^P?* VOL. V. NO 32 CLEVELAN.D. Q„ AUGUST 8, -1883. B4 W rittt ANNUM WINOI.B COPIKII D CIN7.. OLptllie BMfe-Hnd-imuirad. ha was i.nlv hcmqiv.r,!* nn. nqiaf ||m. hlfcon. Mie sainu tut;;, to pieyent uc.mili ttliig «ill. SreoWthe wbMlwrmid liotffit^angTymma WuXTWRZ ^»1 Worn Irlrapr/ledrRsmri'i q"»llty. toll until niter the traft attempting to lessen the battles Mid iniuw, Nodrler |h. uron-san, a* In the cntirse iifn REl.IC OF THE.SIU'ERIOI!. from th* Itncinf Jotirml Cnntaln MlchiM-1 Beftel, of the un'ckini; schooner Expeiltncnt litis |ust icttirneil fioin aiucccesfulwiecklngexiM'tlltlnn on I.nkeSu perlor. The life pf a wrecker Is one nt niticli adventure and many strange experiences fall to the lot of this class of laborers. The peculiar* sceites which they witness when wrecks are visited and explbred In the div¬ ing suit, would, If written out, fill n book. Mr. Beffel brought with him a rello which will surpass anything In the lino of antiquity and oddity e>crsei>n In this cltv. In the year 1822, sixty one t curs ago, tltesldew lu'd steamer Superior was built, mid I nincbed In May ol the sunn* year. .Mie made succens- All trips between Detroit and Iliiffulo, and at that time lminlgiatlou u»sntfe\er bent and every steamer was heavily loaded. There w^re six other stetinieiH plviugby- tween tho two places, and the rivalry wli* Intense. In ihu year ISM 01 1853 theTSu perlot was running on Luke Superior, be¬ came disabled In a storm and was wrecked on what Is known n« Picture Kutk. There was an nld-liixliiuiieil wiioileu safe, lion- bound, on board, which contained it large amount of specie, snine sa\ thousands <>! dollars. The sale was ncwr rectXeied and has laid In the iKittom nl the lake for nearly thirty years. Wbllo grappling lor Iron In the vicinity of the spot m here the steamei was wrotjliod Captain^Beffel jind blsnssls, it.' HE wm<| , no attention paid I arrived nt Chailcvolx. mid the, wotk ol cleaning it commenced. A coating of saiitl ,«",• fnn„.l mm t|,,. (n«|(l»> »<t the tlonr'fiinl deeply and lightly Imbedded In this wen many pieces ol siivet specie In IiiiII-iIoIIuih nnd'26-cent pieces anil one ot two gold pieces. Captain Bellel, with thenldiifn chhel, removed three ol the coiiif, and each one botp the date ot 185-1. Although this If not conclusive prool that 18.14 was this year the cralt went; down, yet, as near as can he ascoi tallied this was tlio lime, and In View of this Inot it would seem somewhat Strang) that eacli of the coins bears this date. There are still Boven coins visible In [he cracks ol tlio door, and more can he lilt u Ith a slick under the lock and In oilier places. The silver appears to be of a much better quality than the pi esent currency, and hasn genu ine ring. The exact amount In the door, ol course, cannot bo krown, but It Is sale to sny there are ten or twelve dollars. Mr. Bellel does not intend to remove tlio money until he has given the public a chance to view the novel telle, and It will probably be placed on exhibition In some prominent place. Upon his leturn to Lake Superior It Is Ills Intention to make further researches in hopes of recovering something of finthcr vajue. The relic was toiind hi .thirteen leet of'watcr and the outi-lde ot It is of wrought iron, and hanging to U are bolts and hlngcf of the oldeHt possible tons'ruction. The woodwoik Is In an excellent state (if preser¬ vation considering the length ot ilme li hni- been beneath tlio water 'there are no doubt many relic gatlnrtrH who would hi glud to obtain tills Hull, but Mr. II duei, not Intend to dlsposu ol it li i aiivllilug shot t dt u laucy pi Ice. er leart.i'd lo swim. Before he was nine \ fin hoi ngelieioi'lil swim thrScH'ii', wlihli Is till 1 \ tlnee quatter* as wide n> the Red liver In most pint*. At twehe years nf age In. was pluied ><n the incicliam shipCnnwav loqualllv lor the mm haul mtvIio. Here he rfiiialned tliree years, aftei which he became a Ballot, lie mini,' tin on attempts losau life, the first at lllleen win* of age. He was the llrst wiinei of the Stanhope medal given bv ll e Humane Solicit." "When did the captain iicimnpln-h his llrst great leal as a sw limner