................1100 " ............ » Wwt LolpMc............11.M " ............. ." Now HtTon........„.. 2 05 yi. m................ " fcrt W lyno........... 2 20 " ........... " Valpndin................. 0 25 " ............. '• ChlMgo................. 8'i0 "............ Tralnli run by Coluroliu. llmo, which li twenty mln- ulMfmter thnn Clucagg lime, IWo mlniitoi "lowilr than CUveland. aud ilxtcou ralnulw .lower than Bul- fuiotfmo . .. „ n Forlnformatloo, cull on nearest agent ot Ihooora- p.uy.or.ddre™ fl y_„„'„„„_ Gon'l puweuger Agent> LEVIS WILLIAM", ' , General Manager. Ctovelnnd, O Bocky Hlior Accommmlalton do|iarl« at 7*0 a nu Idallj], UlOa m [riall>], 10 45 n. m |Sundoy only], l3»p ni [tlBllyl, 4 il p in [Sunday only], 7(10 I' ni. [Sunday-only] Kucllduc(0'„modallondo|iarUat IJ '5 j, in [daily], 5 15 i- m [dally except Suuda ], » 35 p ni [Hiindu> only J New Yotk", Pennsylvania ft Ohio R, R. (Formerly \ A (,. W llnllrond ) NKW YOltH. I141ATON AND THE EAST. Thu HinrtMl nml <liilckMt Rnnt« to pllta- biirv. lVnjahliiu;(oii nntl nnlllmore nml 4ho Bloilthpnat. 7.20 a. m. this dlHMu a .petlal atudvi* and a. to our knowledge xl by Ihe use of i petmanant THE LOUISVILLE EXl'OSITlOf. Tlie Pronlilunt nml most of those who cum" with Ulm ImvlnB loft th« « Jv H«^- noa'tloi bull liiiK whs ..riiIm nih'd Uli Crkneh l)..»hl"K .H.pl»}.iocon.i.le Ion, Til ten ilnys w»l "ee every spnee f lied. vl many visitor. I live nttem oil, a iTmnber heltiK ilrnwn by the eplenild tniisle o the SavenSi ReKlme.it Bui.il. which«lv« Siionen-nlr eonceFt In the pnik euel. nfler- noon Tlil« wllfhe onoofll.o ino.t ontor- ffif entmes of the senson, the park be- C a dellcloiio, shndy loun«taK pl«« «»J lo roiMle exquisite. To-nightaft)iedloplny n nroworko nttrncteil mnny to the pnrk which tormi part- of tho W»ltlon ln- • ClSlor B»y*ra, th. Hon. Perry Belmont, PreBldent Baldwin, of the L. and,N.B. B. im."tb H Groon. of Now York, left for FrnnWon'.the 2™ where they will bo the Lent, of Colonel J. H. Stoddnrd Johijjtop. SndTn orrow will vl.lt the .wok hratttr Aloxunuor and tl» Harpers. *'»*»'■ DibHo reception will be given them at fcolonel JohniWa'. re.ldenoe.. . ponded* All •ulfereni ■liouTil give tilt-no Towduni an tarTy Innl, Rnd boconvlnrwl of their curative power 1'rlce. for largo Box. $3 00 or * Boxes for f.O 00 nt by iiibII loany inrtof tho Un'tod Status or Canad on recelptof price, or by^oxprtM C O, I). Addrtat ASH & ROBBINS, 360 Fulton St., Brooklln, H. V. COM. . Unvltl Uurnlilael. A(l, nOMKNTH' A HTKAN €«AL. 4'levelniifl, 4ihlo This Is the only tine making BlrOOt Connection with ah the principal Trunk Lines of the East for all bonthern, Southwestern and Western points, either by way of Clnclnuatt, Ibdlanapolls or St. Loulaand alt Hallway Town MISSOURI, ARKANSAS, TEXAS, KANSAS, NEBRASKA, COLORADO ' NEW MEXICO, OLD MEXICO ANDTHK I'ACFFIC COAST. Equipment New and Camprlslng all Improvements. Modern The Best Roadbed and the Safest RoadintheWe8t. Until further notlco train* will lfnvc from, tlie new Cuntral Depot, Houili Wutir aireet and Vtudim as fol¬ lows ATLANTIC UtrUEJte-(I>ally) Pull- ..__ ... __ man-lLtulnn aid hotel com lies from I>rtVltiu"u>ult 0 05 a iu lo New York, Albany and llo-lon without clmrirf l^irhir (ur from Clt<\elund and Salnnmnttt Arrive at MeadUlle ui II 20 a iu. (Jinn, r) Franklin 12 38 p m , Oil (fly 1 00 p m , Cur¬ ry 1 00 p ni., Jutiieitlottii (Lnko Oluuit'tim|iia) 2 00 p in .aBulIttluGilp m Ito< lipnti-r h 10 p m i Hornell- Tilio 6 -10 p m [stippTl, toruiiiK 8 lh p hi Llnnm 8 57 Jin lMnghiintfin 10S8 p in , AJIwny o SO a ui Boaton V) p in , nrrulnit nt New >nrkti r>0 a in 2 •All n TTl UMITI " 1-Xl'IU.se-lhrouKh Ptill- i3U ]}t Ui. man hIli nluu c ncli from Cleveland to Now \ orlc Arrives at Mendvllle at tl U p in , Jumea- to»n 0 )3 p, in , buluiuuuca 10 10 l> >n., New York 10 25t m. U,nC n »+. NU1HT EXPIU8S-(Dally excopt ■ US U> Uli Sunday) 8ecpmg coach from Cleveland HornellAlllt] Arrlvo -at Yonngitown at 1 55 t m. Meadvillt)Jtt50 a m , Corry 5-20 a iu. Jamestown 61H a. m, Buffalo l) 45 a m, llothesicr 1 10 p, tu , HoruelU. vlllu,U20a m .Corntnu 12 53nm, Ulmira 1:21 p iu., Uinfrtiaiuptoii 2.50 p m,, New York 0 25 p i at I'Titxliurgli 0 15 a m , without clmii«e. uiDU Ui lilt Through without change, I'arlor car at¬ tached Arrives at YouDgitawn 5-00 p m , Pittsburg 7.4B p di , Wiuhlnamn 7-0!Hr>m . Baltimore B 10 a. m i,Qf h m MAHONING ACCOMMODATION — 4td9 lit Uli Slopping stall way 1*0110118, ariivlnRot YoungBiown7-25p m , Sharon 8 30 p m , Bharpe^vlllft 840p m. (Jponntctfl at Lcavlttsburgh wllh tmio No 20 lor M«mlvllio and Intermediate polnta Atrlvaaat Meailvimni'Mp m. ' 1 'Oil Q m HTT8BUROH EXFUKSS - Dally — I ,b\) Ui Uli Through without cliango Arrives at Yoitngtiown 1000 a in, Hlia'on 11 Ql a m, Hhsrpt* villu II 10 u tu, IlUaniirifh 12 45 p m , HcttirnluK, leuves rilt'burjjli at 4 4b a nt , H; 'J a m , 1.30 p. in . and 4 20 p m ^ l !1 p ra.. Arrive MAliiN15 LAWYEKS Knelp & Murrl.on pnOCTOKH IN ADMIKA1.1Y, 115 MnnrwiDl Itoonl M Clili-sgn KOA'l' ItlUl.nKltS. Dean A Co. BOAT BUILDhKS pi TIK'IT LAUNDHY. BOAT WASHING and general Laundry in few boon. Cliveland Stkam Laun¬ dry ' 33 St. aair St. Telephone 118. jt»-'rickota by tlii« |«»pulor route lor snle nt nil regular Tekct Ollluet. E B.THOMAS, 0. B. SKlUNER, Uiiwrnl Manager . Trallk MunuR.r A. I. SMITH, tl, iu ml Pasifugor Attnl CLKVyXANO. OHIO. ' ...................»» "' a iN'in- CLI.VKI.AND, COU1MIIUH. C'lNdNNAH ANAl'OUH OnnmunctnK Bunilsy, .limu 24tli, traliisof tlii l.