r" •'InlS7"i, wlicnheswiiiiithe EiiglMii'lmn nel, from Dovir to Calais, i distance ol twenty-two hiIIoh." "That hud |ieen considered an Impossible ttisjc^had It mil. pre\lous to that e\entf" "Yes. The lien ol my brother was a era?) one, and toe diH'tois all predicted Hint he njould not be able In aiuinipllsli tlietii'k All the ellm is to Induce him lo refrain tin ntletnpt weie unavailing, and hlsvictoiy, iicciiuiplii-hetl in lwcui\>'iwohours, was con ►lderi.il, in It was, the giealest event of mod¬ ern tilnei. Since thar time lie has accom¬ plished the lin-k of remaining in the watei one bundled Ihhiis at a Mteti.li." '"How long liadhe beiti in Aineilea pre¬ vious to his death?" "About iwojears. He had heei| making a scecluliy ot terrlllu headers slucu he cmiie libie, some ol his (lives being Iroin a height of ninety feet. In his swimming nuilclio- he wan ilnlv hfatqit.nr lot the prehervatlonoi tin Iron.whkh \t tlie main ol Joel to bo gained: 1. Dries easlly.wllli raw llnsocd olf,-with¬ out an oil destroying drier. 2. After drjIng It remains elastic, giving (lend, ami sncMiidlllcieiiio lot i he sufferers, as lias In en reported in Ibis ease, while tho business- of iepat|ng the material damage, went loiwatd with alacritv. The bodies of ihu dead were allowed to remain many hours way boih to the extension and coniracllon | |Mt,.rliig k, ihu suii.i.ud Ihesonow-Blrleken of tho Iron *tthuut causing the paint lo mnvlvors were not furnished the1 crack. U It liupails uo oxygen 10 iron, oien when exposed to damp—a fact lo w hlch all larui wagon makers can testify. Ihlckly, without shriveling, loriuing tin toughest anil innsl perle.-t Insoluble inn hi nation of all paints. As ptnof of lids awl- linn, li Is used by callio printers lor n'd He¬ ine prjllts, holding out ag ilu«t snap and wil¬ ier; by gas pipe III lets as the best nnlilt to resist ammonia and Hit; by the I'jDgllsh Iron shtpbiildeta, for painting tlie bulls of iron ships, namely, Iw'ncialsol ted lcadgnd two of/1 o white; by wagon and plow makers, for palming wagon gears and pious,; by knowing catpetilers loi painting wood that comes In contact with damp hihk In walls, as It piesi'iU'i wood limn tot, insects, etc. For those among ilsj^Imliiic uHTiistiucicil bow to mix piucrid lead lot puTtit, itshotilii Oe mude know li that pine led lead pondei, iilloi being slightly plc-st <1 ilou n with the llligei, shows no leaii nystals. When lhe\ are viblhle, It li tneiely paitly com cried anil not llrst quality, ll should bo gnu ml In pure, old linseed oil, and it possible used up the same diiy, to plevent It combining with ffldlltles that ought to have been' plated at their din- pp-al n* a matter nl ionise. It Is quite eafo lo say (hat on uo western in-i I uouhl there be such ileplmable lalluie to lighten the 4. It liaideiia^here It has lieon spread,.,,ner idnt. nl ihu n»rul eiilastipphe, and, like, ulthiitit m imellnir. Inrinlnu llu> .. i.n.. ■...................___......-.."B*. .......,. ., ' I might sny that inv brother was out ot con¬ dition at the Lime " "Y( li linilied that tlio ciiptaln expeelcd to make J 10,1)01) 11 he accomplished the Niagara leal, ilow w.is he to make that amount.-" 'That Is a mystery to me." "Did the cap"laln make much money on I of his exhibitions?" "Veiy little beyond the necessary expenses and toslot living." ( APIAIN WEBB. A Winnipeg Times r<"|7<)it» ■ luis Inter¬ viewed Mr C B Webb, Di puly Keglstini lor Selklt k, a biotlu r of lite unloi tiiuate Cap¬ tain Webb, who lost i Is life at Nlngnia, "I suppose you ictl keenly o\ir Iho news of the captain's Mid death .'" "We leil veiy liadly 1 nicnntiiy brothei Percy and injsull. I'eicy is employed in the C. P. R- Olllce, In the engineer's ullke at Winnipeg." "Would you have any-objectlon to giving tain "Well. I dents. Tho captain was born at Sharpshlro England, In 1817, and would therefore be about tblrty-slx years of age, and not forty, as stated in some of tlie papers. Our father was a doctor and practiced hla profession nearly all liU lite. Our home was close to the river Sevenn~~At an early ago ray broth- CHIPPEWA VALLEY hl'UMPAGE A few weeks ago a gentleman lioiu Cana di went