\ni)—LltirelHiiil, Coliim.Hi., t til Itatlw.y will ti'ave unit srrt\ - Hon 11111II A IiiitianRHts rlevuluiul «s tolliitt. Na 1, rinilnnalitt Columbim I.xprens .. Nu 11, Indianapolis A tthitlliiKl xpr< •« No. ll.BpocltlCuJuiiitmsA Clni-tiiiiutl Ex No. 3, Hpocl.l Ind A 8L Lout. Kllirco No, f,. Col. On.. Ind. 3c St. Louis Express .. No. 1 C L 4t W A OHllon Aw................. A FINE YACHT FOR SALE. A tor j 10 (eettdi A rerr fine rtolit for sale. Length, 100 foot, bean., ______ eep ltf persons; and. In fact, all that can bu .....Jouble'eniflnes! t»o splendli iVnlnif, a splrmlld double Vftcben, state rooms; rooms fcroraaUe; upright dnlred. This yacht AddmsMiai»aIl«l cedar boais; ntce , pantry and two ell furoUnedlo aloep 18 persons; U. (p., >U IWV »>• >U»* v*". j bo purchased at a bargain -->, Cleveland, O, No, 3..C0). A Cln. t Ind. Eipreaa............... »7 10 A H No. 6,C. L. AW Aeo............................... 10-25 AM No 1], 81. Louis 1 Indiaospoll> Kxprra. . 'llOfM No. 0, Col. Cln A Indianapolis Hxprn...... 10-00 P M No. 4, Columbus* Cincinnati Eiprosl.. . "3 60 1' M No. 10, Wheeling Eipreas,...................v 7 15 1> M No.H.OInMnnaU A N. Y. FastLlne . 110 A M Trains marked 'dally, all other trains dally except Sunday. liupurt ^H 01. A M 7 10 A M 1 W V M <"J IS 1' M "7.10 I'M 5-00 PM Arme. n""riC ri m lOHSIlsTOWN AMI 1'irrSBUItOII UO d. Ill, AtCOMtKHMllON-snimilug at all j Way stiulous, .rrlvtug stYouugslowti 1 u p in ,Pltls- ' burgh, blOp m | Trains arrive ut Cleveland, «i 40 a. tu , 7 0.1 p in , I 10 b5n. m, 1 OOp m , uml lo 15 p iu, I iMTTlila i. tlie only ou'o by winch pasvngers can nncti Curry Uuitr*. lliunliuni|iUni, New Yuri. City anil lntorinuilljuu polnla wlllmul ilinngi' No chaDgo> li) Itoslon and Nuw Lngland Cltlc. Itugliuge iliiiktil tliruliKb tu nil puhits 1 tint Through tickoli. anil Information regnrdlng thu niuto can be oblnlncd at llie^itllci) 1 U ITatilt atruit, and at now Dinot ot N. Y ,V A 0 It. lt .ouulhAVateratrwt and Viaduct, CloTulaud, O. U A. E. CLARK. Gon'l Pass'r Ag't Clewland, O. t M KEHltlS, Gon'l Man'gr, < leTeland.Q. Kl L RJUTS, P^micngor Agent, 1.11 Bunk HI Clevelund, O II I) UOULDUlt JOHN F. WEll G0ULDER & WEH, Attorneys and Counsellors, AND PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY. U A- lt ATW ATEIl BUILDING, • CLEVELAND,» Our Collection Department Is In charge of an Ex- I perlanced Collector.

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