to Chippewa county, Wisconsin lot (lie purpose ol lay lug beforu some ol tin piomlneiit pine land dealers ot iheChippewn Valley, a pioposlilon for the piintufe of all tho pine stiiiiipngc west of Winnipeg, and embraced in what is known as the Bow Hlver countiy, containing over live hundred square miles. Alter canvassing titer iiintlei lor lour or live days on the part of the Chip pewa lumbermen, the pinpositlon was ac copied, and a syndicate coinptlslng the fol¬ lowing gentlemen was made up: J. Q Ihorp, 0. H. Ingram, W. A. Bust, I) B Moon, J. B & H. M. Stocking, II. D. Davis, I K. Ken, II. U. Putnam, V. W. Bayles, Dan Dotielln, and Alex McLaren, Thomas livlne, A. II. McDonnell, L. II, Brewster, A C. Bruce, and J. 11 Kohl, of Chlppenii Falls. W.A. Rust and 1. K. Keir win stinted Ur Ottawa lo scenic tho puiehasi, and the v have returned suetessful ftom tilth mission 'Hit amount orslumpagc the syn- tlltate has sttiind It Is dllllciilt lo slate loi noattiirate istlmaie has ivor bei n made 1 hose having smut knnuleilgcot the inilttn, say It will inn all llie win liom OUO.OOO.UUU to 1,0(111,000,000 hit Iheoiillav does not slop «|th the pun base, for so soon as tin ( allllillau I'm llh lallway is ininpli leil to that ngion, width Ihesuiviy iiiakts ll ninth then all tin paraphernalia lor Its limnidlali manufacture will be shlppul lor linn pm piisc It is estimated that Iho syndTcati have si tin id a big thing. W II AT PAIN I BBS 1' PRO'l ECTS IRON /rwm tht tarrlujt Monthly Among the things that require the most protective paint for iron are carriages, fafln wagons plow s, and agricultural Implements. lew days the oil tonus a pel led, hind en n bliiallon wllh the lend. Amu Iran llmccd oil Is as good as any hnpolteil, whelo Ihe iliantiliictiuei line given It a.i, ami not sub¬ jected It to h at, as is ihciustoii, bv steam lug It In a clstein to quality it quickly foi the market. Il dctcrlniahslu quality when healed above 1UX° V. 'i Ills led lead paint spreads veiy easily over a surfatc, and the best of finish can be made with It, cvou by a novice In painting me Borne particulars of tlio onrepr ol the oiiik Jtflni which lact It BceniB feasible that man tajr, f ufacturers gf tho llkeought lo be able to glvt will try and recall some Inch the best Information required. Any mineral ■-■ paint would answer the purpose much bel¬ ter, and I maintain that the paint that most efleotually protects Iron Is red lead. Noi hi/ color Is It as well suited; but that la only a secondary consideration, and easily over¬ come by painting It over with any color dc< •Ired, '...... THE CABLYON DISASTER. From the Ilnjlulii The railioai >mmlss|oncrg should lose no lime In liivn ;atingllio mtltlen. on Ihe Lake Onlatlo ill io'n ol the Itomu. Watet- lown & Ogdonsbi igh lallrtuid near Galium Inst Fllilay, which lost so many poisons their lives ll the brake ou (he car width stood on the sluing had been properly set there would have heen no collision and no lossol Hie. Fi*m the Rochester Demount Some sharp criticism Is being visited upon the Rome Wuleitcwu A Ugdeiisbnrg lail- ■ mill. Although the dlsasici at Cnrlyon might mil havi hetn preveuted, tho tdisenio ol nil intlioail olll, iuls except a traliimiin all (lav Saturday, was Inexcusable. I'lie mis¬ management of the wrei\ was ilisgrnceriil Drunken fellows were runiiliigiihoia iissuui Ing authority lowhlih Ihiy weie not en- tilled. The iiogleel and sti in li of the iltad lioillcs In the storeroom ol the depot was nhastlj. From the Sj/hicimc lourtuil Ihe viidltl ol iho comer's |ury in the i fitly oh tlisastt r tluows thu Midin upoo tin -tinIon agent, w lio-e in ust and piosetiiiiou aio ne\l ill orilei. ll does not Mtlll tin,I ihe July's nriiilgniiii'iit goes sutlli lonth I n tq satisfy tlio ih imiiiils o" Justin. I'hiic iu rt-no all biakes on the nalil ll it mil with this aggravated disaster; the tins ate aie lllinsllj and Inndiip ately tonslriit ltd, and these are innltirs startih stiondary to III. neglitt ol tlio stnth n agtut ^^ ith n toiupltte iqnlpiihjnt, Suili as all llrst t lass loads hnvt, the wholisalu slaiightt I al Cnrlyon mold not liavu oeciintd 1'lieio was such a dereliction it! tho iniiuagciueiit of this through route of travel, as to mil for more severu measures than those In¬ dicated by the coroner's Jury. >Voiti the Chicago Timet 'Ihe management of tho railroad which sent many souls Into eternity at Carlyon can .not |>ut be Infamously liu lllolent. The accident Itself might have occurred on a better regulated road, but, having occurred, It was Inexcusable, It wai brutsjjjhat there wldle humanity averages pretty much (ho same the world over, it In gicatly lobe hoped that in lids section there would be but slight manilistation ol the barbarism that ilcspollid maiighil bodies and piowled about ilje wreek like livenao. 'IHE THOUSAND ISLANDS. - From the Kingston Dally Sews Mi H.C Jones, ul Rroikvllle, writes a letter lo ihe Monlit'al Still, in the course of which lie says. 'The vvln.le olthesi. I.aw- iciico is alhe on'the American side will) hotels at Alexaiidilii Bav, 'l.lnyio i, and Thousand Island I'nik. On the Canadian side although ll Is altogethei the best, hutli foi llshiug and leeieatl hi, iioio ale no siimiiiei hotels, and but li w (iiitngeM. 'Ihe people of Canada ate alive to suih llitlu things lliat they cannot seem lo tiiideislntid -linn the Islands ate nl no good at nil unless they are populated. One, would suppose Hint tlio Sii|H>rinieiKhnf otsfliu department- ol Indian All.dts tuiglit get Ids eyegla-s In po-lllon, and ice the opp"i luiihles going to waste Ail that lie would have lodnJu to look ncioss the liver and sie loi hhm-cll,or go to Alixiiudila Buy and sie llie mlivlty that plevalls. Olcouisi sii .lolin A Mac- donalil Is the bead ol tlie tit pal unuut, but lie-his not lime lo look into sued little things as Islands. The Islaiids will nevti he am good until they ale popolaieil. anil no iiiiiii Is going to build .i house unless ho inn get u title Why don'i tliey sell them.' Did It hint the Auieilians to sell their 1-1 mils' II Air Vai1- iglniet is be vvlio illtt no* the poliiv o tin* III paitiiicut with regaiil to the lslnnih, lln last thing lie ean do Is to navel ihioiigii Ali\aiidihi Bay, JIiiiii- mil lslaii I Pink, Round Island, anrl visit the ntlui isl mils I'eihaps he then might leall/u Unit ihe Canadian polity li oni nf nlwliueilon and sheer I'oolei \, while the A hum ti.nii polity speaks lor li-ell " 1'ho above souuils tlovei, ami Is iiudoiditetlly plausible, hut It is not lommoii sense I'ho onlv persons wlie would diilveani henellt ll mi the ionise proposed would be hotel- keepers and rich men vvlioiould nllurd to pintliaso Islands. The people tH Cat adn, and indeed tlie travi llitig world, would ex¬ perience an Inepiuable loss II the Govern¬ ment should nnloiinnately part ulih'pos¬ session ot Its Islands. In a stale of w lid anil uiiiiilllvaleil undue llieso furnish thu most biaiitittil and romantic solitudes in ihu nilglilioiirhooil ol hustling towns and within, resell ol t Ivlli/allon. Il so d to pilvnte per¬ sons tliet'.vv ill iiiiiiiedia i ly lo»e llieir solliiny chaialli r. ami liny will no longei be open to (In ptiblli any inoie Ihtln the.juvuuihi nliont i )ii Ivilli- residentc I he govi riiineiit dii-irvis to he lensllitd tin v\ lint it has alKiitl) done in liasitig souit ol the Ulauda lot twotitv ytil's It contalni the following advantage! I should have been bucIi alight care for the J wo weeks agolnlihiv lasi the seovv Son Illiil was lost qll lids pint ami ten persons lost thill 11% i h hntaavi-l none ol thu IhiiIIum have hi en leioveml, alilioiigh eveiv effort possible has bun made. I ast wotk iho hotly ol a iiiiiii, bilievttlto hi one ol the vic¬ tims ol the Mea BHil, was sei u a tew miles oil ( lileagn, but the llle-saviiig orow uero unable to llntl il. Saturday the Chliugo life-snvlng crew wero lulormed that the body of a woman bad been seen floating in tho lake about seven miles off that port. Tho life-saving crew made a search for the body, . but without success. This body was in all probability one of tho unfortunates who lost their lives by the Sen Biid disaster, as amongtlio victims were two women and on* glrl.—JfiheamVee Sentinel, Auguslt. The electric light llrst uted on Lake Mich I gau steameri 1883. M Paper